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Example 6 with ModuleDescriptor

use of java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.

the class ModulePath method deriveModuleDescriptor.

 * Treat the given JAR file as a module as follows:
 * 1. The value of the Automatic-Module-Name attribute is the module name
 * 2. The version, and the module name when the  Automatic-Module-Name
 *    attribute is not present, is derived from the file ame of the JAR file
 * 3. All packages are derived from the .class files in the JAR file
 * 4. The contents of any META-INF/services configuration files are mapped
 *    to "provides" declarations
 * 5. The Main-Class attribute in the main attributes of the JAR manifest
 *    is mapped to the module descriptor mainClass if possible
private ModuleDescriptor deriveModuleDescriptor(JarFile jf) throws IOException {
    // Read Automatic-Module-Name attribute if present
    Manifest man = jf.getManifest();
    Attributes attrs = null;
    String moduleName = null;
    if (man != null) {
        attrs = man.getMainAttributes();
        if (attrs != null) {
            moduleName = attrs.getValue(AUTOMATIC_MODULE_NAME);
    // Derive the version, and the module name if needed, from JAR file name
    String fn = jf.getName();
    int i = fn.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
    if (i != -1)
        fn = fn.substring(i + 1);
    // drop ".jar"
    String name = fn.substring(0, fn.length() - 4);
    String vs = null;
    // find first occurrence of -${NUMBER}. or -${NUMBER}$
    Matcher matcher = Patterns.DASH_VERSION.matcher(name);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        int start = matcher.start();
        // attempt to parse the tail as a version string
        try {
            String tail = name.substring(start + 1);
            vs = tail;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) {
        name = name.substring(0, start);
    // Create builder, using the name derived from file name when
    // Automatic-Module-Name not present
    Builder builder;
    if (moduleName != null) {
        try {
            builder = ModuleDescriptor.newAutomaticModule(moduleName);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new FindException(AUTOMATIC_MODULE_NAME + ": " + e.getMessage());
    } else {
        builder = ModuleDescriptor.newAutomaticModule(cleanModuleName(name));
    // module version if present
    if (vs != null)
    // scan the names of the entries in the JAR file
    Map<Boolean, Set<String>> map = -> !e.isDirectory()).map(JarEntry::getName).filter(e -> (e.endsWith(".class") ^ e.startsWith(SERVICES_PREFIX))).collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(e -> e.startsWith(SERVICES_PREFIX), Collectors.toSet()));
    Set<String> classFiles = map.get(Boolean.FALSE);
    Set<String> configFiles = map.get(Boolean.TRUE);
    // the packages containing class files
    Set<String> packages =;
    // all packages are exported and open
    // map names of service configuration files to service names
    Set<String> serviceNames =;
    // parse each service configuration file
    for (String sn : serviceNames) {
        JarEntry entry = jf.getJarEntry(SERVICES_PREFIX + sn);
        List<String> providerClasses = new ArrayList<>();
        try (InputStream in = jf.getInputStream(entry)) {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"));
            String cn;
            while ((cn = nextLine(reader)) != null) {
                if (cn.length() > 0) {
                    String pn = packageName(cn);
                    if (!packages.contains(pn)) {
                        String msg = "Provider class " + cn + " not in module";
                        throw new InvalidModuleDescriptorException(msg);
        if (!providerClasses.isEmpty())
            builder.provides(sn, providerClasses);
    // Main-Class attribute if it exists
    if (attrs != null) {
        String mainClass = attrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
        if (mainClass != null) {
            mainClass = mainClass.replace("/", ".");
            if (Checks.isClassName(mainClass)) {
                String pn = packageName(mainClass);
                if (packages.contains(pn)) {
Also used : Builder(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Builder) Manifest(java.util.jar.Manifest) NoSuchFileException(java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException) BufferedInputStream( VersionedStream(jdk.internal.util.jar.VersionedStream) ModuleDescriptor(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor) ModuleReference(java.lang.module.ModuleReference) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Section(jdk.internal.jmod.JmodFile.Section) DirectoryStream(java.nio.file.DirectoryStream) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ModuleFinder(java.lang.module.ModuleFinder) Map(java.util.Map) ZipFile( URI( Path(java.nio.file.Path) FindException(java.lang.module.FindException) PerfCounter(jdk.internal.perf.PerfCounter) ZipException( Files(java.nio.file.Files) Set(java.util.Set) IOException( BasicFileAttributes(java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes) InputStreamReader( Attributes(java.util.jar.Attributes) Collectors( File( UncheckedIOException( Objects(java.util.Objects) List(java.util.List) JmodFile(jdk.internal.jmod.JmodFile) Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) InvalidModuleDescriptorException(java.lang.module.InvalidModuleDescriptorException) Optional(java.util.Optional) BufferedReader( Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Collections(java.util.Collections) InputStream( Set(java.util.Set) Optional(java.util.Optional) InputStreamReader( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) BufferedInputStream( InputStream( Builder(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Builder) BasicFileAttributes(java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes) Attributes(java.util.jar.Attributes) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Manifest(java.util.jar.Manifest) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry) InvalidModuleDescriptorException(java.lang.module.InvalidModuleDescriptorException) FindException(java.lang.module.FindException) BufferedReader(

