use of java.util.concurrent.CancellationException in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class FuturePromise method cancel.
public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
if (_done.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
_result = null;
_cause = new CancellationException();
return true;
return false;
use of java.util.concurrent.CancellationException in project hive by apache.
the class JobRequestExecutor method execute.
* Executes job request operation. If thread pool is not created then job request is
* executed in current thread itself.
* @param jobExecuteCallable
* Callable object to run the job request task.
public T execute(JobCallable<T> jobExecuteCallable) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, TooManyRequestsException, ExecutionException {
* The callable shouldn't be null to execute. The thread pool also should be configured
* to execute requests.
assert (jobExecuteCallable != null);
assert (this.jobExecutePool != null);
String type = this.requestType.toString().toLowerCase();
String retryMessageForConcurrentRequests = "Please wait for some time before retrying " + "the operation. Please refer to the config " + concurrentRequestsConfigName + " to configure concurrent requests.";
LOG.debug("Starting new " + type + " job request with time out " + this.requestExecutionTimeoutInSec + "seconds.");
Future<T> future = null;
try {
future = this.jobExecutePool.submit(jobExecuteCallable);
} catch (RejectedExecutionException rejectedException) {
* Not able to find thread to execute the job request. Raise Busy exception and client
* can retry the operation.
String tooManyRequestsExceptionMessage = "Unable to service the " + type + " job request as " + "templeton service is busy with too many " + type + " job requests. " + retryMessageForConcurrentRequests;
throw new TooManyRequestsException(tooManyRequestsExceptionMessage);
T result = null;
try {
result = this.requestExecutionTimeoutInSec > 0 ? future.get(this.requestExecutionTimeoutInSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS) : future.get();
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
* See if the execution thread has just completed operation and result is available.
* If result is available then return the result. Otherwise, raise exception.
if ((result = tryGetJobResultOrSetJobStateFailed(jobExecuteCallable)) == null) {
String message = this.requestType + " job request got timed out. Please wait for some time " + "before retrying the operation. Please refer to the config " + jobTimeoutConfigName + " to configure job request time out.";
* Throw TimeoutException to caller.
throw new TimeoutException(message);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* See if the execution thread has just completed operation and result is available.
* If result is available then return the result. Otherwise, raise exception.
if ((result = tryGetJobResultOrSetJobStateFailed(jobExecuteCallable)) == null) {
String message = this.requestType + " job request got interrupted. Please wait for some time " + "before retrying the operation.";
* Throw TimeoutException to caller.
throw new InterruptedException(message);
} catch (CancellationException e) {
* See if the execution thread has just completed operation and result is available.
* If result is available then return the result. Otherwise, raise exception.
if ((result = tryGetJobResultOrSetJobStateFailed(jobExecuteCallable)) == null) {
String message = this.requestType + " job request got cancelled and thread got interrupted. " + "Please wait for some time before retrying the operation.";
throw new InterruptedException(message);
} finally {
* If the thread is still active and needs to be cancelled then cancel it. This may
* happen in case task got interrupted, or timed out.
if (enableCancelTask) {
LOG.debug("Completed " + type + " job request.");
return result;
use of java.util.concurrent.CancellationException in project hudson-2.x by hudson.
the class Request method callAsync.
* Makes an invocation but immediately returns without waiting for the completion
* (AKA asynchronous invocation.)
* @param channel
* The channel from which the request will be sent.
* @return
* The {@link Future} object that can be used to wait for the completion.
* @throws IOException
* If there's an error during the communication.
public final hudson.remoting.Future<RSP> callAsync(final Channel channel) throws IOException {
response = null;
channel.pendingCalls.put(id, this);
return new hudson.remoting.Future<RSP>() {
private volatile boolean cancelled;
public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
if (cancelled || isDone()) {
return false;
cancelled = true;
if (mayInterruptIfRunning) {
try {
channel.send(new Cancel(id));
} catch (IOException x) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public boolean isDone() {
return isCancelled() || response != null;
public RSP get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
synchronized (Request.this) {
try {
while (response == null) {
if (isCancelled()) {
throw new CancellationException();
// wait until the response arrives
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
channel.send(new Cancel(id));
} catch (IOException e1) {
// couldn't cancel. ignore.
throw e;
if (response.exception != null)
throw new ExecutionException(response.exception);
return response.returnValue;
public RSP get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
synchronized (Request.this) {
if (response == null) {
if (isCancelled()) {
throw new CancellationException();
// wait until the response arrives
if (response == null)
throw new TimeoutException();
if (response.exception != null)
throw new ExecutionException(response.exception);
return response.returnValue;
use of java.util.concurrent.CancellationException in project PayFile by mikehearn.
the class Controller method download.
public void download(ActionEvent event) throws Exception {
File destination = null;
try {
final PayFileClient.File downloadingFile = checkNotNull(selectedFile.get());
if (downloadingFile.getPrice() > getBalance().longValue())
throw new InsufficientMoneyException(BigInteger.valueOf(downloadingFile.getPrice() - getBalance().longValue()));
// Ask the user where to put it.
DirectoryChooser chooser = new DirectoryChooser();
chooser.setTitle("Select download directory");
File directory = chooser.showDialog(Main.instance.mainWindow);
if (directory == null)
destination = new File(directory, downloadingFile.getFileName());
FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(destination);
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
progressBarLabel.setText("Downloading " + downloadingFile.getFileName());
// Make the UI update whilst the download is in progress: progress bar and balance label.
ProgressOutputStream stream = new ProgressOutputStream(fileStream, downloadingFile.getSize());
Main.client.setOnPaymentMade((amt) -> Platform.runLater(this::refreshBalanceLabel));
// Swap in the progress bar with an animation.
// ... and start the download.
downloadFuture = Main.client.downloadFile(downloadingFile, stream);
final File fDestination = destination;
// When we're done ...
downloadFuture.handleAsync((ok, exception) -> {
// ... swap widgets back out again
if (exception != null) {
if (!(exception instanceof CancellationException))
} else {
// Otherwise inform the user we're finished and let them open the file.
int secondsTaken = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000;
runAlert((stage, controller) -> controller.withOpenFile(stage, downloadingFile, fDestination, secondsTaken));
return null;
}, Platform::runLater);
} catch (InsufficientMoneyException e) {
if (destination != null)
final String price = Utils.bitcoinValueToFriendlyString(BigInteger.valueOf(selectedFile.get().getPrice()));
final String missing = String.valueOf(e.missing);
informationalAlert("Insufficient funds", "This file costs %s BTC but you can't afford that. You need %s satoshis to complete the transaction.", price, missing);
use of java.util.concurrent.CancellationException in project elasticsearch-jdbc by jprante.
the class JDBCImporter method run.
public void run() {
try {
futures = schedule(settings);
if (!futures.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("waiting for {} futures...", futures.size());
for (Future future : futures) {
try {
Object o = future.get();
logger.debug("got future {}", o);
} catch (CancellationException e) {
logger.warn("schedule canceled");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
logger.debug("futures complete");
} else {
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
try {
if (context != null) {
context = null;
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e);