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Example 11 with Entry

use of java.util.Map.Entry in project hadoop by apache.

the class StageAllocatorGreedyRLE method computeStageAllocation.

public Map<ReservationInterval, Resource> computeStageAllocation(Plan plan, Map<Long, Resource> planLoads, RLESparseResourceAllocation planModifications, ReservationRequest rr, long stageEarliestStart, long stageDeadline, String user, ReservationId oldId) throws PlanningException {
    // abort early if the interval is not satisfiable
    if (stageEarliestStart + rr.getDuration() > stageDeadline) {
        return null;
    Map<ReservationInterval, Resource> allocationRequests = new HashMap<ReservationInterval, Resource>();
    Resource totalCapacity = plan.getTotalCapacity();
    // compute the gang as a resource and get the duration
    Resource sizeOfGang = Resources.multiply(rr.getCapability(), rr.getConcurrency());
    long dur = rr.getDuration();
    long step = plan.getStep();
    // ceil the duration to the next multiple of the plan step
    if (dur % step != 0) {
        dur += (step - (dur % step));
    // we know for sure that this division has no remainder (part of contract
    // with user, validate before
    int gangsToPlace = rr.getNumContainers() / rr.getConcurrency();
    // get available resources from plan
    RLESparseResourceAllocation netRLERes = plan.getAvailableResourceOverTime(user, oldId, stageEarliestStart, stageDeadline);
    // remove plan modifications
    netRLERes = RLESparseResourceAllocation.merge(plan.getResourceCalculator(), totalCapacity, netRLERes, planModifications, RLEOperator.subtract, stageEarliestStart, stageDeadline);
    // an invalid range of times
    while (gangsToPlace > 0 && stageEarliestStart + dur <= stageDeadline) {
        // as we run along we remember how many gangs we can fit, and what
        // was the most constraining moment in time (we will restart just
        // after that to place the next batch)
        int maxGang = gangsToPlace;
        long minPoint = -1;
        // focus our attention to a time-range under consideration
        NavigableMap<Long, Resource> partialMap = netRLERes.getRangeOverlapping(stageEarliestStart, stageDeadline).getCumulative();
        // revert the map for right-to-left allocation
        if (!allocateLeft) {
            partialMap = partialMap.descendingMap();
        Iterator<Entry<Long, Resource>> netIt = partialMap.entrySet().iterator();
        long oldT = stageDeadline;
        // interval (with outside loop)
        while (maxGang > 0 && netIt.hasNext()) {
            long t;
            Resource curAvailRes;
            Entry<Long, Resource> e =;
            if (allocateLeft) {
                t = Math.max(e.getKey(), stageEarliestStart);
                curAvailRes = e.getValue();
            } else {
                t = oldT;
                oldT = e.getKey();
                //attention: higher means lower, because we reversed the map direction
                curAvailRes = partialMap.higherEntry(t).getValue();
            // check exit/skip conditions/
            if (curAvailRes == null) {
                //skip undefined regions (should not happen beside borders)
            if (exitCondition(t, stageEarliestStart, stageDeadline, dur)) {
            // compute maximum number of gangs we could fit
            int curMaxGang = (int) Math.floor(Resources.divide(plan.getResourceCalculator(), totalCapacity, curAvailRes, sizeOfGang));
            curMaxGang = Math.min(gangsToPlace, curMaxGang);
            // the minimum (useful for next attempts)
            if (curMaxGang <= maxGang) {
                maxGang = curMaxGang;
                minPoint = t;
        // update data structures that retain the progress made so far
        gangsToPlace = trackProgress(planModifications, rr, stageEarliestStart, stageDeadline, allocationRequests, dur, gangsToPlace, maxGang);
        // reset the next range of time-intervals to deal with
        if (allocateLeft) {
            // end of this allocation
            if (partialMap.higherKey(minPoint) == null) {
                stageEarliestStart = stageEarliestStart + dur;
            } else {
                stageEarliestStart = Math.min(partialMap.higherKey(minPoint), stageEarliestStart + dur);
        } else {
            // same as above moving right-to-left
            if (partialMap.higherKey(minPoint) == null) {
                stageDeadline = stageDeadline - dur;
            } else {
                stageDeadline = Math.max(partialMap.higherKey(minPoint), stageDeadline - dur);
    // if no gangs are left to place we succeed and return the allocation
    if (gangsToPlace == 0) {
        return allocationRequests;
    } else {
        // for ANY).
        for (Map.Entry<ReservationInterval, Resource> tempAllocation : allocationRequests.entrySet()) {
            planModifications.removeInterval(tempAllocation.getKey(), tempAllocation.getValue());
        // and return null to signal failure in this allocation
        return null;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Resource(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource) ReservationInterval(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.ReservationInterval) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) RLESparseResourceAllocation(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.RLESparseResourceAllocation) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NavigableMap(java.util.NavigableMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 12 with Entry

