use of java.util.SplittableRandom in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class SplittableRandomTest method testNextIntBounded2.
* nextInt(least, bound) returns least <= value < bound;
* repeated calls produce at least two distinct results
public void testNextIntBounded2() {
SplittableRandom sr = new SplittableRandom();
for (int least = -15485863; least < MAX_INT_BOUND; least += 524959) {
for (int bound = least + 2; bound > least && bound < MAX_INT_BOUND; bound += 49979687) {
int f = sr.nextInt(least, bound);
assertTrue(least <= f && f < bound);
int i = 0;
int j;
while (i < NCALLS && (j = sr.nextInt(least, bound)) == f) {
assertTrue(least <= j && j < bound);
assertTrue(i < NCALLS);
use of java.util.SplittableRandom in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class SplittableRandomTest method longsDataProvider.
@DataProvider(name = "longs")
public static Object[][] longsDataProvider() {
List<Object[]> data = new ArrayList<>();
// Function to create a stream using a RandomBoxedSpliterator
Function<Function<SplittableRandom, Long>, LongStream> rbsf = sf -> RandomBoxedSpliterator<>(new SplittableRandom(), 0, SIZE, sf), false).mapToLong(i -> i);
// Unbounded
data.add(new Object[] { TestData.Factory.ofLongSupplier(String.format("new SplittableRandom().longs().limit(%d)", SIZE), () -> new SplittableRandom().longs().limit(SIZE)), randomAsserter(SIZE, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0L) });
data.add(new Object[] { TestData.Factory.ofLongSupplier(String.format("new SplittableRandom().longs(%d)", SIZE), () -> new SplittableRandom().longs(SIZE)), randomAsserter(SIZE, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0L) });
data.add(new Object[] { TestData.Factory.ofLongSupplier(String.format("new RandomBoxedSpliterator(0, %d, sr -> sr.nextLong())", SIZE), () -> rbsf.apply(sr -> sr.nextLong())), randomAsserter(SIZE, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0L) });
for (int b : BOUNDS) {
for (int o : ORIGINS) {
final long origin = o;
final long bound = b;
data.add(new Object[] { TestData.Factory.ofLongSupplier(String.format("new SplittableRandom().longs(%d, %d).limit(%d)", origin, bound, SIZE), () -> new SplittableRandom().longs(origin, bound).limit(SIZE)), randomAsserter(SIZE, origin, bound) });
data.add(new Object[] { TestData.Factory.ofLongSupplier(String.format("new SplittableRandom().longs(%d, %d, %d)", SIZE, origin, bound), () -> new SplittableRandom().longs(SIZE, origin, bound)), randomAsserter(SIZE, origin, bound) });
if (origin == 0) {
data.add(new Object[] { TestData.Factory.ofLongSupplier(String.format("new RandomBoxedSpliterator(0, %d, sr -> sr.nextLong(%d))", SIZE, bound), () -> rbsf.apply(sr -> sr.nextLong(bound))), randomAsserter(SIZE, origin, bound) });
data.add(new Object[] { TestData.Factory.ofLongSupplier(String.format("new RandomBoxedSpliterator(0, %d, sr -> sr.nextLong(%d, %d))", SIZE, origin, bound), () -> rbsf.apply(sr -> sr.nextLong(origin, bound))), randomAsserter(SIZE, origin, bound) });
return data.toArray(new Object[0][]);
use of java.util.SplittableRandom in project graal by oracle.
the class IdentityHashCodeSupport method generateHashCode.
protected static int generateHashCode() {
SplittableRandom hashCodeGenerator = hashCodeGeneratorTL.get();
if (hashCodeGenerator == null) {
* Create a new thread-local random number generator. SplittableRandom ensures that
* values created by different random number generator instances are random as a whole.
hashCodeGenerator = new SplittableRandom();
int hashCode;
do {
hashCode = hashCodeGenerator.nextInt();
} while (hashCode == 0);
return hashCode;
use of java.util.SplittableRandom in project flink by apache.
the class S3RecoverableFsDataOutputStreamTest method createRandomLargeTestDataBuffers.
private static List<byte[]> createRandomLargeTestDataBuffers() {
final List<byte[]> testData = new ArrayList<>();
final SplittableRandom random = new SplittableRandom();
long totalSize = 0L;
int expectedSize = (int) random.nextLong(USER_DEFINED_MIN_PART_SIZE * 5L, USER_DEFINED_MIN_PART_SIZE * 100L);
while (totalSize < expectedSize) {
int len = random.nextInt(0, (int) (2L * USER_DEFINED_MIN_PART_SIZE));
byte[] buffer = randomBuffer(random, len);
totalSize += buffer.length;
return testData;