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Example 66 with Manifest

use of java.util.jar.Manifest in project buck by facebook.

the class Main method makeManifest.

     * Creates and returns the manifest to use for the output. This may
     * modify {@link #outputResources} (removing the pre-existing manifest).
     * @return {@code non-null;} the manifest
private Manifest makeManifest() throws IOException {
    byte[] manifestBytes = outputResources.get(MANIFEST_NAME);
    Manifest manifest;
    Attributes attribs;
    if (manifestBytes == null) {
        // We need to construct an entirely new manifest.
        manifest = new Manifest();
        attribs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
        attribs.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0");
    } else {
        manifest = new Manifest(new ByteArrayInputStream(manifestBytes));
        attribs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
    String createdBy = attribs.getValue(CREATED_BY);
    if (createdBy == null) {
        createdBy = "";
    } else {
        createdBy += " + ";
    createdBy += "dx " + Version.VERSION;
    attribs.put(CREATED_BY, createdBy);
    attribs.putValue("Dex-Location", DexFormat.DEX_IN_JAR_NAME);
    return manifest;
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( Attributes(java.util.jar.Attributes) CstString( Manifest(java.util.jar.Manifest)

Example 67 with Manifest

use of java.util.jar.Manifest in project hadoop by apache.

the class RunJar method run.

public void run(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    String usage = "RunJar jarFile [mainClass] args...";
    if (args.length < 1) {
    int firstArg = 0;
    String fileName = args[firstArg++];
    File file = new File(fileName);
    if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile()) {
        System.err.println("JAR does not exist or is not a normal file: " + file.getCanonicalPath());
    String mainClassName = null;
    JarFile jarFile;
    try {
        jarFile = new JarFile(fileName);
    } catch (IOException io) {
        throw new IOException("Error opening job jar: " + fileName).initCause(io);
    Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
    if (manifest != null) {
        mainClassName = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Main-Class");
    if (mainClassName == null) {
        if (args.length < 2) {
        mainClassName = args[firstArg++];
    mainClassName = mainClassName.replaceAll("/", ".");
    File tmpDir = new File(System.getProperty(""));
    final File workDir;
    try {
        workDir = File.createTempFile("hadoop-unjar", "", tmpDir);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // If user has insufficient perms to write to tmpDir, default
        // "Permission denied" message doesn't specify a filename.
        System.err.println("Error creating temp dir in " + tmpDir + " due to " + ioe.getMessage());
    if (!workDir.delete()) {
        System.err.println("Delete failed for " + workDir);
    ShutdownHookManager.get().addShutdownHook(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
    unJar(file, workDir);
    ClassLoader loader = createClassLoader(file, workDir);
    Class<?> mainClass = Class.forName(mainClassName, true, loader);
    Method main = mainClass.getMethod("main", String[].class);
    List<String> newArgsSubList = Arrays.asList(args).subList(firstArg, args.length);
    String[] newArgs = newArgsSubList.toArray(new String[newArgsSubList.size()]);
    try {
        main.invoke(null, new Object[] { newArgs });
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        throw e.getTargetException();
Also used : IOException( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) Manifest(java.util.jar.Manifest) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) URLClassLoader( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File(

Example 68 with Manifest

use of java.util.jar.Manifest in project flink by apache.

the class JarFileCreator method createJarFile.

	 * Creates a jar file which contains the previously added class. The content of the jar file is written to
	 * <code>outputFile</code> which has been provided to the constructor. If <code>outputFile</code> already exists, it
	 * is overwritten by this operation.
	 * @throws IOException
	 *         thrown if an error occurs while writing to the output file
public synchronized void createJarFile() throws IOException {
    //Retrieve dependencies automatically
    // Temporary buffer for the stream copy
    final byte[] buf = new byte[128];
    // Check if output file is valid
    if (this.outputFile == null) {
        throw new IOException("Output file is null");
    // If output file already exists, delete it
    if (this.outputFile.exists()) {
    try (JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(this.outputFile), new Manifest())) {
        final Iterator<Class<?>> it = this.classSet.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            final Class<?> clazz =;
            final String entry = clazz.getName().replace('.', '/') + CLASS_EXTENSION;
            jos.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(entry));
            String name = clazz.getName();
            int n = name.lastIndexOf('.');
            String className = null;
            if (n > -1) {
                className = name.substring(n + 1, name.length());
            //Using the part after last dot instead of class.getSimpleName() could resolve the problem of inner class.
            final InputStream classInputStream = clazz.getResourceAsStream(className + CLASS_EXTENSION);
            int num =;
            while (num != -1) {
                jos.write(buf, 0, num);
                num =;
Also used : InputStream( FileOutputStream( JarOutputStream(java.util.jar.JarOutputStream) IOException( Manifest(java.util.jar.Manifest) JarEntry(java.util.jar.JarEntry)

Example 69 with Manifest

use of java.util.jar.Manifest in project hadoop by apache.

the class FileUtil method createJarWithClassPath.

