use of java.util.function.IntFunction in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class BKDWriter method build.
/* Recursively reorders the provided reader and writes the bkd-tree on the fly; this method is used
* when we are writing a new segment directly from IndexWriter's indexing buffer (MutablePointsReader). */
private void build(int nodeID, int leafNodeOffset, MutablePointValues reader, int from, int to, IndexOutput out, byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue, int[] parentSplits, byte[] splitPackedValues, long[] leafBlockFPs, int[] spareDocIds) throws IOException {
if (nodeID >= leafNodeOffset) {
// leaf node
final int count = to - from;
assert count <= maxPointsInLeafNode;
// Compute common prefixes
Arrays.fill(commonPrefixLengths, bytesPerDim);
reader.getValue(from, scratchBytesRef1);
for (int i = from + 1; i < to; ++i) {
reader.getValue(i, scratchBytesRef2);
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++) {
final int offset = dim * bytesPerDim;
for (int j = 0; j < commonPrefixLengths[dim]; j++) {
if (scratchBytesRef1.bytes[scratchBytesRef1.offset + offset + j] != scratchBytesRef2.bytes[scratchBytesRef2.offset + offset + j]) {
commonPrefixLengths[dim] = j;
// Find the dimension that has the least number of unique bytes at commonPrefixLengths[dim]
FixedBitSet[] usedBytes = new FixedBitSet[numDims];
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; ++dim) {
if (commonPrefixLengths[dim] < bytesPerDim) {
usedBytes[dim] = new FixedBitSet(256);
for (int i = from + 1; i < to; ++i) {
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++) {
if (usedBytes[dim] != null) {
byte b = reader.getByteAt(i, dim * bytesPerDim + commonPrefixLengths[dim]);
int sortedDim = 0;
int sortedDimCardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; ++dim) {
if (usedBytes[dim] != null) {
final int cardinality = usedBytes[dim].cardinality();
if (cardinality < sortedDimCardinality) {
sortedDim = dim;
sortedDimCardinality = cardinality;
// sort by sortedDim
MutablePointsReaderUtils.sortByDim(sortedDim, bytesPerDim, commonPrefixLengths, reader, from, to, scratchBytesRef1, scratchBytesRef2);
// Save the block file pointer:
leafBlockFPs[nodeID - leafNodeOffset] = out.getFilePointer();
assert scratchOut.getPosition() == 0;
// Write doc IDs
int[] docIDs = spareDocIds;
for (int i = from; i < to; ++i) {
docIDs[i - from] = reader.getDocID(i);
//System.out.println("writeLeafBlock pos=" + out.getFilePointer());
writeLeafBlockDocs(scratchOut, docIDs, 0, count);
// Write the common prefixes:
reader.getValue(from, scratchBytesRef1);
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset, scratch1, 0, packedBytesLength);
writeCommonPrefixes(scratchOut, commonPrefixLengths, scratch1);
// Write the full values:
IntFunction<BytesRef> packedValues = new IntFunction<BytesRef>() {
public BytesRef apply(int i) {
reader.getValue(from + i, scratchBytesRef1);
return scratchBytesRef1;
assert valuesInOrderAndBounds(count, sortedDim, minPackedValue, maxPackedValue, packedValues, docIDs, 0);
writeLeafBlockPackedValues(scratchOut, commonPrefixLengths, count, sortedDim, packedValues);
out.writeBytes(scratchOut.getBytes(), 0, scratchOut.getPosition());
} else {
// inner node
// compute the split dimension and partition around it
final int splitDim = split(minPackedValue, maxPackedValue, parentSplits);
final int mid = (from + to + 1) >>> 1;
int commonPrefixLen = bytesPerDim;
for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerDim; ++i) {
if (minPackedValue[splitDim * bytesPerDim + i] != maxPackedValue[splitDim * bytesPerDim + i]) {
commonPrefixLen = i;
MutablePointsReaderUtils.partition(maxDoc, splitDim, bytesPerDim, commonPrefixLen, reader, from, to, mid, scratchBytesRef1, scratchBytesRef2);
// set the split value
final int address = nodeID * (1 + bytesPerDim);
splitPackedValues[address] = (byte) splitDim;
reader.getValue(mid, scratchBytesRef1);
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset + splitDim * bytesPerDim, splitPackedValues, address + 1, bytesPerDim);
byte[] minSplitPackedValue = Arrays.copyOf(minPackedValue, packedBytesLength);
byte[] maxSplitPackedValue = Arrays.copyOf(maxPackedValue, packedBytesLength);
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset + splitDim * bytesPerDim, minSplitPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset + splitDim * bytesPerDim, maxSplitPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
// recurse
build(nodeID * 2, leafNodeOffset, reader, from, mid, out, minPackedValue, maxSplitPackedValue, parentSplits, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs, spareDocIds);
build(nodeID * 2 + 1, leafNodeOffset, reader, mid, to, out, minSplitPackedValue, maxPackedValue, parentSplits, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs, spareDocIds);
use of java.util.function.IntFunction in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class SimpleTextBKDWriter method build.
