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Example 6 with SQLTransactionRollbackException

use of java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class SQLTransactionRollbackExceptionTests method test7.

     * Create SQLTransactionRollbackException with message, and Throwable
public void test7() {
    SQLTransactionRollbackException ex = new SQLTransactionRollbackException(reason, t);
    assertTrue(ex.getMessage().equals(reason) && ex.getSQLState() == null && cause.equals(ex.getCause().toString()) && ex.getErrorCode() == 0);
Also used : SQLTransactionRollbackException(java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) BaseTest(util.BaseTest)

Example 7 with SQLTransactionRollbackException

use of java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class SQLTransactionRollbackExceptionTests method test1.

     * Create SQLTransactionRollbackException with no-arg constructor
public void test1() {
    SQLTransactionRollbackException ex = new SQLTransactionRollbackException();
    assertTrue(ex.getMessage() == null && ex.getSQLState() == null && ex.getCause() == null && ex.getErrorCode() == 0);
Also used : SQLTransactionRollbackException(java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) BaseTest(util.BaseTest)

Example 8 with SQLTransactionRollbackException

use of java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VmRulesetLogDaoImpl method executeWithRetryOnDeadlock.

private int executeWithRetryOnDeadlock(TransactionLegacy txn, String pstmt, List<Long> vmIds) throws SQLException {
    int numUpdated = 0;
    final int maxTries = 3;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) {
        try {
            PreparedStatement stmtInsert = txn.prepareAutoCloseStatement(pstmt);
            int argIndex = 1;
            for (Long vmId : vmIds) {
                stmtInsert.setLong(argIndex++, vmId);
            numUpdated = stmtInsert.executeUpdate();
            i = maxTries;
        } catch (SQLTransactionRollbackException e1) {
            if (i < maxTries - 1) {
                int delayMs = (i + 1) * 1000;
                s_logger.debug("Caught a deadlock exception while inserting security group rule log, retrying in " + delayMs);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                    s_logger.debug("[ignored] interupted while inserting security group rule log.");
            } else
                s_logger.warn("Caught another deadlock exception while retrying inserting security group rule log, giving up");
    if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        s_logger.trace("Inserted or updated " + numUpdated + " rows");
    return numUpdated;
Also used : SQLTransactionRollbackException(java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement)

Example 9 with SQLTransactionRollbackException

use of java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException in project hive by apache.

the class TxnDbUtil method prepDb.

