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Example 11 with UnknownFormatConversionException

use of java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException in project j2objc by google.

the class FormatterTest method test_formatLjava_lang_String$Ljava_lang_Object_FloatDoubleBigDecimalExceptionOrder.

     * java.util.Formatter#format(String, Object...) for
     * Float/Double/BigDecimal exception throwing order
public void test_formatLjava_lang_String$Ljava_lang_Object_FloatDoubleBigDecimalExceptionOrder() {
    Formatter f = null;
         * Summary: UnknownFormatConversionException >
         * MissingFormatWidthException > IllegalFormatFlagsException >
         * FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException >
         * IllegalFormatConversionException
    try {
        // compare FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException and
        // IllegalFormatConversionException
        f = new Formatter(Locale.US);
        f.format("%,e", (byte) 1);
        fail("should throw FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException");
    } catch (FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException e) {
    // expected
    try {
        // compare IllegalFormatFlagsException and
        // FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException
        f = new Formatter(Locale.US);
        f.format("%+ ,e", 1f);
        fail("should throw IllegalFormatFlagsException");
    } catch (IllegalFormatFlagsException e) {
    // expected
    try {
        // compare MissingFormatWidthException and
        // IllegalFormatFlagsException
        f = new Formatter(Locale.US);
        f.format("%+ -e", 1f);
        fail("should throw MissingFormatWidthException");
    } catch (MissingFormatWidthException e) {
    // expected
    try {
        // compare UnknownFormatConversionException and
        // MissingFormatWidthException
        f = new Formatter(Locale.US);
        f.format("%-F", 1f);
        fail("should throw UnknownFormatConversionException");
    } catch (UnknownFormatConversionException e) {
    // expected
Also used : UnknownFormatConversionException(java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException) FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException(java.util.FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException) Formatter(java.util.Formatter) IllegalFormatFlagsException(java.util.IllegalFormatFlagsException) MissingFormatWidthException(java.util.MissingFormatWidthException)

Example 12 with UnknownFormatConversionException

use of java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException in project j2objc by google.

the class FormatterTest method test_formatLjava_lang_String$Ljava_lang_Object_Flag.

     * java.util.Formatter#format(String, Object...) for flag
public void test_formatLjava_lang_String$Ljava_lang_Object_Flag() {
    Formatter f = new Formatter(Locale.US);
    try {
        f.format("%1$-#-8s", "something");
        fail("should throw DuplicateFormatFlagsException");
    } catch (DuplicateFormatFlagsException e) {
    // expected
    final char[] chars = { '-', '#', '+', ' ', '0', ',', '(', '%', '<' };
    f = new Formatter(Locale.US);
    for (char i = 0; i <= 256; i++) {
        // test 8 bit character
        if (Arrays.binarySearch(chars, i) >= 0 || Character.isDigit(i) || Character.isLetter(i)) {
            // They are characters used as flags, width or conversions
        try {
            f.format("%" + i + "s", 1);
            fail("should throw UnknownFormatConversionException");
        } catch (UnknownFormatConversionException e) {
        // expected
        } catch (IllegalFormatPrecisionException e) {
            // If i is '.', s can also be interpreted as an illegal precision.
            if (i != '.') {
                throw e;
Also used : UnknownFormatConversionException(java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException) DuplicateFormatFlagsException(java.util.DuplicateFormatFlagsException) IllegalFormatPrecisionException(java.util.IllegalFormatPrecisionException) Formatter(java.util.Formatter)

Example 13 with UnknownFormatConversionException

use of java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException in project logging-log4j2 by apache.

the class TypeConverterRegistry method findCompatibleConverter.

     * Finds a {@link TypeConverter} for the given {@link Type}, falling back to an assignment-compatible TypeConverter
     * if none exist for the given type. That is, if the given Type does not have a TypeConverter, but another Type
     * which can be assigned to the given Type <em>does</em> have a TypeConverter, then that TypeConverter will be
     * used and registered.
     * @param type the Type to find a TypeConverter for (must not be {@code null}).
     * @return a TypeConverter for the given Type.
     * @throws UnknownFormatConversionException if no TypeConverter can be found for the given type.
public TypeConverter<?> findCompatibleConverter(final Type type) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(type, "No type was provided");
    final TypeConverter<?> primary = registry.get(type);
    // cached type converters
    if (primary != null) {
        return primary;
    // dynamic enum support
    if (type instanceof Class<?>) {
        final Class<?> clazz = (Class<?>) type;
        if (clazz.isEnum()) {
            @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) final EnumConverter<? extends Enum> converter = new EnumConverter(clazz.asSubclass(Enum.class));
            registry.putIfAbsent(type, converter);
            return converter;
    // look for compatible converters
    for (final Map.Entry<Type, TypeConverter<?>> entry : registry.entrySet()) {
        final Type key = entry.getKey();
        if (TypeUtil.isAssignable(type, key)) {
            LOGGER.debug("Found compatible TypeConverter<{}> for type [{}].", key, type);
            final TypeConverter<?> value = entry.getValue();
            registry.putIfAbsent(type, value);
            return value;
    throw new UnknownFormatConversionException(type.toString());
Also used : ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Type(java.lang.reflect.Type) PluginType(org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.util.PluginType) UnknownFormatConversionException(java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) ConcurrentMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 14 with UnknownFormatConversionException

use of java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException in project logging-log4j2 by apache.

the class TypeConverterRegistry method findCompatibleConverter.

