use of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath in project poi by apache.
the class EscherGraphics2d method drawPolyline.
public void drawPolyline(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints) {
if (nPoints > 0) {
GeneralPath generalpath = new GeneralPath();
generalpath.moveTo(xPoints[0], yPoints[0]);
for (int j = 1; j < nPoints; j++) generalpath.lineTo(xPoints[j], yPoints[j]);
use of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class Path_Delegate method transform.
* Transform the points in this path by matrix, and write the answer
* into dst. If dst is null, then the the original path is modified.
* @param matrix The matrix to apply to the path
* @param dst The transformed path is written here. If dst is null,
* then the the original path is modified
public void transform(Matrix_Delegate matrix, Path_Delegate dst) {
if (matrix.hasPerspective()) {
assert false;
Bridge.getLog().fidelityWarning(LayoutLog.TAG_MATRIX_AFFINE, " only " + "supports affine transformations.", null, null);
GeneralPath newPath = new GeneralPath();
PathIterator iterator = mPath.getPathIterator(matrix.getAffineTransform());
newPath.append(iterator, false);
if (dst != null) {
dst.mPath = newPath;
} else {
mPath = newPath;
use of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath in project processdash by dtuma.
the class RadarPlot method drawRadar.
protected void drawRadar(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, int pieIndex, PieDataset data) {
// adjust the plot area by the interior spacing value
double gapHorizontal = plotArea.getWidth() * this.interiorGap;
double gapVertical = plotArea.getHeight() * this.interiorGap;
double radarX = plotArea.getX() + gapHorizontal / 2;
double radarY = plotArea.getY() + gapVertical / 2;
double radarW = plotArea.getWidth() - gapHorizontal;
double radarH = plotArea.getHeight() - gapVertical;
// NOTE that non-circular radar charts are not currently supported.
if (true) {
//circular) {
double min = Math.min(radarW, radarH) / 2;
radarX = (radarX + radarX + radarW) / 2 - min;
radarY = (radarY + radarY + radarH) / 2 - min;
radarW = 2 * min;
radarH = 2 * min;
double radius = radarW / 2;
double centerX = radarX + radarW / 2;
double centerY = radarY + radarH / 2;
Rectangle2D radarArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(radarX, radarY, radarW, radarH);
// plot the data (unless the dataset is null)...
if ((data != null) && (data.getKeys().size() > 0)) {
// get a list of categories...
List keys = data.getKeys();
int numAxes = keys.size();
// draw each of the axes on the radar chart, and register
// the shape of the radar line.
double multiplier = 1.0;
GeneralPath lineShape = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, numAxes + 1);
GeneralPath gridShape = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, numAxes + 1);
int axisNumber = -1;
Iterator iterator = keys.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Comparable currentKey = (Comparable);
Number dataValue = data.getValue(currentKey);
double value = (dataValue != null ? dataValue.doubleValue() : 0);
if (value > 1 || Double.isNaN(value) || Double.isInfinite(value))
value = 1.0;
if (value < 0)
value = 0.0;
multiplier *= value;
double angle = 2 * Math.PI * axisNumber / numAxes;
double deltaX = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
double deltaY = -Math.cos(angle) * radius;
// draw the spoke
Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(centerX, centerY, centerX + deltaX, centerY + deltaY);
// register the grid line and the shape line
if (axisNumber == 0) {
gridShape.moveTo((float) deltaX, (float) deltaY);
lineShape.moveTo((float) (deltaX * value), (float) (deltaY * value));
} else {
gridShape.lineTo((float) deltaX, (float) deltaY);
lineShape.lineTo((float) (deltaX * value), (float) (deltaY * value));
if (showAxisLabels) {
// draw the label
double labelX = centerX + deltaX * (1 + axisLabelGap);
double labelY = centerY + deltaY * (1 + axisLabelGap);
String label = currentKey.toString();
drawLabel(g2, radarArea, label, axisNumber, labelX, labelY);
// draw five gray concentric gridlines
g2.translate(centerX, centerY);
for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
Shape scaledGrid = gridShape.createTransformedShape(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(i / 5.0, i / 5.0));
// get the color for the plot shape.
Paint dataPaint = plotLinePaint;
if (dataPaint == ADAPTIVE_COLORING) {
//multiplier = Math.exp(Math.log(multiplier) * 2 / numAxes);
dataPaint = getMultiplierColor((float) multiplier);
// compute a slightly transparent version of the plot color for
// the fill.
Paint dataFill = null;
if (dataPaint instanceof Color && getForegroundAlpha() != 1.0)
dataFill = new Color(((Color) dataPaint).getRed() / 255f, ((Color) dataPaint).getGreen() / 255f, ((Color) dataPaint).getBlue() / 255f, getForegroundAlpha());
dataFill = dataPaint;
// draw the plot shape. First fill with a parially
// transparent color, then stroke with the opaque color.