Example 7 with ModuleDescriptor

use of java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.

the class ModulePath method readJar.

 * Returns a {@code ModuleReference} to a module in modular JAR file on
 * the file system.
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws FindException
 * @throws InvalidModuleDescriptorException
private ModuleReference readJar(Path file) throws IOException {
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(file.toFile(), // verify
    true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ, releaseVersion)) {
        ModuleInfo.Attributes attrs;
        JarEntry entry = jf.getJarEntry(MODULE_INFO);
        if (entry == null) {
            // no module-info.class so treat it as automatic module
            try {
                ModuleDescriptor md = deriveModuleDescriptor(jf);
                attrs = new ModuleInfo.Attributes(md, null, null, null);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                throw new FindException("Unable to derive module descriptor for " + jf.getName(), e);
        } else {
            attrs =, () -> jarPackages(jf));
        return ModuleReferences.newJarModule(attrs, patcher, file);
    } catch (ZipException e) {
        throw new FindException("Error reading " + file, e);
Also used : ModuleDescriptor(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor) FindException(java.lang.module.FindException) ZipException( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry)

Example 8 with ModuleDescriptor

use of java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.

the class ModuleBootstrap method boot.

 * Initialize the module system, returning the boot layer.
 * @see java.lang.System#initPhase2()
public static ModuleLayer boot() throws Exception {
    // Step 0: Command line options
    long t0 = System.nanoTime();
    ModuleFinder upgradeModulePath = finderFor("jdk.module.upgrade.path");
    ModuleFinder appModulePath = finderFor("jdk.module.path");
    boolean isPatched = patcher.hasPatches();
    String mainModule = System.getProperty("jdk.module.main");
    Set<String> addModules = addModules();
    Set<String> limitModules = limitModules();
    PrintStream traceOutput = null;
    String trace = getAndRemoveProperty("jdk.module.showModuleResolution");
    if (trace != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(trace))
        traceOutput = System.out;
    // Step 1: The observable system modules, either all system modules
    // or the system modules pre-generated for the initial module (the
    // initial module may be the unnamed module). If the system modules
    // are pre-generated for the initial module then resolution can be
    // skipped.
    long t1 = System.nanoTime();
    SystemModules systemModules = null;
    ModuleFinder systemModuleFinder;
    boolean haveModulePath = (appModulePath != null || upgradeModulePath != null);
    boolean needResolution = true;
    if (!haveModulePath && addModules.isEmpty() && limitModules.isEmpty()) {
        systemModules = SystemModuleFinders.systemModules(mainModule);
        if (systemModules != null && !isPatched && (traceOutput == null)) {
            needResolution = false;
    if (systemModules == null) {
        // all system modules are observable
        systemModules = SystemModuleFinders.allSystemModules();
    if (systemModules != null) {
        // images build
        systemModuleFinder = SystemModuleFinders.of(systemModules);
    } else {
        // exploded build or testing
        systemModules = new ExplodedSystemModules();
        systemModuleFinder = SystemModuleFinders.ofSystem();
    Counters.add("jdk.module.boot.1.systemModulesTime", t1);
    // Step 2: Define and load java.base. This patches all classes loaded
    // to date so that they are members of java.base. Once java.base is
    // loaded then resources in java.base are available for error messages
    // needed from here on.
    long t2 = System.nanoTime();
