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Example 46 with Collator

use of java.text.Collator in project hackpad by dropbox.

the class NativeString method execIdCall.

public Object execIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
    if (!f.hasTag(STRING_TAG)) {
        return super.execIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args);
    int id = f.methodId();
    again: for (; ; ) {
        switch(id) {
            case ConstructorId_charAt:
            case ConstructorId_charCodeAt:
            case ConstructorId_indexOf:
            case ConstructorId_lastIndexOf:
            case ConstructorId_split:
            case ConstructorId_substring:
            case ConstructorId_toLowerCase:
            case ConstructorId_toUpperCase:
            case ConstructorId_substr:
            case ConstructorId_concat:
            case ConstructorId_slice:
            case ConstructorId_equalsIgnoreCase:
            case ConstructorId_match:
            case ConstructorId_search:
            case ConstructorId_replace:
            case ConstructorId_localeCompare:
            case ConstructorId_toLocaleLowerCase:
                    if (args.length > 0) {
                        thisObj = ScriptRuntime.toObject(scope, ScriptRuntime.toString(args[0]));
                        Object[] newArgs = new Object[args.length - 1];
                        for (int i = 0; i < newArgs.length; i++) newArgs[i] = args[i + 1];
                        args = newArgs;
                    } else {
                        thisObj = ScriptRuntime.toObject(scope, ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj));
                    id = -id;
                    continue again;
            case ConstructorId_fromCharCode:
                    int N = args.length;
                    if (N < 1)
                        return "";
                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(N);
                    for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
                    return sb.toString();
            case Id_constructor:
                    String s = (args.length >= 1) ? ScriptRuntime.toString(args[0]) : "";
                    if (thisObj == null) {
                        // new String(val) creates a new String object.
                        return new NativeString(s);
                    // String(val) converts val to a string value.
                    return s;
            case Id_toString:
            case Id_valueOf:
                // ECMA 'the toString function is not generic.
                return realThis(thisObj, f).string;
            case Id_toSource:
                    String s = realThis(thisObj, f).string;
                    return "(new String(\"" + ScriptRuntime.escapeString(s) + "\"))";
            case Id_charAt:
            case Id_charCodeAt:
                    // See ECMA 15.5.4.[4,5]
                    String target = ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj);
                    double pos = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args, 0);
                    if (pos < 0 || pos >= target.length()) {
                        if (id == Id_charAt)
                            return "";
                            return ScriptRuntime.NaNobj;
                    char c = target.charAt((int) pos);
                    if (id == Id_charAt)
                        return String.valueOf(c);
                        return ScriptRuntime.wrapInt(c);
            case Id_indexOf:
                return ScriptRuntime.wrapInt(js_indexOf(ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args));
            case Id_lastIndexOf:
                return ScriptRuntime.wrapInt(js_lastIndexOf(ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args));
            case Id_split:
                return ScriptRuntime.checkRegExpProxy(cx).js_split(cx, scope, ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args);
            case Id_substring:
                return js_substring(cx, ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args);
            case Id_toLowerCase:
                // See ECMA
                return ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj).toLowerCase(ScriptRuntime.ROOT_LOCALE);
            case Id_toUpperCase:
                // See ECMA
                return ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj).toUpperCase(ScriptRuntime.ROOT_LOCALE);
            case Id_substr:
                return js_substr(ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args);
            case Id_concat:
                return js_concat(ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args);
            case Id_slice:
                return js_slice(ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args);
            case Id_bold:
                return tagify(thisObj, "b", null, null);
            case Id_italics:
                return tagify(thisObj, "i", null, null);
            case Id_fixed:
                return tagify(thisObj, "tt", null, null);
            case Id_strike:
                return tagify(thisObj, "strike", null, null);
            case Id_small:
                return tagify(thisObj, "small", null, null);
            case Id_big:
                return tagify(thisObj, "big", null, null);
            case Id_blink:
                return tagify(thisObj, "blink", null, null);
            case Id_sup:
                return tagify(thisObj, "sup", null, null);
            case Id_sub:
                return tagify(thisObj, "sub", null, null);
            case Id_fontsize:
                return tagify(thisObj, "font", "size", args);
            case Id_fontcolor:
                return tagify(thisObj, "font", "color", args);
            case Id_link:
                return tagify(thisObj, "a", "href", args);
            case Id_anchor:
                return tagify(thisObj, "a", "name", args);
            case Id_equals:
            case Id_equalsIgnoreCase:
                    String s1 = ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj);
                    String s2 = ScriptRuntime.toString(args, 0);
                    return ScriptRuntime.wrapBoolean((id == Id_equals) ? s1.equals(s2) : s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2));
            case Id_match:
            case Id_search:
            case Id_replace:
                    int actionType;
                    if (id == Id_match) {
                        actionType = RegExpProxy.RA_MATCH;
                    } else if (id == Id_search) {
                        actionType = RegExpProxy.RA_SEARCH;
                    } else {
                        actionType = RegExpProxy.RA_REPLACE;
                    return ScriptRuntime.checkRegExpProxy(cx).action(cx, scope, thisObj, args, actionType);
            // ECMA-262 1
            case Id_localeCompare:
                    // For now, create and configure a collator instance. I can't
                    // actually imagine that this'd be slower than caching them
                    // a la ClassCache, so we aren't trying to outsmart ourselves
                    // with a caching mechanism for now.
                    Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(cx.getLocale());
                    return ScriptRuntime.wrapNumber(, ScriptRuntime.toString(args, 0)));
            case Id_toLocaleLowerCase:
                    return ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj).toLowerCase(cx.getLocale());
            case Id_toLocaleUpperCase:
                    return ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj).toUpperCase(cx.getLocale());
            case Id_trim:
                    String str = ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj);
                    char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
                    int start = 0;
                    while (start < chars.length && ScriptRuntime.isJSWhitespaceOrLineTerminator(chars[start])) {
                    int end = chars.length;
                    while (end > start && ScriptRuntime.isJSWhitespaceOrLineTerminator(chars[end - 1])) {
                    return str.substring(start, end);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(id));
Also used : Collator(java.text.Collator)

