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Example 26 with Random

use of java.util.Random in project flink by apache.

the class RecordWriterTest method testBroadcastEventMixedRecords.

	 * Tests broadcasting events when records have been emitted. The emitted
	 * records cover all three {@link SerializationResult} types.
public void testBroadcastEventMixedRecords() throws Exception {
    Random rand = new XORShiftRandom();
    int numChannels = 4;
    int bufferSize = 32;
    // serialized length
    int lenBytes = 4;
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Queue<BufferOrEvent>[] queues = new Queue[numChannels];
    for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
        queues[i] = new ArrayDeque<>();
    BufferProvider bufferProvider = createBufferProvider(bufferSize);
    ResultPartitionWriter partitionWriter = createCollectingPartitionWriter(queues, bufferProvider);
    RecordWriter<ByteArrayIO> writer = new RecordWriter<>(partitionWriter, new RoundRobin<ByteArrayIO>());
    CheckpointBarrier barrier = new CheckpointBarrier(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1292L, Integer.MAX_VALUE + 199L, CheckpointOptions.forFullCheckpoint());
    // Emit records on some channels first (requesting buffers), then
    // broadcast the event. The record buffers should be emitted first, then
    // the event. After the event, no new buffer should be requested.
    // (i) Smaller than the buffer size (single buffer request => 1)
    byte[] bytes = new byte[bufferSize / 2];
    writer.emit(new ByteArrayIO(bytes));
    // (ii) Larger than the buffer size (two buffer requests => 1 + 2)
    bytes = new byte[bufferSize + 1];
    writer.emit(new ByteArrayIO(bytes));
    // (iii) Exactly the buffer size (single buffer request => 1 + 2 + 1)
    bytes = new byte[bufferSize - lenBytes];
    writer.emit(new ByteArrayIO(bytes));
    // (iv) Nothing on the 4th channel (no buffer request => 1 + 2 + 1 + 0 = 4)
    // (v) Broadcast the event
    verify(bufferProvider, times(4)).requestBufferBlocking();
    // 1 buffer + 1 event
    assertEquals(2, queues[0].size());
    // 2 buffers + 1 event
    assertEquals(3, queues[1].size());
    // 1 buffer + 1 event
    assertEquals(2, queues[2].size());
    // 0 buffers + 1 event
    assertEquals(1, queues[3].size());
Also used : XORShiftRandom(org.apache.flink.util.XORShiftRandom) CheckpointBarrier( Random(java.util.Random) XORShiftRandom(org.apache.flink.util.XORShiftRandom) TestInfiniteBufferProvider( BufferProvider( Queue(java.util.Queue) PrepareForTest(org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with Random

use of java.util.Random in project flink by apache.

the class StateTableSnapshotCompatibilityTest method checkCompatibleSerializationFormats.

	 * This test ensures that different implementations of {@link StateTable} are compatible in their serialization
	 * format.
public void checkCompatibleSerializationFormats() throws IOException {
    final Random r = new Random(42);
    RegisteredBackendStateMetaInfo<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> metaInfo = new RegisteredBackendStateMetaInfo<>(StateDescriptor.Type.UNKNOWN, "test", IntSerializer.INSTANCE, new ArrayListSerializer<>(IntSerializer.INSTANCE));
    final CopyOnWriteStateTableTest.MockInternalKeyContext<Integer> keyContext = new CopyOnWriteStateTableTest.MockInternalKeyContext<>(IntSerializer.INSTANCE);
    CopyOnWriteStateTable<Integer, Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> cowStateTable = new CopyOnWriteStateTable<>(keyContext, metaInfo);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(5);
        int end = r.nextInt(5);
        for (int j = 0; j < end; ++j) {
        cowStateTable.put(r.nextInt(10), r.nextInt(2), list);
    StateTableSnapshot snapshot = cowStateTable.createSnapshot();
    final NestedMapsStateTable<Integer, Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> nestedMapsStateTable = new NestedMapsStateTable<>(keyContext, metaInfo);
    restoreStateTableFromSnapshot(nestedMapsStateTable, snapshot, keyContext.getKeyGroupRange());
    Assert.assertEquals(cowStateTable.size(), nestedMapsStateTable.size());
    for (StateEntry<Integer, Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> entry : cowStateTable) {
        Assert.assertEquals(entry.getState(), nestedMapsStateTable.get(entry.getKey(), entry.getNamespace()));
    snapshot = nestedMapsStateTable.createSnapshot();
    cowStateTable = new CopyOnWriteStateTable<>(keyContext, metaInfo);
    restoreStateTableFromSnapshot(cowStateTable, snapshot, keyContext.getKeyGroupRange());
    Assert.assertEquals(nestedMapsStateTable.size(), cowStateTable.size());
    for (StateEntry<Integer, Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> entry : cowStateTable) {
        Assert.assertEquals(nestedMapsStateTable.get(entry.getKey(), entry.getNamespace()), entry.getState());
Also used : RegisteredBackendStateMetaInfo(org.apache.flink.runtime.state.RegisteredBackendStateMetaInfo) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Random(java.util.Random) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 28 with Random