    ModuleReference base = systemModuleFinder.find(JAVA_BASE).orElse(null);
    if (base == null)
        throw new InternalError(JAVA_BASE + " not found");
    URI baseUri = base.location().orElse(null);
    if (baseUri == null)
        throw new InternalError(JAVA_BASE + " does not have a location");
    Modules.defineModule(null, base.descriptor(), baseUri);
    Counters.add("jdk.module.boot.2.defineBaseTime", t2);
    if (getAndRemoveProperty("jdk.module.validation") != null) {
        return createBootLayerForValidation();
    // Step 3: If resolution is needed then create the module finder and
    // the set of root modules to resolve.
    long t3 = System.nanoTime();
    ModuleFinder savedModuleFinder = null;
    ModuleFinder finder;
    Set<String> roots;
    if (needResolution) {
        // upgraded modules override the modules in the run-time image
        if (upgradeModulePath != null)
            systemModuleFinder = ModuleFinder.compose(upgradeModulePath, systemModuleFinder);
        // The module finder: [--upgrade-module-path] system [--module-path]
        if (appModulePath != null) {
            finder = ModuleFinder.compose(systemModuleFinder, appModulePath);
        } else {
            finder = systemModuleFinder;
        // The root modules to resolve
        roots = new HashSet<>();
        // launcher -m option to specify the main/initial module
        if (mainModule != null)
        // additional module(s) specified by --add-modules
        boolean addAllDefaultModules = false;
        boolean addAllSystemModules = false;
        boolean addAllApplicationModules = false;
        for (String mod : addModules) {
            switch(mod) {
                case ALL_DEFAULT:
                    addAllDefaultModules = true;
                case ALL_SYSTEM:
                    addAllSystemModules = true;
                case ALL_MODULE_PATH:
                    addAllApplicationModules = true;
        // --limit-modules
        savedModuleFinder = finder;
        if (!limitModules.isEmpty()) {
            finder = limitFinder(finder, limitModules, roots);
        // the default set of roots.
        if (mainModule == null || addAllDefaultModules) {
            roots.addAll(DefaultRoots.compute(systemModuleFinder, finder));
        // modules will be resolved.
        if (addAllSystemModules) {
            // observable modules
            ModuleFinder f = finder;
            systemModuleFinder.findAll().stream().map(ModuleReference::descriptor).map(ModuleDescriptor::name).filter(// observable
            mn -> f.find(mn).isPresent()).forEach(mn -> roots.add(mn));
        // modules on the application module path will be resolved.
        if (appModulePath != null && addAllApplicationModules) {
            // observable modules
            ModuleFinder f = finder;
            appModulePath.findAll().stream().map(ModuleReference::descriptor).map(ModuleDescriptor::name).filter(// observable
            mn -> f.find(mn).isPresent()).forEach(mn -> roots.add(mn));
    } else {
        // no resolution case
        finder = systemModuleFinder;
        roots = null;
    Counters.add("jdk.module.boot.3.optionsAndRootsTime", t3);
    // Step 4: Resolve the root modules, with service binding, to create
    // the configuration for the boot layer. If resolution is not needed
    // then create the configuration for the boot layer from the
    // readability graph created at link time.
    long t4 = System.nanoTime();
    Configuration cf;
    if (needResolution) {
        cf = JLMA.resolveAndBind(finder, roots, traceOutput);
    } else {
        Map<String, Set<String>> map = systemModules.moduleReads();
        cf = JLMA.newConfiguration(systemModuleFinder, map);
    // check that modules specified to --patch-module are resolved
    if (isPatched) {
        patcher.patchedModules().stream().filter(mn -> !cf.findModule(mn).isPresent()).forEach(mn -> warnUnknownModule(PATCH_MODULE, mn));
    Counters.add("jdk.module.boot.4.resolveTime", t4);