Example 47 with Collator

use of java.text.Collator in project ADWLauncher2 by boombuler.

the class Preferences method getAppNameComparator.

private Comparator<IconItemInfo> getAppNameComparator() {
    final IconCache myIconCache = mLauncher.getIconCache();
    final Collator sCollator = Collator.getInstance();
    return new Comparator<IconItemInfo>() {

        public final int compare(IconItemInfo a, IconItemInfo b) {
            return, b.getTitle(myIconCache));
Also used : IconCache(org.adw.launcher2.IconCache) IconItemInfo(org.adw.launcher2.IconItemInfo) Collator(java.text.Collator) Comparator(java.util.Comparator)

Example 48 with Collator

use of java.text.Collator in project Android-Terminal-Emulator by jackpal.

the class Term method makePathFromBundle.

private String makePathFromBundle(Bundle extras) {
    if (extras == null || extras.size() == 0) {
        return "";
    String[] keys = new String[extras.size()];
    keys = extras.keySet().toArray(keys);
    Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(Locale.US);
    Arrays.sort(keys, collator);
    StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
    for (String key : keys) {
        String dir = extras.getString(key);
        if (dir != null && !dir.equals("")) {
    return path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
Also used : Collator(java.text.Collator)

Example 49 with Collator

use of java.text.Collator in project j2objc by google.

the class CollatorTest method test_equalsLjava_lang_Object.

	 * @tests java.text.Collator#equals(java.lang.Object)
public void test_equalsLjava_lang_Object() {
    Collator c = Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
    Collator c2 = (Collator) c.clone();
    assertTrue("Cloned collators not equal", c.equals(c2));
    assertTrue("Collators with different strengths equal", !c.equals(c2));
Also used : Collator(java.text.Collator)

Example 50 with Collator

use of java.text.Collator in project j2objc by google.

the class CollatorTest method failing_test_getAvailableLocales.

     * @tests java.text.Collator#getAvailableLocales()
//FIXME This test fails on Harmony ClassLibrary
public void failing_test_getAvailableLocales() {
    Locale[] locales = Collator.getAvailableLocales();
    assertTrue("No locales", locales.length > 0);
    boolean english = false, german = false;
    for (int i = locales.length; --i >= 0; ) {
        if (locales[i].equals(Locale.ENGLISH))
            english = true;
        if (locales[i].equals(Locale.GERMAN))
            german = true;
        // Output the working locale to help diagnose a hang
        Collator c1 = Collator.getInstance(locales[i]);
        assertTrue("Doesn't work","a", "b") < 0);
        assertTrue("Wrong decomposition", c1.getDecomposition() == Collator.NO_DECOMPOSITION);
        assertTrue("Wrong strength", c1.getStrength() == Collator.TERTIARY);
    assertTrue("Missing locales", english && german);
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) Collator(java.text.Collator)


Collator (java.text.Collator)70 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 RuleBasedCollator (java.text.RuleBasedCollator)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 Comparator (java.util.Comparator)5 List (java.util.List)5 GraphObject (com.facebook.model.GraphObject)4 Context (android.content.Context)3 InputMethodInfo (android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodInfo)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)3 Locale (java.util.Locale)3 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)3 SharedPreferences (android.content.SharedPreferences)2 ApplicationInfo ( PackageInfo ( DBObject (com.mongodb.DBObject)2 SMSException ( ServiceSchema ( AutoPilot (com.ximpleware.AutoPilot)2