use of java.util.Random in project flink by apache.

the class CopyOnWriteStateTableTest method testRandomModificationsAndCopyOnWriteIsolation.

	 * This test does some random modifications to a state table and a reference (hash map). Then draws snapshots,
	 * performs more modifications and checks snapshot integrity.
public void testRandomModificationsAndCopyOnWriteIsolation() throws Exception {
    final RegisteredBackendStateMetaInfo<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> metaInfo = new RegisteredBackendStateMetaInfo<>(StateDescriptor.Type.UNKNOWN, "test", IntSerializer.INSTANCE, // we use mutable state objects.
    new ArrayListSerializer<>(IntSerializer.INSTANCE));
    final MockInternalKeyContext<Integer> keyContext = new MockInternalKeyContext<>(IntSerializer.INSTANCE);
    final CopyOnWriteStateTable<Integer, Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> stateTable = new CopyOnWriteStateTable<>(keyContext, metaInfo);
    final HashMap<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, ArrayList<Integer>> referenceMap = new HashMap<>();
    final Random random = new Random(42);
    // holds snapshots from the map under test
    CopyOnWriteStateTable.StateTableEntry<Integer, Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>[] snapshot = null;
    int snapshotSize = 0;
    // holds a reference snapshot from our reference map that we compare against
    Tuple3<Integer, Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>[] reference = null;
    int val = 0;
    int snapshotCounter = 0;
    int referencedSnapshotId = 0;
    final StateTransformationFunction<ArrayList<Integer>, Integer> transformationFunction = new StateTransformationFunction<ArrayList<Integer>, Integer>() {

