use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class TestPacket method testSerializingRfc2865Section7dot1Example.
* Test to ensure conformity with <a href="">IETF RFC 2865 section
* 7.1</a>
public void testSerializingRfc2865Section7dot1Example() {
// what we should end up with
final String res = "01 00 00 38 0f 40 3f 94 73 97 80 57 bd 83 d5 cb " + "98 f4 22 7a 01 06 6e 65 6d 6f 02 12 0d be 70 8d " + "93 d4 13 ce 31 96 e4 3f 78 2a 0a ee 04 06 c0 a8 " + "01 10 05 06 00 00 00 03";
final AccessRequest accessReq = new AccessRequest();
accessReq.setIdentifier((short) 0);
accessReq.addAttribute(new UserNameAttribute("nemo"));
final String authenticatorBytes = "0f 40 3f 94 73 97 80 57 bd 83 d5 cb 98 f4 22 7a";
final byte[] aBytes = Utils.toByteArray(authenticatorBytes);
final RequestAuthenticator authenticator = new RequestAuthenticator(aBytes);
accessReq.addAttribute(new UserPasswordAttribute(authenticator, Rfc2865Examples.secret, Rfc2865Examples.password));
try {
final InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[] { (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 1, 16 });
accessReq.addAttribute(new NASIPAddressAttribute(address));
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
// ignore since it won't happen given valid address
accessReq.addAttribute(new NASPortAttribute(3));
final byte[] bytes = accessReq.getOctets();
final ByteBuffer pktBfr = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
final String spaceHex = Utils.toSpacedHex(pktBfr);
Assert.assertEquals(spaceHex, res, "output sequence of AccessRequest should have matched");
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSAssertionManager method createFSAssertion.
* Creates an assertion artifact.
* @param id session ID
* @param artifact assertion artifact
* @param realm the realm under which the entity resides.
* @param spEntityID service provider's entity ID
* @param spHandle service provider issued <code>NameIdentifier</code>
* @param idpHandle identity provider issued <code>NameIdentifier</code>
* @param inResponseTo value to InResponseTo attribute. It's the request ID.
* @param assertionMinorVersion minor version the assertion should use
* @exception FSException,SAMLException if error occurrs
public FSAssertion createFSAssertion(String id, AssertionArtifact artifact, String realm, String spEntityID, NameIdentifier spHandle, NameIdentifier idpHandle, String inResponseTo, int assertionMinorVersion) throws FSException, SAMLException {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion(id): Called");
// check input
if ((id == null) || (spEntityID == null)) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager: null input for" + " method createFSAssertion.");
throw new FSException("nullInput", null);
String destID = spEntityID;
String authMethod = null;
String authnContextStatementRef = null;
String authnContextClassRef = null;
Date authInstant = null;
String securityDomain = null;
Object token = null;
String univId = null;
SubjectLocality authLocality = null;
FSSessionManager sessionManager = FSSessionManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
IDFFMetaManager metaManager = FSUtils.getIDFFMetaManager();
Map attributes = new HashMap();
if (metaManager != null) {
BaseConfigType idpConfig = null;
try {
idpConfig = metaManager.getIDPDescriptorConfig(realm, hostEntityId);
} catch (IDFFMetaException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion: exception while" + " obtaining idp extended meta:", e);
idpConfig = null;
if (idpConfig != null) {
attributes = IDFFMetaUtils.getAttributes(idpConfig);
try {
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
token = sessionProvider.getSession(id);
String[] strAuthInst = null;
try {
strAuthInst = sessionProvider.getProperty(token, SessionProvider.AUTH_INSTANT);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ue) {
if (FSUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.warning("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion(id):", ue);
} catch (SessionException se) {
if (FSUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.warning("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion(id):", se);
if ((strAuthInst != null) && (strAuthInst.length >= 1)) {
try {
authInstant = DateUtils.stringToDate(strAuthInst[0]);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager." + "createFSAssertion(id): AuthInstant not found" + "in the Token");
} else {
authInstant = new java.util.Date();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion(id):AuthInstant = " + authInstant);
try {
String[] strAuthMethod = sessionProvider.getProperty(token, SessionProvider.AUTH_METHOD);
if ((strAuthMethod != null) && (strAuthMethod.length >= 1)) {
authMethod = strAuthMethod[0];
