use of java.util.MissingResourceException in project languagetool by languagetool-org.
the class ResourceBundleTools method getMessageBundle.
* Gets the ResourceBundle (i18n strings) for the default language of the user's system.
public static ResourceBundle getMessageBundle() {
try {
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(MESSAGE_BUNDLE);
ResourceBundle fallbackBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(MESSAGE_BUNDLE, Locale.ENGLISH);
return new ResourceBundleWithFallback(bundle, fallbackBundle);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
return ResourceBundle.getBundle(MESSAGE_BUNDLE, Locale.ENGLISH);
use of java.util.MissingResourceException in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class LocaleUtils method getLocalizedString.
* Returns an internationalized string loaded from a resource bundle from
* the passed in plugin, using the passed in Locale.
* If the plugin name is <tt>null</tt>, the key will be looked up using the
* standard resource bundle.
* If the locale is <tt>null</tt>, the Jive Global locale will be used.
* @param key
* the key to use for retrieving the string from the appropriate
* resource bundle.
* @param pluginName
* the name of the plugin to load the require resource bundle
* from.
* @param arguments
* a list of objects to use which are formatted, then inserted
* into the pattern at the appropriate places.
* @param locale
* the locale to use for retrieving the appropriate
* locale-specific string.
* @param fallback
* if <tt>true</tt>, the global locale used by Openfire will be
* used if the requested locale is not available)
* @return the localized string.
public static String getLocalizedString(String key, String pluginName, List<?> arguments, Locale locale, boolean fallback) {
if (pluginName == null) {
return getLocalizedString(key, arguments);
if (locale == null) {
locale = JiveGlobals.getLocale();
String i18nFile = getI18nFile(pluginName);
// Retrieve classloader from pluginName.
final XMPPServer xmppServer = XMPPServer.getInstance();
PluginManager pluginManager = xmppServer.getPluginManager();
Plugin plugin = pluginManager.getPlugin(pluginName);
if (plugin == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Plugin could not be located: " + pluginName);
ClassLoader pluginClassLoader = pluginManager.getPluginClassloader(plugin);
try {
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(i18nFile, locale, pluginClassLoader);
return getLocalizedString(key, locale, arguments, bundle);
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
Locale jivesLocale = JiveGlobals.getLocale();
if (fallback && !jivesLocale.equals(locale)) {"Could not find the requested locale. Falling back to default locale.", mre);
return getLocalizedString(key, pluginName, arguments, jivesLocale, false);
Log.error(mre.getMessage(), mre);
return key;
use of java.util.MissingResourceException in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class LocalizedMessage method getMessage.
* Gets the translated message.
* @return the translated message
public String getMessage() {
String message = getCustomMessage();
if (message == null) {
try {
// Important to use the default class loader, and not the one in
// the GlobalProperties object. This is because the class loader in
// the GlobalProperties is specified by the user for resolving
// custom classes.
final ResourceBundle resourceBundle = getBundle(bundle);
final String pattern = resourceBundle.getString(key);
final MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(pattern, Locale.ROOT);
message = formatter.format(args);
} catch (final MissingResourceException ignored) {
// If the Check author didn't provide i18n resource bundles
// and logs error messages directly, this will return
// the author's original message
final MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(key, Locale.ROOT);
message = formatter.format(args);
return message;
use of java.util.MissingResourceException in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class DbConnectionManager method setConnectionProvider.
* Sets the connection provider. The old provider (if it exists) is shut
* down before the new one is started. A connection provider <b>should
* not</b> be started before being passed to the connection manager
* because the manager will call the start() method automatically.
* @param provider the ConnectionProvider that the manager should obtain
* connections from.
public static void setConnectionProvider(ConnectionProvider provider) {
synchronized (providerLock) {
if (connectionProvider != null) {
connectionProvider = null;
connectionProvider = provider;
// Now, get a connection to determine meta data.
Connection con = null;
try {
con = connectionProvider.getConnection();
// Check to see if the database schema needs to be upgraded.
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
// Remember what connection provider we want to use for restarts.
JiveGlobals.setXMLProperty("connectionProvider.className", provider.getClass().getName());
use of java.util.MissingResourceException in project libgdx by libgdx.
the class I18NBundle method createBundleImpl.
private static I18NBundle createBundleImpl(FileHandle baseFileHandle, Locale locale, String encoding) {
if (baseFileHandle == null || locale == null || encoding == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
I18NBundle bundle = null;
I18NBundle baseBundle = null;
Locale targetLocale = locale;
do {
// Create the candidate locales
List<Locale> candidateLocales = getCandidateLocales(targetLocale);
// Load the bundle and its parents recursively
bundle = loadBundleChain(baseFileHandle, encoding, candidateLocales, 0, baseBundle);
// Check the loaded bundle (if any)
if (bundle != null) {
// WTH? GWT can't access bundle.locale directly
Locale bundleLocale = bundle.getLocale();
boolean isBaseBundle = bundleLocale.equals(ROOT_LOCALE);
if (!isBaseBundle || bundleLocale.equals(locale)) {
// Found the bundle for the requested locale
if (candidateLocales.size() == 1 && bundleLocale.equals(candidateLocales.get(0))) {
// Found the bundle for the only candidate locale
if (isBaseBundle && baseBundle == null) {
// Store the base bundle and keep on processing the remaining fallback locales
baseBundle = bundle;
// Set next fallback locale
targetLocale = getFallbackLocale(targetLocale);
} while (targetLocale != null);
if (bundle == null) {
if (baseBundle == null) {
// No bundle found
throw new MissingResourceException("Can't find bundle for base file handle " + baseFileHandle.path() + ", locale " + locale, baseFileHandle + "_" + locale, "");
// Set the base bundle to be returned
bundle = baseBundle;
return bundle;