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Example 11 with DSAPrivateKeySpec

use of in project wycheproof by google.

the class DsaTest method testDsaBias.

   * Checks whether the one time key k in DSA is biased. For example the SUN provider fell for this
   * test until April 2016.
public void testDsaBias() throws Exception {
    // q is close to 2/3 * 2^160.
    BigInteger q = new BigInteger("974317976835659416858874959372334979171063697271");
    BigInteger p = new BigInteger("1106803511314772711673172950296693567629309594518393175860816428" + "6658764043763662129010863568011543182924292444458455864283745070" + "9908516713302345161980412667892373845670780253725557376379049862" + "4062950082444499320797079243439689601679418602390654466821968220" + "32212146727497041502702331623782703855119908989712161");
    BigInteger g = new BigInteger("1057342118316953575810387190942009018497979302261477972033090351" + "7561815639397594841480480197745063606756857212792356354588585967" + "3837265237205154744016475608524531648654928648461175919672511710" + "4878976887505840764543501512668232945506391524642105449699321960" + "32410302985148400531470153936516167243072120845392903");
    BigInteger x = new BigInteger("13706102843888006547723575730792302382646994436");
    KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
    DSAPrivateKey priv = (DSAPrivateKey) kf.generatePrivate(new DSAPrivateKeySpec(x, p, q, g));
    // If we make TESTS tests with a fair coin then the probability that
    // either heads or tails appears less than MINCOUNT times is less than
    // 2^{-32}.
    // I.e. 2*sum(binomial(tests,i) for i in range(mincount))*2**32 < 2**tests
    // Therefore the test below is not expected to fail unless the generation
    // of the one time keys is indeed biased.
    final int tests = 1024;
    final int mincount = 410;
    String hashAlgorithm = "SHA";
    String message = "Hello";
    byte[] messageBytes = message.getBytes("UTF-8");
    byte[] digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(hashAlgorithm).digest(messageBytes);
    BigInteger h = new BigInteger(1, digest);
    final BigInteger qHalf = q.shiftRight(1);
    Signature signer = Signature.getInstance("SHA1WithDSA");
    // count the number of k's with msb set
    int countLsb = 0;
    // count the number of k's with lsb set
    int countMsb = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < tests; i++) {
        byte[] signature = signer.sign();
        BigInteger k = extractK(signature, h, priv, i < 10);
        if (k.testBit(0)) {
        if (k.compareTo(qHalf) == 1) {
    if (countLsb < mincount || countLsb > tests - mincount) {
        fail("Bias detected in the least significant bit of k:" + countLsb);
    if (countMsb < mincount || countMsb > tests - mincount) {
        fail("Bias detected in the most significant bit of k:" + countMsb);
Also used : DSAPrivateKeySpec( Signature( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) DSAPrivateKey( KeyFactory(

Example 12 with DSAPrivateKeySpec

use of in project robovm by robovm.

the class OpenSSLDSAKeyFactory method engineGetKeySpec.