        public ArrayList<Integer> apply(ArrayList<Integer> previousState, Integer value) throws Exception {
            if (previousState == null) {
                previousState = new ArrayList<>();
            // we give back the original, attempting to spot errors in to copy-on-write
            return previousState;
    // the main loop for modifications
    for (int i = 0; i < 10_000_000; ++i) {
        int key = random.nextInt(20);
        int namespace = random.nextInt(4);
        Tuple2<Integer, Integer> compositeKey = new Tuple2<>(key, namespace);
        int op = random.nextInt(7);
        ArrayList<Integer> state = null;
        ArrayList<Integer> referenceState = null;
        switch(op) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
                    state = stateTable.get(key, namespace);
                    referenceState = referenceMap.get(compositeKey);
                    if (null == state) {
                        state = new ArrayList<>();
                        stateTable.put(key, namespace, state);
                        referenceState = new ArrayList<>();
                        referenceMap.put(compositeKey, referenceState);
            case 2:
                    stateTable.put(key, namespace, new ArrayList<Integer>());
                    referenceMap.put(compositeKey, new ArrayList<Integer>());
            case 3:
                    state = stateTable.putAndGetOld(key, namespace, new ArrayList<Integer>());
                    referenceState = referenceMap.put(compositeKey, new ArrayList<Integer>());
            case 4:
                    stateTable.remove(key, namespace);
            case 5:
                    state = stateTable.removeAndGetOld(key, namespace);
                    referenceState = referenceMap.remove(compositeKey);
            case 6:
                    final int updateValue = random.nextInt(1000);
                    stateTable.transform(key, namespace, updateValue, transformationFunction);
                    referenceMap.put(compositeKey, transformationFunction.apply(referenceMap.remove(compositeKey), updateValue));
          "Unknown op-code " + op);
        Assert.assertEquals(referenceMap.size(), stateTable.size());
        if (state != null) {
            // mutate the states a bit...
            if (random.nextBoolean() && !state.isEmpty()) {
                state.remove(state.size() - 1);
                referenceState.remove(referenceState.size() - 1);
            } else {
        Assert.assertEquals(referenceState, state);
        // snapshot triggering / comparison / release
        if (i > 0 && i % 500 == 0) {
            if (snapshot != null) {
                // check our referenced snapshot
                deepCheck(reference, convert(snapshot, snapshotSize));
                if (i % 1_000 == 0) {
                    // draw and release some other snapshot while holding on the old snapshot
                //release the snapshot after some time
                if (i % 5_000 == 0) {
                    snapshot = null;
                    reference = null;
                    snapshotSize = 0;
            } else {
                // if there is no more referenced snapshot, we create one
                referencedSnapshotId = snapshotCounter;
                snapshot = stateTable.snapshotTableArrays();
                snapshotSize = stateTable.size();
                reference = manualDeepDump(referenceMap);
Also used : StateTransformationFunction(org.apache.flink.runtime.state.StateTransformationFunction) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) RegisteredBackendStateMetaInfo(org.apache.flink.runtime.state.RegisteredBackendStateMetaInfo) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Random(java.util.Random) Tuple2( Tuple3( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 29 with Random

use of java.util.Random in project flink by apache.

the class StateBackendTestBase method testKeyGroupSnapshotRestore.