   * Create a jar file at the given path, containing a manifest with a classpath
   * that references all specified entries.
   * Some platforms may have an upper limit on command line length.  For example,
   * the maximum command line length on Windows is 8191 characters, but the
   * length of the classpath may exceed this.  To work around this limitation,
   * use this method to create a small intermediate jar with a manifest that
   * contains the full classpath.  It returns the absolute path to the new jar,
   * which the caller may set as the classpath for a new process.
   * Environment variable evaluation is not supported within a jar manifest, so
   * this method expands environment variables before inserting classpath entries
   * to the manifest.  The method parses environment variables according to
   * platform-specific syntax (%VAR% on Windows, or $VAR otherwise).  On Windows,
   * environment variables are case-insensitive.  For example, %VAR% and %var%
   * evaluate to the same value.
   * Specifying the classpath in a jar manifest does not support wildcards, so
   * this method expands wildcards internally.  Any classpath entry that ends
   * with * is translated to all files at that path with extension .jar or .JAR.
   * @param inputClassPath String input classpath to bundle into the jar manifest
   * @param pwd Path to working directory to save jar
   * @param targetDir path to where the jar execution will have its working dir
   * @param callerEnv Map<String, String> caller's environment variables to use
   *   for expansion
   * @return String[] with absolute path to new jar in position 0 and
   *   unexpanded wild card entry path in position 1
   * @throws IOException if there is an I/O error while writing the jar file
public static String[] createJarWithClassPath(String inputClassPath, Path pwd, Path targetDir, Map<String, String> callerEnv) throws IOException {
    // Replace environment variables, case-insensitive on Windows
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> env = Shell.WINDOWS ? new CaseInsensitiveMap(callerEnv) : callerEnv;
    String[] classPathEntries = inputClassPath.split(File.pathSeparator);
    for (int i = 0; i < classPathEntries.length; ++i) {
        classPathEntries[i] = StringUtils.replaceTokens(classPathEntries[i], StringUtils.ENV_VAR_PATTERN, env);
    File workingDir = new File(pwd.toString());
    if (!workingDir.mkdirs()) {
        // If mkdirs returns false because the working directory already exists,
        // then this is acceptable.  If it returns false due to some other I/O
        // error, then this method will fail later with an IOException while saving
        // the jar.
        LOG.debug("mkdirs false for " + workingDir + ", execution will continue");
    StringBuilder unexpandedWildcardClasspath = new StringBuilder();
    // Append all entries
    List<String> classPathEntryList = new ArrayList<String>(classPathEntries.length);
    for (String classPathEntry : classPathEntries) {
        if (classPathEntry.length() == 0) {
        if (classPathEntry.endsWith("*")) {
            // Append all jars that match the wildcard
            List<Path> jars = getJarsInDirectory(classPathEntry);
            if (!jars.isEmpty()) {
                for (Path jar : jars) {
            } else {
        } else {
            // Append just this entry
            File fileCpEntry = null;
            if (!new Path(classPathEntry).isAbsolute()) {
                fileCpEntry = new File(targetDir.toString(), classPathEntry);
            } else {
                fileCpEntry = new File(classPathEntry);
            String classPathEntryUrl = fileCpEntry.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm();
            // created yet, but will definitely be created before running.
            if (classPathEntry.endsWith(Path.SEPARATOR) && !classPathEntryUrl.endsWith(Path.SEPARATOR)) {
                classPathEntryUrl = classPathEntryUrl + Path.SEPARATOR;
    String jarClassPath = StringUtils.join(" ", classPathEntryList);
    // Create the manifest
    Manifest jarManifest = new Manifest();
    jarManifest.getMainAttributes().putValue(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION.toString(), "1.0");
    jarManifest.getMainAttributes().putValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH.toString(), jarClassPath);
    // Write the manifest to output JAR file
    File classPathJar = File.createTempFile("classpath-", ".jar", workingDir);
    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
    JarOutputStream jos = null;
    try {
        fos = new FileOutputStream(classPathJar);
        bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
        jos = new JarOutputStream(bos, jarManifest);
    } finally {
        IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, jos, bos, fos);
    String[] jarCp = { classPathJar.getCanonicalPath(), unexpandedWildcardClasspath.toString() };
    return jarCp;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JarOutputStream(java.util.jar.JarOutputStream) Manifest(java.util.jar.Manifest) CaseInsensitiveMap( FileOutputStream( ZipFile( File( BufferedOutputStream(