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ue) {
if (FSUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.warning("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion(id):", ue);
} catch (SessionException se) {
if (FSUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.warning("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion(id):", se);
String assertionIssuer = IDFFMetaUtils.getFirstAttributeValue(attributes, IFSConstants.ASSERTION_ISSUER);
if (assertionIssuer == null) {
assertionIssuer = SystemConfigurationUtil.getProperty("");
try {
String ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(assertionIssuer).getHostAddress();
authLocality = new SubjectLocality(ipAddress, assertionIssuer);
} catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAssertionManager.constructor: couldn't" + " obtain the localhost's ipaddress:", uhe);
try {
FSSession session = sessionManager.getSession(token);
authnContextClassRef = session.getAuthnContext();
authnContextStatementRef = authnContextClassRef;
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion" + "(id): AuthnContextStatement for the token is null" + " Assertion will not contain any " + " AuthenticationStatement");
authnContextStatementRef = null;
if (authnContextStatementRef != null) {
if (assertionMinorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_11_ASSERTION_MINOR_VERSION) {
authMethod = IFSConstants.AC_XML_NS;
} else {
authMethod = IFSConstants.AC_12_XML_NS;
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createFSAssertion(id):" + "AuthnContextStatement used for authenticating the user: " + authnContextStatementRef);
univId = sessionProvider.getPrincipalName(token);
securityDomain = hostEntityId;
} catch (Exception e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id):" + " exception retrieving info from the session: ", e);
throw new FSException("alliance_manager_no_local_descriptor", null, e);
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id):" + " Creating Authentication Assertion for user with" + "opaqueHandle= " + spHandle.getName() + " And SecurityDomain= " + securityDomain);
SubjectConfirmation subConfirmation = null;
String artString = null;
if (artifact != null) {
artString = artifact.getAssertionArtifact();
if (assertionMinorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_11_ASSERTION_MINOR_VERSION) {
subConfirmation = new SubjectConfirmation(SAMLConstants.DEPRECATED_CONFIRMATION_METHOD_ARTIFACT);
} else {
subConfirmation = new SubjectConfirmation(SAMLConstants.CONFIRMATION_METHOD_ARTIFACT);
} else {
// set to bearer for POST profile
subConfirmation = new SubjectConfirmation(SAMLConstants.CONFIRMATION_METHOD_BEARER);
IDPProvidedNameIdentifier idpNi = null;
if (assertionMinorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_12_POST_ASSERTION_MINOR_VERSION || assertionMinorVersion == IFSConstants.FF_12_ART_ASSERTION_MINOR_VERSION) {
idpNi = new IDPProvidedNameIdentifier(idpHandle.getName(), idpHandle.getNameQualifier(), spHandle.getFormat());
} else {
idpNi = new IDPProvidedNameIdentifier(idpHandle.getNameQualifier(), idpHandle.getName());
FSSubject sub = new FSSubject(spHandle, subConfirmation, idpNi);
AuthnContext authnContext = new AuthnContext(authnContextClassRef, authnContextStatementRef);
FSAuthenticationStatement statement = new FSAuthenticationStatement(authMethod, authInstant, sub, authLocality, null, authnContext);
FSSession session = sessionManager.getSession(univId, id);
if (session == null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id): " + "AssertionManager could not find a valid Session for" + "userId: " + univId + " SessionID: " + id);
return null;
String sessionIndex = session.getSessionIndex();
if (sessionIndex == null) {
sessionIndex = SAMLUtils.generateID();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id): SessionIndex: " + sessionIndex);
//setReauthenticateOnOrAfter date
Date issueInstant = new Date();
// get this period from the config
FSUtils.debug.message("here before date");
Date notAfter;
if (artifact != null) {
notAfter = new Date(issueInstant.getTime() + artifactTimeout);
} else {
notAfter = new Date(issueInstant.getTime() + assertionTimeout);
FSUtils.debug.message("here after date");
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id):" + " Authentication Statement: " + statement.toXMLString());
Conditions cond = new Conditions(null, notAfter);
if ((destID != null) && (destID.length() != 0)) {
List targets = new ArrayList();
cond.addAudienceRestrictionCondition(new AudienceRestrictionCondition(targets));
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id):" + " Authentication Statement: " + statement.toXMLString());
* This is added to create an attribute statement for the bootstrap
* information.
