use of java.time.OffsetTime in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class TCKOffsetTime method test_plusHours.
// plusHours()
public void test_plusHours() {
OffsetTime base = OffsetTime.of(11, 30, 59, 0, OFFSET_PONE);
OffsetTime test = base.plusHours(13);
assertEquals(test, OffsetTime.of(0, 30, 59, 0, OFFSET_PONE));
use of java.time.OffsetTime in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class TCKZonedDateTime method test_with_adjuster_OffsetTime_invalidOffsetIgnored2.
public void test_with_adjuster_OffsetTime_invalidOffsetIgnored2() {
// OT has invalid offset for ZDT, so only LT is set
OffsetTime ot = OffsetTime.of(15, 50, 30, 40, OFFSET_0130);
// earlier part of overlap
ZonedDateTime zdt = dateTime(2008, 10, 26, 2, 30, 0, 0, OFFSET_0200, ZONE_PARIS);
ZonedDateTime test = zdt.with(ot);
assertEquals(test.toLocalDateTime(), dateTime(2008, 10, 26, 15, 50, 30, 40));
// offset adjusted because of time change
assertEquals(test.getOffset(), OFFSET_0100);
use of java.time.OffsetTime in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class TCKZonedDateTime method test_with_adjuster_OffsetTime_validOffsetNotInOverlap.
public void test_with_adjuster_OffsetTime_validOffsetNotInOverlap() {
// OT has valid offset for resulting time
OffsetTime ot = OffsetTime.of(15, 50, 30, 40, OFFSET_0100);
ZonedDateTime zdt = TEST_PARIS_OVERLAP_2008_10_26_02_30.atZone(ZONE_PARIS);
ZonedDateTime test = zdt.with(ot);
assertEquals(test.toLocalDateTime(), dateTime(2008, 10, 26, 15, 50, 30, 40));
assertEquals(test.getOffset(), OFFSET_0100);
use of java.time.OffsetTime in project drools by kiegroup.
the class TypeUtil method formatValue.
public static String formatValue(final Object val, final boolean wrapForCodeUsage) {
if (val instanceof String) {
return formatString(val.toString(), wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof LocalDate) {
return formatDate((LocalDate) val, wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof LocalTime || val instanceof OffsetTime) {
return formatTimeString(TimeFunction.FEEL_TIME.format((TemporalAccessor) val), wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof LocalDateTime || val instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
return formatDateTimeString(DateAndTimeFunction.FEEL_DATE_TIME.format((TemporalAccessor) val), wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof ZonedDateTime) {
TemporalAccessor ta = (TemporalAccessor) val;
ZoneId zone = ta.query(;
if (!(zone instanceof ZoneOffset)) {
// it is a ZoneRegion
return formatDateTimeString(DateAndTimeFunction.REGION_DATETIME_FORMATTER.format((TemporalAccessor) val), wrapForCodeUsage);
} else {
return formatDateTimeString(DateAndTimeFunction.FEEL_DATE_TIME.format((TemporalAccessor) val), wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof Duration) {
return formatDuration((Duration) val, wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof Period) {
return formatPeriod((Period) val, wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof TemporalAccessor) {
TemporalAccessor ta = (TemporalAccessor) val;
if (ta.query(TemporalQueries.localDate()) == null && ta.query(TemporalQueries.localTime()) != null && ta.query(TemporalQueries.zoneId()) != null) {
return formatTimeString(TimeFunction.FEEL_TIME.format((TemporalAccessor) val), wrapForCodeUsage);
} else {
return String.valueOf(val);
} else if (val instanceof List) {
return formatList((List) val, wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof Range) {
return formatRange((Range) val, wrapForCodeUsage);
} else if (val instanceof Map) {
return formatContext((Map) val, wrapForCodeUsage);
} else {
return String.valueOf(val);
use of java.time.OffsetTime in project jOOQ by jOOQ.
the class DefaultBinding method toSQL.
* Inlining abstraction
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private final void toSQL(BindingSQLContext<U> ctx, Object val) {
SQLDialect family =;
RenderContext render = ctx.render();
if (render.paramType() == INLINED) {
if (val == null) {
} else if (type == Boolean.class) {
// [#1153] Some dialects don't support boolean literals TRUE and FALSE
if (asList(FIREBIRD, SQLITE).contains(family)) {
render.sql(((Boolean) val) ? "1" : "0");
} else {
render.keyword(((Boolean) val).toString());
} else // [#1154] Binary data cannot always be inlined
if (type == byte[].class) {
byte[] binary = (byte[]) val;
if (asList().contains(family)) {
} else if (asList(DERBY, H2, HSQLDB, MARIADB, MYSQL, SQLITE).contains(family)) {
} else if (asList().contains(family)) {
} else if (family == POSTGRES) {
} else // This default behaviour is used in debug logging for dialects
// that do not support inlining binary data
} else // Interval extends Number, so let Interval come first!