/** The array (sized numDims) of PathSlice describe the cell we have currently recursed to. */
private void build(int nodeID, int leafNodeOffset, PathSlice[] slices, LongBitSet ordBitSet, IndexOutput out, byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue, byte[] splitPackedValues, long[] leafBlockFPs, List<Closeable> toCloseHeroically) throws IOException {
for (PathSlice slice : slices) {
assert slice.count == slices[0].count;
if (numDims == 1 && slices[0].writer instanceof OfflinePointWriter && slices[0].count <= maxPointsSortInHeap) {
// Special case for 1D, to cutover to heap once we recurse deeply enough:
slices[0] = switchToHeap(slices[0], toCloseHeroically);
if (nodeID >= leafNodeOffset) {
// Leaf node: write block
// We can write the block in any order so by default we write it sorted by the dimension that has the
// least number of unique bytes at commonPrefixLengths[dim], which makes compression more efficient
int sortedDim = 0;
int sortedDimCardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++) {
if (slices[dim].writer instanceof HeapPointWriter == false) {
// Adversarial cases can cause this, e.g. very lopsided data, all equal points, such that we started
// offline, but then kept splitting only in one dimension, and so never had to rewrite into heap writer
slices[dim] = switchToHeap(slices[dim], toCloseHeroically);
PathSlice source = slices[dim];
HeapPointWriter heapSource = (HeapPointWriter) source.writer;
// Find common prefix by comparing first and last values, already sorted in this dimension:
heapSource.readPackedValue(Math.toIntExact(source.start), scratch1);
heapSource.readPackedValue(Math.toIntExact(source.start + source.count - 1), scratch2);
int offset = dim * bytesPerDim;
commonPrefixLengths[dim] = bytesPerDim;
for (int j = 0; j < bytesPerDim; j++) {
if (scratch1[offset + j] != scratch2[offset + j]) {
commonPrefixLengths[dim] = j;
int prefix = commonPrefixLengths[dim];
if (prefix < bytesPerDim) {
int cardinality = 1;
byte previous = scratch1[offset + prefix];
for (long i = 1; i < source.count; ++i) {
heapSource.readPackedValue(Math.toIntExact(source.start + i), scratch2);
byte b = scratch2[offset + prefix];
assert Byte.toUnsignedInt(previous) <= Byte.toUnsignedInt(b);
if (b != previous) {
previous = b;
assert cardinality <= 256;
if (cardinality < sortedDimCardinality) {
sortedDim = dim;
sortedDimCardinality = cardinality;
PathSlice source = slices[sortedDim];
// We ensured that maxPointsSortInHeap was >= maxPointsInLeafNode, so we better be in heap at this point:
HeapPointWriter heapSource = (HeapPointWriter) source.writer;
// Save the block file pointer:
leafBlockFPs[nodeID - leafNodeOffset] = out.getFilePointer();
//System.out.println(" write leaf block @ fp=" + out.getFilePointer());
// Write docIDs first, as their own chunk, so that at intersect time we can add all docIDs w/o
// loading the values:
int count = Math.toIntExact(source.count);
assert count > 0 : "nodeID=" + nodeID + " leafNodeOffset=" + leafNodeOffset;
writeLeafBlockDocs(out, heapSource.docIDs, Math.toIntExact(source.start), count);
// TODO: minor opto: we don't really have to write the actual common prefixes, because BKDReader on recursing can regenerate it for us
// from the index, much like how terms dict does so from the FST:
// Write the full values:
IntFunction<BytesRef> packedValues = new IntFunction<BytesRef>() {
final BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
scratch.length = packedBytesLength;
public BytesRef apply(int i) {
heapSource.getPackedValueSlice(Math.toIntExact(source.start + i), scratch);
return scratch;