AttributeStatement attribStatement = null;
Advice advice = null;
String generateBootstrapping = IDFFMetaUtils.getFirstAttributeValue(attributes, IFSConstants.GENERATE_BOOTSTRAPPING);
if (assertionMinorVersion != IFSConstants.FF_11_ASSERTION_MINOR_VERSION && (generateBootstrapping != null && generateBootstrapping.equals("true"))) {
AuthnContext authContext = new AuthnContext(null, authnContextStatementRef);
try {
FSDiscoveryBootStrap bootStrap = new FSDiscoveryBootStrap(token, authContext, sub, univId, destID, realm);
attribStatement = bootStrap.getBootStrapStatement();
if (bootStrap.hasCredentials()) {
advice = bootStrap.getCredentials();
} catch (Exception e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id):" + "exception when generating bootstrapping resource " + "offering:", e);
AssertionIDReference aID = new AssertionIDReference();
Set statements = new HashSet();
if (attribStatement != null) {
String attributePluginImpl = IDFFMetaUtils.getFirstAttributeValue(attributes, IFSConstants.ATTRIBUTE_PLUGIN);
if ((attributePluginImpl != null) && (attributePluginImpl.length() != 0)) {
try {
Object pluginClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(attributePluginImpl).newInstance();
List attribStatements = null;
if (pluginClass instanceof FSRealmAttributePlugin) {
FSRealmAttributePlugin attributePlugin = (FSRealmAttributePlugin) pluginClass;
attribStatements = attributePlugin.getAttributeStatements(realm, hostEntityId, destID, sub, token);
} else if (pluginClass instanceof FSAttributePlugin) {
FSAttributePlugin attributePlugin = (FSAttributePlugin) pluginClass;
attribStatements = attributePlugin.getAttributeStatements(hostEntityId, destID, sub, token);
if ((attribStatements != null) && (attribStatements.size() != 0)) {
Iterator iter = attribStatements.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAssertion.createAssertion(id):getAttributePlugin:", ex);
if (IDFFMetaUtils.isAutoFedEnabled(attributes)) {
AttributeStatement autoFedStatement = FSAttributeStatementHelper.getAutoFedAttributeStatement(realm, hostEntityId, sub, token);
FSAssertion assertion = new FSAssertion(aID.getAssertionIDReference(), hostEntityId, issueInstant, cond, advice, statements, inResponseTo);
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id):" + " Assertion created successfully: " + assertion.toXMLString());
String aIDString = assertion.getAssertionID();
Entry entry = new Entry(assertion, destID, artString, token);
Integer maxNumber = null;
try {
int temp = Integer.parseInt(IDFFMetaUtils.getFirstAttributeValue(attributes, IFSConstants.ASSERTION_LIMIT));
maxNumber = new Integer(temp);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id):" + " Assertion MAX number configuration not found in " + "FSConfig. Using Default");
maxNumber = null;
if (maxNumber == null) {
maxNumber = new Integer(IFSConstants.ASSERTION_MAX_NUMBER_DEFAULT);
int maxValue = maxNumber.intValue();
if ((maxValue != 0) && (idEntryMap.size() > maxValue)) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion: " + "reached maxNumber of assertions.");
throw new FSException("errorCreateAssertion", null);
Object oldEntry = null;
try {
synchronized (idEntryMap) {
oldEntry = idEntryMap.put(aIDString, entry);
if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) {
idffSvc.setAssertions((long) idEntryMap.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager: couldn't add " + "to idEntryMap.", e);
throw new FSException("errorCreateAssertion", null);
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { assertion.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_ASSERTION, data, token);
} else {
String[] data = { assertion.getAssertionID() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_ASSERTION, data, token);
if (artString != null) {
try {
synchronized (artIdMap) {
oldEntry = artIdMap.put(artString, aIDString);
if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) {
idffSvc.setArtifacts((long) artIdMap.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager: couldn't add " + "artifact to the artIdMap.", e);
throw new FSException("errorCreateArtifact", null);
if (oldEntry != null) {
} else {
if (oldEntry != null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.createAssertion(id):" + " Returning Assertion: " + assertion.toXMLString());
return assertion;
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class InternalSession method internalPutProperty.
