use of in project sonar-web by SonarSource.
the class DoctypeTokenizer method parseToken.
private static void parseToken(DirectiveNode node) {
String code = node.getCode();
StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(code));
try {
while (tokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
if (tokenizer.sval != null) {
if (node.getNodeName() == null) {
} else {
node.getAttributes().add(new Attribute(tokenizer.sval));
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
use of in project jop by jop-devel.
the class Jopa method pass2.
* second pass.
* generate code and write rom.mif and ram.mif.
public void pass2() {
StreamTokenizer in = getSt();
int pc = 0;
int ji_cnt = 0;
try {
FileWriter rom = new FileWriter(dstDir + "rom.mif");
FileWriter jtbl = new FileWriter(dstDir + "jtbl.vhd");
BufferedReader inraw = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(srcDir + fname));
String line;
// print rom.mif head
line = "--\n";
line += "--\trom.mif\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "depth = " + ROM_LEN + ";\n";
line += "width = " + DATABITS + ";\n";
line += "\n";
line += "content\n";
line += "\n";
line += "begin\n";
line += "\n";
line += "\t[0..1ff] : 080; -- nop TODO: new instruction\n\n";
// print jtbl.vhd head
line = "--\n";
line += "--\tjtbl.vhd\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "--\tjump table for java bc to jvm address\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "--\t\tDONT edit this file!\n";
line += "--\t\tgenerated by\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "\n";
line += "library ieee;\n";
line += "use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;\n";
line += "use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;\n";
line += "use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "entity jtbl is\n";
line += "port (\n";
line += "\tbcode\t: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);\n";
line += "\tint_pend\t: in std_logic;\n";
line += "\texc_pend\t: in std_logic;\n";
line += "\tq\t\t: out std_logic_vector(" + (ADDRBITS - 1) + " downto 0)\n";
line += ");\n";
line += "end jtbl;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "--\tunregistered rdbcode\n";
line += "--\tunregistered dout\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "architecture rtl of jtbl is\n";
line += "\n";
line += "\tsignal\taddr\t: std_logic_vector(" + (ADDRBITS - 1) + " downto 0);\n";
line += "\n";
line += "begin\n";
line += "\n";
line += "process(bcode) begin\n";
line += "\n";
line += "\tcase bcode is\n";
line += "\n";
int noim_address = 0;
int int_address = 0;
int exc_address = 0;
while (in.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
Line l = getLine(in);
if (l.jinstr != -1) {
if ("sys_int")) {
int_address = pc;
} else if ("sys_exc")) {
exc_address = pc;
} else if ("sys_noim")) {
noim_address = pc;
} else {
jtbl.write("\t\twhen \"" + bin(l.jinstr, 8) + "\" => addr <= \"" + bin(pc, ADDRBITS) + "\";" + "\t--\t" + hex(pc, 4) + "\t" + + "\n");
line = "\t";
if (l.instr == null) {
line += " ";
} else {
// do the assembling
int opcode = l.instr.opcode;
if (l.instr.opdSize != 0) {
int opVal = 0;
if (l.symVal != null) {
Integer i = symMap.get(l.symVal);
if (i == null) {
error(in, "Symbol " + l.symVal + " not defined");
} else {
opVal = i.intValue();
} else {
opVal = l.intVal;
if ("ldi")) {
Integer i = new Integer(opVal);
Integer addr;
if (constMap.containsKey(i)) {
addr = constMap.get(i);
} else {
addr = new Integer(constMap.size());
constMap.put(i, addr);
opVal = addr.intValue();
int mask = (1 << l.instr.opdSize) - 1;
// for branches and jumps opVal points to the target address
if (l.instr.jType == JmpType.JMP || l.instr.jType == JmpType.BR) {
// relative address
opVal = opVal - pc - 1;