public static void prepDb(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    // This is a bogus hack because it copies the contents of the SQL file
    // intended for creating derby databases, and thus will inexorably get
    // out of date with it.  I'm open to any suggestions on how to make this
    // read the file in a build friendly way.
    Connection conn = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
        conn = getConnection(conf);
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE TXNS (" + "  TXN_ID bigint PRIMARY KEY," + "  TXN_STATE char(1) NOT NULL," + "  TXN_STARTED bigint NOT NULL," + "  TXN_LAST_HEARTBEAT bigint NOT NULL," + "  TXN_USER varchar(128) NOT NULL," + "  TXN_HOST varchar(128) NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE TXN_COMPONENTS (" + "  TC_TXNID bigint REFERENCES TXNS (TXN_ID)," + "  TC_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + "  TC_TABLE varchar(128)," + "  TC_PARTITION varchar(767)," + "  TC_OPERATION_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL," + "  TC_WRITEID bigint)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE COMPLETED_TXN_COMPONENTS (" + "  CTC_TXNID bigint," + "  CTC_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + "  CTC_TABLE varchar(128)," + "  CTC_PARTITION varchar(767)," + "  CTC_ID bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1) NOT NULL," + "  CTC_TIMESTAMP timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL," + "  CTC_WRITEID bigint)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE NEXT_TXN_ID (" + "  NTXN_NEXT bigint NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("INSERT INTO NEXT_TXN_ID VALUES(1)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE TXN_TO_WRITE_ID (" + " T2W_TXNID bigint NOT NULL," + " T2W_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " T2W_TABLE varchar(256) NOT NULL," + " T2W_WRITEID bigint NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE NEXT_WRITE_ID (" + " NWI_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " NWI_TABLE varchar(256) NOT NULL," + " NWI_NEXT bigint NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE HIVE_LOCKS (" + " HL_LOCK_EXT_ID bigint NOT NULL," + " HL_LOCK_INT_ID bigint NOT NULL," + " HL_TXNID bigint NOT NULL," + " HL_DB varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " HL_TABLE varchar(128)," + " HL_PARTITION varchar(767)," + " HL_LOCK_STATE char(1) NOT NULL," + " HL_LOCK_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL," + " HL_LAST_HEARTBEAT bigint NOT NULL," + " HL_ACQUIRED_AT bigint," + " HL_USER varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " HL_HOST varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " HL_HEARTBEAT_COUNT integer," + " HL_AGENT_INFO varchar(128)," + " HL_BLOCKEDBY_EXT_ID bigint," + " HL_BLOCKEDBY_INT_ID bigint," + " PRIMARY KEY(HL_LOCK_EXT_ID, HL_LOCK_INT_ID))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE NEXT_LOCK_ID (" + " NL_NEXT bigint NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("INSERT INTO NEXT_LOCK_ID VALUES(1)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE COMPACTION_QUEUE (" + " CQ_ID bigint PRIMARY KEY," + " CQ_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " CQ_TABLE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " CQ_PARTITION varchar(767)," + " CQ_STATE char(1) NOT NULL," + " CQ_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL," + " CQ_TBLPROPERTIES varchar(2048)," + " CQ_WORKER_ID varchar(128)," + " CQ_START bigint," + " CQ_RUN_AS varchar(128)," + " CQ_HIGHEST_WRITE_ID bigint," + " CQ_META_INFO varchar(2048) for bit data," + " CQ_HADOOP_JOB_ID varchar(32))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE COMPLETED_COMPACTIONS (" + " CC_ID bigint PRIMARY KEY," + " CC_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " CC_TABLE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " CC_PARTITION varchar(767)," + " CC_STATE char(1) NOT NULL," + " CC_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL," + " CC_TBLPROPERTIES varchar(2048)," + " CC_WORKER_ID varchar(128)," + " CC_START bigint," + " CC_END bigint," + " CC_RUN_AS varchar(128)," + " CC_HIGHEST_WRITE_ID bigint," + " CC_META_INFO varchar(2048) for bit data," + " CC_HADOOP_JOB_ID varchar(32))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE AUX_TABLE (" + " MT_KEY1 varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " MT_KEY2 bigint NOT NULL," + " MT_COMMENT varchar(255)," + " PRIMARY KEY(MT_KEY1, MT_KEY2))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE WRITE_SET (" + " WS_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " WS_TABLE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " WS_PARTITION varchar(767)," + " WS_TXNID bigint NOT NULL," + " WS_COMMIT_ID bigint NOT NULL," + " WS_OPERATION_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL)");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException re) {
            LOG.error("Error rolling back: " + re.getMessage());
        // Another thread might have already created these tables.
        if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("already exists")) {
  "Txn tables already exist, returning");
        // This might be a deadlock, if so, let's retry
        if (e instanceof SQLTransactionRollbackException && deadlockCnt++ < 5) {
            LOG.warn("Caught deadlock, retrying db creation");
        } else {
            throw e;
    } finally {
        deadlockCnt = 0;
        closeResources(conn, stmt, null);
Also used : SQLTransactionRollbackException(java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) Statement(java.sql.Statement) Connection(java.sql.Connection)

Example 10 with SQLTransactionRollbackException

use of java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException in project hive by apache.

the class TxnDbUtil method prepDb.

