use of java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel in project beam by apache.
the class BigQueryIOTest method testWriteTables.
public void testWriteTables() throws Exception {
FakeDatasetService datasetService = new FakeDatasetService();
FakeBigQueryServices fakeBqServices = new FakeBigQueryServices().withJobService(new FakeJobService()).withDatasetService(datasetService);
datasetService.createDataset("project-id", "dataset-id", "", "");
long numTables = 3;
long numPartitions = 3;
long numFilesPerPartition = 10;
String jobIdToken = "jobIdToken";
String stepUuid = "stepUuid";
Map<TableDestination, List<String>> expectedTempTables = Maps.newHashMap();
Path baseDir = Files.createTempDirectory(tempFolder, "testWriteTables");
List<KV<ShardedKey<String>, List<String>>> partitions = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < numTables; ++i) {
String tableName = String.format("project-id:dataset-id.table%05d", i);
TableDestination tableDestination = new TableDestination(tableName, tableName);
for (int j = 0; j < numPartitions; ++j) {
String tempTableId = BigQueryHelpers.createJobId(jobIdToken, tableDestination, j);
List<String> filesPerPartition = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int k = 0; k < numFilesPerPartition; ++k) {
String filename = Paths.get(baseDir.toString(), String.format("files0x%08x_%05d", tempTableId.hashCode(), k)).toString();
ResourceId fileResource = FileSystems.matchNewResource(filename, false);
try (WritableByteChannel channel = FileSystems.create(fileResource, MimeTypes.TEXT)) {
try (OutputStream output = Channels.newOutputStream(channel)) {
TableRow tableRow = new TableRow().set("name", tableName);
TableRowJsonCoder.of().encode(tableRow, output, Context.OUTER);
partitions.add(KV.of(ShardedKey.of(tableDestination.getTableSpec(), j), filesPerPartition));
List<String> expectedTables = expectedTempTables.get(tableDestination);
if (expectedTables == null) {
expectedTables = Lists.newArrayList();
expectedTempTables.put(tableDestination, expectedTables);
String json = String.format("{\"datasetId\":\"dataset-id\",\"projectId\":\"project-id\",\"tableId\":\"%s\"}", tempTableId);
PCollectionView<String> jobIdTokenView = p.apply("CreateJobId", Create.of("jobId")).apply(View.<String>asSingleton());
PCollectionView<Map<String, String>> schemaMapView = p.apply("CreateEmptySchema", Create.empty(new TypeDescriptor<KV<String, String>>() {
})).apply(View.<String, String>asMap());
WriteTables<String> writeTables = new WriteTables<>(false, fakeBqServices, jobIdTokenView, schemaMapView, WriteDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY, CreateDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED, new IdentityDynamicTables());
DoFnTester<KV<ShardedKey<String>, List<String>>, KV<TableDestination, String>> tester = DoFnTester.of(writeTables);
tester.setSideInput(jobIdTokenView, GlobalWindow.INSTANCE, jobIdToken);
tester.setSideInput(schemaMapView, GlobalWindow.INSTANCE, ImmutableMap.<String, String>of());
for (KV<ShardedKey<String>, List<String>> partition : partitions) {
Map<TableDestination, List<String>> tempTablesResult = Maps.newHashMap();
for (KV<TableDestination, String> element : tester.takeOutputElements()) {
List<String> tables = tempTablesResult.get(element.getKey());
if (tables == null) {
tables = Lists.newArrayList();
tempTablesResult.put(element.getKey(), tables);
assertEquals(expectedTempTables, tempTablesResult);
use of java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel in project beam by apache.
the class FileBasedSinkTest method writeValuesWithWritableByteChannelFactory.
private File writeValuesWithWritableByteChannelFactory(final WritableByteChannelFactory factory, String... values) throws IOException {
final File file = tmpFolder.newFile("test.gz");
final WritableByteChannel channel = factory.create(Channels.newChannel(new FileOutputStream(file)));
for (String value : values) {
channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap((value + "\n").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
return file;
use of java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel in project beam by apache.
the class PackageUtil method stageOnePackage.
* Utility to verify whether a package has already been staged and, if not, copy it to the
* staging location.
private static void stageOnePackage(PackageAttributes attributes, AtomicInteger numUploaded, AtomicInteger numCached, Sleeper retrySleeper, CreateOptions createOptions) {
String source = attributes.getSourcePath();
String target = attributes.getDataflowPackage().getLocation();
// always using MimeTypes.BINARY?
try {
try {
long remoteLength = FileSystems.matchSingleFileSpec(target).sizeBytes();
if (remoteLength == attributes.getSize()) {
LOG.debug("Skipping classpath element already staged: {} at {}", attributes.getSourcePath(), target);
} catch (FileNotFoundException expected) {
// If the file doesn't exist, it means we need to upload it.
// Upload file, retrying on failure.
BackOff backoff = BackOffAdapter.toGcpBackOff(BACKOFF_FACTORY.backoff());
while (true) {
try {
LOG.debug("Uploading classpath element {} to {}", source, target);
try (WritableByteChannel writer = makeWriter(target, createOptions)) {
copyContent(source, writer);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (ERROR_EXTRACTOR.accessDenied(e)) {
String errorMessage = String.format("Uploaded failed due to permissions error, will NOT retry staging " + "of classpath %s. Please verify credentials are valid and that you have " + "write access to %s. Stale credentials can be resolved by executing " + "'gcloud auth application-default login'.", source, target);
throw new IOException(errorMessage, e);
long sleep = backoff.nextBackOffMillis();
if (sleep == BackOff.STOP) {
// Rethrow last error, to be included as a cause in the catch below.
LOG.error("Upload failed, will NOT retry staging of classpath: {}", source, e);
throw e;
} else {
LOG.warn("Upload attempt failed, sleeping before retrying staging of classpath: {}", source, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not stage classpath element: " + source, e);
use of java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel in project robovm by robovm.
the class ChannelsTest method testNewWriterWritableByteChannelString_InputNull.
* this test cannot be passed when buffer set to 0!
public void testNewWriterWritableByteChannelString_InputNull() throws IOException {
this.fouts = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile);
WritableByteChannel wbChannel = Channels.newChannel(this.fouts);
Writer testWriter = Channels.newWriter(wbChannel, Charset.forName(CODE_SET).newEncoder(), 1);
String writebuf = "";
for (int val = 0; val < this.writebufSize / 2; val++) {
writebuf = writebuf + ((char) (val + 64));
// can write to buffer
use of java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel in project robovm by robovm.
the class ChannelsTest method testNewOutputStreamWritableByteChannel.
public void testNewOutputStreamWritableByteChannel() throws Exception {
byte[] writebuf = new byte[this.testNum];
ByteBuffer writebcbuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(this.testNum);
this.fouts = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile);
WritableByteChannel writebc = this.fouts.getChannel();
OutputStream testouts = Channels.newOutputStream(writebc);
// read in testins and fins use the same pointer
this.assertFileSizeSame(tmpFile, this.testNum);
this.assertFileSizeSame(tmpFile, this.testNum * 2);
this.assertFileSizeSame(tmpFile, this.testNum * 3);
// readbc.close() affect testins
try {
} catch (ClosedChannelException e) {
// correct