use of java.util.Map.Entry in project hadoop by apache.

the class RLESparseResourceAllocation method merge.

private static NavigableMap<Long, Resource> merge(ResourceCalculator resCalc, Resource clusterResource, NavigableMap<Long, Resource> a, NavigableMap<Long, Resource> b, long start, long end, RLEOperator operator) throws PlanningException {
    // handle special cases of empty input
    if (a == null || a.isEmpty()) {
        if (operator == RLEOperator.subtract || operator == RLEOperator.subtractTestNonNegative) {
            return negate(operator, b);
        } else {
            return b;
    if (b == null || b.isEmpty()) {
        return a;
    // define iterators and support variables
    Iterator<Entry<Long, Resource>> aIt = a.entrySet().iterator();
    Iterator<Entry<Long, Resource>> bIt = b.entrySet().iterator();
    Entry<Long, Resource> curA =;
    Entry<Long, Resource> curB =;
    Entry<Long, Resource> lastA = null;
    Entry<Long, Resource> lastB = null;
    boolean aIsDone = false;
    boolean bIsDone = false;
    TreeMap<Long, Resource> out = new TreeMap<Long, Resource>();
    while (!(curA.equals(lastA) && curB.equals(lastB))) {
        Resource outRes;
        long time = -1;
        // curA is smaller than curB
        if (bIsDone || (curA.getKey() < curB.getKey() && !aIsDone)) {
            outRes = combineValue(operator, resCalc, clusterResource, curA, lastB);
            time = (curA.getKey() < start) ? start : curA.getKey();
            lastA = curA;
            if (aIt.hasNext()) {
                curA =;
            } else {
                aIsDone = true;
        } else {
            // curB is smaller than curA
            if (aIsDone || (curA.getKey() > curB.getKey() && !bIsDone)) {
                outRes = combineValue(operator, resCalc, clusterResource, lastA, curB);
                time = (curB.getKey() < start) ? start : curB.getKey();
                lastB = curB;
                if (bIt.hasNext()) {
                    curB =;
                } else {
                    bIsDone = true;
            } else {
                // curA is equal to curB
                outRes = combineValue(operator, resCalc, clusterResource, curA, curB);
                time = (curA.getKey() < start) ? start : curA.getKey();
                lastA = curA;
                if (aIt.hasNext()) {
                    curA =;
                } else {
                    aIsDone = true;
                lastB = curB;
                if (bIt.hasNext()) {
                    curB =;
                } else {
                    bIsDone = true;
        // add to out if not redundant
        addIfNeeded(out, time, outRes);
    addIfNeeded(out, end, null);
    return out;
Also used : Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Resource(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 13 with Entry

use of java.util.Map.Entry in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestRLESparseResourceAllocation method testSkyline.

public void testSkyline() {
    ResourceCalculator resCalc = new DefaultResourceCalculator();
    RLESparseResourceAllocation rleSparseVector = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(resCalc);
    int[] alloc = { 0, 5, 10, 10, 5, 0 };
    int start = 100;
    Set<Entry<ReservationInterval, Resource>> inputs = generateAllocation(start, alloc, true).entrySet();
    for (Entry<ReservationInterval, Resource> ip : inputs) {
        rleSparseVector.addInterval(ip.getKey(), ip.getValue());
    Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(0, 0), rleSparseVector.getCapacityAtTime(99));
    Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(0, 0), rleSparseVector.getCapacityAtTime(start + alloc.length + 1));
    for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) {
        Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i] + i), (alloc[i] + i)), rleSparseVector.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
    Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(0, 0), rleSparseVector.getCapacityAtTime(start + alloc.length + 2));
    for (Entry<ReservationInterval, Resource> ip : inputs) {
        rleSparseVector.removeInterval(ip.getKey(), ip.getValue());
    for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) {
        Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(0, 0), rleSparseVector.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
Also used : DefaultResourceCalculator(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator) ResourceCalculator(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) DefaultResourceCalculator(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator) Resource(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with Entry

use of java.util.Map.Entry in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestRLESparseResourceAllocation method testToIntervalMap.