* Sets the key-value pair in the Internal Session property table.
* @param key
* Property key
* @param value
* Property value for the key
protected void internalPutProperty(String key, String value) {
if (key.equals(HOST_NAME) || key.equals(HOST)) {
if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
if (isEnableHostLookUp) {
try {
InetAddress address =;
String hostName = address.getHostName();
sessionProperties.put(HOST_NAME, hostName);
sessionProperties.put(HOST, value);
} catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
debug.error("InternalSession.internalputProperty():" + "Unable to get HostName for:" + value + " SessionException: ", uhe);
} else {
sessionProperties.put(HOST_NAME, value);
sessionProperties.put(HOST, value);
} else if (key.equals(AM_MAX_IDLE_TIME)) {
} else if (key.equals(AM_MAX_SESSION_TIME)) {
} else {
sessionProperties.put(key, value);
if (sessionState == VALID && serviceConfig.isSendPropertyNotification(key)) {
sessionService.sendEvent(this, SessionEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGED);
SessionInfo sessionInfo = toSessionInfo();
sessionLogging.logEvent(sessionInfo, SessionEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGED);
sessionAuditor.auditActivity(sessionInfo, AM_SESSION_PROPERTY_CHANGED);
use of in project SmartCity-Market by TechnionYP5777.
the class Main method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (!parseArguments(args))
/* Setting log properties */
CommandProcess commandProcess = new CommandProcess();
ThreadPooledServer server = null;
try {
server = new ThreadPooledServer(port, numOfThreads, commandProcess, serverIP);
} catch (UnknownHostException e1) {
log.fatal("Server IP address leads to unknown host, server won't start.");
SQLDatabaseConnection connection = new SQLDatabaseConnection();"Disconnect from all clients");
try {
} catch (CriticalError e1) {
log.fatal("Disconnect failed");
}"Starting Server.");
new Thread(server).start();
try {
Thread.sleep(1000 * timeout);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
/* Get interrupt to stop server */"Server Got interrupted.");
}"Stopping server.");
use of in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SystemInformation method populateOverviewTable.
* Accumulate per-host information and return as a table.
* This function does the real work. Everything else is
* boilerplate sysproc stuff.
public static VoltTable populateOverviewTable() {
VoltTable vt = constructOverviewTable();
int hostId = VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().getHostId();
// try to get the external interface first, if none was set, use local addresses
InetAddress addr = null;
String clientInterface = null;
int clientPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_PORT;
String adminInterface = null;
int adminPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT;
String httpInterface = null;
int httpPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;
String internalInterface = null;
int internalPort = Constants.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PORT;
String zkInterface = null;
int zkPort = Constants.DEFAULT_ZK_PORT;
String drInterface = null;
int drPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_DR_PORT;
String publicInterface = null;
try {
String localMetadata = VoltDB.instance().getLocalMetadata();
JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(localMetadata);
JSONArray interfaces = jsObj.getJSONArray("interfaces");
String iface = interfaces.getString(0);
addr = InetAddress.getByName(iface);
clientPort = jsObj.getInt("clientPort");
clientInterface = jsObj.getString("clientInterface");
adminPort = jsObj.getInt("adminPort");
adminInterface = jsObj.getString("adminInterface");
httpPort = jsObj.getInt("httpPort");
httpInterface = jsObj.getString("httpInterface");
internalPort = jsObj.getInt("internalPort");
internalInterface = jsObj.getString("internalInterface");
zkPort = jsObj.getInt("zkPort");
zkInterface = jsObj.getString("zkInterface");
drPort = jsObj.getInt("drPort");
drInterface = jsObj.getString("drInterface");
publicInterface = jsObj.getString("publicInterface");
} catch (JSONException e) {"Failed to get local metadata, falling back to first resolvable IP address.");
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {"Failed to determine hostname, falling back to first resolvable IP address.");
// host name and IP address.
