use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class FactoryURLClassLoader method getPermissions.
* Returns the permissions for the given codesource object.
* The implementation of this method first calls super.getPermissions
* and then adds permissions based on the URL of the codesource.
* <p>
* If the protocol of this URL is "jar", then the permission granted
* is based on the permission that is required by the URL of the Jar
* file.
* <p>
* If the protocol is "file" and there is an authority component, then
* permission to connect to and accept connections from that authority
* may be granted. If the protocol is "file"
* and the path specifies a file, then permission to read that
* file is granted. If protocol is "file" and the path is
* a directory, permission is granted to read all files
* and (recursively) all files and subdirectories contained in
* that directory.
* <p>
* If the protocol is not "file", then permission
* to connect to and accept connections from the URL's host is granted.
* @param codesource the codesource
* @exception NullPointerException if {@code codesource} is {@code null}.
* @return the permissions granted to the codesource
protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) {
PermissionCollection perms = super.getPermissions(codesource);
URL url = codesource.getLocation();
Permission p;
URLConnection urlConnection;
try {
urlConnection = url.openConnection();
p = urlConnection.getPermission();
} catch ( ioe) {
p = null;
urlConnection = null;
if (p instanceof FilePermission) {
// if the permission has a separator char on the end,
// it means the codebase is a directory, and we need
// to add an additional permission to read recursively
String path = p.getName();
if (path.endsWith(File.separator)) {
path += "-";
p = new FilePermission(path, SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION);
} else if ((p == null) && (url.getProtocol().equals("file"))) {
String path = url.getFile().replace('/', File.separatorChar);
path = ParseUtil.decode(path);
if (path.endsWith(File.separator))
path += "-";
p = new FilePermission(path, SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION);
} else {
* Not loading from a 'file:' URL so we want to give the class
* permission to connect to and accept from the remote host
* after we've made sure the host is the correct one and is valid.
URL locUrl = url;
if (urlConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) {
locUrl = ((JarURLConnection) urlConnection).getJarFileURL();
String host = locUrl.getHost();
if (host != null && (host.length() > 0))
p = new SocketPermission(host, SecurityConstants.SOCKET_CONNECT_ACCEPT_ACTION);
if (p != null) {
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
final Permission fp = p;
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<>() {
public Void run() throws SecurityException {
return null;
}, acc);
return perms;
use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class SubjectDomainCombiner method combineJavaxPolicy.
* Use the implementation
private ProtectionDomain[] combineJavaxPolicy(ProtectionDomain[] currentDomains, ProtectionDomain[] assignedDomains) {
if (!allowCaching) { PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
// Call refresh only caching is disallowed;
return null;
int cLen = (currentDomains == null ? 0 : currentDomains.length);
int aLen = (assignedDomains == null ? 0 : assignedDomains.length);
// the ProtectionDomains for the new AccessControlContext
// that we will return
ProtectionDomain[] newDomains = new ProtectionDomain[cLen + aLen];
synchronized (cachedPDs) {
if (!subject.isReadOnly() && !subject.getPrincipals().equals(principalSet)) {
// if the Subject was mutated, clear the PD cache
Set<Principal> newSet = subject.getPrincipals();
synchronized (newSet) {
principalSet = new java.util.HashSet<Principal>(newSet);
principals = principalSet.toArray(new Principal[principalSet.size()]);
if (debug != null) {
debug.println("Subject mutated - clearing cache");
for (int i = 0; i < cLen; i++) {
ProtectionDomain pd = currentDomains[i];
ProtectionDomain subjectPd = cachedPDs.getValue(pd);
if (subjectPd == null) {
if (pd.staticPermissionsOnly()) {
// keep static ProtectionDomain objects static
subjectPd = pd;
} else {
// XXX
// we must first add the original permissions.
// that way when we later add the new JAAS permissions,
// any unresolved JAAS-related permissions will
// automatically get resolved.
