Search in sources :

Example 36 with UncheckedIOException

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class StoredScriptSource method parse.

     * This will parse XContent into a {@link StoredScriptSource}.  The following formats can be parsed:
     * The simple script format with no compiler options or user-defined params:
     * Example:
     * {@code
     * {"script": "return Math.log(doc.popularity) * 100;"}
     * }
     * The above format requires the lang to be specified using the deprecated stored script namespace
     * (as a url parameter during a put request).  See {@link ScriptMetaData} for more information about
     * the stored script namespaces.
     * The complex script format using the new stored script namespace
     * where lang and code are required but options is optional:
     * {@code
     * {
     *     "script" : {
     *         "lang" : "<lang>",
     *         "code" : "<code>",
     *         "options" : {
     *             "option0" : "<option0>",
     *             "option1" : "<option1>",
     *             ...
     *         }
     *     }
     * }
     * }
     * Example:
     * {@code
     * {
     *     "script": {
     *         "lang" : "painless",
     *         "code" : "return Math.log(doc.popularity) * params.multiplier"
     *     }
     * }
     * }
     * The simple template format:
     * {@code
     * {
     *     "query" : ...
     * }
     * }
     * The complex template format:
     * {@code
     * {
     *     "template": {
     *         "query" : ...
     *     }
     * }
     * }
     * Note that templates can be handled as both strings and complex JSON objects.
     * Also templates may be part of the 'code' parameter in a script.  The Parser
     * can handle this case as well.
     * @param lang    An optional parameter to allow for use of the deprecated stored
     *                script namespace.  This will be used to specify the language
     *                coming in as a url parameter from a request or for stored templates.
     * @param content The content from the request to be parsed as described above.
     * @return        The parsed {@link StoredScriptSource}.
public static StoredScriptSource parse(String lang, BytesReference content, XContentType xContentType) {
    try (XContentParser parser = xContentType.xContent().createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, content)) {
        Token token = parser.nextToken();
        if (token != Token.START_OBJECT) {
            throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "unexpected token [" + token + "], expected [{]");
        token = parser.nextToken();
        if (token != Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "unexpected token [" + token + ", expected [" + SCRIPT_PARSE_FIELD.getPreferredName() + ", " + TEMPLATE_PARSE_FIELD.getPreferredName());
        String name = parser.currentName();
        if (SCRIPT_PARSE_FIELD.getPreferredName().equals(name)) {
            token = parser.nextToken();
            if (token == Token.VALUE_STRING) {
                if (lang == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("must specify lang as a url parameter when using the deprecated stored script namespace");
                return new StoredScriptSource(lang, parser.text(), Collections.emptyMap());
            } else if (token == Token.START_OBJECT) {
                if (lang == null) {
                    return PARSER.apply(parser, null).build();
                } else {
                    //this is really for search templates, that need to be converted to json format
                    try (XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()) {
                        return new StoredScriptSource(lang, builder.string(), Collections.singletonMap(Script.CONTENT_TYPE_OPTION, XContentType.JSON.mediaType()));
            } else {
                throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "unexpected token [" + token + "], expected [{, <code>]");
        } else {
            if (lang == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected stored script format");
            if (TEMPLATE_PARSE_FIELD.getPreferredName().equals(name)) {
                token = parser.nextToken();
                if (token == Token.VALUE_STRING) {
                    return new StoredScriptSource(lang, parser.text(), Collections.singletonMap(Script.CONTENT_TYPE_OPTION, XContentType.JSON.mediaType()));
            try (XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()) {
                if (token != Token.START_OBJECT) {
                } else {
                return new StoredScriptSource(lang, builder.string(), Collections.singletonMap(Script.CONTENT_TYPE_OPTION, XContentType.JSON.mediaType()));
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe);
Also used : ParsingException(org.elasticsearch.common.ParsingException) Token(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser.Token) UncheckedIOException( IOException( UncheckedIOException( XContentParser(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser) XContentBuilder(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder)

Example 37 with UncheckedIOException

use of in project disunity by ata4.

the class BundleUnpack method runFile.