// cleanup the graphics context.
g2.translate(-centerX, -centerY);
use of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class GraphEdgeShape method paintSelf.
public void paintSelf(Graphics2D g2D, int absPosX, int absPosY) {
super.paintSelf(g2D, absPosX, absPosY);
if (bArrow) {
Point startLocation = getNode1Shape().getAttachmentLocation(Shape.ATTACH_CENTER);
Point endLocation = getNode2Shape().getAttachmentLocation(Shape.ATTACH_CENTER);
double diffX = endLocation.x - startLocation.x;
double diffY = endLocation.y - startLocation.y;
double length = Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);
double arrowScale = 10 / length;
Point front = new Point((int) (startLocation.x + diffX / 2 + diffX * arrowScale / 2), (int) (startLocation.y + diffY / 2 + diffY * arrowScale / 2));
Point back = new Point((int) (startLocation.x + diffX / 2 - diffX * arrowScale / 2), (int) (startLocation.y + diffY / 2 - diffY * arrowScale / 2));
GeneralPath path = getArrow(front, back, 10);
use of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class BioPaxInteractionParticipantShape method paintSelf.
public void paintSelf(Graphics2D g2d, int xAbs, int yAbs) {
RenderingHints oldRenderingHints = g2d.getRenderingHints();
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
Color oldColor = g2d.getColor();
CubicCurve2D.Double cubicCurve = getCurve();
if (participant.getType().equals(Type.CONTROLLER) || participant.getType().equals(Type.COFACTOR)) {
Stroke previousStroke = g2d.getStroke();
} else {
int arrowDirection = 0;
if (participant.getType().equals(Type.LEFT)) {
arrowDirection = -1;
} else if (participant.getType().equals(Type.RIGHT)) {
arrowDirection = 1;
if (arrowDirection == 1) {
double arcLength = integrateArcLength(cubicCurve, 0.0, 1.0, 10);
double centerT = getParameterAtArcLength(cubicCurve, 0.0, 1.0, arcLength / 2, 20);
Point2D center = evaluate(cubicCurve, centerT);
double backT = intersectWithCircle(cubicCurve, centerT, 1.0, center.getX(), center.getY(), 4);
Point2D back = evaluate(cubicCurve, backT);
double frontT = intersectWithCircle(cubicCurve, centerT, 0.0, center.getX(), center.getY(), 4);
Point2D front = evaluate(cubicCurve, frontT);
GeneralPath arrow = getArrow(front, back, 7);
if (arrowDirection == -1) {
double arcLength = integrateArcLength(cubicCurve, 0.0, 1.0, 10);
double centerT = getParameterAtArcLength(cubicCurve, 0.0, 1.0, arcLength / 2 + 2, 20);
Point2D center = evaluate(cubicCurve, centerT);
double backT = intersectWithCircle(cubicCurve, centerT, 0.0, center.getX(), center.getY(), 4);
Point2D back = evaluate(cubicCurve, backT);
double frontT = intersectWithCircle(cubicCurve, centerT, 1.0, center.getX(), center.getY(), 4);
Point2D front = evaluate(cubicCurve, frontT);
GeneralPath arrow = getArrow(front, back, 7);
// draw label (nothing expected, we don't have stoichiometry around here)
if (getLabel() != null && getLabel().length() > 0) {
int x = start.x + (int) (start.x * correctionFactor);
int y = start.y + (int) (start.y * correctionFactor);
g2d.drawString(getLabel(), (x + end.x) / 2, (y + end.y) / 2);
// TODO: there are types other than LEFT, RIGHT, CONTROLLER, COFACTOR, we need to draw something for them too
// we'll add code for that as we find them
// Keeping below the simple code that only draws straight line
// Point startPos = interactionShape.getSpaceManager().getAbsCenter();
// Point endPos = physicalEntityShape.getSpaceManager().getAbsCenter();
// if(participant.getType().equals(Type.CONTROLLER) || participant.getType().equals(Type.COFACTOR)) {
// Stroke previousStroke = g2d.getStroke();
// g2d.setStroke(CATALYST_STROKE);
// g2d.drawLine(startPos.x, startPos.y, endPos.x, endPos.y);
// g2d.setStroke(previousStroke);
// } else {
// g2d.drawLine(startPos.x, startPos.y, endPos.x, endPos.y);
// }
// if(participant.getType().equals(Type.LEFT)) {
// ArrowPainter.paintArrow(g2d, endPos, startPos, ARROW_LENGTH, ARROW_WIDTH);
// } else if(participant.getType().equals(Type.RIGHT)) {
// ArrowPainter.paintArrow(g2d, startPos, endPos, ARROW_LENGTH, ARROW_WIDTH);
// }
// String label = getLabel();
// if(label != null) {
// g2d.drawString(label, xAbs + labelPos.x, yAbs + labelPos.y);
// }