use of java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class Instant method with.
* Returns a copy of this instant with the specified field set to a new value.
* <p>
* This returns an {@code Instant}, based on this one, with the value
* for the specified field changed.
* If it is not possible to set the value, because the field is not supported or for
* some other reason, an exception is thrown.
* <p>
* If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the adjustment is implemented here.
* The supported fields behave as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code NANO_OF_SECOND} -
* Returns an {@code Instant} with the specified nano-of-second.
* The epoch-second will be unchanged.
* <li>{@code MICRO_OF_SECOND} -
* Returns an {@code Instant} with the nano-of-second replaced by the specified
* micro-of-second multiplied by 1,000. The epoch-second will be unchanged.
* <li>{@code MILLI_OF_SECOND} -
* Returns an {@code Instant} with the nano-of-second replaced by the specified
* milli-of-second multiplied by 1,000,000. The epoch-second will be unchanged.
* <li>{@code INSTANT_SECONDS} -
* Returns an {@code Instant} with the specified epoch-second.
* The nano-of-second will be unchanged.
* </ul>
* <p>
* In all cases, if the new value is outside the valid range of values for the field
* then a {@code DateTimeException} will be thrown.
* <p>
* All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}.
* <p>
* If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method
* is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.adjustInto(Temporal, long)}
* passing {@code this} as the argument. In this case, the field determines
* whether and how to adjust the instant.
* <p>
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param field the field to set in the result, not null
* @param newValue the new value of the field in the result
* @return an {@code Instant} based on {@code this} with the specified field set, not null
* @throws DateTimeException if the field cannot be set
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the field is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
public Instant with(TemporalField field, long newValue) {
if (field instanceof ChronoField) {
ChronoField f = (ChronoField) field;
switch(f) {
int nval = (int) newValue * 1000_000;
return (nval != nanos ? create(seconds, nval) : this);
int nval = (int) newValue * 1000;
return (nval != nanos ? create(seconds, nval) : this);
return (newValue != nanos ? create(seconds, (int) newValue) : this);
return (newValue != seconds ? create(newValue, nanos) : this);
throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported field: " + field);
return field.adjustInto(this, newValue);
use of java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class LocalDate method with.
* Returns a copy of this date with the specified field set to a new value.
* <p>
* This returns a {@code LocalDate}, based on this one, with the value
* for the specified field changed.
* This can be used to change any supported field, such as the year, month or day-of-month.
* If it is not possible to set the value, because the field is not supported or for
* some other reason, an exception is thrown.
* <p>
* In some cases, changing the specified field can cause the resulting date to become invalid,
* such as changing the month from 31st January to February would make the day-of-month invalid.
* In cases like this, the field is responsible for resolving the date. Typically it will choose
* the previous valid date, which would be the last valid day of February in this example.
* <p>
* If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the adjustment is implemented here.
* The supported fields behave as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code DAY_OF_WEEK} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified day-of-week.
* The date is adjusted up to 6 days forward or backward within the boundary
* of a Monday to Sunday week.
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified aligned-day-of-week.
* The date is adjusted to the specified month-based aligned-day-of-week.
* Aligned weeks are counted such that the first week of a given month starts
* on the first day of that month.
* This may cause the date to be moved up to 6 days into the following month.
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified aligned-day-of-week.
* The date is adjusted to the specified year-based aligned-day-of-week.
* Aligned weeks are counted such that the first week of a given year starts
* on the first day of that year.
* This may cause the date to be moved up to 6 days into the following year.
* <li>{@code DAY_OF_MONTH} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified day-of-month.
* The month and year will be unchanged. If the day-of-month is invalid for the
* year and month, then a {@code DateTimeException} is thrown.
* <li>{@code DAY_OF_YEAR} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified day-of-year.
* The year will be unchanged. If the day-of-year is invalid for the
* year, then a {@code DateTimeException} is thrown.
* <li>{@code EPOCH_DAY} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified epoch-day.
* This completely replaces the date and is equivalent to {@link #ofEpochDay(long)}.
* <li>{@code ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified aligned-week-of-month.
* Aligned weeks are counted such that the first week of a given month starts
* on the first day of that month.
* This adjustment moves the date in whole week chunks to match the specified week.
* The result will have the same day-of-week as this date.
* This may cause the date to be moved into the following month.
* <li>{@code ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified aligned-week-of-year.
* Aligned weeks are counted such that the first week of a given year starts
* on the first day of that year.
* This adjustment moves the date in whole week chunks to match the specified week.
* The result will have the same day-of-week as this date.
* This may cause the date to be moved into the following year.
* <li>{@code MONTH_OF_YEAR} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified month-of-year.
* The year will be unchanged. The day-of-month will also be unchanged,
* unless it would be invalid for the new month and year. In that case, the
* day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value for the new month and year.
* <li>{@code PROLEPTIC_MONTH} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified proleptic-month.
* The day-of-month will be unchanged, unless it would be invalid for the new month
* and year. In that case, the day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value
* for the new month and year.
* <li>{@code YEAR_OF_ERA} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified year-of-era.
* The era and month will be unchanged. The day-of-month will also be unchanged,
* unless it would be invalid for the new month and year. In that case, the
* day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value for the new month and year.
* <li>{@code YEAR} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified year.
* The month will be unchanged. The day-of-month will also be unchanged,
* unless it would be invalid for the new month and year. In that case, the
* day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value for the new month and year.
* <li>{@code ERA} -
* Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified era.
