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Example 86 with StringTokenizer

use of java.util.StringTokenizer in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class ExportHandler method getTokenString.

	 * Get the token string
	 * @param aPC the PC being exported
	 * @param aString The token string to convert
	 * @return token string
public static String getTokenString(final PlayerCharacter aPC, final String aString) {
    final StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(aString, ".,", false);
    final String firstToken = tok.nextToken();
    // Make sure the token list has been populated
    final Token token = tokenMap.get(firstToken);
    if (token != null) {
        return token.getToken(aString, aPC, null);
    return "";
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) SkillToken( Token( MovementToken( EqToken( StatToken( GameModeToken( EqTypeToken( WeaponhToken( SkillpointsToken( BonusToken( TotalToken( AbilityListToken( WeaponToken( AbilityToken(

Example 87 with StringTokenizer

use of java.util.StringTokenizer in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class ExportHandler method processSpellcasterExpression.

	 * Deal with SPELLCASTER.
	 * Could look like one of the following:
	 * Arcane
	 * Chaos
	 * Divine
	 * EleMage
	 * Psionic
	 * Wizard
	 * Prepare
	 * !Prepare
	 * 0=Wizard    (%classNum=className)
	 * 0=Divine    (%classNum=spell_type)
	 * 0=Prepare   (%classNum=preparation_type)
	 * @param expr1 Expression to evaluate
	 * @param aPC PC containing values to help evaluate the expression
	 * @return true if the expression was evaluated successfully, else false
private static boolean processSpellcasterExpression(String expr1, PlayerCharacter aPC) {
    final String fString = expr1.substring(12).trim();
    // If the SPELLCASTER expression has an '=' sign
    if (fString.indexOf('=') != -1) {
        final StringTokenizer aTok = new StringTokenizer(fString, "=", false);
        final int i = Integer.parseInt(aTok.nextToken());
        final String cs = aTok.nextToken();
        final List<PCClass> cList = aPC.getClassList();
        if (i >= cList.size()) {
            return false;
        final PCClass aClass = cList.get(i);
        if (cs.equalsIgnoreCase(aClass.getSpellType())) {
            return true;
        if (cs.equalsIgnoreCase(aClass.getKeyName())) {
            return true;
        if ("!Prepare".equalsIgnoreCase(cs) && aClass.getSafe(ObjectKey.MEMORIZE_SPELLS)) {
            return true;
        if ("Prepare".equalsIgnoreCase(cs) && (!aClass.getSafe(ObjectKey.MEMORIZE_SPELLS))) {
            return true;
    } else {
        for (final PCClass pcClass : aPC.getClassSet()) {
            if (fString.equalsIgnoreCase(pcClass.getSpellType())) {
                return true;
            if (fString.equalsIgnoreCase(pcClass.getKeyName())) {
                return true;
            if ("!Prepare".equalsIgnoreCase(fString) && pcClass.getSafe(ObjectKey.MEMORIZE_SPELLS)) {
                return true;
            if ("Prepare".equalsIgnoreCase(fString) && (!pcClass.getSafe(ObjectKey.MEMORIZE_SPELLS))) {
                return true;
    Logging.errorPrint("Should have exited before this in ExportHandler::processSpellcasterExpression");
    return false;
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) PCClass(pcgen.core.PCClass)

Example 88 with StringTokenizer

use of java.util.StringTokenizer in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class ExportHandler method parseFORs.

	 * Helper method to parse |FOR tokens (pre-processing for a template)
	 * @param forLine
	 * @param tokens
	 * @return A FORNode of the parsed tokens
private FORNode parseFORs(String forLine, StringTokenizer tokens) {
    final List<String> forVars = getParameters(forLine);
    final String var = forVars.get(1);
    final String min = forVars.get(2);
    final String max = forVars.get(3);
    final String step = forVars.get(4);
    final String eTest = forVars.get(5);
    boolean exists = false;
    if (((!eTest.isEmpty()) && (eTest.charAt(0) == '1')) || ((!eTest.isEmpty()) && (eTest.charAt(0) == '2'))) {
        exists = true;
    final FORNode node = new FORNode(var, min, max, step, exists);
    while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
        final String line = tokens.nextToken();
        if (line.startsWith("|FOR")) {
            StringTokenizer newFor = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");
            if (newFor.nextToken().startsWith("%")) {
                node.addChild(parseFORs(line, tokens));
            } else {
        } else if (line.startsWith("|IIF(") && (line.lastIndexOf(',') == -1)) {
            String expr = line.substring(5, line.lastIndexOf(')'));
            node.addChild(parseIIFs(expr, tokens));
        } else if (line.startsWith("|ENDFOR|")) {
            return node;
        } else {
    return node;
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer)

Example 89 with StringTokenizer

use of java.util.StringTokenizer in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class ExportHandler method replaceLine.

