use of in project openmrs-core by openmrs.
the class ObsServiceTest method saveObs_shouldDeleteThePreviousFileWhenAComplexObservationIsUpdatedWithANewComplexValue.
* @see ObsService#saveObs(Obs,String)
public void saveObs_shouldDeleteThePreviousFileWhenAComplexObservationIsUpdatedWithANewComplexValue() {
String changeMessage = "Testing TRUNK-4538";
ObsService os = Context.getObsService();
ConceptService cs = Context.getConceptService();
AdministrationService as = Context.getAdministrationService();
// make sure the file isn't there to begin with
File complexObsDir = OpenmrsUtil.getDirectoryInApplicationDataDirectory(as.getGlobalProperty(OpenmrsConstants.GLOBAL_PROPERTY_COMPLEX_OBS_DIR));
final File createdFile = new File(complexObsDir, "nameOfFile.txt");
if (createdFile.exists())
// the complex data to put onto an obs that will be saved
Reader input = new CharArrayReader("This is a string to save to a file".toCharArray());
ComplexData complexData = new ComplexData("nameOfFile.txt", input);
// must fetch the concept instead of just new Concept(8473) because the attributes on concept are checked
// this is a concept mapped to the text handler
Concept questionConcept = cs.getConcept(8474);
Obs obsToSave = new Obs(new Person(1), questionConcept, new Date(), new Location(1));
os.saveObs(obsToSave, null);
File updatedFile = new File(complexObsDir, "nameOfUpdatedFile.txt");
if (updatedFile.exists())
// the complex data to put onto an obs that will be updated
Reader updatedInput = new CharArrayReader("This is a string to save to a file which uploaded to update an obs".toCharArray());
ComplexData updatedComplexData = new ComplexData("nameOfUpdatedFile.txt", updatedInput);
try {
os.saveObs(obsToSave, changeMessage);
} finally {
// we always have to delete this inside the same unit test because it is outside the
// database and hence can't be "rolled back" like everything else
use of in project openmrs-core by openmrs.
the class ObsServiceTest method saveObs_shouldNotOverwriteFileWhenUpdatingAComplexObs.
* @throws IOException
* @see ObsService#saveObs(Obs,String)
public void saveObs_shouldNotOverwriteFileWhenUpdatingAComplexObs() throws IOException {
ObsService os = Context.getObsService();
ConceptService cs = Context.getConceptService();
AdministrationService as = Context.getAdministrationService();
// Create the file that was supposedly put there by another obs
File complexObsDir = OpenmrsUtil.getDirectoryInApplicationDataDirectory(as.getGlobalProperty(OpenmrsConstants.GLOBAL_PROPERTY_COMPLEX_OBS_DIR));
File previouslyCreatedFile = new File(complexObsDir, "nameOfFile.txt");
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(previouslyCreatedFile, "a string to save to a file".getBytes());
// the file we'll be creating...defining it here so we can delete it in a finally block
File newComplexFile = null;
try {
long oldFileSize = previouslyCreatedFile.length();
// now add a new file to this obs and update it
// ...then make sure the original file is still there
// the complex data to put onto an obs that will be saved
Reader input2 = new CharArrayReader("diff string to save to a file with the same name".toCharArray());
ComplexData complexData = new ComplexData("nameOfFile.txt", input2);
// must fetch the concept instead of just new Concept(8473) because the attributes on concept are checked
// this is a concept mapped to the text handler
Concept questionConcept = cs.getConcept(8474);
Obs obsToSave = new Obs(new Person(1), questionConcept, new Date(), new Location(1));
os.saveObs(obsToSave, null);
// make sure the old file still appears now after the save
Assert.assertEquals(oldFileSize, previouslyCreatedFile.length());
String valueComplex = obsToSave.getValueComplex();
String filename = valueComplex.substring(valueComplex.indexOf("|") + 1).trim();
newComplexFile = new File(complexObsDir, filename);
// make sure the file appears now after the save
Assert.assertTrue(newComplexFile.length() > oldFileSize);
} finally {
// clean up the files we created
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// pass
use of in project Java-Tutorial by gpcodervn.
the class PushbackReaderExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
char[] ary = { '1', '-', '-', '2', '-', '3', '4', '-', '-', '-', '5', '6' };
CharArrayReader reader = new CharArrayReader(ary);
PushbackReader push = new PushbackReader(reader);
int i;
while ((i = != -1) {
// Tìm thấy ký tự '-'
if (i == '-') {
int j;
// Đọc tiếp một ký tự nữa
if ((j = == '-') {
} else {
// Đẩy trở lại (Pushes back) ký tự này lên luồng.
// Giống như lùi con trỏ trở lại 1 vị trí.
System.out.print((char) i);
} else {
System.out.print((char) i);
use of in project validator by validator.
the class ParserPerfHarnessNew method runLoop.
public long runLoop() throws SAXException, IOException {
long times = 0;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime) {
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new CharArrayReader(testData));
return times;
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class TabularDataTransferHandler method importData.
public boolean importData(JComponent c, Transferable t) {
if (c instanceof TabularDataJTable) {
try {
TabularDataJTable tabularData = (TabularDataJTable) c;
String s = (String) t.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor);
int startRow = tabularData.getSelectedRow();
int startCol = tabularData.getSelectedColumn();
if (startRow == 0) {
startRow = 1;
if (startCol < getNumLeadingCols()) {
startCol = getNumLeadingCols();
if (!checkRanges(s, startCol, tabularData)) {
return false;
boolean shouldAsk = false;
boolean shiftDown = true;
BufferedReader preReader = new BufferedReader(new CharArrayReader(s.toCharArray()));
String preLine = preReader.readLine();
StringTokenizer preTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(preLine, "\t");
int numTokens = preTokenizer.countTokens();
for (int col = startCol; col < startCol + numTokens; col++) {
Object value = tabularData.getValueAt(startRow, col);
if (!"".equals(value) && !(null == value)) {
shouldAsk = true;
if (startRow - getNumLeadingRows() >= tabularData.getDataSet().getNumRows() || startCol - getNumLeadingCols() >= tabularData.getDataSet().getNumColumns()) {
shouldAsk = false;
shiftDown = false;
if (shouldAsk) {
String[] choices = new String[] { "Shift corresponding cells down to make room", "Replace corresponding cells" };
Object choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(JOptionUtils.centeringComp(), "How should the clipboard contents be pasted?", "Paste Contents", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, choices, choices[0]);
// Null means the user cancelled the input.
if (choice == null) {
return false;
shiftDown = choice.equals(choices[0]);
doPaste(s, startRow, startCol, shiftDown, tabularData);
} catch (UnsupportedFlavorException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return true;
return false;