// check maximum relative offset
if (opVal > (mask >> 1) || opVal < (-((mask >> 1) + 1))) {
error(in, "jmp/br address too far: " + opVal);
opVal &= mask;
// general check
if (opVal > mask || opVal < 0) {
error(in, "operand wrong: " + opVal);
// use operand
opcode |= opVal & mask;
if (l.nxt)
opcode |= 0x2 << Instruction.INSTLEN;
if (l.opd)
opcode |= 0x1 << Instruction.INSTLEN;
romData[romLen] = opcode;
line += hex(pc, 4) + " : " + hex(opcode, 3) + ";\t";
line += "\t--\t" + inraw.readLine() + "\n";
// System.out.print(line);
line = "\n";
line += "\t\twhen others => addr <= \"" + bin(noim_address, ADDRBITS) + "\";\t\t--\t" + hex(noim_address, 4) + "\tsys_noim\n";
line += "\tend case;\n";
line += "end process;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "process(int_pend, exc_pend, addr) begin\n";
line += "\n";
line += "\tq <= addr;\n";
line += "\tif exc_pend='1' then\n";
line += "\t\tq <= \"" + bin(exc_address, ADDRBITS) + "\";\t\t--\t" + hex(exc_address, 4) + "\tsys_exc\n";
line += "\telsif int_pend='1' then\n";
line += "\t\tq <= \"" + bin(int_address, ADDRBITS) + "\";\t\t--\t" + hex(int_address, 4) + "\tsys_int\n";
line += "\tend if;\n";
line += "end process;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "end rtl;\n";
// print ROM as generic VHDL file
FileWriter romvhd = new FileWriter(dstDir + "rom.vhd");
line = "--\n";
line += "--\trom.vhd\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "--\tgeneric VHDL version of ROM\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "--\t\tDONT edit this file!\n";
line += "--\t\tgenerated by\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "\n";
line += "library ieee;\n";
line += "use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;\n";
line += "use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;\n";
line += "use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "entity rom is\n";
line += "generic (width : integer; addr_width : integer);\t-- for compatibility\n";
line += "port (\n";
line += "\tclk\t\t\t: in std_logic;\n";
line += "\taddress\t\t: in std_logic_vector(" + (ADDRBITS - 1) + " downto 0);\n";
line += "\tq\t\t\t: out std_logic_vector(" + (DATABITS - 1) + " downto 0)\n";
line += ");\n";
line += "end rom;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "architecture rtl of rom is\n";
line += "\n";
line += "\tsignal areg\t\t: std_logic_vector(" + (ADDRBITS - 1) + " downto 0);\n";
line += "\tsignal data\t\t: std_logic_vector(" + (DATABITS - 1) + " downto 0);\n";
line += "\n";
line += "begin\n";
line += "\n";
line += "process(clk) begin\n";
line += "\n";
// line += "\tif falling_edge(clk) then\n";
// line += "\t\tareg <= address;\n";
// line += "\tend if;\n";
line += "\tif rising_edge(clk) then\n";
// line += "\t\tq <= data;\n";
line += "\t\tareg <= address;\n";
line += "\tend if;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "end process;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "\tq <= data;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "process(areg) begin\n";
line += "\n";
line += "\tcase areg is\n";
line += "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < romLen; ++i) {
romvhd.write("\t\twhen \"" + bin(i, ADDRBITS) + "\" => data <= \"" + bin(romData[i], DATABITS) + "\";");
romvhd.write("\t-- " + "TODO: comment" + "\n");
line = "\n";
line += "\t\twhen others => data <= \"" + bin(0, DATABITS) + "\";\n";
line += "\tend case;\n";
line += "end process;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "end rtl;\n";
PrintStream rom_mem = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(dstDir + "mem_rom.dat"));
for (int i = 0; i < ROM_LEN; ++i) {
rom_mem.println(romData[i] + " ");
// Print symbol table as ram.mif and data for the simulation.
