use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class AMCRLStore method getCRL.
* It gets the new CRL from ldap server.
* If it is ldap URI, the URI has to be a dn that can be accessed
* with ldap anonymous bind.
* (example : ldap://server:port/uid=ca,
* This dn entry has to have CRL in attribute certificaterevocationlist
* or certificaterevocationlist;binary.
* <p/>
* if attrNames does only contain one value the ldap search filter will be
* (attrName=Value_of_the_corresponding_Attribute_from_SubjectDN)
* e.g. SubjectDN of issuer cert 'C=BE, CN=Citizen CA, serialNumber=201007'
* attrNames is 'CN', search filter used will be (CN=Citizen CA)
* <p/>
* if attrNames does contain serveral values the ldap search filter value will be
* a comma separated list of name attribute values, the search attribute will be 'cn'
* (cn="attrNames[0]=Value_of_the_corresponding_Attribute_from_SubjectDN,
* attrNames[1]=Value_of_the_corresponding_Attribute_from_SubjectDN")
* <p/>
* e.g. SubjectDN of issuer cert 'C=BE, CN=Citizen CA, serialNumber=201007'
* attrNames is {"CN","serialNumber"}, search filter used will be
* (cn=CN=Citizen CA,serialNumber=201007)
* <p/>
* The order of the values of attrNames matter as they must match the value of the
* 'cn' attribute of a crlDistributionPoint entry in the directory server
* @param ldapParam
* @param cert
* @param attrNames, attributes names from the subjectDN of the issuer cert
public static X509CRL getCRL(AMLDAPCertStoreParameters ldapParam, X509Certificate cert, String... attrNames) {
X509CRL crl = null;
try {
if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(attrNames)) {
X500Principal issuerPrincipal = cert.getIssuerX500Principal();
String searchFilter;
if (attrNames.length < 2) {
* Get the CN of the input certificate
String attrValue = null;
// Retrieve attribute value of the attribute name
attrValue = CertUtils.getAttributeValue(issuerPrincipal, attrNames[0]);
if (null == attrValue) {
return crl;
searchFilter = setSearchFilter(attrNames[0], attrValue);
} else {
String searchFilterValue = buildSearchFilterValue(attrNames, issuerPrincipal);
if (searchFilterValue.isEmpty()) {
return crl;
searchFilter = setSearchFilter("cn", searchFilterValue);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("AMCRLStore:getCRL using searchFilter " + searchFilter);
* Lookup the certificate in the LDAP certificate directory
AMCRLStore store = new AMCRLStore(ldapParam);
crl = store.getCRL(cert);
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("AMCRLStore:getCRL ", e);
return crl;
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class CRLValidator method validateCertificate.
* Validate certificate against configured crl
* @param cert cert to be validated
* @return true if certificate is not in crl
public static boolean validateCertificate(X509Certificate cert, boolean checkCAStatus) {
String method = "validateCertificate : ";
boolean certgood = true;
try {
Vector crls = new Vector();
X509CRL crl = AMCRLStore.getCRL(ldapParams, cert, crlSearchAttr);
if (crl != null) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message(method + " crls size = " + crls.size());
if (crls.size() > 0) {
debug.message(method + "CRL = " + crls.toString());
} else {
debug.message(method + "NO CRL found.");
AMCertPath certpath = new AMCertPath(crls);
X509Certificate[] certs = { cert };
if (!certpath.verify(certs, true, false)) {
debug.error(method + "CertPath:verify failed.");
return certgood = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error(method + "verify failed.", e);
return certgood = false;
if ((checkCAStatus == true) && (AMCertStore.isRootCA(cert) == false)) {
X509Certificate caCert = AMCertStore.getIssuerCertificate(ldapParams, cert, crlSearchAttr);
certgood = validateCertificate(caCert, checkCAStatus);
return certgood;
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class Cert method doJSSRevocationValidation.
private int doJSSRevocationValidation(X509Certificate cert) {
int ret = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_IGNORE;
boolean validateCA = amAuthCert_validateCA.equalsIgnoreCase("true");
X509CRL crl = null;
if (crlEnabled) {
crl = AMCRLStore.getCRL(ldapParam, cert, amAuthCert_chkAttributesCRL);
if ((crl != null) && (!crl.isRevoked(cert))) {
ret = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
* OCSP validation, this will use the CryptoManager.isCertvalid()
* method to validate certificate, OCSP is one of the steps in
* this process. Here is the algorith to find OCSP responder:
* 1. use global OCSP responder if set
* 2. use the OCSP responder in user's certificate if presents
* 3. no OCSP responder
* The isCertValid() WON'T perform OCSP validation if no OCSP responder
* found in above process.
if (ocspEnabled) {
try {
CryptoManager cm = CryptoManager.getInstance();
if (cm.isCertValid(cert.getEncoded(), true, CryptoManager.CertUsage.SSLClient) == true) {
debug.message("cert is valid");
ret = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
} else {
ret = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_IGNORE;
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.message("certValidation failed with exception", e);
if ((ret == ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED) && (crlEnabled || ocspEnabled) && validateCA && !AMCertStore.isRootCA(cert)) {
The trust anchor is not necessarily a certificate, but a public key (trusted) entry in the trust-store. Don't
march up the chain unless the AMCertStore can actually return a non-null issuer certificate. If the issuer
certificate is null, then the result of the previous doRevocationValidation invocation is the final answer.
X509Certificate issuerCertificate = AMCertStore.getIssuerCertificate(ldapParam, cert, amAuthCert_chkAttrCertInLDAP);
if (issuerCertificate != null) {
ret = doJSSRevocationValidation(issuerCertificate);
return ret;
use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class X509CRLSelector2Test method testMatchLjava_security_cert_X509CRL.
* match(CRL crl) method testing. Tests if the null object matches to the
* selector or not.
public void testMatchLjava_security_cert_X509CRL() {
X509CRLSelector selector = new X509CRLSelector();
assertFalse("The null object should not match", selector.match((X509CRL) null));
use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class CMSUtils method getCRLsFromStore.
static List getCRLsFromStore(CertStore certStore) throws CertStoreException, CMSException {
List crls = new ArrayList();
try {
for (Iterator it = certStore.getCRLs(null).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
X509CRL c = (X509CRL);
return crls;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new CMSException("error processing crls", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CMSException("error processing crls", e);
} catch (CRLException e) {
throw new CMSException("error encoding crls", e);