// get the original perms
Permissions perms = new Permissions();
PermissionCollection coll = pd.getPermissions();
java.util.Enumeration<Permission> e;
if (coll != null) {
synchronized (coll) {
e = coll.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Permission newPerm = e.nextElement();
// get perms from the policy
final finalCs = pd.getCodeSource();
final Subject finalS = subject;
PermissionCollection newPerms = PrivilegedAction<PermissionCollection>() {
public PermissionCollection run() {
return, finalCs);
// avoiding duplicates
synchronized (newPerms) {
e = newPerms.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Permission newPerm = e.nextElement();
if (!perms.implies(newPerm)) {
if (debug != null)
debug.println("Adding perm " + newPerm + "\n");
subjectPd = new ProtectionDomain(finalCs, perms, pd.getClassLoader(), principals);
if (allowCaching)
cachedPDs.putValue(pd, subjectPd);
newDomains[i] = subjectPd;
if (debug != null) {
debug.println("updated current: ");
for (int i = 0; i < cLen; i++) {
debug.println("\tupdated[" + i + "] = " + newDomains[i]);
// now add on the assigned domains
if (aLen > 0) {
System.arraycopy(assignedDomains, 0, newDomains, cLen, aLen);
if (debug != null) {
if (newDomains == null || newDomains.length == 0) {
debug.println("returning null");
} else {
debug.println("combinedDomains: ");
for (int i = 0; i < newDomains.length; i++) {
debug.println("newDomain " + i + ": " + newDomains[i].toString());
// return the new ProtectionDomains
if (newDomains == null || newDomains.length == 0) {
return null;
} else {
return newDomains;
use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class PolicyPermissions method getPermissions.
* Examines the global policy for the specified CodeSource, and
* creates a PermissionCollection object with
* the set of permissions for that principal's protection domain.
* @param permissions the permissions to populate
* @param codesource the codesource associated with the caller.
* This encapsulates the original location of the code (where the code
* came from) and the public key(s) of its signer.
* @return the set of permissions according to the policy.
Permissions getPermissions(final Permissions perms, final CodeSource cs) {
if (!initialized) {
final CodeSource[] codesource = { null };
codesource[0] = canonicalizeCodebase(cs, true);
if (debug != null) {
debug.println("evaluate(" + codesource[0] + ")\n");
for (int i = 0; i < policyEntries.size(); i++) {
PolicyEntry entry = policyEntries.elementAt(i);
if (debug != null) {
debug.println("PolicyFile CodeSource implies: " + entry.codesource.toString() + "\n\n" + "\t" + codesource[0].toString() + "\n\n");
if (entry.codesource.implies(codesource[0])) {
for (int j = 0; j < entry.permissions.size(); j++) {
Permission p = entry.permissions.elementAt(j);
if (debug != null) {
debug.println(" granting " + p);
if (!addSelfPermissions(p, entry.codesource, codesource[0], perms)) {
// we could check for duplicates
// before adding new permissions,
// but the SubjectDomainCombiner
// already checks for duplicates later
if (!ignoreIdentityScope) {
Certificate[] certs = codesource[0].getCertificates();
if (certs != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < certs.length; k++) {
if (aliasMapping.get(certs[k]) == null && checkForTrustedIdentity(certs[k])) {
// checkForTrustedIdentity added it
// to the policy for us. next time
// around we'll find it. This time
// around we need to add it.
return perms;
use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class PolicyPermissions method init.
private synchronized void init() {
if (notInit) {
if (perms == null) {
perms = new Permissions();
if (additionalPerms != null) {
Enumeration<Permission> e = additionalPerms.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
additionalPerms = null;
policy.getPermissions(perms, codesource);
notInit = false;
use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class URLClassPath method check.
* Check whether the resource URL should be returned.
* Throw exception on failure.
* Called internally within this file.
public static void check(URL url) throws IOException {
SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
if (security != null) {
URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();
Permission perm = urlConnection.getPermission();
if (perm != null) {
try {
} catch (SecurityException se) {
// security managers
if ((perm instanceof && perm.getActions().indexOf("read") != -1) {
} else if ((perm instanceof && perm.getActions().indexOf("connect") != -1) {
URL locUrl = url;
if (urlConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) {
locUrl = ((JarURLConnection) urlConnection).getJarFileURL();
security.checkConnect(locUrl.getHost(), locUrl.getPort());
} else {
throw se;