public static void prepDb() throws Exception {
    // This is a bogus hack because it copies the contents of the SQL file
    // intended for creating derby databases, and thus will inexorably get
    // out of date with it.  I'm open to any suggestions on how to make this
    // read the file in a build friendly way.
    Connection conn = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
        conn = getConnection();
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE TXNS (" + "  TXN_ID bigint PRIMARY KEY," + "  TXN_STATE char(1) NOT NULL," + "  TXN_STARTED bigint NOT NULL," + "  TXN_LAST_HEARTBEAT bigint NOT NULL," + "  TXN_USER varchar(128) NOT NULL," + "  TXN_HOST varchar(128) NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE TXN_COMPONENTS (" + "  TC_TXNID bigint REFERENCES TXNS (TXN_ID)," + "  TC_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + "  TC_TABLE varchar(128)," + "  TC_PARTITION varchar(767)," + "  TC_OPERATION_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE COMPLETED_TXN_COMPONENTS (" + "  CTC_TXNID bigint," + "  CTC_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + "  CTC_TABLE varchar(128)," + "  CTC_PARTITION varchar(767))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE NEXT_TXN_ID (" + "  NTXN_NEXT bigint NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("INSERT INTO NEXT_TXN_ID VALUES(1)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE HIVE_LOCKS (" + " HL_LOCK_EXT_ID bigint NOT NULL," + " HL_LOCK_INT_ID bigint NOT NULL," + " HL_TXNID bigint," + " HL_DB varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " HL_TABLE varchar(128)," + " HL_PARTITION varchar(767)," + " HL_LOCK_STATE char(1) NOT NULL," + " HL_LOCK_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL," + " HL_LAST_HEARTBEAT bigint NOT NULL," + " HL_ACQUIRED_AT bigint," + " HL_USER varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " HL_HOST varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " HL_HEARTBEAT_COUNT integer," + " HL_AGENT_INFO varchar(128)," + " HL_BLOCKEDBY_EXT_ID bigint," + " HL_BLOCKEDBY_INT_ID bigint," + " PRIMARY KEY(HL_LOCK_EXT_ID, HL_LOCK_INT_ID))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE NEXT_LOCK_ID (" + " NL_NEXT bigint NOT NULL)");
        stmt.execute("INSERT INTO NEXT_LOCK_ID VALUES(1)");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE COMPACTION_QUEUE (" + " CQ_ID bigint PRIMARY KEY," + " CQ_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " CQ_TABLE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " CQ_PARTITION varchar(767)," + " CQ_STATE char(1) NOT NULL," + " CQ_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL," + " CQ_TBLPROPERTIES varchar(2048)," + " CQ_WORKER_ID varchar(128)," + " CQ_START bigint," + " CQ_RUN_AS varchar(128)," + " CQ_HIGHEST_TXN_ID bigint," + " CQ_META_INFO varchar(2048) for bit data," + " CQ_HADOOP_JOB_ID varchar(32))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE COMPLETED_COMPACTIONS (" + " CC_ID bigint PRIMARY KEY," + " CC_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " CC_TABLE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " CC_PARTITION varchar(767)," + " CC_STATE char(1) NOT NULL," + " CC_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL," + " CC_TBLPROPERTIES varchar(2048)," + " CC_WORKER_ID varchar(128)," + " CC_START bigint," + " CC_END bigint," + " CC_RUN_AS varchar(128)," + " CC_HIGHEST_TXN_ID bigint," + " CC_META_INFO varchar(2048) for bit data," + " CC_HADOOP_JOB_ID varchar(32))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE AUX_TABLE (" + " MT_KEY1 varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " MT_KEY2 bigint NOT NULL," + " MT_COMMENT varchar(255)," + " PRIMARY KEY(MT_KEY1, MT_KEY2))");
        stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE WRITE_SET (" + " WS_DATABASE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " WS_TABLE varchar(128) NOT NULL," + " WS_PARTITION varchar(767)," + " WS_TXNID bigint NOT NULL," + " WS_COMMIT_ID bigint NOT NULL," + " WS_OPERATION_TYPE char(1) NOT NULL)");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException re) {
            LOG.error("Error rolling back: " + re.getMessage());
        // This might be a deadlock, if so, let's retry
        if (e instanceof SQLTransactionRollbackException && deadlockCnt++ < 5) {
            LOG.warn("Caught deadlock, retrying db creation");
        } else {
            throw e;
    } finally {
        deadlockCnt = 0;
        closeResources(conn, stmt, null);
Also used : SQLTransactionRollbackException(java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) Statement(java.sql.Statement) Connection(java.sql.Connection)


SQLTransactionRollbackException (java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException)17 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)14 BaseTest (util.BaseTest)14 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)4 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)3 Connection (java.sql.Connection)2 Statement (java.sql.Statement)2 SQLTransientException (java.sql.SQLTransientException)1