if (addr == null) {
addr = org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils.getLocalAddress();
vt.addRow(hostId, "IPADDRESS", addr.getHostAddress());
vt.addRow(hostId, "HOSTNAME", CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress());
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLIENTINTERFACE", clientInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLIENTPORT", Integer.toString(clientPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "ADMININTERFACE", adminInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "ADMINPORT", Integer.toString(adminPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "HTTPINTERFACE", httpInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "HTTPPORT", Integer.toString(httpPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "INTERNALINTERFACE", internalInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "INTERNALPORT", Integer.toString(internalPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "ZKINTERFACE", zkInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "ZKPORT", Integer.toString(zkPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "DRINTERFACE", drInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "DRPORT", Integer.toString(drPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "PUBLICINTERFACE", publicInterface);
// build string
vt.addRow(hostId, "BUILDSTRING", VoltDB.instance().getBuildString());
// version
vt.addRow(hostId, "VERSION", VoltDB.instance().getVersionString());
// catalog path
String path = VoltDB.instance().getConfig().m_pathToCatalog;
if (path != null && !path.startsWith("http"))
path = (new File(path)).getAbsolutePath();
vt.addRow(hostId, "CATALOG", path);
// deployment path
path = VoltDB.instance().getConfig().m_pathToDeployment;
if (path != null && !path.startsWith("http"))
path = (new File(path)).getAbsolutePath();
vt.addRow(hostId, "DEPLOYMENT", path);
String cluster_state = VoltDB.instance().getMode().toString();
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLUSTERSTATE", cluster_state);
// INITIALIZED, used by VEM to determine the spinny icon state.
org.voltdb.OperationMode mode = VoltDB.instance().getMode();
String areInitialized = Boolean.toString(!VoltDB.instance().rejoining() && (mode == org.voltdb.OperationMode.RUNNING || mode == org.voltdb.OperationMode.PAUSED));
vt.addRow(hostId, "INITIALIZED", areInitialized);
String replication_role = VoltDB.instance().getReplicationRole().toString();
vt.addRow(hostId, "REPLICATIONROLE", replication_role);
vt.addRow(hostId, "LASTCATALOGUPDATETXNID", Long.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().m_transactionId));
vt.addRow(hostId, "CATALOGCRC", Long.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getCatalogCRC()));
vt.addRow(hostId, "IV2ENABLED", "true");
long startTimeMs = VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().getInstanceId().getTimestamp();
vt.addRow(hostId, "STARTTIME", Long.toString(startTimeMs));
vt.addRow(hostId, "UPTIME", MiscUtils.formatUptime(VoltDB.instance().getClusterUptime()));
SocketHubAppender hubAppender = (SocketHubAppender) Logger.getRootLogger().getAppender("hub");
int port = 0;
if (hubAppender != null)
port = hubAppender.getPort();
vt.addRow(hostId, "LOG4JPORT", Integer.toString(port));
//Add license information
if (MiscUtils.isPro()) {
vt.addRow(hostId, "LICENSE", VoltDB.instance().getLicenseInformation());
populatePartitionGroups(hostId, vt);
// root path
vt.addRow(hostId, "VOLTDBROOT", VoltDB.instance().getVoltDBRootPath());
vt.addRow(hostId, "FULLCLUSTERSIZE", Integer.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getClusterSettings().hostcount()));
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLUSTERID", Integer.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getCluster().getDrclusterid()));
return vt;