FileWriter ram = new FileWriter(dstDir + "ram.mif");
for (int i = 0; i < RAM_LEN; ++i) {
ramData[i] = 0x12345678;
line = "--\n";
line += "--\tram.mif\n";
line += "--\n";
line += "depth = " + RAM_LEN + ";\n";
line += "width = 32;\n";
line += "\n";
line += "content\n";
line += "\n";
line += "begin\n";
// line += "\t[0..ff] : 00000000;\n";
line += "\t[0..ff] : 12345678;\n";
line += "\n";
line = "--\n";
line += "-- " + memcnt + " vars\n";
line += "--\n\n";
for (int i = 0; i < varList.size(); ++i) {
String s = varList.get(i);
ramData[i] = 0;
line = "\t";
line += hex(i, 4) + " : ";
line += hex(0, 8) + ";\t--\t";
line += s + "\n";
line = "--\n";
line += "-- " + constMap.size() + " consts\n";
line += "--\n\n";
if (constMap.size() > VER_ADDR - CONST_ADDR) {
System.out.println("error: too many constants");
for (int i = 0; i < constList.size(); ++i) {
Integer val = constList.get(i);
ramData[CONST_ADDR + i] = val.intValue();
line = "\t";
line += hex(CONST_ADDR + i, 4) + " : ";
line += hex(val.intValue(), 8) + ";\t--\t";
line += val + "\n";
// check if version is set
Integer ver = symMap.get("version");
if (ver == null) {
error(in, "version not set, setting to -1");
} else {
version = ver.intValue();
ramData[VER_ADDR] = version;
ramData[VER_ADDR + 1] = 0;
ram.write("\n\n--\tVersion now in the constant area\n");
line = "\t";
line += hex(VER_ADDR, 4) + " : ";
line += hex(version, 8) + ";\t--\t";
line += version + "\n";
line = "\t";
line = "\t" + hex(VER_ADDR + 1, 4) + " : ";
line += hex(0, 8) + ";\t--\tfor future use - FPGA type?\n";
PrintStream ram_mem = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(dstDir + "mem_ram.dat"));
for (int i = 0; i < RAM_LEN; ++i) {
ram_mem.println(ramData[i] + " ");
System.out.println(ji_cnt + " Instructions implemented");
} catch (IOException e) {
use of in project jop by jop-devel.
the class JavaDown method download.
* Downloads a JOPized file to JOP
* @param file
* @param serialPort
* @param usb
* @param monitor
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
private void download(IPath file, SerialPort serialPort, boolean usb, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
OutputStream serialOut = serialPort.getOutputStream();
InputStream serialIn = serialPort.getInputStream();
FileReader fileIn = new FileReader(file.toFile());
StreamTokenizer tok = new StreamTokenizer(fileIn);
tok.whitespaceChars(',', ',');
// Replies to read back
int numReplies = 0;
// Total number of words to process
int nwords = 0;
// FIXME debug
serialOut = new FileOutputStream(file.addFileExtension(".down").toFile());
serialIn = new InputStream() {
public int read() throws IOException {
return 0;
for (int numProcessedTokens = 0; tok.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF; ++numProcessedTokens) {
// Get the 32 bit word to be sent
int word = (int) tok.nval;
// Java code length at index 1 position in .jop
if (numProcessedTokens == 1) {
/*sysoutStream.println(word + " words of Java bytecode ("
+ (word / 256) + " KB)");
nwords = word;
monitor.beginTask(IJOPLaunchConfigurationConstants.DOWNLOAD_TASK, nwords);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
byte b = (byte) (word >> ((3 - i) * 8));
if (!usb) {
// TODO merge the two branches?
if (numProcessedTokens == i) {
// TODO check reply;
} else if (serialIn.available() != 0) {;
// So much work
// Finalize
while (numReplies > 0) {;
use of in project HanLP by hankcs.
the class Matrix method read.
* Read a matrix from a stream. The format is the same the print method,
* so printed matrices can be read back in (provided they were printed using
* US Locale). Elements are separated by
* whitespace, all the elements for each row appear on a single line,
* the last row is followed by a blank line.