assert valuesInOrderAndBounds(count, sortedDim, minPackedValue, maxPackedValue, packedValues, heapSource.docIDs, Math.toIntExact(source.start));
writeLeafBlockPackedValues(out, commonPrefixLengths, count, sortedDim, packedValues);
} else {
// Inner node: partition/recurse
int splitDim;
if (numDims > 1) {
splitDim = split(minPackedValue, maxPackedValue);
} else {
splitDim = 0;
PathSlice source = slices[splitDim];
assert nodeID < splitPackedValues.length : "nodeID=" + nodeID + " splitValues.length=" + splitPackedValues.length;
// How many points will be in the left tree:
long rightCount = source.count / 2;
long leftCount = source.count - rightCount;
byte[] splitValue = markRightTree(rightCount, splitDim, source, ordBitSet);
int address = nodeID * (1 + bytesPerDim);
splitPackedValues[address] = (byte) splitDim;
System.arraycopy(splitValue, 0, splitPackedValues, address + 1, bytesPerDim);
// Partition all PathSlice that are not the split dim into sorted left and right sets, so we can recurse:
PathSlice[] leftSlices = new PathSlice[numDims];
PathSlice[] rightSlices = new PathSlice[numDims];
byte[] minSplitPackedValue = new byte[packedBytesLength];
System.arraycopy(minPackedValue, 0, minSplitPackedValue, 0, packedBytesLength);
byte[] maxSplitPackedValue = new byte[packedBytesLength];
System.arraycopy(maxPackedValue, 0, maxSplitPackedValue, 0, packedBytesLength);
// When we are on this dim, below, we clear the ordBitSet:
int dimToClear;
if (numDims - 1 == splitDim) {
dimToClear = numDims - 2;
} else {
dimToClear = numDims - 1;
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++) {
if (dim == splitDim) {
// No need to partition on this dim since it's a simple slice of the incoming already sorted slice, and we
// will re-use its shared reader when visiting it as we recurse:
leftSlices[dim] = new PathSlice(source.writer, source.start, leftCount);
rightSlices[dim] = new PathSlice(source.writer, source.start + leftCount, rightCount);
System.arraycopy(splitValue, 0, minSplitPackedValue, dim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
System.arraycopy(splitValue, 0, maxSplitPackedValue, dim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
// Not inside the try because we don't want to close this one now, so that after recursion is done,
// we will have done a singel full sweep of the file:
PointReader reader = slices[dim].writer.getSharedReader(slices[dim].start, slices[dim].count, toCloseHeroically);
try (PointWriter leftPointWriter = getPointWriter(leftCount, "left" + dim);
PointWriter rightPointWriter = getPointWriter(source.count - leftCount, "right" + dim)) {
long nextRightCount = reader.split(source.count, ordBitSet, leftPointWriter, rightPointWriter, dim == dimToClear);
if (rightCount != nextRightCount) {
throw new IllegalStateException("wrong number of points in split: expected=" + rightCount + " but actual=" + nextRightCount);
leftSlices[dim] = new PathSlice(leftPointWriter, 0, leftCount);
rightSlices[dim] = new PathSlice(rightPointWriter, 0, rightCount);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw verifyChecksum(t, slices[dim].writer);
// Recurse on left tree:
build(2 * nodeID, leafNodeOffset, leftSlices, ordBitSet, out, minPackedValue, maxSplitPackedValue, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs, toCloseHeroically);
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++) {
// Don't destroy the dim we split on because we just re-used what our caller above gave us for that dim:
if (dim != splitDim) {
// TODO: we could "tail recurse" here? have our parent discard its refs as we recurse right?