protected void runFile(Path file) {
    try (BundleReader bundleReader = new BundleReader(file)) {
        Bundle bundle =;
        AtomicInteger done = new AtomicInteger();
        long total = bundle.entryInfos().size();
        // define output directory, if not yet defined
        if (outputDir == null) {
            // with sub-directories
            if (bundle.entryInfos().size() == 1) {
                outputDir = file.getParent();
                if (outputDir == null) {
                    // Passed a filename only. Use the current directory.
                    outputDir = Paths.get(".");
            } else {
                String fileName = PathUtils.getBaseName(file);
                outputDir = file.resolveSibling(fileName);
        try {
            bundle.entries().stream().filter(entry -> filename == null || -> {
                progress.update(Optional.of(, done.getAndIncrement() / (double) total);
                Path entryFile = outputDir.resolve(;
                Files.copy(entry.inputStream(), entryFile, REPLACE_EXISTING);
                if (done.get() == total) {
                    progress.update(Optional.empty(), 1);
        } catch (UncheckedIOException ex) {
            throw ex.getCause();
        if (writeProp && filename == null) {
            String bundleName = outputDir.getFileName().toString();
            Path propsFile = outputDir.getParent().resolve(bundleName + ".json");
            BundleProps.write(propsFile, bundle);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        L.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't unpack asset bundle " + file, ex);
Also used : LogUtils(info.ata4.log.LogUtils) Parameters(com.beust.jcommander.Parameters) IOConsumer.uncheck(info.ata4.util.function.IOConsumer.uncheck) Parameter(com.beust.jcommander.Parameter) Files(java.nio.file.Files) IOException( Logger(java.util.logging.Logger) Level(java.util.logging.Level) UncheckedIOException( FileCommand(info.ata4.disunity.cli.command.FileCommand) PathConverter(info.ata4.disunity.cli.converters.PathConverter) Bundle(info.ata4.junity.bundle.Bundle) Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) PathUtils( Optional(java.util.Optional) BundleReader(info.ata4.junity.bundle.BundleReader) Path(java.nio.file.Path) REPLACE_EXISTING(java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) Path(java.nio.file.Path) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) Bundle(info.ata4.junity.bundle.Bundle) UncheckedIOException( IOException( UncheckedIOException( BundleReader(info.ata4.junity.bundle.BundleReader)

Example 38 with UncheckedIOException

use of in project disunity by ata4.

the class AssetCommand method runFileRecursive.

protected void runFileRecursive(Path file) {
    if (BundleUtils.isBundle(file)) {
        // file is a bundle, load serialized files from it
        try (BundleReader bundleReader = new BundleReader(file)) {
            Bundle bundle =;
            bundle.entries().stream().filter(not(BundleEntry::isLibrary)).filter(not(BundleEntry::isResource)).forEach(uncheck(entry -> {
                try (SerializedFileReader reader = new SerializedFileReader(BundleUtils.dataReaderForEntry(entry))) {
                    SerializedFile serialized =;
                    runSerializedFile(file.resolve(, serialized);
        } catch (UncheckedIOException | IOException ex) {
            L.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't open asset bundle " + file, ex);
    } else {
        // load file directly
        try (SerializedFileReader reader = new SerializedFileReader(file)) {
            SerializedFile serialized =;
            runSerializedFile(file, serialized);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            L.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't open asset file " + file, ex);
Also used : RecursiveFileCommand(info.ata4.disunity.cli.command.RecursiveFileCommand) LogUtils(info.ata4.log.LogUtils) IOConsumer.uncheck(info.ata4.util.function.IOConsumer.uncheck) IOException( Logger(java.util.logging.Logger) BundleUtils(info.ata4.junity.bundle.BundleUtils) SerializedFile(info.ata4.junity.serialize.SerializedFile) Predicates.not(info.ata4.util.function.Predicates.not) Level(java.util.logging.Level) BundleEntry(info.ata4.junity.bundle.BundleEntry) UncheckedIOException( Bundle(info.ata4.junity.bundle.Bundle) SerializedFileReader(info.ata4.junity.serialize.SerializedFileReader) BundleReader(info.ata4.junity.bundle.BundleReader) Path(java.nio.file.Path) SerializedFileReader(info.ata4.junity.serialize.SerializedFileReader) SerializedFile(info.ata4.junity.serialize.SerializedFile) Bundle(info.ata4.junity.bundle.Bundle) UncheckedIOException( IOException( UncheckedIOException( BundleEntry(info.ata4.junity.bundle.BundleEntry) BundleReader(info.ata4.junity.bundle.BundleReader)

