use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class NumericATan2Descriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(final IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
// For inputs.
private final IPointable leftPtr = new VoidPointable();
private final IPointable rightPtr = new VoidPointable();
private final IScalarEvaluator evalLeft = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private final IScalarEvaluator evalRight = args[1].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private final double[] operands = new double[args.length];
// For the output.
private final AMutableDouble aDouble = new AMutableDouble(0.0);
private final ISerializerDeserializer outputSerde = SerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.ADOUBLE);
private final ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private final DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
evalLeft.evaluate(tuple, leftPtr);
evalRight.evaluate(tuple, rightPtr);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
IPointable argPtr = i == 0 ? leftPtr : rightPtr;
byte[] data = argPtr.getByteArray();
int offset = argPtr.getStartOffset();
operands[i] = ATypeHierarchy.getDoubleValue(getIdentifier().getName(), i, data, offset);
aDouble.setValue(Math.atan2(operands[0], operands[1]));
outputSerde.serialize(aDouble, out);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class DatasetUtil method createDummyKeyProviderOp.
* Creates a dummy key provider operator for the primary index scan.
* @param spec,
* the job specification.
* @param dataset,
* the dataset to scan.
* @param metadataProvider,
* the metadata provider.
* @return a dummy key provider operator.
* @throws AlgebricksException
public static IOperatorDescriptor createDummyKeyProviderOp(JobSpecification spec, Dataset dataset, MetadataProvider metadataProvider) throws AlgebricksException {
Pair<IFileSplitProvider, AlgebricksPartitionConstraint> primarySplitsAndConstraint = metadataProvider.getSplitProviderAndConstraints(dataset);
AlgebricksPartitionConstraint primaryPartitionConstraint = primarySplitsAndConstraint.second;
// Build dummy tuple containing one field with a dummy value inside.
ArrayTupleBuilder tb = new ArrayTupleBuilder(1);
DataOutput dos = tb.getDataOutput();
try {
// Serialize dummy value into a field.
IntegerSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE.serialize(0, dos);
} catch (HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AsterixException(e);
// Add dummy field.
ISerializerDeserializer[] keyRecDescSers = { IntegerSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE };
RecordDescriptor keyRecDesc = new RecordDescriptor(keyRecDescSers);
ConstantTupleSourceOperatorDescriptor keyProviderOp = new ConstantTupleSourceOperatorDescriptor(spec, keyRecDesc, tb.getFieldEndOffsets(), tb.getByteArray(), tb.getSize());
AlgebricksPartitionConstraintHelper.setPartitionConstraintInJobSpec(spec, keyProviderOp, primaryPartitionConstraint);
return keyProviderOp;
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class AbstractIntervalLogicFuncDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(final IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
protected final IntervalLogic il = new IntervalLogic();
private ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
private TaggedValuePointable argPtr0 = (TaggedValuePointable) TaggedValuePointable.FACTORY.createPointable();
private TaggedValuePointable argPtr1 = (TaggedValuePointable) TaggedValuePointable.FACTORY.createPointable();
private AIntervalPointable interval0 = (AIntervalPointable) AIntervalPointable.FACTORY.createPointable();
private AIntervalPointable interval1 = (AIntervalPointable) AIntervalPointable.FACTORY.createPointable();
private IScalarEvaluator eval0 = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private IScalarEvaluator eval1 = args[1].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
// possible output types
private ISerializerDeserializer<ABoolean> booleanSerde = SerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.ABOOLEAN);
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
eval0.evaluate(tuple, argPtr0);
eval1.evaluate(tuple, argPtr1);
byte typeTag0 = argPtr0.getTag();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 0, typeTag0, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_INTERVAL_TYPE_TAG);
byte typeTag1 = argPtr0.getTag();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 1, typeTag1, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_INTERVAL_TYPE_TAG);
if (typeTag0 != typeTag1) {
throw new IncompatibleTypeException(getIdentifier(), typeTag0, typeTag1);
ABoolean res = compareIntervals(il, interval0, interval1) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
booleanSerde.serialize(res, out);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class CalendarDurationFromDateTimeDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(final IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
private ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
