use of java.sql.ResultSetMetaData in project hive by apache.
the class TestJdbcDriver2 method testMetaDataGetColumns.
public void testMetaDataGetColumns() throws SQLException {
Map<String[], Integer> tests = new HashMap<String[], Integer>();
tests.put(new String[] { "testjdbcdrivertbl", null }, 2);
tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdrivertbl", null }, 2);
tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdrivertbl%", "under\\_col" }, 1);
tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdrivertbl%", "under\\_co_" }, 1);
tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdrivertbl%", "under_col" }, 1);
tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdrivertbl%", "und%" }, 1);
tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdrivertbl%", "%" }, 2);
tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdrivertbl%", "_%" }, 2);
for (String[] checkPattern : tests.keySet()) {
ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, testDbName, checkPattern[0], checkPattern[1]);
// validate the metadata for the getColumns result set
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
assertEquals("TABLE_CAT", rsmd.getColumnName(1));
int cnt = 0;
while ( {
String columnname = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
int ordinalPos = rs.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION");
switch(cnt) {
case 0:
assertEquals("Wrong column name found", "under_col", columnname);
assertEquals("Wrong ordinal position found", ordinalPos, 1);
case 1:
assertEquals("Wrong column name found", "value", columnname);
assertEquals("Wrong ordinal position found", ordinalPos, 2);
assertEquals("Found less columns then we test for.", tests.get(checkPattern).intValue(), cnt);
use of java.sql.ResultSetMetaData in project hive by apache.
the class TestJdbcDriver2 method doTestSelectAll.
private void doTestSelectAll(String tableName, int maxRows, int fetchSize) throws Exception {
boolean isPartitionTable = tableName.equals(partitionedTableName);
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
if (maxRows >= 0) {
if (fetchSize > 0) {
assertEquals(fetchSize, stmt.getFetchSize());
// JDBC says that 0 means return all, which is the default
int expectedMaxRows = maxRows < 1 ? 0 : maxRows;
assertNotNull("Statement is null", stmt);
assertEquals("Statement max rows not as expected", expectedMaxRows, stmt.getMaxRows());
assertFalse("Statement should not be closed", stmt.isClosed());
ResultSet res;
// run some queries
res = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + tableName);
assertNotNull("ResultSet is null", res);
assertTrue("getResultSet() not returning expected ResultSet", res == stmt.getResultSet());
assertEquals("get update count not as expected", -1, stmt.getUpdateCount());
int i = 0;
ResultSetMetaData meta = res.getMetaData();
int expectedColCount = isPartitionTable ? 3 : 2;
assertEquals("Unexpected column count", expectedColCount, meta.getColumnCount());
boolean moreRow =;
while (moreRow) {
try {
assertEquals(res.getInt(1), res.getInt(tableName + ".under_col"));
assertEquals(res.getInt(1), res.getInt("under_col"));
assertEquals(res.getString(1), res.getString(tableName + ".under_col"));
assertEquals(res.getString(1), res.getString("under_col"));
assertEquals(res.getString(2), res.getString(tableName + ".value"));
assertEquals(res.getString(2), res.getString("value"));
if (isPartitionTable) {
assertEquals(res.getString(3), partitionedColumnValue);
assertEquals(res.getString(3), res.getString(partitionedColumnName));
assertEquals(res.getString(3), res.getString(tableName + "." + partitionedColumnName));
assertFalse("Last result value was not null", res.wasNull());
assertNull("No warnings should be found on ResultSet", res.getWarnings());
// verifying that method is supported
// System.out.println(res.getString(1) + " " + res.getString(2));
assertEquals("getInt and getString don't align for the same result value", String.valueOf(res.getInt(1)), res.getString(1));
assertEquals("Unexpected result found", "val_" + res.getString(1), res.getString(2));
moreRow =;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new Exception(e.toString());
// supposed to get 500 rows if maxRows isn't set
int expectedRowCount = maxRows > 0 ? maxRows : 500;
assertEquals("Incorrect number of rows returned", expectedRowCount, i);
// should have no more rows
assertEquals(false, moreRow);
assertNull("No warnings should be found on statement", stmt.getWarnings());
// verifying that method is supported
assertNull("No warnings should be found on connection", con.getWarnings());
// verifying that method is supported
assertTrue("Statement should be closed", stmt.isClosed());
use of java.sql.ResultSetMetaData in project hive by apache.
the class TestJdbcDriver2 method testImportedKeys.
* test getImportedKeys()
* @throws SQLException
public void testImportedKeys() throws SQLException {
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
// currently getImportedKeys always returns an empty resultset for Hive
ResultSet res = dbmd.getImportedKeys(null, null, null);
ResultSetMetaData md = res.getMetaData();
assertEquals(md.getColumnCount(), 14);
use of java.sql.ResultSetMetaData in project hive by apache.
the class TestJdbcDriver2 method testProcCols.
* test getProcedureColumns()
* @throws SQLException
public void testProcCols() throws SQLException {
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
// currently getProcedureColumns always returns an empty resultset for Hive
ResultSet res = dbmd.getProcedureColumns(null, null, null, null);
ResultSetMetaData md = res.getMetaData();
assertEquals(md.getColumnCount(), 20);
use of java.sql.ResultSetMetaData in project hive by apache.
the class TestJdbcDriver2 method testResultSetMetaDataDuplicateColumnNames.
public void testResultSetMetaDataDuplicateColumnNames() throws SQLException {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select c1 as c2_1, c2, c1*2 from " + dataTypeTableName + " limit 1");
ResultSetMetaData meta = res.getMetaData();
ResultSet colRS = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, dataTypeTableName.toLowerCase(), null);
assertEquals(3, meta.getColumnCount());
assertEquals("c2_1", meta.getColumnName(1));
assertEquals("c2", meta.getColumnName(2));
assertEquals("_c2", meta.getColumnName(3));