Example 39 with UncheckedIOException

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class InternalEngineTests method testHandleDocumentFailure.

public void testHandleDocumentFailure() throws Exception {
    try (Store store = createStore()) {
        final ParsedDocument doc1 = testParsedDocument("1", "test", null, testDocumentWithTextField(), B_1, null);
        final ParsedDocument doc2 = testParsedDocument("2", "test", null, testDocumentWithTextField(), B_1, null);
        final ParsedDocument doc3 = testParsedDocument("3", "test", null, testDocumentWithTextField(), B_1, null);
        AtomicReference<ThrowingIndexWriter> throwingIndexWriter = new AtomicReference<>();
        try (Engine engine = createEngine(defaultSettings, store, createTempDir(), NoMergePolicy.INSTANCE, (directory, iwc) -> {
            throwingIndexWriter.set(new ThrowingIndexWriter(directory, iwc));
            return throwingIndexWriter.get();
        })) {
            // test document failure while indexing
            if (randomBoolean()) {
                throwingIndexWriter.get().setThrowFailure(() -> new IOException("simulated"));
            } else {
                throwingIndexWriter.get().setThrowFailure(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("simulated max token length"));
            Engine.IndexResult indexResult = engine.index(indexForDoc(doc1));
            indexResult = engine.index(indexForDoc(doc1));
            // all these simulated exceptions are not fatal to the IW so we treat them as document failures
            if (randomBoolean()) {
                throwingIndexWriter.get().setThrowFailure(() -> new IOException("simulated"));
                expectThrows(IOException.class, () -> engine.delete(new Engine.Delete("test", "1", newUid(doc1))));
            } else {
                throwingIndexWriter.get().setThrowFailure(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("simulated max token length"));
                expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> engine.delete(new Engine.Delete("test", "1", newUid(doc1))));
            // test non document level failure is thrown
            if (randomBoolean()) {
                // simulate close by corruption
                UncheckedIOException uncheckedIOException = expectThrows(UncheckedIOException.class, () -> {
                    Engine.Index index = indexForDoc(doc3);
                    index.parsedDoc().rootDoc().add(new StoredField("foo", "bar") {

                        // this is a hack to add a failure during store document which triggers a tragic event
                        // and in turn fails the engine
                        public BytesRef binaryValue() {
                            throw new UncheckedIOException(new MockDirectoryWrapper.FakeIOException());
                assertTrue(uncheckedIOException.getCause() instanceof MockDirectoryWrapper.FakeIOException);
            } else {
                // normal close
            // now the engine is closed check we respond correctly
            try {
                if (randomBoolean()) {
                } else {
                    engine.delete(new Engine.Delete("test", "", newUid(doc1)));
                fail("engine should be closed");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                assertThat(e, instanceOf(AlreadyClosedException.class));
Also used : MockDirectoryWrapper( Store( AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) UncheckedIOException( UncheckedIOException( IOException( AlreadyClosedException( UncheckedIOException( IOException( BrokenBarrierException(java.util.concurrent.BrokenBarrierException) ElasticsearchException(org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException) StoredField(org.apache.lucene.document.StoredField) ParsedDocument(org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.ParsedDocument) BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)

Example 40 with UncheckedIOException

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class Ec2DiscoveryPluginTests method testNodeAttributesBogusUrl.

public void testNodeAttributesBogusUrl() {
    UncheckedIOException e = expectThrows(UncheckedIOException.class, () -> getNodeAttributes(Settings.EMPTY, "bogus"));
    String msg = e.getCause().getMessage();
    assertTrue(msg, msg.contains("no protocol: bogus"));
Also used : UncheckedIOException(


UncheckedIOException ( IOException ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)13 InputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 Test (org.junit.Test)7 File ( Arrays (java.util.Arrays)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 Map (java.util.Map)6 List (java.util.List)5 Collectors ( BufferedReader ( URL ( IntStream ( Protein (de.bioforscher.jstructure.model.structure.Protein)3 InterruptedIOException ( Random (java.util.Random)3 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)3 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)3