Search in sources :

Example 76 with EnumMap

use of java.util.EnumMap in project UVMS-ActivityModule-APP by UnionVMS.

the class FACatchSummaryPresentationHelper method populateTotalFishSizeMap.

public void populateTotalFishSizeMap(SummaryTableDTO summaryTableWithTotals, SummaryTableDTO summaryTable) {
    Map<FishSizeClassEnum, Object> fishSizeClassEnumMap = summaryTable.getSummaryFishSize();
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(fishSizeClassEnumMap)) {
    Map<FishSizeClassEnum, Object> totalFishSizeSpeciesMap = summaryTableWithTotals.getSummaryFishSize();
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(totalFishSizeSpeciesMap)) {
        totalFishSizeSpeciesMap = new EnumMap<>(FishSizeClassEnum.class);
    // Go through all the Fish classes  and calculate total for each fishclass
    for (Map.Entry<FishSizeClassEnum, Object> entry : fishSizeClassEnumMap.entrySet()) {
        // key fishSize
        FishSizeClassEnum fishSize = entry.getKey();
        Object value = entry.getValue();
        // Value will be Double if species are not present as grouping criteria Else it will be map of Species and its count
        if (value instanceof Map) {
            // check if already present
            Map<String, Map<String, Double>> fishSizeMap = (Map<String, Map<String, Double>>) totalFishSizeSpeciesMap.get(fishSize);
            fishSizeMap = populateSpeciesPresentationMapWithTotal((Map<String, Map<String, Double>>) value, fishSizeMap);
            totalFishSizeSpeciesMap.put(fishSize, fishSizeMap);
Also used : FishSizeClassEnum( EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 77 with EnumMap

use of java.util.EnumMap in project UVMS-ActivityModule-APP by UnionVMS.

the class FACatchSummaryReportHelper method populateTotalFaCatchMap.

 * This method processes data to calculate weights for different Catch types
 * @param summaryTableWithTotals  Add the calculation to this final class
 * @param summaryTable process this object to calculate totals
public void populateTotalFaCatchMap(SummaryTableDTO summaryTableWithTotals, SummaryTableDTO summaryTable) {
    Map<FaCatchTypeEnum, Object> catchTypeEnumMapMap = summaryTable.getSummaryFaCatchType();
    if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(catchTypeEnumMapMap)) {
        Map<FaCatchTypeEnum, Object> totalCatchTypeMap = summaryTableWithTotals.getSummaryFaCatchType();
        if (MapUtils.isEmpty(totalCatchTypeMap)) {
            totalCatchTypeMap = new EnumMap<>(FaCatchTypeEnum.class);
        // Go through all the catch types and calculate total for each type
        for (Map.Entry<FaCatchTypeEnum, Object> entry : catchTypeEnumMapMap.entrySet()) {
            // key fishSize
            FaCatchTypeEnum catchType = entry.getKey();
            Object value = entry.getValue();
            if (value instanceof Map) {
                // check if already present
                Map<String, Double> resultTotalSpeciesMap = (Map<String, Double>) totalCatchTypeMap.get(catchType);
                resultTotalSpeciesMap = extractSpeciesCountMap((Map<String, Double>) value, resultTotalSpeciesMap);
                totalCatchTypeMap.put(catchType, resultTotalSpeciesMap);
            } else if (value instanceof Double) {
                totalCatchTypeMap.put(catchType, calculateTotalValue((Double) value, (Double) totalCatchTypeMap.get(catchType)));
Also used : FaCatchTypeEnum( EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 78 with EnumMap

use of java.util.EnumMap in project UVMS-ActivityModule-APP by UnionVMS.

the class FACatchSummaryReportHelper method populateTotalFishSizeMap.