* @param input the input stream.
public static Matrix read(BufferedReader input) throws {
StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(input);
// Although StreamTokenizer will parse numbers, it doesn't recognize
// scientific notation (E or D); however, Double.valueOf does.
// The strategy here is to disable StreamTokenizer's number parsing.
// We'll only get whitespace delimited words, EOL's and EOF's.
// These words should all be numbers, for Double.valueOf to parse.
tokenizer.wordChars(0, 255);
tokenizer.whitespaceChars(0, ' ');
java.util.Vector<Double> vD = new java.util.Vector<Double>();
// Ignore initial empty lines
while (tokenizer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) ;
if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF)
throw new"Unexpected EOF on matrix read.");
do {
// Read & store 1st row.
} while (tokenizer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD);
// Now we've got the number of columns!
int n = vD.size();
double[] row = new double[n];
for (// extract the elements of the 1st row.
int j = 0; // extract the elements of the 1st row.
j < n; // extract the elements of the 1st row.
j++) row[j] = vD.elementAt(j).doubleValue();
java.util.Vector<double[]> v = new java.util.Vector<double[]>();
// Start storing rows instead of columns.
while (tokenizer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
// While non-empty lines
v.addElement(row = new double[n]);
int j = 0;
do {
if (j >= n)
throw new"Row " + v.size() + " is too long.");
row[j++] = Double.valueOf(tokenizer.sval).doubleValue();
} while (tokenizer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD);
if (j < n)
throw new"Row " + v.size() + " is too short.");
// Now we've got the number of rows.
int m = v.size();
double[][] A = new double[m][];
// copy the rows out of the vector
return new Matrix(A);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class OldStreamTokenizerTest method test_basicStringTokenizerMethods.
public void test_basicStringTokenizerMethods() throws IOException {
String str = "Testing 12345 \n alpha \r\n omega";
String strb = "-3.8 'BLIND mice' \r sEe /* how */ they run";
StringReader aa = new StringReader(str);
StringReader ba = new StringReader(strb);
StreamTokenizer a = new StreamTokenizer(aa);
StreamTokenizer b = new StreamTokenizer(ba);
Assert.assertTrue(a.lineno() == 1);
Assert.assertTrue(a.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD);
Assert.assertTrue(a.toString().equals("Token[Testing], line 1"));
Assert.assertTrue(a.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER);
Assert.assertTrue(a.toString().equals("Token[n=12345.0], line 1"));
Assert.assertTrue(a.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD);
Assert.assertTrue(a.toString().equals("Token[alpha], line 2"));
Assert.assertTrue(a.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD);
Assert.assertTrue(a.toString().equals("Token[omega], line 3"));
Assert.assertTrue(a.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF);
Assert.assertTrue(a.toString().equals("Token[EOF], line 3"));
Assert.assertTrue(b.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER);
Assert.assertTrue(b.nval == -3.8);
Assert.assertTrue(b.toString().equals("Token[n=-3.8], line 1"));
// '
Assert.assertTrue(b.nextToken() == 39);
Assert.assertTrue(b.toString().equals("Token[BLIND mice], line 1"));
// \n
Assert.assertTrue(b.nextToken() == 10);
Assert.assertTrue(b.toString().equals("Token[EOL], line 2"));
Assert.assertTrue(b.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD);
Assert.assertTrue(b.toString().equals("Token[see], line 2"));
Assert.assertTrue(b.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD);
Assert.assertTrue(b.toString().equals("Token[the], line 2"));
// y
Assert.assertTrue(b.nextToken() == 121);
Assert.assertTrue(b.toString().equals("Token['y'], line 2"));
Assert.assertTrue(b.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD);
Assert.assertTrue(b.toString().equals("Token[r], line 2"));
Assert.assertTrue(b.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF);
Assert.assertTrue(b.toString().equals("Token[EOF], line 2"));