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Example 96 with PipedInputStream

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class StandardMidiFileWriter method writeTrack.

private InputStream writeTrack(Track track, int type) throws IOException, InvalidMidiDataException {
    int bytesWritten = 0;
    int lastBytesWritten = 0;
    int size = track.size();
    PipedOutputStream thpos = new PipedOutputStream();
    DataOutputStream thdos = new DataOutputStream(thpos);
    PipedInputStream thpis = new PipedInputStream(thpos);
    ByteArrayOutputStream tdbos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    tddos = new DataOutputStream(tdbos);
    ByteArrayInputStream tdbis = null;
    SequenceInputStream fStream = null;
    long currentTick = 0;
    long deltaTick = 0;
    long eventTick = 0;
    int runningStatus = -1;
    // -----------------------------
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        MidiEvent event = track.get(i);
        int status;
        int eventtype;
        int metatype;
        int data1, data2;
        int length;
        byte[] data = null;
        ShortMessage shortMessage = null;
        MetaMessage metaMessage = null;
        SysexMessage sysexMessage = null;
        // get the tick
        // $$jb: this gets easier if we change all system-wide time to delta ticks
        eventTick = event.getTick();
        deltaTick = event.getTick() - currentTick;
        currentTick = event.getTick();
        // get the status byte
        status = event.getMessage().getStatus();
        eventtype = getType(status);
        switch(eventtype) {
            case ONE_BYTE:
                shortMessage = (ShortMessage) event.getMessage();
                data1 = shortMessage.getData1();
                bytesWritten += writeVarInt(deltaTick);
                if (status != runningStatus) {
                    runningStatus = status;
                    bytesWritten += 1;
                bytesWritten += 1;
            case TWO_BYTE:
                shortMessage = (ShortMessage) event.getMessage();
                data1 = shortMessage.getData1();
                data2 = shortMessage.getData2();
                bytesWritten += writeVarInt(deltaTick);
                if (status != runningStatus) {
                    runningStatus = status;
                    bytesWritten += 1;
                bytesWritten += 1;
                bytesWritten += 1;
            case SYSEX:
                sysexMessage = (SysexMessage) event.getMessage();
                length = sysexMessage.getLength();
                data = sysexMessage.getMessage();
                bytesWritten += writeVarInt(deltaTick);
                // $$jb: 04.08.99: always write status for sysex
                runningStatus = status;
                bytesWritten += 1;
                // $$jb: 10.18.99: we don't maintain length in
                // the message data for SysEx (it is not transmitted
                // over the line), so write the calculated length
                // minus the status byte
                bytesWritten += writeVarInt((data.length - 1));
                // $$jb: 10.18.99: now write the rest of the
                // message
                tddos.write(data, 1, (data.length - 1));
                bytesWritten += (data.length - 1);
            case META:
                metaMessage = (MetaMessage) event.getMessage();
                length = metaMessage.getLength();
                data = metaMessage.getMessage();
                bytesWritten += writeVarInt(deltaTick);
                // $$jb: 10.18.99: getMessage() returns the
                // entire valid midi message for a file,
                // including the status byte and the var-length-int
                // length value, so we can just write the data
                // here.  note that we must _always_ write the
                // status byte, regardless of runningStatus.
                runningStatus = status;
                tddos.write(data, 0, data.length);
                bytesWritten += data.length;
            case IGNORE:
                // ignore this event
            case ERROR:
                // ignore this event
                throw new InvalidMidiDataException("internal file writer error");
    // ---------------------------------
    // End write each event in the track
    // ---------------------------------
    // Build Track header now that we know length
    bytesWritten += 8;
    // Now sequence them
    tdbis = new ByteArrayInputStream(tdbos.toByteArray());
    fStream = new SequenceInputStream(thpis, tdbis);
    return fStream;
Also used : InvalidMidiDataException(javax.sound.midi.InvalidMidiDataException) DataOutputStream( MidiEvent(javax.sound.midi.MidiEvent) PipedOutputStream( PipedInputStream( ByteArrayOutputStream( SequenceInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( ShortMessage(javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage) SysexMessage(javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage) MetaMessage(javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage)

Example 97 with PipedInputStream

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class MyNullCipherOutputStream method chainTest.

