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Example 46 with CharacterCodingException

use of java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException in project Payara by payara.

the class RealmBase method authenticate.

 * Return the Principal associated with the specified username, which
 * matches the digest calculated using the given parameters using the
 * method described in RFC 2069; otherwise return <code>null</code>.
 * @param username Username of the Principal to look up
 * @param clientDigest Digest which has been submitted by the client
 * @param nOnce Unique (or supposedly unique) token which has been used
 * for this request
 * @param realm Realm name
 * @param md5a2 Second MD5 digest used to calculate the digest :
 * MD5(Method + ":" + uri)
public Principal authenticate(String username, char[] clientDigest, String nOnce, String nc, String cnonce, String qop, String realm, char[] md5a2) {
    char[] md5a1 = getDigest(username, realm);
    if (md5a1 == null)
        return null;
    int nOnceLength = ((nOnce != null) ? nOnce.length() : 0);
    int ncLength = ((nc != null) ? nc.length() : 0);
    int cnonceLength = ((cnonce != null) ? cnonce.length() : 0);
    int qopLength = ((qop != null) ? qop.length() : 0);
    int md5a2Length = ((md5a2 != null) ? md5a2.length : 0);
    // serverDigestValue = md5a1:nOnce:nc:cnonce:qop:md5a2
    char[] serverDigestValue = new char[md5a1.length + 1 + nOnceLength + 1 + ncLength + 1 + cnonceLength + 1 + qopLength + 1 + md5a2Length];
    System.arraycopy(md5a1, 0, serverDigestValue, 0, md5a1.length);
    int ind = md5a1.length;
    serverDigestValue[ind++] = ':';
    if (nOnce != null) {
        System.arraycopy(nOnce.toCharArray(), 0, serverDigestValue, ind, nOnceLength);
        ind += nOnceLength;
    serverDigestValue[ind++] = ':';
    if (nc != null) {
        System.arraycopy(nc.toCharArray(), 0, serverDigestValue, ind, ncLength);
        ind += ncLength;
    serverDigestValue[ind++] = ':';
    if (cnonce != null) {
        System.arraycopy(cnonce.toCharArray(), 0, serverDigestValue, ind, cnonceLength);
        ind += cnonceLength;
    serverDigestValue[ind++] = ':';
    if (qop != null) {
        System.arraycopy(qop.toCharArray(), 0, serverDigestValue, ind, qopLength);
        ind += qopLength;
    serverDigestValue[ind++] = ':';
    if (md5a2 != null) {
        System.arraycopy(md5a2, 0, serverDigestValue, ind, md5a2Length);
    byte[] valueBytes = null;
    try {
        valueBytes = Utility.convertCharArrayToByteArray(serverDigestValue, getDigestEncoding());
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        String msg = MessageFormat.format(rb.getString(LogFacade.ILLEGAL_DIGEST_ENCODING_EXCEPTION), getDigestEncoding());
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, cce);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cce.getMessage());
    char[] serverDigest = null;
    // Bugzilla 32137
    synchronized (md5Helper) {
        serverDigest = md5Encoder.encode(md5Helper.digest(valueBytes));
    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        String msg = "Username:" + username + " ClientSigest:" + Arrays.toString(clientDigest) + " nOnce:" + nOnce + " nc:" + nc + " cnonce:" + cnonce + " qop:" + qop + " realm:" + realm + "md5a2:" + Arrays.toString(md5a2) + " Server digest:" + String.valueOf(serverDigest);
        log.log(Level.FINE, msg);
    if (Arrays.equals(serverDigest, clientDigest)) {
        return getPrincipal(username);
    } else {
        return null;
Also used : CharacterCodingException(java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException) SecurityConstraint(org.apache.catalina.deploy.SecurityConstraint)

Example 47 with CharacterCodingException

use of java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException in project hive by apache.

the class TestVectorTimestampExpressions method encodeTime.

private byte[] encodeTime(Timestamp timestamp) {
    ByteBuffer encoded;
    long time = timestamp.getTime();
    try {
        String formatted = dateFormat.format(new Date(time));
        encoded = Text.encode(formatted);
    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return Arrays.copyOf(encoded.array(), encoded.limit());
Also used : CharacterCodingException(java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 48 with CharacterCodingException

use of java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.

the class BlockStreamProtocolDecoder method tryToParsePolicyRequest.

private boolean tryToParsePolicyRequest(IoSession session, IoBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out) {
    byte[] message = new byte[POLICY_REQUEST.length];
    if (in.remaining() >= POLICY_REQUEST.length) {
        in.get(message, 0, message.length);
        if (Arrays.equals(message, POLICY_REQUEST)) {
            log.debug("Sending cross domain policy to the user");
            IoBuffer buffer = IoBuffer.allocate(8);
            try {
                buffer.putString("<cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain=\"*\" to-ports=\"*\" /></cross-domain-policy>", Charset.forName("UTF-8").newEncoder());
                buffer.put((byte) 0);
            } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
                return false;
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : CharacterCodingException(java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException) IoBuffer(org.apache.mina.core.buffer.IoBuffer)

Example 49 with CharacterCodingException

use of java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.

the class BlockStreamProtocolDecoder method decodeRoom.

private String decodeRoom(IoSession session, IoBuffer in) {
    int roomLength = in.get();
    //    	System.out.println("Room length = " + roomLength);
    String room = "";
    try {
        room = in.getString(roomLength, Charset.forName("UTF-8").newDecoder());
        if (session.containsAttribute(ROOM)) {
            String attRoom = (String) session.getAttribute(ROOM);
            if (!attRoom.equals(room)) {
                log.warn(room + " is not the same as room in attribute [" + attRoom + "]");
    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
    return room;
Also used : CharacterCodingException(java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException) Point(java.awt.Point)

Example 50 with CharacterCodingException

use of java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException in project hive by apache.

the class VectorUDFDayOfWeekString method doGetField.

protected long doGetField(byte[] bytes, int start, int length) throws ParseException {
    Date date = null;
    try {
        String decoded = Text.decode(bytes, start, length);
        date = format.parse(decoded);
    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(), 0);
    return calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
Also used : CharacterCodingException(java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Date(java.util.Date)


CharacterCodingException (java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException)90 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)46 CharsetEncoder (java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder)16 CharBuffer (java.nio.CharBuffer)15 IOException ( CoderResult (java.nio.charset.CoderResult)13 CharsetDecoder (java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder)11 Charset (java.nio.charset.Charset)10 UnsupportedCharsetException (java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException)8 IllegalCharsetNameException (java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException)6 UnmappableCharacterException (java.nio.charset.UnmappableCharacterException)6 ByteArrayInputStream ( InputStream ( CoreException (org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException)5 IStatus (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus)5 Status (org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status)5 HumanReadableException (com.facebook.buck.util.HumanReadableException)4 SequenceInputStream ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)4 Date (java.util.Date)4