// Recurse on right tree:
build(2 * nodeID + 1, leafNodeOffset, rightSlices, ordBitSet, out, minSplitPackedValue, maxPackedValue, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs, toCloseHeroically);
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++) {
// Don't destroy the dim we split on because we just re-used what our caller above gave us for that dim:
if (dim != splitDim) {
use of java.util.function.IntFunction in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class SimpleTextBKDWriter method build.
/* Recursively reorders the provided reader and writes the bkd-tree on the fly. */
private void build(int nodeID, int leafNodeOffset, MutablePointValues reader, int from, int to, IndexOutput out, byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue, byte[] splitPackedValues, long[] leafBlockFPs, int[] spareDocIds) throws IOException {
if (nodeID >= leafNodeOffset) {
// leaf node
final int count = to - from;
assert count <= maxPointsInLeafNode;
// Compute common prefixes
Arrays.fill(commonPrefixLengths, bytesPerDim);
reader.getValue(from, scratchBytesRef1);
for (int i = from + 1; i < to; ++i) {
reader.getValue(i, scratchBytesRef2);
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++) {
final int offset = dim * bytesPerDim;
for (int j = 0; j < commonPrefixLengths[dim]; j++) {
if (scratchBytesRef1.bytes[scratchBytesRef1.offset + offset + j] != scratchBytesRef2.bytes[scratchBytesRef2.offset + offset + j]) {
commonPrefixLengths[dim] = j;
// Find the dimension that has the least number of unique bytes at commonPrefixLengths[dim]
FixedBitSet[] usedBytes = new FixedBitSet[numDims];
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; ++dim) {
if (commonPrefixLengths[dim] < bytesPerDim) {
usedBytes[dim] = new FixedBitSet(256);
for (int i = from + 1; i < to; ++i) {
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; dim++) {
if (usedBytes[dim] != null) {
byte b = reader.getByteAt(i, dim * bytesPerDim + commonPrefixLengths[dim]);
int sortedDim = 0;
int sortedDimCardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int dim = 0; dim < numDims; ++dim) {
if (usedBytes[dim] != null) {
final int cardinality = usedBytes[dim].cardinality();
if (cardinality < sortedDimCardinality) {
sortedDim = dim;
sortedDimCardinality = cardinality;
// sort by sortedDim
MutablePointsReaderUtils.sortByDim(sortedDim, bytesPerDim, commonPrefixLengths, reader, from, to, scratchBytesRef1, scratchBytesRef2);
// Save the block file pointer:
leafBlockFPs[nodeID - leafNodeOffset] = out.getFilePointer();
// Write doc IDs
int[] docIDs = spareDocIds;
for (int i = from; i < to; ++i) {
docIDs[i - from] = reader.getDocID(i);
writeLeafBlockDocs(out, docIDs, 0, count);
// Write the common prefixes:
reader.getValue(from, scratchBytesRef1);
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset, scratch1, 0, packedBytesLength);
// Write the full values:
IntFunction<BytesRef> packedValues = new IntFunction<BytesRef>() {
public BytesRef apply(int i) {
reader.getValue(from + i, scratchBytesRef1);
return scratchBytesRef1;
assert valuesInOrderAndBounds(count, sortedDim, minPackedValue, maxPackedValue, packedValues, docIDs, 0);
writeLeafBlockPackedValues(out, commonPrefixLengths, count, sortedDim, packedValues);
} else {
// inner node
// compute the split dimension and partition around it
