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Example 11 with CharacterIterator

use of java.text.CharacterIterator in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class DictionaryBasedBreakIterator method previous.

     * Advances the iterator one step backwards.
     * @return The position of the last boundary position before the
     * current iteration position
public int previous() {
    CharacterIterator text = getText();
    // covered by them, just move one step backward in the cache
    if (cachedBreakPositions != null && positionInCache > 0) {
        return cachedBreakPositions[positionInCache];
    } else // otherwise, dump the cache and use the inherited previous() method to move
    // backward.  This may fill up the cache with new break positions, in which
    // case we have to mark our position in the cache
        cachedBreakPositions = null;
        int result = super.previous();
        if (cachedBreakPositions != null) {
            positionInCache = cachedBreakPositions.length - 2;
        return result;
Also used : CharacterIterator(java.text.CharacterIterator)

Example 12 with CharacterIterator

use of java.text.CharacterIterator in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RuleBasedBreakIterator method following.

     * Sets the iterator to refer to the first boundary position following
     * the specified position.
     * @offset The position from which to begin searching for a break position.
     * @return The position of the first break after the current position.
public int following(int offset) {
    CharacterIterator text = getText();
    checkOffset(offset, text);
    // Set our internal iteration position (temporarily)
    // to the position passed in.  If this is the _beginning_ position,
    // then we can just use next() to get our return value
    if (offset == text.getBeginIndex()) {
        cachedLastKnownBreak = handleNext();
        return cachedLastKnownBreak;
    // otherwise, we have to sync up first.  Use handlePrevious() to back
    // us up to a known break position before the specified position (if
    // we can determine that the specified position is a break position,
    // we don't back up at all).  This may or may not be the last break
    // position at or before our starting position.  Advance forward
    // from here until we've passed the starting position.  The position
    // we stop on will be the first break position after the specified one.
    int result = cachedLastKnownBreak;
    if (result >= offset || result <= BreakIterator.DONE) {
        result = handlePrevious();
    } else {
        //it might be better to check if handlePrevious() give us closer
        //safe value but handlePrevious() is slow too
        //So, this has to be done carefully
    while (result != BreakIterator.DONE && result <= offset) {
        result = handleNext();
    cachedLastKnownBreak = result;
    return result;
Also used : StringCharacterIterator(java.text.StringCharacterIterator) CharacterIterator(java.text.CharacterIterator)

Example 13 with CharacterIterator

use of java.text.CharacterIterator in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RuleBasedBreakIterator method previous.

     * Advances the iterator backwards, to the last boundary preceding this one.
     * @return The position of the last boundary position preceding this one.
public int previous() {
    // if we're already sitting at the beginning of the text, return DONE
    CharacterIterator text = getText();
    if (current() == text.getBeginIndex()) {
        return BreakIterator.DONE;
    // set things up.  handlePrevious() will back us up to some valid
    // break position before the current position (we back our internal
    // iterator up one step to prevent handlePrevious() from returning
    // the current position), but not necessarily the last one before
    // where we started
    int start = current();
    int lastResult = cachedLastKnownBreak;
    if (lastResult >= start || lastResult <= BreakIterator.DONE) {
        lastResult = handlePrevious();
    } else {
        //it might be better to check if handlePrevious() give us closer
        //safe value but handlePrevious() is slow too
        //So, this has to be done carefully
    int result = lastResult;
    // point is our return value
    while (result != BreakIterator.DONE && result < start) {
        lastResult = result;
        result = handleNext();
    // set the current iteration position to be the last break position
    // before where we started, and then return that value
    cachedLastKnownBreak = lastResult;
    return lastResult;
Also used : StringCharacterIterator(java.text.StringCharacterIterator) CharacterIterator(java.text.CharacterIterator)

Example 14 with CharacterIterator

use of java.text.CharacterIterator in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RuleBasedBreakIterator method first.

// BreakIterator overrides
     * Sets the current iteration position to the beginning of the text.
     * (i.e., the CharacterIterator's starting offset).
     * @return The offset of the beginning of the text.
public int first() {
    CharacterIterator t = getText();
    return t.getIndex();
Also used : StringCharacterIterator(java.text.StringCharacterIterator) CharacterIterator(java.text.CharacterIterator)

Example 15 with CharacterIterator

use of java.text.CharacterIterator in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RuleBasedBreakIterator method isBoundary.

     * Returns true if the specified position is a boundary position.  As a side
     * effect, leaves the iterator pointing to the first boundary position at
     * or after "offset".
     * @param offset the offset to check.
     * @return True if "offset" is a boundary position.
public boolean isBoundary(int offset) {
    CharacterIterator text = getText();
    checkOffset(offset, text);
    if (offset == text.getBeginIndex()) {
        return true;
    } else // to check whether this is a boundary, we can use following() on the
    // position before the specified one and return true if the position we
    // get back is the one the user specified
        return following(offset - 1) == offset;
Also used : StringCharacterIterator(java.text.StringCharacterIterator) CharacterIterator(java.text.CharacterIterator)


CharacterIterator (java.text.CharacterIterator)33 StringCharacterIterator (java.text.StringCharacterIterator)28 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)3 ClsFormatException (com.intellij.util.cls.ClsFormatException)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Logger (com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger)1 Pair (com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair)1 Pair.pair (com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair.pair)1 StringUtil (com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil)1 VirtualFile (com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile)1 LanguageLevel ( CommonClassNames (com.intellij.psi.CommonClassNames)1 PsiNameHelper (com.intellij.psi.PsiNameHelper)1 ModifierFlags (com.intellij.psi.impl.cache.ModifierFlags)1 TypeInfo (com.intellij.psi.impl.cache.TypeInfo)1 ( ( PsiFileStub (com.intellij.psi.stubs.PsiFileStub)1 StubElement (com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubElement)1 ArrayUtil (com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil)1