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Example 31 with Authenticator

use of in project tomee by apache.

the class ReferencingAuthenticator method getPasswordAuthentication.

protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
    Authenticator cxfauth = auth.get();
    if (cxfauth == null) {
    PasswordAuthentication pauth = null;
    if (wrapped != null) {
        try {
            pauth = tryWith(wrapped);
            if (pauth != null) {
                return pauth;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            pauth = null;
    if (cxfauth != null) {
        try {
            pauth = tryWith(cxfauth);
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            pauth = null;
    return pauth;
Also used : Authenticator( PasswordAuthentication(

Example 32 with Authenticator

use of in project tomee by apache.

the class ReferencingAuthenticator method tryWithInternal.

private PasswordAuthentication tryWithInternal(Authenticator a) throws Exception {
    if (a == null) {
        return null;
    final Field[] fields;
    if (SKIPCHECK) {
        fields = Authenticator.class.getDeclaredFields();
    } else {
        fields = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Field[]>) () -> Authenticator.class.getDeclaredFields());
    for (final Field f : fields) {
        if (!Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) {
            Object o = f.get(this);
            f.set(a, o);
    Method method;
    if (SKIPCHECK) {
        method = Authenticator.class.getDeclaredMethod("getPasswordAuthentication");
    } else {
        method = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Method>) () -> {
            try {
                return Authenticator.class.getDeclaredMethod("getPasswordAuthentication");
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Object>) () -> {
            return null;
    return (PasswordAuthentication) method.invoke(a);
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) PrivilegedAction( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) Authenticator( PasswordAuthentication(

Example 33 with Authenticator

use of in project tomee by apache.

the class ReferencingAuthenticator method remove.

private void remove() {
    try {
        // Try Authenticator.getDefault() first, JDK9+
        final MethodHandle mt = MethodHandles.lookup().findStatic(Authenticator.class, "getDefault", MethodType.methodType(Authenticator.class));
        removeInternal((Authenticator) mt.invoke());
    } catch (final NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
    // ignore
Also used : Authenticator( MethodHandle(java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle)

Example 34 with Authenticator

use of in project tomee by apache.

the class ReferencingAuthenticator method removeFromChain.

private void removeFromChain(Authenticator a) {
    try {
        if (a.getClass().getName().equals(ReferencingAuthenticator.class.getName())) {
            // multiple referencing authenticators, we can remove ourself
            Field f2 = a.getClass().getDeclaredField("wrapped");
            Authenticator a2 = (Authenticator) f2.get(a);
            if (a2 == this) {
                f2.set(a, wrapped);
            } else {
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    // ignore
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Authenticator(

Example 35 with Authenticator

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class AbstractCodegenMojo method configureProxyServerSettings.

protected void configureProxyServerSettings() throws MojoExecutionException {
    Proxy proxy = mavenSession.getSettings().getActiveProxy();
    if (proxy != null) {
        getLog().info("Using proxy server configured in maven.");
        if (proxy.getHost() == null) {
            throw new MojoExecutionException("Proxy in settings.xml has no host");
        if (proxy.getHost() != null) {
            System.setProperty(HTTP_PROXY_HOST, proxy.getHost());
        if (String.valueOf(proxy.getPort()) != null) {
            System.setProperty(HTTP_PROXY_PORT, String.valueOf(proxy.getPort()));
        if (proxy.getNonProxyHosts() != null) {
            System.setProperty(HTTP_NON_PROXY_HOSTS, proxy.getNonProxyHosts());
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(proxy.getUsername()) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(proxy.getPassword())) {
            final String authUser = proxy.getUsername();
            final String authPassword = proxy.getPassword();
            Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {

                public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                    return new PasswordAuthentication(authUser, authPassword.toCharArray());
            System.setProperty(HTTP_PROXY_USER, authUser);
            System.setProperty(HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD, authPassword);
Also used : Proxy(org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy) MojoExecutionException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException) Authenticator( PasswordAuthentication(


Authenticator ( PasswordAuthentication ( URL ( Proxy ( InetSocketAddress ( HttpClient ( Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)10 HttpURLConnection ( IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)7 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)6 File ( SocketAddress ( InputStream ( HttpsURLConnection ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)3 ServerSocket ( URISyntaxException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Content (org.sonatype.goodies.httpfixture.server.jetty.behaviour.Content)3