 * This method will calculate totals for FishSize section
 * @param summaryTableWithTotals Add the calculation to this final class
 * @param summaryTable           process this object to calculate totals
public void populateTotalFishSizeMap(SummaryTableDTO summaryTableWithTotals, SummaryTableDTO summaryTable) {
    Map<FishSizeClassEnum, Object> fishSizeClassEnumMap = summaryTable.getSummaryFishSize();
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(fishSizeClassEnumMap)) {
    Map<FishSizeClassEnum, Object> totalFishSizeSpeciesMap = summaryTableWithTotals.getSummaryFishSize();
    if (MapUtils.isEmpty(totalFishSizeSpeciesMap)) {
        totalFishSizeSpeciesMap = new EnumMap<>(FishSizeClassEnum.class);
    // Go through all the Fish classes  and calculate total for each fishclass
    for (Map.Entry<FishSizeClassEnum, Object> entry : fishSizeClassEnumMap.entrySet()) {
        // key fishSize
        FishSizeClassEnum fishSize = entry.getKey();
        Object value = entry.getValue();
        // Value will be Double if species are not present as grouping criteria Else it will be map of Species and its count
        if (value instanceof Map) {
            // check if already present
            Map<String, Double> totalSpeciesMap = (Map<String, Double>) totalFishSizeSpeciesMap.get(fishSize);
            totalSpeciesMap = extractSpeciesCountMap((Map<String, Double>) value, totalSpeciesMap);
            totalFishSizeSpeciesMap.put(fishSize, totalSpeciesMap);
        } else if (value instanceof Double) {
            totalFishSizeSpeciesMap.put(fishSize, calculateTotalValue((Double) value, (Double) totalFishSizeSpeciesMap.get(fishSize)));
Also used : FishSizeClassEnum( EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 79 with EnumMap

use of java.util.EnumMap in project UVMS-ActivityModule-APP by UnionVMS.

the class FishingActivityRequestMapper method extractFiltersAsMap.

 * Some search Filters expect only single value. Others support multiple values for search.
 * This method sorts Filter list and separates filters with single values and return the map with its value.
 * @param filterTypes
 * @return Map<SearchFilter,String> Map of SearchFilter and its value
 * @throws ServiceException
private static Map<SearchFilter, String> extractFiltersAsMap(List<SingleValueTypeFilter> filterTypes) throws ServiceException {
    Set<SearchFilter> filtersWithMultipleValues = FilterMap.getFiltersWhichSupportMultipleValues();
    Map<SearchFilter, String> searchMap = new EnumMap<>(SearchFilter.class);
    for (SingleValueTypeFilter filterType : filterTypes) {
        SearchFilter filter = filterType.getKey();
        if (filtersWithMultipleValues.contains(filter)) {
            throw new ServiceException("Filter provided with Single Value. Application Expects values as List for the Filter :" + filter);
        searchMap.put(filterType.getKey(), filterType.getValue());
    return searchMap;
Also used : SingleValueTypeFilter( ServiceException( SearchFilter( EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap)

Example 80 with EnumMap

use of java.util.EnumMap in project EnderIO by SleepyTrousers.

the class ReservoirBlockRenderMapper method mapOverlayLayer.

public EnumMap<EnumFacing, EnumIOMode> mapOverlayLayer(@Nonnull IBlockStateWrapper state, @Nonnull IBlockAccess world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, boolean isPainted) {
    TileEntity tileEntity = state.getTileEntity();
    if ((tileEntity instanceof TileReservoir) && ((TileReservoir) tileEntity).isAutoEject()) {
        EnumMap<EnumFacing, EnumIOMode> result = new EnumMap<EnumFacing, EnumIOMode>(EnumFacing.class);
        for (NNIterator<EnumFacing> itr = NNList.FACING.fastIterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
            EnumFacing face =;
            IBlockState neighborState = world.getBlockState(pos.offset(face));
            if (!isSameKind(state, neighborState)) {
                result.put(face, EnumIOMode.RESERVOIR);
        return result.isEmpty() ? null : result;
    return null;
Also used : TileEntity(net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity) IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) EnumIOMode( EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap) SideOnly(net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly)


EnumMap (java.util.EnumMap)389 Map (java.util.Map)73 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)70 List (java.util.List)61 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)60 Test (org.junit.Test)46 IOException ( Collection (java.util.Collection)35 DecodeHintType ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)26 Set (java.util.Set)26 EncodeHintType ( File ( BitMatrix ( BookID ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)14 URL ( TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)12 Header (com.jsql.model.bean.util.Header)10 Request (com.jsql.model.bean.util.Request)10