public void testToIntervalMap() {
    ResourceCalculator resCalc = new DefaultResourceCalculator();
    RLESparseResourceAllocation rleSparseVector = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(resCalc);
    Map<ReservationInterval, Resource> mapAllocations;
    // Check empty
    mapAllocations = rleSparseVector.toIntervalMap();
    // Check full
    int[] alloc = { 0, 5, 10, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0 };
    int start = 100;
    Set<Entry<ReservationInterval, Resource>> inputs = generateAllocation(start, alloc, false).entrySet();
    for (Entry<ReservationInterval, Resource> ip : inputs) {
        rleSparseVector.addInterval(ip.getKey(), ip.getValue());
    mapAllocations = rleSparseVector.toIntervalMap();
    Assert.assertTrue(mapAllocations.size() == 5);
    for (Entry<ReservationInterval, Resource> entry : mapAllocations.entrySet()) {
        ReservationInterval interval = entry.getKey();
        Resource resource = entry.getValue();
        if (interval.getStartTime() == 101L) {
            Assert.assertTrue(interval.getEndTime() == 102L);
            Assert.assertEquals(resource, Resource.newInstance(5 * 1024, 5));
        } else if (interval.getStartTime() == 102L) {
            Assert.assertTrue(interval.getEndTime() == 104L);
            Assert.assertEquals(resource, Resource.newInstance(10 * 1024, 10));
        } else if (interval.getStartTime() == 104L) {
            Assert.assertTrue(interval.getEndTime() == 105L);
            Assert.assertEquals(resource, Resource.newInstance(5 * 1024, 5));
        } else if (interval.getStartTime() == 105L) {
            Assert.assertTrue(interval.getEndTime() == 106L);
            Assert.assertEquals(resource, Resource.newInstance(0 * 1024, 0));
        } else if (interval.getStartTime() == 106L) {
            Assert.assertTrue(interval.getEndTime() == 107L);
            Assert.assertEquals(resource, Resource.newInstance(5 * 1024, 5));
        } else {
Also used : DefaultResourceCalculator(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator) ResourceCalculator(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) DefaultResourceCalculator(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator) Resource(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 15 with Entry

use of java.util.Map.Entry in project storm by apache.

the class Testing method completeTopology.