final int splitDim = split(minPackedValue, maxPackedValue);
final int mid = (from + to + 1) >>> 1;
int commonPrefixLen = bytesPerDim;
for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerDim; ++i) {
if (minPackedValue[splitDim * bytesPerDim + i] != maxPackedValue[splitDim * bytesPerDim + i]) {
commonPrefixLen = i;
MutablePointsReaderUtils.partition(maxDoc, splitDim, bytesPerDim, commonPrefixLen, reader, from, to, mid, scratchBytesRef1, scratchBytesRef2);
// set the split value
final int address = nodeID * (1 + bytesPerDim);
splitPackedValues[address] = (byte) splitDim;
reader.getValue(mid, scratchBytesRef1);
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset + splitDim * bytesPerDim, splitPackedValues, address + 1, bytesPerDim);
byte[] minSplitPackedValue = Arrays.copyOf(minPackedValue, packedBytesLength);
byte[] maxSplitPackedValue = Arrays.copyOf(maxPackedValue, packedBytesLength);
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset + splitDim * bytesPerDim, minSplitPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
System.arraycopy(scratchBytesRef1.bytes, scratchBytesRef1.offset + splitDim * bytesPerDim, maxSplitPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
// recurse
build(nodeID * 2, leafNodeOffset, reader, from, mid, out, minPackedValue, maxSplitPackedValue, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs, spareDocIds);
build(nodeID * 2 + 1, leafNodeOffset, reader, mid, to, out, minSplitPackedValue, maxPackedValue, splitPackedValues, leafBlockFPs, spareDocIds);
use of java.util.function.IntFunction in project suite by stupidsing.
the class AnalyzeTimeSeriesTest method analyze.
private void analyze(float[] prices) {
int length = prices.length;
int log2 = Quant.log2trunc(length);
double nYears = length * Trade_.invTradeDaysPerYear;
float[] fds = dct.dct(Arrays.copyOfRange(prices, length - log2, length));
float[] returns = ts.returns(prices);
float[] logPrices = To.vector(prices, Math::log);
float[] logReturns = ts.differences(1, logPrices);
MeanVariance rmv = stat.meanVariance(returns);
double variance = rmv.variance;
double kelly = rmv.mean / variance;
IntFltPair max = IntFltPair.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Float.MIN_VALUE);
for (int i = 4; i < fds.length; i++) {
float f = Math.abs(fds[i]);
if (max.t1 < f)
max.update(i, f);
IntFunction<BuySell> momFun = n -> {
int d0 = 1 + n;
int d1 = 1;
return buySell(d -> Quant.sign(prices[d - d0], prices[d - d1])).start(d0);
IntFunction<BuySell> revert = d -> momFun.apply(d).scale(0f, -1f);
IntFunction<BuySell> trend_ = d -> momFun.apply(d).scale(0f, +1f);
BuySell[] reverts = To.array(8, BuySell.class, revert);
BuySell[] trends_ = To.array(8, BuySell.class, trend_);
BuySell tanh = buySell(d -> Tanh.tanh(3.2d * reverts[1].apply(d)));
float[] holds = mt.hold(prices, 1f, 1f, 1f);
float[] ma200 = ma.movingAvg(prices, 200);
BuySell mat = buySell(d -> {
int last = d - 1;
return Quant.sign(ma200[last], prices[last]);
BuySell mt_ = buySell(d -> holds[d]);
Pair<float[], float[]> bbmv = bb.meanVariances(VirtualVector.of(logReturns), 9, 0);
float[] bbmean = bbmv.t0;
float[] bbvariances = bbmv.t1;
BuySell ms2 = buySell(d -> {
int last = d - 1;
int ref = last - 250;
float mean = bbmean[last];
return Quant.sign(logPrices[last], logPrices[ref] - bbvariances[last] / (2d * mean * mean));
