use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS in project presto by prestodb.
the class IcebergModule method createOrcFileTailSource.
public OrcFileTailSource createOrcFileTailSource(OrcCacheConfig orcCacheConfig, MBeanExporter exporter) {
int expectedFileTailSizeInBytes = toIntExact(orcCacheConfig.getExpectedFileTailSize().toBytes());
boolean dwrfStripeCacheEnabled = orcCacheConfig.isDwrfStripeCacheEnabled();
OrcFileTailSource orcFileTailSource = new StorageOrcFileTailSource(expectedFileTailSizeInBytes, dwrfStripeCacheEnabled);
if (orcCacheConfig.isFileTailCacheEnabled()) {
Cache<OrcDataSourceId, OrcFileTail> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumWeight(orcCacheConfig.getFileTailCacheSize().toBytes()).weigher((id, tail) -> ((OrcFileTail) tail).getFooterSize() + ((OrcFileTail) tail).getMetadataSize()).expireAfterAccess(orcCacheConfig.getFileTailCacheTtlSinceLastAccess().toMillis(), MILLISECONDS).recordStats().build();
CacheStatsMBean cacheStatsMBean = new CacheStatsMBean(cache);
orcFileTailSource = new CachingOrcFileTailSource(orcFileTailSource, cache);
exporter.export(generatedNameOf(CacheStatsMBean.class, connectorId + "_OrcFileTail"), cacheStatsMBean);
return orcFileTailSource;
use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS in project cassandra by apache.
the class SASIIndex method searcherFor.
public Searcher searcherFor(ReadCommand command) throws InvalidRequestException {
TableMetadata config = command.metadata();
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Schema.instance.getColumnFamilyStoreInstance(;
return controller -> new QueryPlan(cfs, command, DatabaseDescriptor.getRangeRpcTimeout(MILLISECONDS)).execute(controller);
use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class DelayedBufferTest method shouldHandleTheWholeWorkloadShebang.
void shouldHandleTheWholeWorkloadShebang() throws Throwable {
final int size = 1_000;
final long bufferTime = 3;
VerifyingConsumer consumer = new VerifyingConsumer(size);
final FakeClock clock = Clocks.fakeClock();
Supplier<Long> chunkThreshold = clock::millis;
AtomicBoolean end = new AtomicBoolean();
Predicate<Long> safeThreshold = time -> end.get() || clock.millis() - bufferTime >= time;
final DelayedBuffer<Long> buffer = new DelayedBuffer<>(chunkThreshold, safeThreshold, 10, consumer);
MaintenanceThread maintenance = new MaintenanceThread(buffer, 5);
Race adders = new Race();
final int numberOfAdders = 20;
final byte[] offeredIds = new byte[size];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAdders; i++) {
final int finalI = i;
adders.addContestant(() -> {
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (j % numberOfAdders == finalI) {
offeredIds[j] = 1;
clock.forward(2, MILLISECONDS);
// WHEN (multi-threaded) offering of ids
// ... ensuring the test is sane itself (did we really offer all these IDs?)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
assertEquals((byte) 1, offeredIds[i], "ID " + i);
consumer.assertHaveOnlySeenRange(0, size - 1);
use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS in project flink by apache.
the class BatchingStateChangeUploaderTest method testDelay.
public void testDelay() throws Exception {
int delayMs = 50;
ManuallyTriggeredScheduledExecutorService scheduler = new ManuallyTriggeredScheduledExecutorService();
withStore(delayMs, MAX_BYTES_IN_FLIGHT, MAX_BYTES_IN_FLIGHT, scheduler, (store, probe) -> {
List<StateChangeSet> changeSets = getChanges(4);
upload(store, changeSets);
assertTrue(scheduler.getAllNonPeriodicScheduledTask().stream().anyMatch(scheduled -> scheduled.getDelay(MILLISECONDS) == delayMs));
assertEquals(changeSets, probe.getUploaded());
use of java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class JettyServer method listen.
private Connector[] listen(Server server, Config cfg) {
// OpenID and certain web-based single-sign-on products can cause
// some very long headers, especially in the Referer header. We
// need to use a larger default header size to ensure we have
// the space required.
final int requestHeaderSize = cfg.getInt("httpd", "requestheadersize", 16386);
final URI[] listenUrls = listenURLs(cfg);
final boolean reuseAddress = cfg.getBoolean("httpd", "reuseaddress", true);
final int acceptors = cfg.getInt("httpd", "acceptorThreads", 2);
final AuthType authType = cfg.getEnum("auth", null, "type", AuthType.OPENID);
reverseProxy = isReverseProxied(listenUrls);
final Connector[] connectors = new Connector[listenUrls.length];
for (int idx = 0; idx < listenUrls.length; idx++) {
final URI u = listenUrls[idx];
final int defaultPort;
final ServerConnector c;
HttpConfiguration config = defaultConfig(requestHeaderSize);
if (AuthType.CLIENT_SSL_CERT_LDAP.equals(authType) && !"https".equals(u.getScheme())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protocol '" + u.getScheme() + "' " + " not supported in httpd.listenurl '" + u + "' when auth.type = '" + + "'; only 'https' is supported");
if ("http".equals(u.getScheme())) {
defaultPort = 80;
c = newServerConnector(server, acceptors, config);
} else if ("https".equals(u.getScheme())) {
SslContextFactory.Server ssl = new SslContextFactory.Server();
final Path keystore = getFile(cfg, "sslkeystore", "etc/keystore");
String password = cfg.getString("httpd", null, "sslkeypassword");
if (password == null) {
password = "gerrit";
if (AuthType.CLIENT_SSL_CERT_LDAP.equals(authType)) {
Path crl = getFile(cfg, "sslCrl", "etc/crl.pem");
if (Files.exists(crl)) {
defaultPort = 443;
config.addCustomizer(new SecureRequestCustomizer());
c = new ServerConnector(server, null, null, null, 0, acceptors, new SslConnectionFactory(ssl, "http/1.1"), new HttpConnectionFactory(config));
} else if ("proxy-http".equals(u.getScheme())) {
defaultPort = 8080;
config.addCustomizer(new ForwardedRequestCustomizer());
c = newServerConnector(server, acceptors, config);
} else if ("proxy-https".equals(u.getScheme())) {
defaultPort = 8080;
config.addCustomizer(new ForwardedRequestCustomizer());
config.addCustomizer((connector, channelConfig, request) -> {
c = newServerConnector(server, acceptors, config);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protocol '" + u.getScheme() + "' " + " not supported in httpd.listenurl '" + u + "';" + " only 'http', 'https', 'proxy-http, 'proxy-https'" + " are supported");
try {
if (u.getHost() == null && (//
u.getAuthority().equals("*") || u.getAuthority().startsWith("*:"))) {
// Bind to all local addresses. Port wasn't parsed right by URI
// due to the illegal host of "*" so replace with a legal name
// and parse the URI.
final URI r = new URI(u.toString().replace('*', 'A')).parseServerAuthority();
c.setPort(0 < r.getPort() ? r.getPort() : defaultPort);
} else {
final URI r = u.parseServerAuthority();
c.setPort(0 <= r.getPort() ? r.getPort() : defaultPort);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid httpd.listenurl " + u, e);
c.setInheritChannel(cfg.getBoolean("httpd", "inheritChannel", false));
c.setIdleTimeout(cfg.getTimeUnit("httpd", null, "idleTimeout", 30000L, MILLISECONDS));
connectors[idx] = c;
return connectors;