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Example 51 with MalformedURLException

use of in project druid by druid-io.

the class LookupCoordinatorManager method deleteAllOnTier.

void deleteAllOnTier(final String tier, final Collection<String> dropLookups) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {
    if (dropLookups.isEmpty()) {
        LOG.debug("Nothing to drop");
    final Collection<URL> urls = getAllHostsAnnounceEndpoint(tier);
    final List<ListenableFuture<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(urls.size());
    for (final URL url : urls) {
        futures.add(executorService.submit(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                for (final String drop : dropLookups) {
                    final URL lookupURL;
                    try {
                        lookupURL = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), String.format("%s/%s", url.getFile(), drop));
                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                        throw new ISE(e, "Error creating url for [%s]/[%s]", url, drop);
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        LOG.warn("Delete [%s] interrupted", lookupURL);
                        throw Throwables.propagate(e);
                    } catch (IOException | ExecutionException e) {
                        // Don't raise as ExecutionException. Just log and continue
                        LOG.makeAlert(e, "Error deleting [%s]", lookupURL).emit();
    final ListenableFuture allFuture = Futures.allAsList(futures);
    try {
        allFuture.get(lookupCoordinatorManagerConfig.getUpdateAllTimeout().getMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (TimeoutException e) {
        // This should cause Interrupted exceptions on the offending ones
        throw new ExecutionException("Timeout in updating hosts! Attempting to cancel", e);
Also used : MalformedURLException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( URL( ListenableFuture( ISE( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)

Example 52 with MalformedURLException

use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.

the class CommonUtils method getUriByFilename.

     * Resolve the specified filename to a URI.
     * @param filename name os the file
     * @return resolved header file URI
     * @throws CheckstyleException on failure
public static URI getUriByFilename(String filename) throws CheckstyleException {
    // figure out if this is a File or a URL
    URI uri;
    try {
        final URL url = new URL(filename);
        uri = url.toURI();
    } catch (final URISyntaxException | MalformedURLException ignored) {
        uri = null;
    if (uri == null) {
        final File file = new File(filename);
        if (file.exists()) {
            uri = file.toURI();
        } else {
            // check to see if the file is in the classpath
            try {
                final URL configUrl = CommonUtils.class.getResource(filename);
                if (configUrl == null) {
                    throw new CheckstyleException(UNABLE_TO_FIND_EXCEPTION_PREFIX + filename);
                uri = configUrl.toURI();
            } catch (final URISyntaxException ex) {
                throw new CheckstyleException(UNABLE_TO_FIND_EXCEPTION_PREFIX + filename, ex);
    return uri;
Also used : MalformedURLException( CheckstyleException( URISyntaxException( URI( File( URL(

Example 53 with MalformedURLException

use of in project deeplearning4j by deeplearning4j.

the class ClassPathResource method extractActualUrl.

     * Extracts parent Jar URL from original ClassPath entry URL.
     * @param jarUrl Original URL of the resource
     * @return URL of the Jar file, containing requested resource
     * @throws MalformedURLException
private URL extractActualUrl(URL jarUrl) throws MalformedURLException {
    String urlFile = jarUrl.getFile();
    int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf("!/");
    if (separatorIndex != -1) {
        String jarFile = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex);
        try {
            return new URL(jarFile);
        } catch (MalformedURLException var5) {
            if (!jarFile.startsWith("/")) {
                jarFile = "/" + jarFile;
            return new URL("file:" + jarFile);
    } else {
        return jarUrl;
Also used : MalformedURLException( URL(

Example 54 with MalformedURLException

use of in project openhab1-addons by openhab.

the class HttpTransport method execute.

public String execute(String request, int connectTimeout, int readTimeout) {
    if (request != null && !request.trim().equals("")) {
        HttpURLConnection connection = null;
        StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
        BufferedReader in = null;
        try {
            URL url = new URL(this.uri + request);
            connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            int responseCode = -1;
            if (connection != null) {
                try {
                    responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
                } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
                    logger.warn(e.getMessage() + " : " + request);
                    return null;
                if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
                    String inputLine = null;
                    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
                    while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
                } else {
                    response = null;
            if (response != null) {
                return response.toString();
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            logger.error("MalformedURLException by executing jsonRequest: " + request + " ; " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("IOException by executing jsonRequest: " + request + " ; " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        } finally {
            if (connection != null) {
    return null;
Also used : MalformedURLException( HttpURLConnection( SocketTimeoutException( InputStreamReader( BufferedReader( IOException( URL(

Example 55 with MalformedURLException

use of in project neo4j by neo4j.

the class URLTypeCaster method getList.

Object[] getList(GraphDatabaseAPI graphDb, ParameterList parameters, String name) throws BadInputException {
    URI[] uris = parameters.getUriList(name);
    URL[] urls = new URL[uris.length];
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
            urls[i] = uris[i].toURL();
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new BadInputException(e);
    return urls;
Also used : MalformedURLException( BadInputException( URI( URL(


MalformedURLException ( URL ( IOException ( File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)372 InputStream ( HttpURLConnection ( URISyntaxException ( URI ( InputStreamReader ( BufferedReader ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)200 URLClassLoader ( Map (java.util.Map)166 URLConnection ( FileNotFoundException ( Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)132 Test (org.junit.Test)129 UnsupportedEncodingException ( Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)113