     * Run a topology to completion capturing all of the messages that are emitted.  This only works when all of the spouts are
     * instances of {@link org.apache.storm.testing.CompletableSpout} or are overwritten by MockedSources in param
     * @param cluster the cluster to submit the topology to
     * @param topology the topology itself
     * @param param parameters to describe how to complete a topology.
     * @return a map of the component to the list of tuples it emitted. 
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @throws TException on any error from nimbus.
public static Map<String, List<FixedTuple>> completeTopology(ILocalCluster cluster, StormTopology topology, CompleteTopologyParam param) throws TException, InterruptedException {
    Map<String, List<FixedTuple>> ret = null;
    IStormClusterState state = cluster.getClusterState();
    CapturedTopology<StormTopology> capTopo = captureTopology(topology);
    topology = capTopo.topology;
    String topoName = param.getTopologyName();
    if (topoName == null) {
        topoName = "topologytest-" + Utils.uuid();
    Map<String, SpoutSpec> spouts = topology.get_spouts();
    MockedSources ms = param.getMockedSources();
    if (ms != null) {
        for (Entry<String, List<FixedTuple>> mocked : ms.getData().entrySet()) {
            FixedTupleSpout newSpout = new FixedTupleSpout(mocked.getValue());
    List<Object> spoutObjects = spouts.values().stream().map((spec) -> Thrift.deserializeComponentObject(spec.get_spout_object())).collect(Collectors.toList());
    for (Object o : spoutObjects) {
        if (!(o instanceof CompletableSpout)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot complete topology unless every spout is a CompletableSpout (or mocked to be); failed by " + o);
    for (Object spout : spoutObjects) {
        ((CompletableSpout) spout).startup();
    cluster.submitTopology(topoName, param.getStormConf(), topology);
    if (Time.isSimulating()) {
    String topoId = state.getTopoId(topoName).get();
    //Give the topology time to come up without using it to wait for the spouts to complete
    Integer timeoutMs = param.getTimeoutMs();
    if (timeoutMs == null) {
        timeoutMs = TEST_TIMEOUT_MS;
    whileTimeout(timeoutMs, () -> !isEvery(spoutObjects, (o) -> ((CompletableSpout) o).isExhausted()), () -> {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException();
    KillOptions killOpts = new KillOptions();
    cluster.killTopologyWithOpts(topoName, killOpts);
    whileTimeout(timeoutMs, () -> state.assignmentInfo(topoId, null) != null, () -> {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException();
    if (param.getCleanupState()) {
        for (Object o : spoutObjects) {
            ((CompletableSpout) o).clean();
        ret = capTopo.capturer.getAndRemoveResults();
    } else {
        ret = capTopo.capturer.getAndClearResults();
    return ret;
Also used : SimulatedTime(org.apache.storm.utils.Time.SimulatedTime) TopologyContext(org.apache.storm.task.TopologyContext) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) INimbus(org.apache.storm.scheduler.INimbus) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Bolt(org.apache.storm.generated.Bolt) Tuple(org.apache.storm.tuple.Tuple) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) StormTopology(org.apache.storm.generated.StormTopology) Map(java.util.Map) CompleteTopologyParam(org.apache.storm.testing.CompleteTopologyParam) MkTupleParam(org.apache.storm.testing.MkTupleParam) FixedTupleSpout(org.apache.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout) KillOptions(org.apache.storm.generated.KillOptions) MockedSources(org.apache.storm.testing.MockedSources) TestJob(org.apache.storm.testing.TestJob) MkClusterParam(org.apache.storm.testing.MkClusterParam) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) Collection(java.util.Collection) CompletableSpout(org.apache.storm.testing.CompletableSpout) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) Grouping(org.apache.storm.generated.Grouping) StreamInfo(org.apache.storm.generated.StreamInfo) FixedTuple(org.apache.storm.testing.FixedTuple) TException(org.apache.thrift.TException) Fields(org.apache.storm.tuple.Fields) IStormClusterState(org.apache.storm.cluster.IStormClusterState) Utils(org.apache.storm.utils.Utils) Collectors( GlobalStreamId(org.apache.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId) Time(org.apache.storm.utils.Time) TupleCaptureBolt(org.apache.storm.testing.TupleCaptureBolt) List(java.util.List) RegisteredGlobalState(org.apache.storm.utils.RegisteredGlobalState) ConfigUtils(org.apache.storm.utils.ConfigUtils) TupleImpl(org.apache.storm.tuple.TupleImpl) SpoutSpec(org.apache.storm.generated.SpoutSpec) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) TrackedTopology(org.apache.storm.testing.TrackedTopology) StormTopology(org.apache.storm.generated.StormTopology) CompletableSpout(org.apache.storm.testing.CompletableSpout) TException(org.apache.thrift.TException) FixedTupleSpout(org.apache.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) MockedSources(org.apache.storm.testing.MockedSources) SpoutSpec(org.apache.storm.generated.SpoutSpec) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) IStormClusterState(org.apache.storm.cluster.IStormClusterState) KillOptions(org.apache.storm.generated.KillOptions)


Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1041 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)295 Map (java.util.Map)288 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)258 List (java.util.List)177 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)113 IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)77 Set (java.util.Set)68 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)64 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)62 File ( Collection (java.util.Collection)42 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)36 Properties (java.util.Properties)35 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)35 TestSuite (junit.framework.TestSuite)33 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)31 NamedIcon (jmri.jmrit.catalog.NamedIcon)28 Collectors (