Example 70 with Manifest

use of java.util.jar.Manifest in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestFileUtil method testCreateJarWithClassPath.

@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testCreateJarWithClassPath() throws Exception {
    // setup test directory for files
    // create files expected to match a wildcard
    List<File> wildcardMatches = Arrays.asList(new File(tmp, "wildcard1.jar"), new File(tmp, "wildcard2.jar"), new File(tmp, "wildcard3.JAR"), new File(tmp, "wildcard4.JAR"));
    for (File wildcardMatch : wildcardMatches) {
        Assert.assertTrue("failure creating file: " + wildcardMatch, wildcardMatch.createNewFile());
    // create non-jar files, which we expect to not be included in the classpath
    Assert.assertTrue(new File(tmp, "text.txt").createNewFile());
    Assert.assertTrue(new File(tmp, "executable.exe").createNewFile());
    Assert.assertTrue(new File(tmp, "README").createNewFile());
    // create classpath jar
    String wildcardPath = tmp.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + "*";
    String nonExistentSubdir = tmp.getCanonicalPath() + Path.SEPARATOR + "subdir" + Path.SEPARATOR;
    List<String> classPaths = Arrays.asList("", "cp1.jar", "cp2.jar", wildcardPath, "cp3.jar", nonExistentSubdir);
    String inputClassPath = StringUtils.join(File.pathSeparator, classPaths);
    String[] jarCp = FileUtil.createJarWithClassPath(inputClassPath + File.pathSeparator + "unexpandedwildcard/*", new Path(tmp.getCanonicalPath()), System.getenv());
    String classPathJar = jarCp[0];
    assertNotEquals("Unexpanded wildcard was not placed in extra classpath", jarCp[1].indexOf("unexpanded"), -1);
    // verify classpath by reading manifest from jar file
    JarFile jarFile = null;
    try {
        jarFile = new JarFile(classPathJar);
        Manifest jarManifest = jarFile.getManifest();
        Attributes mainAttributes = jarManifest.getMainAttributes();
        String classPathAttr = mainAttributes.getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
        List<String> expectedClassPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String classPath : classPaths) {
            if (classPath.length() == 0) {
            if (wildcardPath.equals(classPath)) {
                // add wildcard matches
                for (File wildcardMatch : wildcardMatches) {
            } else {
                File fileCp = null;
                if (!new Path(classPath).isAbsolute()) {
                    fileCp = new File(tmp, classPath);
                } else {
                    fileCp = new File(classPath);
                if (nonExistentSubdir.equals(classPath)) {
                    // expect to maintain trailing path separator if present in input, even
                    // if directory doesn't exist yet
                    expectedClassPaths.add(fileCp.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm() + Path.SEPARATOR);
                } else {
        List<String> actualClassPaths = Arrays.asList(classPathAttr.split(" "));
        Assert.assertEquals(expectedClassPaths, actualClassPaths);
    } finally {
        if (jarFile != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.warn("exception closing jarFile: " + classPathJar, e);
Also used : Attributes(java.util.jar.Attributes) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) Manifest(java.util.jar.Manifest) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File( Test(org.junit.Test)


Manifest (java.util.jar.Manifest)1226 Attributes (java.util.jar.Attributes)392 File ( IOException ( JarFile (java.util.jar.JarFile)231 InputStream ( URL ( JarOutputStream (java.util.jar.JarOutputStream)145 FileOutputStream ( Test (org.junit.Test)129 FileInputStream ( Jar (aQute.bnd.osgi.Jar)105 JarInputStream (java.util.jar.JarInputStream)104 Builder (aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder)99 ZipEntry ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( JarEntry (java.util.jar.JarEntry)96 ByteArrayInputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)83 Map (java.util.Map)83