	 * This test verifies that state is correctly assigned to key groups and that restore
	 * restores the relevant key groups in the backend.
	 * <p>We have ten key groups. Initially, one backend is responsible for all ten key groups.
	 * Then we snapshot, split up the state and restore in to backends where each is responsible
	 * for five key groups. Then we make sure that the state is only available in the correct
	 * backend.
	 * @throws Exception
public void testKeyGroupSnapshotRestore() throws Exception {
    final int MAX_PARALLELISM = 10;
    CheckpointStreamFactory streamFactory = createStreamFactory();
    AbstractKeyedStateBackend<Integer> backend = createKeyedBackend(IntSerializer.INSTANCE, MAX_PARALLELISM, new KeyGroupRange(0, MAX_PARALLELISM - 1), new DummyEnvironment("test", 1, 0));
    ValueStateDescriptor<String> kvId = new ValueStateDescriptor<>("id", String.class);
    kvId.initializeSerializerUnlessSet(new ExecutionConfig());
    ValueState<String> state = backend.getPartitionedState(VoidNamespace.INSTANCE, VoidNamespaceSerializer.INSTANCE, kvId);
    // keys that fall into the first half/second half of the key groups, respectively
    int keyInFirstHalf = 17;
    int keyInSecondHalf = 42;
    Random rand = new Random(0);
    // for each key, determine into which half of the key-group space they fall
    int firstKeyHalf = KeyGroupRangeAssignment.assignKeyToParallelOperator(keyInFirstHalf, MAX_PARALLELISM, 2);
    int secondKeyHalf = KeyGroupRangeAssignment.assignKeyToParallelOperator(keyInFirstHalf, MAX_PARALLELISM, 2);
    while (firstKeyHalf == secondKeyHalf) {
        keyInSecondHalf = rand.nextInt();
        secondKeyHalf = KeyGroupRangeAssignment.assignKeyToParallelOperator(keyInSecondHalf, MAX_PARALLELISM, 2);
    KeyGroupsStateHandle snapshot = FutureUtil.runIfNotDoneAndGet(backend.snapshot(0, 0, streamFactory, CheckpointOptions.forFullCheckpoint()));
    List<KeyGroupsStateHandle> firstHalfKeyGroupStates = StateAssignmentOperation.getKeyGroupsStateHandles(Collections.singletonList(snapshot), KeyGroupRangeAssignment.computeKeyGroupRangeForOperatorIndex(MAX_PARALLELISM, 2, 0));
    List<KeyGroupsStateHandle> secondHalfKeyGroupStates = StateAssignmentOperation.getKeyGroupsStateHandles(Collections.singletonList(snapshot), KeyGroupRangeAssignment.computeKeyGroupRangeForOperatorIndex(MAX_PARALLELISM, 2, 1));
    // backend for the first half of the key group range
    AbstractKeyedStateBackend<Integer> firstHalfBackend = restoreKeyedBackend(IntSerializer.INSTANCE, MAX_PARALLELISM, new KeyGroupRange(0, 4), firstHalfKeyGroupStates, new DummyEnvironment("test", 1, 0));
    // backend for the second half of the key group range
    AbstractKeyedStateBackend<Integer> secondHalfBackend = restoreKeyedBackend(IntSerializer.INSTANCE, MAX_PARALLELISM, new KeyGroupRange(5, 9), secondHalfKeyGroupStates, new DummyEnvironment("test", 1, 0));
    ValueState<String> firstHalfState = firstHalfBackend.getPartitionedState(VoidNamespace.INSTANCE, VoidNamespaceSerializer.INSTANCE, kvId);
    assertTrue(firstHalfState.value() == null);
    ValueState<String> secondHalfState = secondHalfBackend.getPartitionedState(VoidNamespace.INSTANCE, VoidNamespaceSerializer.INSTANCE, kvId);
    assertTrue(secondHalfState.value() == null);
Also used : BlockerCheckpointStreamFactory(org.apache.flink.runtime.util.BlockerCheckpointStreamFactory) DummyEnvironment(org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.testutils.DummyEnvironment) ExecutionConfig(org.apache.flink.api.common.ExecutionConfig) ValueStateDescriptor(org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ValueStateDescriptor) Random(java.util.Random) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 30 with Random

use of java.util.Random in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestLocalFileSystem method testBufferedFSInputStream.

   * Regression test for HADOOP-9307: BufferedFSInputStream returning
   * wrong results after certain sequences of seeks and reads.
public void testBufferedFSInputStream() throws IOException {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.setClass("fs.file.impl", RawLocalFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
    conf.setInt(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, 4096);
    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.newInstance(conf);
    byte[] buf = new byte[10 * 1024];
    new Random().nextBytes(buf);
    // Write random bytes to file
    FSDataOutputStream stream = fs.create(TEST_PATH);
    try {
    } finally {
    Random r = new Random();
    FSDataInputStream stm =;
    // Record the sequence of seeks and reads which trigger a failure.
    int[] seeks = new int[10];
    int[] reads = new int[10];
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            int seekOff = r.nextInt(buf.length);
            int toRead = r.nextInt(Math.min(buf.length - seekOff, 32000));
            seeks[i % seeks.length] = seekOff;
            reads[i % reads.length] = toRead;
            verifyRead(stm, buf, seekOff, toRead);
    } catch (AssertionError afe) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Sequence of actions:\n");
        for (int j = 0; j < seeks.length; j++) {
            sb.append("seek @ ").append(seeks[j]).append("  ").append("read ").append(reads[j]).append("\n");
        throw afe;
    } finally {
Also used : Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) Random(java.util.Random) Test(org.junit.Test)


Random (java.util.Random)4728 Test (org.junit.Test)1273 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)602 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)242 File ( List (java.util.List)154 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)151 ByteArrayInputStream ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)129 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)123 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)121 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)116 Map (java.util.Map)106 QuickTest (com.hazelcast.test.annotation.QuickTest)99 ParallelTest (com.hazelcast.test.annotation.ParallelTest)94 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)93 Configuration (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration)88 ByteArrayOutputStream ( Before (org.junit.Before)78