use of java.util.Hashtable in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class QuickTranslationImpl method executeTranslation.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public Vector<AltTransBean> executeTranslation(TransUnitBean transUnitBean, IProject currentProject) {
Vector<AltTransBean> result = new Vector<AltTransBean>();
// 100%以上的记忆库匹配不做快译
if (transUnitBean == null) {
return result;
Vector<AltTransBean> tmalt = transUnitBean.getMatchesByToolId(Constants.TM_TOOLID);
if (tmalt.size() < 1) {
return result;
AltTransBean tmMatches = tmalt.get(0);
if (tmMatches == null) {
return result;
String tmQuality = tmMatches.getMatchProps().get("match-quality");
if (tmQuality.endsWith("%")) {
tmQuality = tmQuality.substring(0, tmQuality.length() - 1);
int tmQualityInt = Integer.parseInt(tmQuality);
if (tmQualityInt >= 100) {
return result;
String srcLang = tmMatches.getSrcLang();
String tgtLang = tmMatches.getTgtLang();
if (srcLang == null || srcLang.equals("")) {
return result;
if (tgtLang == null || tgtLang.equals("")) {
return result;
String tmSrcText = tmMatches.getSrcText();
if (tmSrcText == null || tmSrcText.equals("")) {
return result;
String tmTgtText = tmMatches.getTgtText();
if (tmTgtText == null || tmTgtText.equals("")) {
return result;
String tuSrcText = transUnitBean.getSrcText();
if (tuSrcText == null || tuSrcText.equals("")) {
return result;
// 获取翻译单源文中的术语
Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> tuTerms = findTerms(tuSrcText, srcLang, tgtLang);
if (tuTerms.size() == 0) {
return result;
// 获取记忆库匹配中的术语
Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> tmTerms = findTerms(tmSrcText, srcLang, tgtLang);
if (tmTerms.size() == 0) {
return result;
int tuTermSize = tuTerms.size();
int tmTermSize = tmTerms.size();
if (tuTermSize > tmTermSize) {
int j = 0;
while (j < tuTermSize) {
Hashtable<String, String> tempTuTerm = tuTerms.get(j);
String tmpTuSrcWord = tempTuTerm.get(CON_SRCWORD);
for (Hashtable<String, String> tempTmTerm : tmTerms) {
if (tempTmTerm.get(CON_SRCWORD).equals(tmpTuSrcWord)) {
tuTermSize = tuTerms.size();
} else {
int j = 0;
while (j < tmTermSize) {
Hashtable<String, String> tempTmTerm = tmTerms.get(j);
String tmpTmSrcWord = tempTmTerm.get(CON_SRCWORD);
for (Hashtable<String, String> tempTuTerm : tuTerms) {
if (tempTuTerm.get(CON_SRCWORD).equals(tmpTmSrcWord)) {
tmTermSize = tmTerms.size();
tuTermSize = tuTerms.size();
tmTermSize = tmTerms.size();
if (tuTermSize == 0 || tmTermSize == 0) {
return result;
int replaceSize = tuTermSize < tmTermSize ? tuTermSize : tmTermSize;
for (int i = 0; i < replaceSize; i++) {
Hashtable<String, String> tmTerm = tmTerms.get(i);
String tmTermSrc = tmTerm.get(CON_SRCWORD);
String tmTermTgt = tmTerm.get(CON_TGTWORD);
Hashtable<String, String> tuTerm = tuTerms.get(i);
String tuTermSrc = tuTerm.get(CON_SRCWORD);
String tuTermTgt = tuTerm.get(CON_TGTWORD);
tmSrcText = tmSrcText.replace(tmTermSrc, tuTermSrc);
tmTgtText = tmTgtText.replace(tmTermTgt, tuTermTgt);
int quality = MatchQuality.similarity(tuSrcText, tmSrcText);
AltTransBean bean = new AltTransBean(tmSrcText, tmTgtText, srcLang, tgtLang, getMathcerOrigin(), getToolId());
bean.getMatchProps().put("match-quality", quality + "");
bean.getMatchProps().put("hs:matchType", getMatcherType());
return result;
use of java.util.Hashtable in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class RTFCleanerDialog method handleFile.
