use of java.sql.CallableStatement in project ats-framework by Axway.
the class DbReadAccess method getCheckpointStatisticDescriptions.
public List<StatisticDescription> getCheckpointStatisticDescriptions(float timeOffset, String testcaseIds, Map<String, String> testcaseAliases) throws DatabaseAccessException {
List<StatisticDescription> statisticDescriptions = new ArrayList<StatisticDescription>();
String sqlLog = new SqlRequestFormatter().add("fdate", formatDateFromEpoch(timeOffset)).add("testcase ids", testcaseIds).format();
Connection connection = getConnection();
CallableStatement callableStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ call sp_get_checkpoint_statistic_descriptions(?, ?) }");
callableStatement.setString(1, formatDateFromEpoch(timeOffset));
callableStatement.setString(2, testcaseIds);
rs = callableStatement.executeQuery();
int numberRecords = 0;
while ( {
StatisticDescription statisticDescription = new StatisticDescription();
statisticDescription.testcaseId = rs.getInt("testcaseId");
// if user has provided testcase alias - use it instead the original testcase name
if (testcaseAliases != null) {
statisticDescription.testcaseName = testcaseAliases.get(String.valueOf(statisticDescription.testcaseId));
if (statisticDescription.testcaseName == null) {
statisticDescription.testcaseName = rs.getString("testcaseName");
statisticDescription.testcaseStarttime = rs.getInt("testcaseStarttime");
// Checkpoints will be collected and displayed for testcase
statisticDescription.machineId = 0;
statisticDescription.machineName = MACHINE_NAME_FOR_ATS_AGENTS;
statisticDescription.queueName = rs.getString("queueName");
statisticDescription.numberMeasurements = rs.getInt("statsNumberMeasurements");
statisticDescription.statisticName = rs.getString("name");
// "statsUnit" field is null for checkpoint statistics, because the action response times are always measured in "ms"
statisticDescription.unit = "ms";
logQuerySuccess(sqlLog, "system statistic descriptions", numberRecords);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseAccessException("Error when " + sqlLog, e);
} finally {
DbUtils.close(connection, callableStatement);
return statisticDescriptions;
use of java.sql.CallableStatement in project ats-framework by Axway.
the class DbReadAccess method getScenariosCount.
public int getScenariosCount(String whereClause) throws DatabaseAccessException {
String sqlLog = new SqlRequestFormatter().add("where", whereClause).format();
Connection connection = getConnection();
CallableStatement callableStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ call sp_get_scenarios_count(?) }");
callableStatement.setString(1, whereClause);
rs = callableStatement.executeQuery();
int scenariosCount = 0;
while ( {
scenariosCount = rs.getInt("scenariosCount");
logQuerySuccess(sqlLog, "scenarios", scenariosCount);
return scenariosCount;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseAccessException("Error when " + sqlLog, e);
} finally {
DbUtils.close(connection, callableStatement);
use of java.sql.CallableStatement in project ats-framework by Axway.
the class DbReadAccess method getTestcases.
public List<Testcase> getTestcases(int startRecord, int recordsCount, String whereClause, String sortColumn, boolean ascending, boolean dateFormatNoYear) throws DatabaseAccessException {
List<Testcase> testcases = new ArrayList<Testcase>();
String sqlLog = new SqlRequestFormatter().add("start record", startRecord).add("records", recordsCount).add("where", whereClause).add("sort by", sortColumn).add("asc", ascending).format();
Connection connection = getConnection();
CallableStatement callableStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ call sp_get_testcases(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) }");
callableStatement.setString(1, String.valueOf(startRecord));
callableStatement.setString(2, String.valueOf(recordsCount));
callableStatement.setString(3, whereClause);
callableStatement.setString(4, sortColumn);
callableStatement.setString(5, (ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC"));
int numberRecords = 0;
rs = callableStatement.executeQuery();
while ( {
Testcase testcase = new Testcase();
testcase.testcaseId = rs.getString("testcaseId");
testcase.scenarioId = rs.getString("scenarioId");
testcase.suiteId = rs.getString("suiteId"); = rs.getString("name");
if (dateFormatNoYear) {
testcase.dateStart = formatDateNoYear(rs.getTimestamp("dateStart"));
testcase.dateEnd = formatDateNoYear(rs.getTimestamp("dateEnd"));
} else {
testcase.dateStart = formatDate(rs.getTimestamp("dateStart"));
testcase.dateEnd = formatDate(rs.getTimestamp("dateEnd"));
int duration = rs.getInt("duration");
if (duration < 0) {
// this may happen when the test case is not ended and the time of the log server
// is behind with the time of the test executor host
duration = 0;
testcase.duration = formatTimeDiffereceFromSecondsToString(duration);
testcase.result = rs.getInt("result");
* -- 0 FAILED
* -- 1 PASSED
* -- 2 SKIPPED
* -- 4 RUNNING
switch(testcase.result) {
case 0:
testcase.state = "FAILED";
case 1:
testcase.state = "PASSED";
case 2:
testcase.state = "SKIPPED";
case 4:
testcase.state = "RUNNING";
//TODO: add warning
testcase.state = "unknown";
testcase.userNote = rs.getString("userNote");
logQuerySuccess(sqlLog, "test cases", numberRecords);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseAccessException("Error when " + sqlLog, e);
} finally {
DbUtils.close(connection, callableStatement);
return testcases;
use of java.sql.CallableStatement in project ats-framework by Axway.