private IPointable argPtr0 = new VoidPointable();
private IPointable argPtr1 = new VoidPointable();
private IScalarEvaluator eval0 = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private IScalarEvaluator eval1 = args[1].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ADuration> durationSerde = SerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.ADURATION);
private AMutableDuration aDuration = new AMutableDuration(0, 0);
private GregorianCalendarSystem calInstanct = GregorianCalendarSystem.getInstance();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
eval0.evaluate(tuple, argPtr0);
eval1.evaluate(tuple, argPtr1);
byte[] bytes0 = argPtr0.getByteArray();
int offset0 = argPtr0.getStartOffset();
byte[] bytes1 = argPtr1.getByteArray();
int offset1 = argPtr1.getStartOffset();
if (bytes0[offset0] != ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_DATETIME_TYPE_TAG) {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 0, bytes0[offset0], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_DATETIME_TYPE_TAG);
if (bytes1[offset1] != ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_DURATION_TYPE_TAG) {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 1, bytes1[offset1], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_DURATION_TYPE_TAG);
int yearMonthDurationInMonths = ADurationSerializerDeserializer.getYearMonth(bytes1, offset1 + 1);
long dayTimeDurationInMs = ADurationSerializerDeserializer.getDayTime(bytes1, offset1 + 1);
long startingTimePoint = ADateTimeSerializerDeserializer.getChronon(bytes0, offset0 + 1);
long endingTimePoint = DurationArithmeticOperations.addDuration(startingTimePoint, yearMonthDurationInMonths, dayTimeDurationInMs, false);
if (startingTimePoint == endingTimePoint) {
aDuration.setValue(0, 0);
} else {
boolean negative = false;
if (endingTimePoint < startingTimePoint) {
negative = true;
// swap the starting and ending time, so that ending time is always larger than the
// starting time.
long tmpTime = endingTimePoint;
endingTimePoint = startingTimePoint;
startingTimePoint = tmpTime;
int year0 = calInstanct.getYear(startingTimePoint);
int month0 = calInstanct.getMonthOfYear(startingTimePoint, year0);
int year1 = calInstanct.getYear(endingTimePoint);
int month1 = calInstanct.getMonthOfYear(endingTimePoint, year1);
int year = year1 - year0;
int month = month1 - month0;
int day = calInstanct.getDayOfMonthYear(endingTimePoint, year1, month1) - calInstanct.getDayOfMonthYear(startingTimePoint, year0, month0);
int hour = calInstanct.getHourOfDay(endingTimePoint) - calInstanct.getHourOfDay(startingTimePoint);
int min = calInstanct.getMinOfHour(endingTimePoint) - calInstanct.getMinOfHour(startingTimePoint);
int sec = calInstanct.getSecOfMin(endingTimePoint) - calInstanct.getSecOfMin(startingTimePoint);
int ms = calInstanct.getMillisOfSec(endingTimePoint) - calInstanct.getMillisOfSec(startingTimePoint);
if (ms < 0) {
ms += GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_SECOND;
sec -= 1;
if (sec < 0) {
sec += GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_MINUTE / GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_SECOND;
min -= 1;
if (min < 0) {
min += GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_HOUR / GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_MINUTE;
hour -= 1;
if (hour < 0) {
hour += GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_DAY / GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_HOUR;
day -= 1;
if (day < 0) {
boolean isLeapYear = calInstanct.isLeapYear(year1);
// need to "borrow" the days in previous month to make the day positive; when month is
// 1 (Jan), Dec will be borrowed
day += isLeapYear ? (GregorianCalendarSystem.DAYS_OF_MONTH_LEAP[(12 + month1 - 2) % 12]) : (GregorianCalendarSystem.DAYS_OF_MONTH_ORDI[(12 + month1 - 2) % 12]);
month -= 1;
if (month < 0) {
month += GregorianCalendarSystem.MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR;
year -= 1;
if (negative) {
aDuration.setValue(-1 * (year * GregorianCalendarSystem.MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR + month), -1 * (day * GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_DAY + hour * GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_HOUR + min * GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_MINUTE + sec * GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_SECOND + ms));
} else {
aDuration.setValue(year * GregorianCalendarSystem.MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR + month, day * GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_DAY + hour * GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_HOUR + min * GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_MINUTE + sec * GregorianCalendarSystem.CHRONON_OF_SECOND + ms);
durationSerde.serialize(aDuration, out);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class StringSplitDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(final IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
// Argument evaluators.