}).start(1 + 250);
"" + "\nsymbol = " + //
symbol + "\nlength = " + //
length + "\nnYears = " + //
nYears + "\nups = " + //
Floats_.of(returns).filter(return_ -> 0f <= return_).size() + "\ndct period = " + //
max.t0 + //
d -> "\ndct component [" + d + "d] = " + fds[d]).collect(//
As::joined) + "\nreturn yearly sharpe = " + //
rmv.mean / Math.sqrt(variance / nYears) + "\nreturn kelly = " + //
kelly + "\nreturn skew = " + //
stat.skewness(returns) + "\nreturn kurt = " + //
stat.kurtosis(returns) + //
Ints_.of(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, //
d -> "\nmean reversion ols [" + d + "d] = " + ts.meanReversion(prices, d).coefficients[0]).collect(//
As::joined) + //
Ints_.of(4, //
d -> "\nvariance ratio [" + d + "d over 1d] = " + ts.varianceRatio(prices, d)).collect(//
As::joined) + "\nreturn hurst = " + //
ts.hurst(prices, prices.length / 2) + "\nhold " + //
buySell(d -> 1d).invest(prices) + "\nkelly " + //
buySell(d -> kelly).invest(prices) + "\nma200 trend " + //
mat.invest(prices) + //
Ints_.range(1, //
d -> "\nrevert [" + d + "d] " + reverts[d].invest(prices)).collect(//
As::joined) + //
Ints_.range(1, //
d -> "\ntrend_ [" + d + "d] " + trends_[d].invest(prices)).collect(//
As::joined) + //
Ints_.range(1, //
d -> "\nrevert [" + d + "d] long-only " + reverts[d].longOnly().invest(prices)).collect(//
As::joined) + //
Ints_.range(1, //
d -> "\ntrend_ [" + d + "d] long-only " + trends_[d].longOnly().invest(prices)).collect(//
As::joined) + "\nms2 " + //
ms2.invest(prices) + "\nms2 long-only " + //
ms2.longOnly().invest(prices) + "\ntanh " + //
tanh.invest(prices) + "\ntimed " + //
mt_.invest(prices) + "\ntimed long-only " + mt_.longOnly().invest(prices));
use of java.util.function.IntFunction in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class ServerPoliciesLoadBalancingIT method shouldFallOverBetweenRules.
public void shouldFallOverBetweenRules() throws Exception {
Map<String, IntFunction<String>> instanceCoreParams = new HashMap<>();
instanceCoreParams.put(, (id) -> "core" + id + ",core");
Map<String, IntFunction<String>> instanceReplicaParams = new HashMap<>();
instanceReplicaParams.put(, (id) -> "replica" + id + ",replica");
String defaultPolicy = "groups(core) -> min(3); groups(replica1,replica2) -> min(2);";
Map<String, String> coreParams = stringMap(, "true", + ".server_policies.default", defaultPolicy,, "true");
cluster = new Cluster("cluster"), 5, 5, new HazelcastDiscoveryServiceFactory(), coreParams, instanceCoreParams, emptyMap(), instanceReplicaParams, Standard.LATEST_NAME);
// should use the first rule: only cores for reading
assertGetServersEventuallyMatchesOnAllCores(new CountsMatcher(5, 1, 4, 0));
// one core reader is gone, but we are still fulfilling min(3)
assertGetServersEventuallyMatchesOnAllCores(new CountsMatcher(4, 1, 3, 0));
// should now fall over to the second rule: use replica1 and replica2
assertGetServersEventuallyMatchesOnAllCores(new CountsMatcher(3, 1, 0, 2));
// this does not affect replica1 and replica2
assertGetServersEventuallyMatchesOnAllCores(new CountsMatcher(3, 1, 0, 2));
// should now fall over to use the last rule: all
assertGetServersEventuallyMatchesOnAllCores(new CountsMatcher(3, 1, 2, 3));
// should now go back to first rule
assertGetServersEventuallyMatchesOnAllCores(new CountsMatcher(4, 1, 3, 0));