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Example 16 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project clojure by clojure.

the class LispReader method readDelimitedList.

public static List readDelimitedList(char delim, PushbackReader r, boolean isRecursive, Object opts, Object pendingForms) {
    final int firstline = (r instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader) ? ((LineNumberingPushbackReader) r).getLineNumber() : -1;
    ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
    for (; ; ) {
        Object form = read(r, false, READ_EOF, delim, READ_FINISHED, isRecursive, opts, pendingForms);
        if (form == READ_EOF) {
            if (firstline < 0)
                throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading");
                throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading, starting at line " + firstline);
        } else if (form == READ_FINISHED) {
            return a;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Object(java.lang.Object)

Example 17 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project clojure by clojure.

the class LispReader method read.

public static Object read(PushbackReader r, Object opts) {
    boolean eofIsError = true;
    Object eofValue = null;
    if (opts != null && opts instanceof IPersistentMap) {
        Object eof = ((IPersistentMap) opts).valAt(OPT_EOF, EOFTHROW);
        if (!EOFTHROW.equals(eof)) {
            eofIsError = false;
            eofValue = eof;
    return read(r, eofIsError, eofValue, false, opts);
Also used : Object(java.lang.Object)

Example 18 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project clochure by videlalvaro.

the class LispReader method readNumber.

private static Object readNumber(PushbackReader r, char initch) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (; ; ) {
        int ch = read1(r);
        if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch)) {
            unread(r, ch);
        sb.append((char) ch);
    String s = sb.toString();
    Object n = matchNumber(s);
    if (n == null)
        throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid number: " + s);
    return n;
Also used : StringBuilder(java.lang.StringBuilder) NumberFormatException(java.lang.NumberFormatException) Object(java.lang.Object) String(java.lang.String)

Example 19 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class FooBar method method.

int method(Object foo) {
    FooBar foobar = (FooBar) foo;
    Object o = ((FooBar<caret>) foo).baz;
    foobar = null;
Also used : Object(java.lang.Object)

Example 20 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class StreamZipEntriesTest method testStreamJar.

public void testStreamJar() throws IOException {
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(new File(System.getProperty("test.src", "."), "input.jar"))) { -> assertTrue(e instanceof JarEntry));
        Object[] elements =;
        assertEquals(3, elements.length);
        assertEquals(elements[0].toString(), "META-INF/");
        assertEquals(elements[1].toString(), "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
        assertEquals(elements[2].toString(), "");
Also used : Object(java.lang.Object) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File( ZipFile( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


Object (java.lang.Object)26 String (java.lang.String)7 IOException ( NumberFormatException (java.lang.NumberFormatException)4 Override (java.lang.Override)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 List (java.util.List)3 File ( InputStream ( OutputStream ( Exception (java.lang.Exception)2 IllegalArgumentException (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)2 IllegalStateException (java.lang.IllegalStateException)2 RuntimeException (java.lang.RuntimeException)2 StringBuilder (java.lang.StringBuilder)2 UnsupportedOperationException (java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException)2 SeekableByteChannel (java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel)2 FileSystem (java.nio.file.FileSystem)2 Path (java.nio.file.Path)2