    // Step 5: Map the modules in the configuration to class loaders.
    // The static configuration provides the mapping of standard and JDK
    // modules to the boot and platform loaders. All other modules (JDK
    // tool modules, and both explicit and automatic modules on the
    // application module path) are defined to the application class
    // loader.
    long t5 = System.nanoTime();
    // mapping of modules to class loaders
    Function<String, ClassLoader> clf = ModuleLoaderMap.mappingFunction(cf);
    // loaded from the runtime image
    if (haveModulePath) {
        for (ResolvedModule resolvedModule : cf.modules()) {
            ModuleReference mref = resolvedModule.reference();
            String name = mref.descriptor().name();
            ClassLoader cl = clf.apply(name);
            if (cl == null) {
                if (upgradeModulePath != null && upgradeModulePath.find(name).isPresent())
                    fail(name + ": cannot be loaded from upgrade module path");
                if (!systemModuleFinder.find(name).isPresent())
                    fail(name + ": cannot be loaded from application module path");
    // check for split packages in the modules mapped to the built-in loaders
    if (systemModules.hasSplitPackages() || isPatched || haveModulePath) {
        checkSplitPackages(cf, clf);
    // load/register the modules with the built-in class loaders
    loadModules(cf, clf);
    Counters.add("jdk.module.boot.5.loadModulesTime", t5);
    // Step 6: Define all modules to the VM
    long t6 = System.nanoTime();
    ModuleLayer bootLayer = ModuleLayer.empty().defineModules(cf, clf);
    Counters.add("jdk.module.boot.6.layerCreateTime", t6);
    // check incubating status
    if (systemModules.hasIncubatorModules() || haveModulePath) {
    // --add-reads, --add-exports/--add-opens, and --illegal-access
    long t7 = System.nanoTime();
    boolean extraExportsOrOpens = addExtraExportsAndOpens(bootLayer);
    addIllegalAccess(upgradeModulePath, systemModules, bootLayer, extraExportsOrOpens);
    Counters.add("jdk.module.boot.7.adjustModulesTime", t7);
    // save module finders for later use
    if (savedModuleFinder != null) {
        unlimitedFinder = new SafeModuleFinder(savedModuleFinder);
        if (savedModuleFinder != finder)
            limitedFinder = new SafeModuleFinder(finder);
    // total time to initialize
    Counters.add("jdk.module.boot.totalTime", t0);
    return bootLayer;
Also used : ModuleDescriptor(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor) ModuleReference(java.lang.module.ModuleReference) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JavaLangModuleAccess(jdk.internal.misc.JavaLangModuleAccess) Function(java.util.function.Function) JavaLangAccess(jdk.internal.misc.JavaLangAccess) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ResolvedModule(java.lang.module.ResolvedModule) ModuleFinder(java.lang.module.ModuleFinder) Map(java.util.Map) URI( NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) Path(java.nio.file.Path) PrintStream( PerfCounter(jdk.internal.perf.PerfCounter) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) SharedSecrets(jdk.internal.misc.SharedSecrets) Set(java.util.Set) Configuration(java.lang.module.Configuration) Collectors( BuiltinClassLoader(jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader) File( Objects(java.util.Objects) BootLoader(jdk.internal.loader.BootLoader) List(java.util.List) Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) Optional(java.util.Optional) Collections(java.util.Collections) PrintStream( ModuleFinder(java.lang.module.ModuleFinder) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) Configuration(java.lang.module.Configuration) URI( ModuleDescriptor(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor) ResolvedModule(java.lang.module.ResolvedModule) ModuleReference(java.lang.module.ModuleReference) BuiltinClassLoader(jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader)