private final IScalarEvaluator stringEval = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private final IScalarEvaluator patternEval = args[1].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
// Argument pointers.
private final IPointable argString = new VoidPointable();
private final IPointable argPattern = new VoidPointable();
private final UTF8StringPointable argStrPtr = new UTF8StringPointable();
private final UTF8StringPointable argPatternPtr = new UTF8StringPointable();
// For an output string item.
private final ArrayBackedValueStorage itemStorge = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private final DataOutput itemOut = itemStorge.getDataOutput();
private final byte[] tempLengthArray = new byte[5];
// For the output list of strings.
private final AOrderedListType intListType = new AOrderedListType(BuiltinType.ASTRING, null);
private final OrderedListBuilder listBuilder = new OrderedListBuilder();
private final ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private final DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
try {
// Calls argument evaluators.
stringEval.evaluate(tuple, argString);
patternEval.evaluate(tuple, argPattern);
// Gets the bytes of the source string.
byte[] srcString = argString.getByteArray();
int srcOffset = argString.getStartOffset();
int srcLen = argString.getLength();
// Type check for the first argument.
if (srcString[srcOffset] != ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 0, srcString[srcOffset], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG);
// Gets the bytes of the pattern string.
byte[] patternString = argPattern.getByteArray();
int patternOffset = argPattern.getStartOffset();
int patternLen = argPattern.getLength();
// Type check for the second argument.
if (patternString[patternOffset] != ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 1, patternString[patternOffset], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG);
// Sets the UTF8 String pointables.
argStrPtr.set(srcString, srcOffset + 1, srcLen - 1);
argPatternPtr.set(patternString, patternOffset + 1, patternLen - 1);
// Gets the string length of the source string.
int inputStringLen = UTF8StringUtil.getUTFLength(srcString, srcOffset + 1);
int inputStringStart = srcOffset + 1 + UTF8StringUtil.getNumBytesToStoreLength(inputStringLen);
// Gets the string length of the pattern string.
int inputPatternLen = UTF8StringUtil.getUTFLength(patternString, patternOffset + 1);
// Handles the case that the pattern is "".
boolean emptyStringPattern = inputPatternLen == 0;
// Builds a list of strings.
int itemStrStart = 0;
int nextMatchStart;
while (itemStrStart < inputStringLen && (nextMatchStart = UTF8StringPointable.find(argStrPtr, argPatternPtr, false, itemStrStart)) >= 0) {
// Adds an item string.
addItemString(srcString, inputStringStart, itemStrStart, emptyStringPattern ? nextMatchStart + 1 : nextMatchStart);
itemStrStart = nextMatchStart + (emptyStringPattern ? 1 : inputPatternLen);
if (!emptyStringPattern) {
addItemString(srcString, inputStringStart, itemStrStart, inputStringLen);
listBuilder.write(out, true);
} catch (IOException e1) {
throw new HyracksDataException(e1);
private void addItemString(byte[] srcString, int inputStringStart, int itemStartOffset, int nextMatchStart) throws IOException {
int itemLen = nextMatchStart - itemStartOffset;
int cbytes = UTF8StringUtil.encodeUTF8Length(itemLen, tempLengthArray, 0);
itemOut.write(tempLengthArray, 0, cbytes);
if (itemLen > 0) {
itemOut.write(srcString, inputStringStart + itemStartOffset, itemLen);