* The year-of-era and month will be unchanged. The day-of-month will also be unchanged,
* unless it would be invalid for the new month and year. In that case, the
* day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value for the new month and year.
* </ul>
* <p>
* In all cases, if the new value is outside the valid range of values for the field
* then a {@code DateTimeException} will be thrown.
* <p>
* All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}.
* <p>
* If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method
* is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.adjustInto(Temporal, long)}
* passing {@code this} as the argument. In this case, the field determines
* whether and how to adjust the instant.
* <p>
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param field the field to set in the result, not null
* @param newValue the new value of the field in the result
* @return a {@code LocalDate} based on {@code this} with the specified field set, not null
* @throws DateTimeException if the field cannot be set
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the field is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
public LocalDate with(TemporalField field, long newValue) {
if (field instanceof ChronoField) {
ChronoField f = (ChronoField) field;
switch(f) {
return plusDays(newValue - getDayOfWeek().getValue());
return plusDays(newValue - getLong(ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH));
return plusDays(newValue - getLong(ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR));
return withDayOfMonth((int) newValue);
return withDayOfYear((int) newValue);
return LocalDate.ofEpochDay(newValue);
return plusWeeks(newValue - getLong(ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH));
return plusWeeks(newValue - getLong(ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR));
return withMonth((int) newValue);
return plusMonths(newValue - getProlepticMonth());
return withYear((int) (year >= 1 ? newValue : 1 - newValue));
case YEAR:
return withYear((int) newValue);
case ERA:
return (getLong(ERA) == newValue ? this : withYear(1 - year));
throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported field: " + field);
return field.adjustInto(this, newValue);
use of java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class YearMonth method with.
* Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified field set to a new value.
* <p>
* This returns a {@code YearMonth}, based on this one, with the value
* for the specified field changed.
* This can be used to change any supported field, such as the year or month.
* If it is not possible to set the value, because the field is not supported or for
* some other reason, an exception is thrown.
* <p>
* If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the adjustment is implemented here.
* The supported fields behave as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code MONTH_OF_YEAR} -
* Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified month-of-year.
* The year will be unchanged.
* <li>{@code PROLEPTIC_MONTH} -
* Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified proleptic-month.
* This completely replaces the year and month of this object.
* <li>{@code YEAR_OF_ERA} -
* Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified year-of-era
* The month and era will be unchanged.
* <li>{@code YEAR} -
* Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified year.
* The month will be unchanged.
* <li>{@code ERA} -
* Returns a {@code YearMonth} with the specified era.
* The month and year-of-era will be unchanged.
* </ul>
* <p>
* In all cases, if the new value is outside the valid range of values for the field
* then a {@code DateTimeException} will be thrown.
* <p>
* All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}.
* <p>
* If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method
* is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.adjustInto(Temporal, long)}
* passing {@code this} as the argument. In this case, the field determines
* whether and how to adjust the instant.
* <p>
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param field the field to set in the result, not null
* @param newValue the new value of the field in the result
* @return a {@code YearMonth} based on {@code this} with the specified field set, not null
* @throws DateTimeException if the field cannot be set
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the field is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
public YearMonth with(TemporalField field, long newValue) {
if (field instanceof ChronoField) {
ChronoField f = (ChronoField) field;
switch(f) {
return withMonth((int) newValue);
return plusMonths(newValue - getProlepticMonth());
return withYear((int) (year < 1 ? 1 - newValue : newValue));
case YEAR:
return withYear((int) newValue);
case ERA:
return (getLong(ERA) == newValue ? this : withYear(1 - year));
throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported field: " + field);
return field.adjustInto(this, newValue);
use of java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class HijrahDate method with.
public HijrahDate with(TemporalField field, long newValue) {
if (field instanceof ChronoField) {
ChronoField f = (ChronoField) field;
// not using checkValidIntValue so EPOCH_DAY and PROLEPTIC_MONTH work
// TODO: validate value
chrono.range(f).checkValidValue(newValue, f);
int nvalue = (int) newValue;
switch(f) {
return plusDays(newValue - getDayOfWeek());
return plusDays(newValue - getLong(ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH));
return plusDays(newValue - getLong(ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR));
return resolvePreviousValid(prolepticYear, monthOfYear, nvalue);
return plusDays(Math.min(nvalue, lengthOfYear()) - getDayOfYear());
return new HijrahDate(chrono, newValue);
return plusDays((newValue - getLong(ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH)) * 7);
return plusDays((newValue - getLong(ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR)) * 7);
return resolvePreviousValid(prolepticYear, nvalue, dayOfMonth);
return plusMonths(newValue - getProlepticMonth());
return resolvePreviousValid(prolepticYear >= 1 ? nvalue : 1 - nvalue, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);
case YEAR:
return resolvePreviousValid(nvalue, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);
case ERA:
return resolvePreviousValid(1 - prolepticYear, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);
throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported field: " + field);
return super.with(field, newValue);
use of java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException in project j2objc by google.
the class OffsetTimeTest method test_plus_minus_invalidUnits.
public void test_plus_minus_invalidUnits() {
for (ChronoUnit unit : EnumSet.range(ChronoUnit.DAYS, ChronoUnit.FOREVER)) {
try {, unit);
fail("Adding 1 " + unit + " should have failed.");
} catch (UnsupportedTemporalTypeException expected) {
try {
NOON_UTC.minus(1, unit);
fail("Subtracting 1 " + unit + " should have failed.");
} catch (UnsupportedTemporalTypeException expected) {