protected <T extends KeySpec> T engineGetKeySpec(Key key, Class<T> keySpec) throws InvalidKeySpecException {
    if (key == null) {
        throw new InvalidKeySpecException("key == null");
    if (keySpec == null) {
        throw new InvalidKeySpecException("keySpec == null");
    if (!"DSA".equals(key.getAlgorithm())) {
        throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Key must be a DSA key");
    if (key instanceof DSAPublicKey && DSAPublicKeySpec.class.isAssignableFrom(keySpec)) {
        DSAPublicKey dsaKey = (DSAPublicKey) key;
        DSAParams params = dsaKey.getParams();
        return (T) new DSAPublicKeySpec(dsaKey.getY(), params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG());
    } else if (key instanceof PublicKey && DSAPublicKeySpec.class.isAssignableFrom(keySpec)) {
        final byte[] encoded = key.getEncoded();
        if (!"X.509".equals(key.getFormat()) || encoded == null) {
            throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Not a valid X.509 encoding");
        DSAPublicKey dsaKey = (DSAPublicKey) engineGeneratePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(encoded));
        DSAParams params = dsaKey.getParams();
        return (T) new DSAPublicKeySpec(dsaKey.getY(), params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG());
    } else if (key instanceof DSAPrivateKey && DSAPrivateKeySpec.class.isAssignableFrom(keySpec)) {
        DSAPrivateKey dsaKey = (DSAPrivateKey) key;
        DSAParams params = dsaKey.getParams();
        return (T) new DSAPrivateKeySpec(dsaKey.getX(), params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG());
    } else if (key instanceof PrivateKey && DSAPrivateKeySpec.class.isAssignableFrom(keySpec)) {
        final byte[] encoded = key.getEncoded();
        if (!"PKCS#8".equals(key.getFormat()) || encoded == null) {
            throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Not a valid PKCS#8 encoding");
        DSAPrivateKey dsaKey = (DSAPrivateKey) engineGeneratePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encoded));
        DSAParams params = dsaKey.getParams();
        return (T) new DSAPrivateKeySpec(dsaKey.getX(), params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG());
    } else if (key instanceof PrivateKey && PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.class.isAssignableFrom(keySpec)) {
        final byte[] encoded = key.getEncoded();
        if (!"PKCS#8".equals(key.getFormat())) {
            throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Encoding type must be PKCS#8; was " + key.getFormat());
        } else if (encoded == null) {
            throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Key is not encodable");
        return (T) new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encoded);
    } else if (key instanceof PublicKey && X509EncodedKeySpec.class.isAssignableFrom(keySpec)) {
        final byte[] encoded = key.getEncoded();
        if (!"X.509".equals(key.getFormat())) {
            throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Encoding type must be X.509; was " + key.getFormat());
        } else if (encoded == null) {
            throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Key is not encodable");
        return (T) new X509EncodedKeySpec(encoded);
    } else {
        throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Unsupported key type and key spec combination; key=" + key.getClass().getName() + ", keySpec=" + keySpec.getName());
Also used : DSAPrivateKeySpec( DSAPrivateKey( PrivateKey( PublicKey( DSAPublicKey( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( DSAPrivateKey( X509EncodedKeySpec( InvalidKeySpecException( DSAParams( DSAPublicKey( DSAPublicKeySpec(

Example 13 with DSAPrivateKeySpec

use of in project robovm by robovm.

the class OpenSSLDSAKeyFactory method engineTranslateKey.

protected Key engineTranslateKey(Key key) throws InvalidKeyException {
    if (key == null) {
        throw new InvalidKeyException("key == null");
    if ((key instanceof OpenSSLDSAPublicKey) || (key instanceof OpenSSLDSAPrivateKey)) {
        return key;
    } else if (key instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        DSAPublicKey dsaKey = (DSAPublicKey) key;
        BigInteger y = dsaKey.getY();
        DSAParams params = dsaKey.getParams();
        BigInteger p = params.getP();
        BigInteger q = params.getQ();
        BigInteger g = params.getG();
        try {
            return engineGeneratePublic(new DSAPublicKeySpec(y, p, q, g));
        } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException(e);
    } else if (key instanceof DSAPrivateKey) {
        DSAPrivateKey dsaKey = (DSAPrivateKey) key;
        BigInteger x = dsaKey.getX();
        DSAParams params = dsaKey.getParams();
        BigInteger p = params.getP();
        BigInteger q = params.getQ();
        BigInteger g = params.getG();
        try {
            return engineGeneratePrivate(new DSAPrivateKeySpec(x, p, q, g));
        } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException(e);
    } else if ((key instanceof PrivateKey) && ("PKCS#8".equals(key.getFormat()))) {
        byte[] encoded = key.getEncoded();
        if (encoded == null) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException("Key does not support encoding");
        try {
            return engineGeneratePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encoded));
        } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException(e);
    } else if ((key instanceof PublicKey) && ("X.509".equals(key.getFormat()))) {
        byte[] encoded = key.getEncoded();
        if (encoded == null) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException("Key does not support encoding");
        try {
            return engineGeneratePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(encoded));
        } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException(e);
    } else {
        throw new InvalidKeyException("Key must be DSA public or private key; was " + key.getClass().getName());
Also used : DSAPrivateKey( PrivateKey( PublicKey( DSAPublicKey( X509EncodedKeySpec( DSAParams( InvalidKeyException( DSAPublicKey( DSAPrivateKeySpec( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) DSAPrivateKey( InvalidKeySpecException( DSAPublicKeySpec(

Example 14 with DSAPrivateKeySpec

use of in project robovm by robovm.

the class DSAKeyFactoryImpl method engineGetKeySpec.