* 处理 RTF 文件 ;
private void handleFile() {
FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.MULTI);
String[] extensions = { "*.rtf", "*" };
String[] filters = { Messages.getString("dialog.RTFCleanerDialog.filters1"), Messages.getString("dialog.RTFCleanerDialog.filters2") };
String[] arrSource = dialog.getFileNames();
if (arrSource == null || arrSource.length == 0) {
int errors = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arrSource.length; i++) {
File f = new File(dialog.getFilterPath() + System.getProperty("file.separator") + arrSource[i]);
Hashtable<String, String> params = new Hashtable<String, String>();
params.put("source", f.getAbsolutePath());
params.put("output", f.getAbsolutePath());
Vector<String> result =;
if (!"0".equals(result.get(0))) {
String msg = MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("dialog.RTFCleanerDialog.msg1"), arrSource[i]) + (String) result.get(1);
MessageDialog.openInformation(getShell(), Messages.getString("dialog.RTFCleanerDialog.msgTitle"), msg);
if (errors < arrSource.length) {
MessageDialog.openInformation(getShell(), Messages.getString("dialog.RTFCleanerDialog.msgTitle"), Messages.getString("dialog.RTFCleanerDialog.msg2"));
use of java.util.Hashtable in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class TBXMakerDialog method maxColumns.
private int maxColumns() throws IOException {
int max = 0;
InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(csvPath), encoding);
BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(input);
Hashtable<String, Integer> table1 = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
String line = buffer.readLine();
while (line != null) {
int i = countColumns(line);
if (table1.containsKey("" + i)) {
int count = table1.get("" + i).intValue() + 1;
table1.put("" + i, new Integer(count));
} else {
table1.put("" + i, new Integer(1));
line = buffer.readLine();
Enumeration<String> e = table1.keys();
String key = "";
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String s = e.nextElement();
int value = table1.get(s).intValue();
if (value > max) {
max = value;
key = s;
return Integer.parseInt(key);
use of java.util.Hashtable in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class CSV2TMXConverterDialog method maxColumns.
private int maxColumns() throws IOException {
int max = 0;
InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(csvPath), encoding);
BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(input);
Hashtable<String, Integer> table1 = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
String line = buffer.readLine();
while (line != null) {
int i = countColumns(line);
if (table1.containsKey("" + i)) {
int count = table1.get("" + i).intValue() + 1;
table1.put("" + i, new Integer(count));
} else {
table1.put("" + i, new Integer(1));
line = buffer.readLine();
Enumeration<String> e = table1.keys();
String key = "";
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String s = e.nextElement();
int value = table1.get(s).intValue();
if (value > max) {
max = value;
key = s;
return Integer.parseInt(key);
use of java.util.Hashtable in project translationstudio8 by heartsome.
the class TermConsistenceQA method compareTerms.
* 比较术语
* @param iFile 要检查的文件
* @param handler xml文件操作类
private void compareTerms(IFile iFile, QAXmlHandler xmlHandler, QATUDataBean tuDataBean) {
String srcLang = tuDataBean.getSrcLang();
String tgtLang = tuDataBean.getTgtLang();
boolean souTerm_Context = getContext(srcLang);
boolean tarTerm_Context = getContext(tgtLang);
String sourceText = TextUtil.resetSpecialString(tuDataBean.getSrcPureText());
String targetText = TextUtil.resetSpecialString(tuDataBean.getTgtPureText());
targetText = TextUtil.normalise(targetText, true);
// targetText = TextUtil.cleanString(targetText);
sourceText = TextUtil.normalise(sourceText, true);
// sourceText = TextUtil.cleanString(sourceText);
Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> termsVector = matcher.serachTransUnitTerms(sourceText, srcLang, tgtLang, false);
String lineNumber = tuDataBean.getLineNumber();
String rowId = tuDataBean.getRowId();
for (int termIndex = 0; termIndex < termsVector.size(); termIndex++) {
String sourceTerm = termsVector.get(termIndex).get("srcWord");
String targetTerm = termsVector.get(termIndex).get("tgtWord");
if (containsTerm(sourceText, sourceTerm, souTerm_Context)) {
if (!containsTerm(targetText, targetTerm, tarTerm_Context)) {
// String errorTip = MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("qa.TermConsistenceQA.tip1"),
// new Object[] { "'" + sourceTerm + "'", "'" + targetTerm + "'" });
hasError = true;
String qaTypeText = Messages.getString("qa.all.qaItem.TermConsistenceQA");
super.printQAResult(new QAResultBean(level, QAConstant.QA_TERM, qaTypeText, null, tuDataBean.getFileName(), lineNumber, tuDataBean.getSrcContent(), tuDataBean.getTgtContent(), rowId));