use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class CertPathValidatorUtilities method prepareNextCertB1.
protected static void prepareNextCertB1(int i, List[] policyNodes, String id_p, Map m_idp, X509Certificate cert) throws AnnotatedException, CertPathValidatorException {
boolean idp_found = false;
Iterator nodes_i = policyNodes[i].iterator();
while (nodes_i.hasNext()) {
PKIXPolicyNode node = (PKIXPolicyNode);
if (node.getValidPolicy().equals(id_p)) {
idp_found = true;
node.expectedPolicies = (Set) m_idp.get(id_p);
if (!idp_found) {
nodes_i = policyNodes[i].iterator();
while (nodes_i.hasNext()) {
PKIXPolicyNode node = (PKIXPolicyNode);
if (ANY_POLICY.equals(node.getValidPolicy())) {
Set pq = null;
ASN1Sequence policies = null;
try {
policies = DERSequence.getInstance(getExtensionValue(cert, CERTIFICATE_POLICIES));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AnnotatedException("Certificate policies cannot be decoded.", e);
Enumeration e = policies.getObjects();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
PolicyInformation pinfo = null;
try {
pinfo = PolicyInformation.getInstance(e.nextElement());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new AnnotatedException("Policy information cannot be decoded.", ex);
if (ANY_POLICY.equals(pinfo.getPolicyIdentifier().getId())) {
try {
pq = getQualifierSet(pinfo.getPolicyQualifiers());
} catch (CertPathValidatorException ex) {
throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Policy qualifier info set could not be built.", ex);
boolean ci = false;
if (cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs() != null) {
ci = cert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs().contains(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES);
PKIXPolicyNode p_node = (PKIXPolicyNode) node.getParent();
if (ANY_POLICY.equals(p_node.getValidPolicy())) {
PKIXPolicyNode c_node = new PKIXPolicyNode(new ArrayList(), i, (Set) m_idp.get(id_p), p_node, pq, id_p, ci);
use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class RFC3280CertPathUtilities method wrapupCertB.
protected static int wrapupCertB(CertPath certPath, int index, int explicitPolicy) throws CertPathValidatorException {
List certs = certPath.getCertificates();
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certs.get(index);
// (b)
int tmpInt;
ASN1Sequence pc = null;
try {
pc = DERSequence.getInstance(CertPathValidatorUtilities.getExtensionValue(cert, RFC3280CertPathUtilities.POLICY_CONSTRAINTS));
} catch (AnnotatedException e) {
throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Policy constraints could not be decoded.", e, certPath, index);
if (pc != null) {
Enumeration policyConstraints = pc.getObjects();
while (policyConstraints.hasMoreElements()) {
ASN1TaggedObject constraint = (ASN1TaggedObject) policyConstraints.nextElement();
switch(constraint.getTagNo()) {
case 0:
try {
tmpInt = DERInteger.getInstance(constraint, false).getValue().intValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Policy constraints requireExplicitPolicy field could not be decoded.", e, certPath, index);
if (tmpInt == 0) {
return 0;
return explicitPolicy;
use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class RFC3280CertPathUtilities method prepareNextCertA.
protected static void prepareNextCertA(CertPath certPath, int index) throws CertPathValidatorException {
List certs = certPath.getCertificates();
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certs.get(index);
// (a) check the policy mappings
ASN1Sequence pm = null;
try {
pm = DERSequence.getInstance(CertPathValidatorUtilities.getExtensionValue(cert, RFC3280CertPathUtilities.POLICY_MAPPINGS));
} catch (AnnotatedException ex) {
throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Policy mappings extension could not be decoded.", ex, certPath, index);
if (pm != null) {
ASN1Sequence mappings = pm;
for (int j = 0; j < mappings.size(); j++) {
DERObjectIdentifier issuerDomainPolicy = null;
DERObjectIdentifier subjectDomainPolicy = null;
try {
ASN1Sequence mapping = DERSequence.getInstance(mappings.getObjectAt(j));
issuerDomainPolicy = DERObjectIdentifier.getInstance(mapping.getObjectAt(0));
subjectDomainPolicy = DERObjectIdentifier.getInstance(mapping.getObjectAt(1));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Policy mappings extension contents could not be decoded.", e, certPath, index);
if (RFC3280CertPathUtilities.ANY_POLICY.equals(issuerDomainPolicy.getId())) {
throw new CertPathValidatorException("IssuerDomainPolicy is anyPolicy", null, certPath, index);
if (RFC3280CertPathUtilities.ANY_POLICY.equals(subjectDomainPolicy.getId())) {
throw new CertPathValidatorException("SubjectDomainPolicy is anyPolicy,", null, certPath, index);
use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class RFC3280CertPathUtilities method prepareNextCertI1.
protected static int prepareNextCertI1(CertPath certPath, int index, int explicitPolicy) throws CertPathValidatorException {
List certs = certPath.getCertificates();
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certs.get(index);
// (i)
ASN1Sequence pc = null;
try {
pc = DERSequence.getInstance(CertPathValidatorUtilities.getExtensionValue(cert, RFC3280CertPathUtilities.POLICY_CONSTRAINTS));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Policy constraints extension cannot be decoded.", e, certPath, index);
int tmpInt;
if (pc != null) {
Enumeration policyConstraints = pc.getObjects();
while (policyConstraints.hasMoreElements()) {
try {
ASN1TaggedObject constraint = ASN1TaggedObject.getInstance(policyConstraints.nextElement());
if (constraint.getTagNo() == 0) {
tmpInt = DERInteger.getInstance(constraint, false).getValue().intValue();
if (tmpInt < explicitPolicy) {
return tmpInt;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Policy constraints extension contents cannot be decoded.", e, certPath, index);
return explicitPolicy;
use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class RFC3280CertPathUtilities method prepareNextCertJ.
protected static int prepareNextCertJ(CertPath certPath, int index, int inhibitAnyPolicy) throws CertPathValidatorException {
List certs = certPath.getCertificates();
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certs.get(index);
// (j)
DERInteger iap = null;
try {
iap = DERInteger.getInstance(CertPathValidatorUtilities.getExtensionValue(cert, RFC3280CertPathUtilities.INHIBIT_ANY_POLICY));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException("Inhibit any-policy extension cannot be decoded.", e, certPath, index);
if (iap != null) {
int _inhibitAnyPolicy = iap.getValue().intValue();
if (_inhibitAnyPolicy < inhibitAnyPolicy) {
return _inhibitAnyPolicy;
return inhibitAnyPolicy;