the class DbReadAccess method getCheckpointAggregatedStatistics.
public List<Statistic> getCheckpointAggregatedStatistics(float timeOffset, String testcaseIds, String actionNames, Set<String> expectedSingleActionUIDs, Set<String> expectedCombinedActionUIDs, int interval, int mode) throws DatabaseAccessException {
List<Statistic> allStatistics = new ArrayList<Statistic>();
String sqlLog = new SqlRequestFormatter().add("testcase ids", testcaseIds).add("fdate", formatDateFromEpoch(timeOffset)).add("checkpoint names", actionNames).add("inverval (seconds)", interval).add("mode (AVG-0001,SUM-0010,TOTALS-0100,COUNT-1000)", mode).format();
Map<String, Integer> fakeStatisticIds = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
* The DB does not contain combined statistics, so we must create them.
* All values of statistic with same name and timestamp are summed into 1 statistic
Map<String, Statistic> combinedStatistics = new HashMap<String, Statistic>();
Connection connection = getConnection();
CallableStatement callableStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ call sp_get_checkpoint_aggregated_statistics(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) }");
callableStatement.setString(1, formatDateFromEpoch(timeOffset));
callableStatement.setString(2, testcaseIds);
callableStatement.setString(3, actionNames);
callableStatement.setInt(4, interval);
callableStatement.setInt(5, mode);
int numberRecords = 0;
Map<String, Float> totalSumValues = new HashMap<String, Float>();
rs = callableStatement.executeQuery();
while ( {
Statistic statistic = new Statistic(); = rs.getString("statsName");
statistic.parentName = rs.getString("queueName");
// "statsUnit" field is null for checkpoint statistics, because the action response times are always measured in "ms"
statistic.unit = "ms";
statistic.avgValue = rs.getFloat("avgValue");
statistic.sumValue = rs.getFloat("sumValue");
statistic.countValue = rs.getFloat("countValue");
if (StatisticAggregatedType.isTotals(mode)) {
// total sum value
float totalSumValue = statistic.sumValue;
if (totalSumValues.containsKey( {
totalSumValue += totalSumValues.get(;
totalSumValues.put(, totalSumValue);
statistic.totalValue = totalSumValue;
statistic.timestamp = rs.getLong("timestamp");
// Checkpoints will be collected and displayed for testcase
statistic.machineId = 0;
statistic.testcaseId = rs.getInt("testcaseId");
statistic.statisticTypeId = getStatisticFakeId(START_FAKE_ID_VALUE_FOR_AGGREGATED_CHECKPOINTS, fakeStatisticIds, statistic);
// add to single statistics
if (expectedSingleActionUIDs.contains(statistic.getUid())) {
// add to combined statistics
if (expectedCombinedActionUIDs.contains(statistic.getCombinedStatisticUid())) {
String statisticTempKey = statistic.timestamp + "->" +;
Statistic combinedStatistic = combinedStatistics.get(statisticTempKey);
if (combinedStatistic == null) {
// create a new combined statistic
combinedStatistic = new Statistic(); =;
combinedStatistic.parentName = Statistic.COMBINED_STATISTICS_CONTAINER;
combinedStatistic.unit = statistic.unit;
combinedStatistic.timestamp = statistic.timestamp;
combinedStatistic.machineId = statistic.machineId;
combinedStatistic.testcaseId = statistic.testcaseId;
combinedStatistic.statisticTypeId = getStatisticFakeId(START_FAKE_ID_VALUE_FOR_AGGREGATED_CHECKPOINTS, fakeStatisticIds, combinedStatistic);
combinedStatistics.put(statisticTempKey, combinedStatistic);
// calculate the combined value
combinedStatistic.avgValue = combinedStatistic.avgValue + statistic.avgValue;
combinedStatistic.sumValue = combinedStatistic.sumValue + statistic.sumValue;
combinedStatistic.countValue = combinedStatistic.countValue + statistic.countValue;
combinedStatistic.totalValue = combinedStatistic.totalValue + statistic.totalValue;
if (combinedStatistics.size() > 0) {
// sort the combined statistics by their timestamps
List<Statistic> sortedStatistics = new ArrayList<Statistic>(combinedStatistics.values());
Collections.sort(sortedStatistics, new Comparator<Statistic>() {
public int compare(Statistic stat1, Statistic stat2) {
return (int) (stat1.timestamp - stat2.timestamp);
// add the combined statistics to the others
logQuerySuccess(sqlLog, "checkpoint aggregated statistics", numberRecords);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseAccessException("Error when " + sqlLog, e);
} finally {
DbUtils.close(connection, callableStatement);
return allStatistics;
use of java.sql.CallableStatement in project ats-framework by Axway.
the class DbReadAccess method getSuiteMessagesCount.
public int getSuiteMessagesCount(String whereClause) throws DatabaseAccessException {
String sqlLog = new SqlRequestFormatter().add("where", whereClause).format();
Connection connection = getConnection();
CallableStatement callableStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ call sp_get_suite_messages_count(?) }");
callableStatement.setString(1, whereClause);
rs = callableStatement.executeQuery();
int messagesCount = 0;
if ( {
messagesCount = rs.getInt("messagesCount");
logQuerySuccess(sqlLog, "suite messages count", messagesCount);
return messagesCount;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseAccessException("Error when " + sqlLog, e);
} finally {
DbUtils.close(connection, callableStatement);