	 * This method performs some work on a given character sheet template line, 
	 * namely replacing tokens, dealing with Malformed lines and simply outputting 
	 * plain text.
	 * @param aLine The line to do the work on
	 * @param output The output buffer that is effectively the character sheet template
	 * @param aPC The PC that we are outputting
private void replaceLine(String aLine, BufferedWriter output, PlayerCharacter aPC) {
    // Find the last index of the | character
    int lastIndex = aLine.lastIndexOf('|');
    // If there are no pipes and it's a non empty string, just output the fixed text
    if (lastIndex < 0 && !aLine.isEmpty()) {
        outputNonToken(aLine, output);
		 * When the line starts with a pipe and that pipe is the only
		 * one on the line, this operation ignores the line.  This is
		 * because the token is malformed.  Malformed because it should be
		 * between pipes.
    if (lastIndex >= 1) {
        final StringTokenizer aTok = new StringTokenizer(aLine, "|", false);
        boolean inPipe = false;
        if (aLine.charAt(0) == '|') {
            inPipe = true;
        boolean lastIsPipe = false;
        if (aLine.charAt(aLine.length() - 1) == '|') {
            lastIsPipe = true;
        while (aTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String tok = aTok.nextToken();
            if (inPipe) {
                if (aTok.hasMoreTokens() || lastIsPipe) {
                    replaceToken(tok, output, aPC);
					 * No else condition because we should be between
					 * pipes at this point i.e. this should be a token but
					 * it appears to be malformed.  Malformed because there
					 * are no more tokens and the last character of the string
					 * is not a pipe
            } else {
                outputNonToken(tok, output);
            // take the other decision path
            if (aTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
                inPipe = !inPipe;
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer)

Example 90 with StringTokenizer

use of java.util.StringTokenizer in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class ExportHandler method processPipedLine.

	 * Helper method to process a line that begins with a | (and may end with a |)
	 * @param PCs List of PCs to output
	 * @param aLine Line to parse
	 * @param buf 
	 * @param out character sheet we are building up
	 * @param between Whether we are processing a line between pipes
	 * @return true if we processed successfully
private boolean processPipedLine(PlayerCharacter[] PCs, String aLine, StringBuilder buf, BufferedWriter out, boolean between) {
    final StringTokenizer aTok = new StringTokenizer(aLine, "|", false);
    boolean noPipes = false;
    if (aTok.countTokens() == 1) {
        noPipes = true;
    boolean betweenPipes = between;
    while (aTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String tok = aTok.nextToken();
        // removing tab characters if asked to do so
        if (!betweenPipes) {
            if (manualWhitespace) {
                tok = tok.replaceAll("[ \\t]", "");
            FileAccess.write(out, tok);
        } else // Guaranteed to be between pipes here
        if (!noPipes && !aTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        } else {
            String aString = buf.toString();
            // We have finished dealing with section
            // between the pipe characters so clear out the
            // StringBuilder
            int l = buf.length();
            buf.delete(0, l);
            if (aString.startsWith("FOR.")) {
                doPartyForToken(PCs, out, aString);
            } else {
                Matcher mat = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)").matcher(aString);
                int charNum = mat.matches() ? Integer.parseInt( : -1;
                // just be written to the output verbatim
                if ((charNum >= 0) && (charNum < Globals.getPCList().size())) {
                    PlayerCharacter currPC = PCs[charNum];
                    replaceToken(aString, out, currPC);
                } else if (aString.startsWith("EXPORT")) {
                    // We can safely do EXPORT tags with no PC
                    replaceToken(aString, out, null);
        if (aTok.hasMoreTokens() || noPipes) {
            betweenPipes = !betweenPipes;
    return betweenPipes;
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) PlayerCharacter(pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher)


StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)4881 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1083 IOException ( File ( BufferedReader ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)375 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)263 FileReader ( List (java.util.List)200 InputStreamReader ( Map (java.util.Map)152 FileInputStream ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)114 Set (java.util.Set)114 URL ( NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)90 Properties (java.util.Properties)84 InputStream ( BufferedWriter ( FileNotFoundException (