Example 9 with ModuleDescriptor

use of java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor in project jboss-modules by jboss-modules.

the class JDKModuleFinder method findModule.

public ModuleSpec findModule(final String name, final ModuleLoader delegateLoader) {
    final Set<String> packages;
    final Module module;
    if ("org.jboss.modules".equals(name)) {
        module = getClass().getModule();
        if (module.isNamed()) {
            packages = module.getPackages();
        } else {
            packages = Set.of("org.jboss.modules", "org.jboss.modules.filter", "org.jboss.modules.log", "", "org.jboss.modules.maven", "org.jboss.modules.ref", "", "org.jboss.modules.xml");
    } else {
        final Optional<Module> moduleOptional = layer.findModule(name);
        if (!moduleOptional.isPresent()) {
            return null;
        module = moduleOptional.get();
        packages = module.getPackages();
    final ModuleSpec.Builder builder =;
    final ModuleDescriptor descriptor = module.getDescriptor();
    if (descriptor != null) {
        final Optional<String> version = descriptor.rawVersion();
        if (version.isPresent())
        for (ModuleDescriptor.Requires require : descriptor.requires()) {
            final Set<ModuleDescriptor.Requires.Modifier> modifiers = require.modifiers();
            builder.addDependency(new ModuleDependencySpecBuilder().setName(;
    final Set<String> paths = new HashSet<>(packages.size());
    for (String pkg : packages) {
        paths.add(pkg.replace('.', '/'));
    final LocalDependencySpecBuilder depBuilder = new LocalDependencySpecBuilder();
    depBuilder.setLocalLoader(new JDKModuleLoader(module, packages));
    return builder.create();
Also used : ModuleDescriptor(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor) Module(java.lang.Module) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 10 with ModuleDescriptor

use of java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class MyLoader method dumpModules.

private void dumpModules() {
    HashSet<Option> opts = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new Option[] { Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE, Option.SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES, Option.SHOW_REFLECT_FRAMES }));
    List<StackFrame> frameList = (StackWalker.getInstance(opts)).walk(s -> s.collect(Collectors.toList()));
    for (StackFrame f : frameList) {
        Module frameModule = f.getDeclaringClass().getModule();
        if ((null != frameModule)) {
            ModuleDescriptor d = frameModule.getDescriptor();
            if (null != d) {
                StackTraceElement e = f.toStackTraceElement();
                String modName =;
                if (null != modName) {
                    assertEquals(modName, e.getModuleName(), "Wrong module name");
                Optional<Version> modVersion = d.version();
                if (modVersion.isPresent()) {
                    assertEquals(modVersion.get(), e.getModuleVersion(), "Wrong module version");
                if (f.getDeclaringClass() == Thread.class) {
                    assertEquals("java.base", e.getModuleName(), "Wrong module name");
Also used : ModuleDescriptor(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor) Version(java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Version) StackFrame(java.lang.StackWalker.StackFrame) Option(java.lang.StackWalker.Option) Module(java.lang.Module) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


ModuleDescriptor (java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor)19 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)12 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)11 ModuleReference (java.lang.module.ModuleReference)10 ResolvedModule (java.lang.module.ResolvedModule)9 Set (java.util.Set)9 Map (java.util.Map)8 URI ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 File ( IOException ( Collections (java.util.Collections)6 List (java.util.List)6 Optional (java.util.Optional)6 UncheckedIOException ( ModuleFinder (java.lang.module.ModuleFinder)5 Path (java.nio.file.Path)5 Paths (java.nio.file.Paths)5 JarFile (java.util.jar.JarFile)5 Collectors (