 * Finds a {@link TypeConverter} for the given {@link Type}, falling back to an assignment-compatible TypeConverter
 * if none exist for the given type. That is, if the given Type does not have a TypeConverter, but another Type
 * which can be assigned to the given Type <em>does</em> have a TypeConverter, then that TypeConverter will be
 * used and registered.
 * @param type the Type to find a TypeConverter for (must not be {@code null}).
 * @return a TypeConverter for the given Type.
 * @throws UnknownFormatConversionException if no TypeConverter can be found for the given type.
public TypeConverter<?> findCompatibleConverter(final Type type) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(type, "No type was provided");
    final TypeConverter<?> primary = registry.get(type);
    // cached type converters
    if (primary != null) {
        return primary;
    // dynamic enum support
    if (type instanceof Class<?>) {
        final Class<?> clazz = (Class<?>) type;
        if (clazz.isEnum()) {
            @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) final EnumConverter<? extends Enum> converter = new EnumConverter(clazz.asSubclass(Enum.class));
            synchronized (INSTANCE) {
                return registerConverter(type, converter);
    // look for compatible converters
    for (final Map.Entry<Type, TypeConverter<?>> entry : registry.entrySet()) {
        final Type key = entry.getKey();
        if (TypeUtil.isAssignable(type, key)) {
            LOGGER.debug("Found compatible TypeConverter<{}> for type [{}].", key, type);
            final TypeConverter<?> value = entry.getValue();
            synchronized (INSTANCE) {
                return registerConverter(type, value);
    throw new UnknownFormatConversionException(type.toString());
Also used : PluginType(org.apache.logging.log4j.plugins.util.PluginType) ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Type(java.lang.reflect.Type) UnknownFormatConversionException(java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) ConcurrentMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 15 with UnknownFormatConversionException

use of java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException in project azure-tools-for-java by Microsoft.

the class SparkBatchJobRunner method updateStorageConfigForSubmissionParameter.

// WARNING: When you change anything in this method, you should also change it in SparkScalaLivyConsoleRunConfiguration::applyRunConfiguration accordingly
protected SparkSubmissionParameter updateStorageConfigForSubmissionParameter(SparkSubmitModel submitModel) throws ExecutionException {
    // If we use virtual file system to select referenced jars or files on ADLS Gen2 storage, the selected file path will
    // be of URI schema which starts with "https://". Then job submission will fail with error like
    // "Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL:"
    // Therefore, we need to transform the Gen2 "https" URI to "abfs" url to avoid the error.
    final SparkSubmissionParameter submissionParameter = submitModel.getSubmissionParameter();
    // If job upload storage type is Azure Blob storage, we need to put blob storage credential into livy configuration
    if (submitModel.getJobUploadStorageModel().getStorageAccountType() == SparkSubmitStorageType.BLOB) {
        try {
            final WasbUri fsRoot = WasbUri.parse(submitModel.getJobUploadStorageModel().getUploadPath());
            final String storageKey = submitModel.getJobUploadStorageModel().getStorageKey();
            final Object existingConfigEntry = submissionParameter.getJobConfig().get(SparkSubmissionParameter.Conf);
            final SparkConfigures wrappedConfig = existingConfigEntry instanceof Map ? new SparkConfigures(existingConfigEntry) : new SparkConfigures();
            wrappedConfig.put("spark.hadoop." + fsRoot.getHadoopBlobFsPropertyKey(), storageKey);
            // We need the following config to fix issue
            wrappedConfig.put("spark.hadoop." + fsRoot.getKeyProviderPropertyKey(), fsRoot.getDefaultKeyProviderPropertyValue());
            submissionParameter.getJobConfig().put(SparkSubmissionParameter.Conf, wrappedConfig);
        } catch (final UnknownFormatConversionException error) {
            final String errorHint = "Azure blob storage uploading path is not in correct format";
            log().warn(String.format("%s. Uploading Path: %s. Error message: %s. Stacktrace:\n%s", errorHint, submitModel.getJobUploadStorageModel().getUploadPath(), error.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(error)));
            throw new ExecutionException(errorHint);
        } catch (final Exception error) {
            final String errorHint = "Failed to update config for linked Azure Blob storage";
            log().warn(String.format("%s. Error message: %s. Stacktrace:\n%s", errorHint, error.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(error)));
            throw new ExecutionException(errorHint);
    return submissionParameter;
Also used : UnknownFormatConversionException(java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException) WasbUri( ExecutionException(com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) ExecutionException(com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException) UnknownFormatConversionException(java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException)


UnknownFormatConversionException (java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException)16 Formatter (java.util.Formatter)8 FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException (java.util.FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException)5 IllegalFormatFlagsException (java.util.IllegalFormatFlagsException)5 MissingFormatWidthException (java.util.MissingFormatWidthException)5 IllegalFormatPrecisionException (java.util.IllegalFormatPrecisionException)4 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)3 BufferedReader ( IOException ( InputStreamReader ( ParameterizedType (java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType)2 Type (java.lang.reflect.Type)2 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)2 IllegalFormatConversionException (java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException)2 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)2 ConcurrentMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap)2 IdaException ( ExecutionException (com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException)1