if (Interval.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
render.sql('\'').sql(escape(val, render)).sql('\'');
} else // [#5249] Special inlining of special floating point values
if (Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && ((Double) val).isNaN()) {
if (POSTGRES == family)
render.sql(((Number) val).toString());
} else // [#5249] Special inlining of special floating point values
if (Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && ((Float) val).isNaN()) {
if (POSTGRES == family)
render.sql(((Number) val).toString());
} else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
render.sql(((Number) val).toString());
} else // [#1156] DATE / TIME inlining is very vendor-specific
if (Tools.isDate(type)) {
Date date = getDate(type, val);
// [#1253] SQL Server and Sybase do not implement date literals
if (asList(SQLITE).contains(family)) {
render.sql('\'').sql(escape(date, render)).sql('\'');
} else // [#1253] Derby doesn't support the standard literal
if (family == DERBY) {
render.keyword("date('").sql(escape(date, render)).sql("')");
} else // [#3648] Circumvent a MySQL bug related to date literals
if (family == MYSQL) {
render.keyword("{d '").sql(escape(date, render)).sql("'}");
} else // Most dialects implement SQL standard date literals
render.keyword("date '").sql(escape(date, render)).sql('\'');
} else if (Tools.isTimestamp(type)) {
Timestamp ts = getTimestamp(type, val);
// [#1253] SQL Server and Sybase do not implement timestamp literals
if (asList(SQLITE).contains(family)) {
render.sql('\'').sql(escape(ts, render)).sql('\'');
} else // [#1253] Derby doesn't support the standard literal
if (family == DERBY) {
render.keyword("timestamp('").sql(escape(ts, render)).sql("')");
} else // CUBRID timestamps have no fractional seconds
if (family == CUBRID) {
render.keyword("datetime '").sql(escape(ts, render)).sql('\'');
} else // [#3648] Circumvent a MySQL bug related to date literals
if (family == MYSQL) {
render.keyword("{ts '").sql(escape(ts, render)).sql("'}");
} else // Most dialects implement SQL standard timestamp literals
render.keyword("timestamp '").sql(escape(ts, render)).sql('\'');
} else if (Tools.isTime(type)) {
Time time = getTime(type, val);
// [#1253] SQL Server and Sybase do not implement time literals
if (asList(SQLITE).contains(family)) {
render.sql('\'').sql(new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(time)).sql('\'');
} else // [#1253] Derby doesn't support the standard literal
if (family == DERBY) {
render.keyword("time").sql("('").sql(escape(time, render)).sql("')");
} else // [#3648] Circumvent a MySQL bug related to date literals
if (family == MYSQL) {
render.keyword("{t '").sql(escape(time, render)).sql("'}");
} else // Most dialects implement SQL standard time literals
render.keyword("time").sql(" '").sql(escape(time, render)).sql('\'');
} else if (type == OffsetDateTime.class) {
String string = format((OffsetDateTime) val);
// Some dialects implement SQL standard time literals
render.keyword("timestamp with time zone").sql(" '").sql(escape(string, render)).sql('\'');
} else if (type == OffsetTime.class) {
String string = format((OffsetTime) val);
// Some dialects implement SQL standard time literals
render.keyword("time with time zone").sql(" '").sql(escape(string, render)).sql('\'');
} else if (type.isArray()) {
String separator = "";
// H2 renders arrays as rows
if (family == H2) {
for (Object o : ((Object[]) val)) {
new DefaultBinding<Object, Object>(Converters.identity((Class) type.getComponentType()), isLob).sql(new DefaultBindingSQLContext<Object>(ctx.configuration(),, ctx.render(), o));
separator = ", ";
} else if (family == POSTGRES) {
render.visit(cast(inline(PostgresUtils.toPGArrayString((Object[]) val)), type));
} else // By default, render HSQLDB / POSTGRES syntax
for (Object o : ((Object[]) val)) {
new DefaultBinding<Object, Object>(Converters.identity((Class) type.getComponentType()), isLob).sql(new DefaultBindingSQLContext<Object>(ctx.configuration(),, ctx.render(), o));
separator = ", ";
// [#3214] Some PostgreSQL array type literals need explicit casting
if (family == POSTGRES && EnumType.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getComponentType())) {
pgRenderEnumCast(render, type);
} else if (EnumType.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
String literal = ((EnumType) val).getLiteral();
if (literal == null) {
new DefaultBinding<Object, Object>(Converters.identity((Class) String.class), isLob).sql(new DefaultBindingSQLContext<Object>(ctx.configuration(),, ctx.render(), literal));
} else {
new DefaultBinding<Object, Object>(Converters.identity((Class) String.class), isLob).sql(new DefaultBindingSQLContext<Object>(ctx.configuration(),, ctx.render(), literal));
} else if (UDTRecord.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
} else // Known fall-through types:
// - Blob, Clob (both not supported by jOOQ)
// - String
// - UUID
render.sql('\'').sql(escape(val, render), true).sql('\'');
} else // In Postgres, some additional casting must be done in some cases...
if (family == SQLDialect.POSTGRES) {
// Postgres needs explicit casting for enum (array) types
if (EnumType.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || (type.isArray() && EnumType.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getComponentType()))) {
pgRenderEnumCast(render, type);
} else // ... and also for other array types
if (type.isArray() && byte[].class != type) {
render.keyword(DefaultDataType.getDataType(family, type).getCastTypeName(render.configuration()));
} else {
} else {