     * Chain CipherInputStream/CipherOutputStream with other stream, encrypt
     * the text and decrypt it, recovered text is supposed to be same as
     * original text.
     * @param useInt true if read byte by byte false if read with buffer.
     * @throws IOException any I/O operation failed.
public void chainTest(boolean useInt) throws IOException {
    byte[] plainText = TestUtilities.generateBytes(PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH);
    byte[] recoveredText = new byte[plainText.length];
    // Do initialization
    try (MyNullCipherInputStream ciInput1 = new MyNullCipherInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(plainText));
        PipedOutputStream piOut = new PipedOutputStream();
        MyNullCipherInputStream ciInput2 = new MyNullCipherInputStream(new PipedInputStream(piOut));
        MyNullCipherOutputStream ciOut = new MyNullCipherOutputStream(piOut)) {
        if (useInt) {
            int buffer =;
            while (buffer != -1) {
                buffer =;
        } else {
            byte[] buffer = new byte[20];
            int len =;
            while (len != -1) {
                ciOut.write(buffer, 0, len);
                len =;
        // Get the output;
        if (ciInput2.available() > 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Expected no data from ciInput2, but" + " ciInput2.available() = " + ciInput2.available());
    // Verify output is same to input.
    if (!Arrays.equals(plainText, recoveredText)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("plainText:" + new String(plainText) + " recoveredText:" + new String(recoveredText) + " Test failed due to result compare fail");
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( PipedOutputStream( PipedInputStream(

Example 98 with PipedInputStream

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class JarBackSlash method testJarExtract.

private static void testJarExtract(String jarFile) throws IOException {
    List<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>();
    argList.add(JARBACKSLASH + File.separatorChar + DIR + File.separatorChar + FILENAME);
    String[] jarArgs = new String[argList.size()];
    jarArgs = argList.toArray(jarArgs);
    PipedOutputStream pipedOutput = new PipedOutputStream();
    PipedInputStream pipedInput = new PipedInputStream(pipedOutput);
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(pipedOutput);
    Main jarTool = new Main(out, System.err, "jar");
    if (! {
        fail("Could not list jar file.");
    check(pipedInput.available() > 0);
Also used : PrintStream( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PipedOutputStream( PipedInputStream( Main(

Example 99 with PipedInputStream

use of in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.

the class InternalTransportManager method getPullTransport.

public IIncomingTransport getPullTransport(Node remote, final Node local, String securityToken, Map<String, String> requestProperties, String registrationUrl) throws IOException {
    final PipedOutputStream respOs = new PipedOutputStream();
    final PipedInputStream respIs = new PipedInputStream(respOs);
    final ChannelMap suspendIgnoreChannels = symmetricEngine.getConfigurationService().getSuspendIgnoreChannelLists(remote.getNodeId());
    runAtClient(remote.getSyncUrl(), null, respOs, new IClientRunnable() {

        public void run(ISymmetricEngine engine, InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws Exception {
            IOutgoingTransport transport = new InternalOutgoingTransport(respOs, suspendIgnoreChannels, IoConstants.ENCODING);
            ProcessInfo processInfo = engine.getStatisticManager().newProcessInfo(new ProcessInfoKey(engine.getNodeService().findIdentityNodeId(), local.getNodeId(), ProcessType.PULL_HANDLER));
            try {
                engine.getDataExtractorService().extract(processInfo, local, transport);
            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                throw ex;
    return new InternalIncomingTransport(respIs);
Also used : ChannelMap(org.jumpmind.symmetric.model.ChannelMap) PipedInputStream( InputStream( OutputStream( PipedOutputStream( ISymmetricEngine(org.jumpmind.symmetric.ISymmetricEngine) ProcessInfoKey(org.jumpmind.symmetric.model.ProcessInfoKey) PipedOutputStream( PipedInputStream( ProcessInfo(org.jumpmind.symmetric.model.ProcessInfo) IOException( IOutgoingTransport(org.jumpmind.symmetric.transport.IOutgoingTransport)

Example 100 with PipedInputStream

use of in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.

the class InternalTransportManager method getRegisterTransport.

public IIncomingTransport getRegisterTransport(final Node client, String registrationUrl) throws IOException {
    final PipedOutputStream respOs = new PipedOutputStream();
    final PipedInputStream respIs = new PipedInputStream(respOs);
    runAtClient(registrationUrl, null, respOs, new IClientRunnable() {

        public void run(ISymmetricEngine engine, InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws Exception {
            // This should be basically what the registration servlet does
            // ...
            engine.getRegistrationService().registerNode(client, os, false);
    return new InternalIncomingTransport(respIs);
Also used : PipedInputStream( InputStream( OutputStream( PipedOutputStream( ISymmetricEngine(org.jumpmind.symmetric.ISymmetricEngine) PipedOutputStream( PipedInputStream( IOException(


PipedInputStream ( PipedOutputStream ( IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)33 BinaryDecoder ( BinaryEncoder ( ReflectionDatumReader ( TypeToken ( DataInputStream ( DataOutputStream ( InputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( Before (org.junit.Before)10 OutputStream ( ByteArrayInputStream ( PrintStream ( InputStreamReader ( ImmutableList ( List (java.util.List)5 ISymmetricEngine (org.jumpmind.symmetric.ISymmetricEngine)5