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Example 96 with InvalidPathException

use of java.nio.file.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class AlluxioFuseFileSystem method readdirInternal.

private int readdirInternal(String path, Pointer buff, FuseFillDir filter, @off_t long offset, FuseFileInfo fi) {
    final AlluxioURI turi = mPathResolverCache.getUnchecked(path);
    try {
        final List<URIStatus> ls = mFileSystem.listStatus(turi);
        // standard . and .. entries
        filter.apply(buff, ".", null, 0);
        filter.apply(buff, "..", null, 0);
        for (final URIStatus file : ls) {
            filter.apply(buff, file.getName(), null, 0);
    } catch (FileDoesNotExistException | InvalidPathException e) {
        LOG.debug("Failed to read directory {}, path does not exist or is invalid", path);
        return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT();
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.error("Failed to read directory {}", path, t);
        return AlluxioFuseUtils.getErrorCode(t);
    return 0;
Also used : FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) URIStatus(alluxio.client.file.URIStatus) InvalidPathException(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 97 with InvalidPathException

use of java.nio.file.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class AlluxioFuseFileSystem method createInternal.

private int createInternal(String path, @mode_t long mode, FuseFileInfo fi) {
    final AlluxioURI uri = mPathResolverCache.getUnchecked(path);
    if (uri.getName().length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {
        LOG.error("Failed to create {}, file name is longer than {} characters", path, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
        return -ErrorCodes.ENAMETOOLONG();
    try {
        if (mOpenFiles.size() >= MAX_OPEN_FILES) {
            LOG.error("Cannot create {}: too many open files (MAX_OPEN_FILES: {})", path, MAX_OPEN_FILES);
            return -ErrorCodes.EMFILE();
        SetAttributePOptions.Builder attributeOptionsBuilder = SetAttributePOptions.newBuilder();
        FuseContext fc = getContext();
        long uid = fc.uid.get();
        long gid = fc.gid.get();
        if (gid != GID) {
            String groupName = AlluxioFuseUtils.getGroupName(gid);
            if (groupName.isEmpty()) {
                // This should never be reached since input gid is always valid
                LOG.error("Failed to get group name from gid {}.", gid);
                return -ErrorCodes.EFAULT();
        if (uid != UID) {
            String userName = AlluxioFuseUtils.getUserName(uid);
            if (userName.isEmpty()) {
                // This should never be reached since input uid is always valid
                LOG.error("Failed to get user name from uid {}", uid);
                return -ErrorCodes.EFAULT();
        SetAttributePOptions setAttributePOptions =;
        FileOutStream os = mFileSystem.createFile(uri, CreateFilePOptions.newBuilder().setMode(new mode).toProto()).build());
        long fid = mNextOpenFileId.getAndIncrement();
        mOpenFiles.add(new OpenFileEntry(fid, path, null, os));
        if (gid != GID || uid != UID) {
            LOG.debug("Set attributes of path {} to {}", path, setAttributePOptions);
            mFileSystem.setAttribute(uri, setAttributePOptions);
    } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
        LOG.debug("Failed to create {}, file already exists", path);
        return -ErrorCodes.EEXIST();
    } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
        LOG.debug("Failed to create {}, path is invalid", path);
        return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT();
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.error("Failed to create {}", path, t);
        return AlluxioFuseUtils.getErrorCode(t);
    return 0;
Also used : FileAlreadyExistsException(java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException) FileOutStream(alluxio.client.file.FileOutStream) InvalidPathException(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException) FuseContext(ru.serce.jnrfuse.struct.FuseContext) SetAttributePOptions(alluxio.grpc.SetAttributePOptions) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 98 with InvalidPathException

use of java.nio.file.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class AlluxioFuseFileSystem method openInternal.

private int openInternal(String path, FuseFileInfo fi) {
    final AlluxioURI uri = mPathResolverCache.getUnchecked(path);
    // (see {@code man 2 open} for the structure of the flags bitfield)
    // File creation flags are the last two bits of flags
    final int flags = fi.flags.get();
    if (mOpenFiles.size() >= MAX_OPEN_FILES) {
        LOG.error("Cannot open {}: too many open files (MAX_OPEN_FILES: {})", path, MAX_OPEN_FILES);
        return ErrorCodes.EMFILE();
    FileInStream is;
    try {
        try {
            is = mFileSystem.openFile(uri);
        } catch (FileIncompleteException e) {
            if (AlluxioFuseUtils.waitForFileCompleted(mFileSystem, uri)) {
                is = mFileSystem.openFile(uri);
            } else {
                throw e;
    } catch (OpenDirectoryException e) {
        LOG.error("Cannot open folder {}", path);
        return -ErrorCodes.EISDIR();
    } catch (FileIncompleteException e) {
        LOG.error("Cannot open incomplete file {}", path);
        return -ErrorCodes.EFAULT();
    } catch (FileDoesNotExistException | InvalidPathException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to open file {}, path does not exist or is invalid", path);
        return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT();
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.error("Failed to open file {}", path, t);
        return AlluxioFuseUtils.getErrorCode(t);
    long fid = mNextOpenFileId.getAndIncrement();
    mOpenFiles.add(new OpenFileEntry<>(fid, path, is, null));
    return 0;
Also used : OpenDirectoryException(alluxio.exception.OpenDirectoryException) FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) FileInStream(alluxio.client.file.FileInStream) FileIncompleteException(alluxio.exception.FileIncompleteException) InvalidPathException(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 99 with InvalidPathException

use of java.nio.file.InvalidPathException in project jboss-modules by jboss-modules.

the class PathResourceLoader method getResource.

public Resource getResource(final String name) {
    final String cleanName = PathUtils.canonicalize(PathUtils.relativize(name));
    final Path file;
    try {
        file = root.resolve(cleanName);
    } catch (InvalidPathException ignored) {
        return null;
    if (!doPrivilegedIfNeeded(context, () -> Files.exists(file))) {
        return null;
    return new PathResource(file, cleanName, context);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) InvalidPathException(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException)

Example 100 with InvalidPathException

use of java.nio.file.InvalidPathException in project jboss-modules by jboss-modules.

the class PathResourceLoader method getClassSpec.

public ClassSpec getClassSpec(final String fileName) throws IOException {
    final Path file;
    try {
        file = root.resolve(fileName);
    } catch (InvalidPathException ignored) {
        return null;
    return doPrivilegedIfNeeded(context, IOException.class, () -> {
        if (!Files.exists(file)) {
            return null;
        final ClassSpec spec = new ClassSpec();
        return spec;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) InvalidPathException(java.nio.file.InvalidPathException)


InvalidPathException (java.nio.file.InvalidPathException)111 Path (java.nio.file.Path)58 IOException ( File ( URL ( MalformedURLException ( Test (org.junit.Test)11 AlluxioURI (alluxio.AlluxioURI)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 Resource ( Nullable (org.springframework.lang.Nullable)7 URI ( URISyntaxException ( FileDoesNotExistException (alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException)5 BufferedReader ( URIStatus (alluxio.client.file.URIStatus)4 ViewResolve (com.nvlad.yii2support.views.entities.ViewResolve)4 RepositoryChanged ( InputStream ( InputStreamReader (