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Example 81 with MathContext

use of java.math.MathContext in project big-math by eobermuhlner.

the class BigDecimalMathTest method assertPrecisionCalculation.

private void assertPrecisionCalculation(Function<MathContext, BigDecimal> precisionCalculation, int startPrecision, int endPrecision) {
    BigDecimal expected = precisionCalculation.apply(new MathContext(endPrecision * 2));
    // System.out.println("reference expected:      " + expected);
    assertPrecisionCalculation(expected, precisionCalculation, startPrecision, endPrecision);
Also used : BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) MathContext(java.math.MathContext)

Example 82 with MathContext

use of java.math.MathContext in project big-math by eobermuhlner.

the class BigDecimalMathTest method testLog10WithPositivePowersOfTen.

public void testLog10WithPositivePowersOfTen() {
    MathContext mathContext = new MathContext(50);
    BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal("1");
    BigDecimal expectedLog10 = new BigDecimal(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        BigDecimal actualLog10 = BigDecimalMath.log10(x, mathContext);
        assertEquals(true, expectedLog10.compareTo(actualLog10) == 0);
        x = x.multiply(BigDecimal.TEN, mathContext);
        expectedLog10 = expectedLog10.add(BigDecimal.ONE, mathContext);
Also used : MathContext(java.math.MathContext) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 83 with MathContext

use of java.math.MathContext in project big-math by eobermuhlner.

the class BigDecimalMathTest method testAtan2.

public void testAtan2() {
    BigDecimal piHalf = BigDecimalMath.pi(new MathContext(MC.getPrecision() + 10)).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(2), MC);
    assertEquals(piHalf, BigDecimalMath.atan2(BigDecimal.TEN, BigDecimal.ZERO, MC));
    assertEquals(piHalf.negate(), BigDecimalMath.atan2(BigDecimal.TEN.negate(), BigDecimal.ZERO, MC));
Also used : BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) MathContext(java.math.MathContext) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 84 with MathContext

use of java.math.MathContext in project big-math by eobermuhlner.

the class BigDecimalMathTest method assertRandomCalculation.

private void assertRandomCalculation(int count, String function1Name, String function2Name, BiFunction<Random, MathContext, BigDecimal> xFunction, BiFunction<BigDecimal, MathContext, BigDecimal> calculation1, BiFunction<BigDecimal, MathContext, BigDecimal> calculation2) {
    Random random = new Random(1);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        int numberPrecision = random.nextInt(100) + 1;
        int calculationPrecision = numberPrecision + 10;
        MathContext numberMathContext = new MathContext(numberPrecision);
        BigDecimal x = xFunction.apply(random, numberMathContext);
        MathContext calculationMathContext = new MathContext(calculationPrecision);
        BigDecimal y1 = calculation1.apply(x, calculationMathContext);
        BigDecimal y2 = calculation2.apply(x, calculationMathContext);
        BigDecimal error = y2.subtract(y1, calculationMathContext).abs();
        BigDecimal acceptableError = BigDecimalMath.pow(BigDecimal.TEN, -numberPrecision, calculationMathContext);
        String description = "x=(" + x + ") " + function1Name + "=" + y1 + " " + function2Name + "=" + y2;
        assertEquals(description + " precision=" + numberPrecision, true, error.compareTo(acceptableError) <= 0);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) MathContext(java.math.MathContext) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 85 with MathContext

use of java.math.MathContext in project big-math by eobermuhlner.

the class BigDecimalMathTest method assertRandomCalculation.

private void assertRandomCalculation(int count, String functionName, Function<Random, Double> xFunction, Function<Double, Double> doubleFunction, BiFunction<BigDecimal, MathContext, BigDecimal> calculation) {
    Random random = new Random(1);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        int precision = random.nextInt(RANDOM_MAX_PRECISION) + 1;
        Double xDouble = xFunction.apply(random);
        BigDecimal x = BigDecimal.valueOf(xDouble);
        String description = functionName + "(" + x + ")";
        System.out.println("Testing " + description + " precision=" + precision);
        MathContext mathContext = new MathContext(precision);
        BigDecimal result = calculation.apply(x, mathContext);
        if (doubleFunction != null && precision > MC_CHECK_DOUBLE.getPrecision() + 2) {
            assertEquals(description + " vs. double function : " + result, toCheck(doubleFunction.apply(xDouble)), toCheck(result));
        MathContext referenceMathContext = new MathContext(precision * 2 + 20);
        BigDecimal referenceResult = calculation.apply(x, referenceMathContext);
        BigDecimal expected = referenceResult.round(mathContext);
        if (expected.compareTo(result) != 0) {
            assertEquals(description + " referencePrecision=" + referenceMathContext.getPrecision() + " referenceResult=" + referenceResult, expected.toString(), result.toString());
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) MathContext(java.math.MathContext)


MathContext (java.math.MathContext)237 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)224 RoundingMode (java.math.RoundingMode)73 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)71 List (java.util.List)9 Test (org.junit.Test)8 BigDecimalMath (ch.obermuhlner.math.big.BigDecimalMath)7 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)7 Function (java.util.function.Function)7 StopWatch (ch.obermuhlner.math.big.example.StopWatch)3 IOException ( Random (java.util.Random)3 Context (ch.obermuhlner.math.big.BigFloat.Context)2 FileWriter ( PrintWriter ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Date (java.util.Date)2 RandomDataGenerator (org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator)2 Well19937c (org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well19937c)2 DataCell (