     * This method returns a specification for the supplied key.
     * The specification will be returned in the form of an object of the type
     * specified by keySpec.
     * @param key -
     *            either DSAPrivateKey or DSAPublicKey
     * @param keySpec -
     *            either DSAPrivateKeySpec.class or DSAPublicKeySpec.class
     * @return either a DSAPrivateKeySpec or a DSAPublicKeySpec
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
     *             if "keySpec" is not a specification for DSAPublicKey or
     *             DSAPrivateKey
protected <T extends KeySpec> T engineGetKeySpec(Key key, Class<T> keySpec) throws InvalidKeySpecException {
    BigInteger p, q, g, x, y;
    if (key != null) {
        if (keySpec == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("keySpec == null");
        if (key instanceof DSAPrivateKey) {
            DSAPrivateKey privateKey = (DSAPrivateKey) key;
            if (keySpec.equals(DSAPrivateKeySpec.class)) {
                x = privateKey.getX();
                DSAParams params = privateKey.getParams();
                p = params.getP();
                q = params.getQ();
                g = params.getG();
                return (T) (new DSAPrivateKeySpec(x, p, q, g));
            if (keySpec.equals(PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.class)) {
                return (T) (new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(key.getEncoded()));
            throw new InvalidKeySpecException("'keySpec' is neither DSAPrivateKeySpec nor PKCS8EncodedKeySpec");
        if (key instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
            DSAPublicKey publicKey = (DSAPublicKey) key;
            if (keySpec.equals(DSAPublicKeySpec.class)) {
                y = publicKey.getY();
                DSAParams params = publicKey.getParams();
                p = params.getP();
                q = params.getQ();
                g = params.getG();
                return (T) (new DSAPublicKeySpec(y, p, q, g));
            if (keySpec.equals(X509EncodedKeySpec.class)) {
                return (T) (new X509EncodedKeySpec(key.getEncoded()));
            throw new InvalidKeySpecException("'keySpec' is neither DSAPublicKeySpec nor X509EncodedKeySpec");
    throw new InvalidKeySpecException("'key' is neither DSAPublicKey nor DSAPrivateKey");
Also used : DSAPrivateKeySpec( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) DSAPrivateKey( X509EncodedKeySpec( DSAParams( InvalidKeySpecException( DSAPublicKey( DSAPublicKeySpec(

Example 15 with DSAPrivateKeySpec

use of in project robovm by robovm.

the class DSAKeyFactoryImpl method engineTranslateKey.

     * The method generates a DSAPublicKey object from the provided key.
     * @param
     *    key - a DSAPublicKey object or DSAPrivateKey object.
     * @return
     *    object of the same type as the "key" argument
     * @throws InvalidKeyException
     *     if "key" is neither DSAPublicKey nor DSAPrivateKey
protected Key engineTranslateKey(Key key) throws InvalidKeyException {
    if (key != null) {
        if (key instanceof DSAPrivateKey) {
            DSAPrivateKey privateKey = (DSAPrivateKey) key;
            DSAParams params = privateKey.getParams();
            try {
                return engineGeneratePrivate(new DSAPrivateKeySpec(privateKey.getX(), params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG()));
            } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
                // Actually this exception shouldn't be thrown
                throw new InvalidKeyException("ATTENTION: InvalidKeySpecException: " + e);
        if (key instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
            DSAPublicKey publicKey = (DSAPublicKey) key;
            DSAParams params = publicKey.getParams();
            try {
                return engineGeneratePublic(new DSAPublicKeySpec(publicKey.getY(), params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG()));
            } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
                // Actually this exception shouldn't be thrown
                throw new InvalidKeyException("ATTENTION: InvalidKeySpecException: " + e);
    throw new InvalidKeyException("'key' is neither DSAPublicKey nor DSAPrivateKey");
Also used : DSAPrivateKeySpec( DSAPrivateKey( DSAParams( InvalidKeySpecException( InvalidKeyException( DSAPublicKey( DSAPublicKeySpec(


DSAPrivateKeySpec ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)14 DSAPublicKeySpec ( DSAPrivateKey ( InvalidKeySpecException ( PrivateKey ( DSAParams ( KeyFactory ( DSAPublicKey ( PublicKey ( PKCS8EncodedKeySpec ( X509EncodedKeySpec ( InvalidKeyException ( KeyStore ( KeyStoreException ( Certificate ( X509Certificate ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( Signature ( KeySpec (