use of in project kie-wb-common by kiegroup.
the class AbstractFormDefinitionGeneratorTest method verifyInvoiceForm.
protected void verifyInvoiceForm(FormMigrationSummary summary) {
Form originalForm = summary.getOriginalForm().get();
FormDefinition newForm = summary.getNewForm().get();
Assertions.assertThat(newForm.getModel()).isNotNull().hasFieldOrPropertyWithValue("className", INVOICE_MODEL).isInstanceOf(DataObjectFormModel.class);
IntStream indexStream = IntStream.range(0, newForm.getFields().size());
LayoutTemplate formLayout = newForm.getLayoutTemplate();
indexStream.forEach(index -> {
FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = newForm.getFields().get(index);
switch(index) {
case 0:
checkFieldDefinition(fieldDefinition, INVOICE_USER, "user (invoice)", "user", SubFormFieldDefinition.class, newForm, originalForm.getField(fieldDefinition.getName()));
case 1:
checkFieldDefinition(fieldDefinition, INVOICE_LINES, "lines (invoice)", "lines", MultipleSubFormFieldDefinition.class, newForm, originalForm.getField(fieldDefinition.getName()));
case 3:
checkFieldDefinition(fieldDefinition, INVOICE_LINES, "lines (invoice)", "lines", MultipleSubFormFieldDefinition.class, newForm, originalForm.getField(fieldDefinition.getName()));
LayoutRow fieldRow = formLayout.getRows().get(index);
LayoutColumn fieldColumn = fieldRow.getLayoutColumns().get(0);
assertEquals("12", fieldColumn.getSpan());
checkLayoutFormField(fieldColumn.getLayoutComponents().get(0), fieldDefinition, newForm);
use of in project cyclops by aol.
the class IdenticalToStream method measureThroughput.
@Warmup(iterations = 5)
@Measurement(iterations = 5)
public List<Entry<Integer, List<String>>> measureThroughput() {
// Function to compute the score of a given word
IntUnaryOperator scoreOfALetter = letter -> letterScores[letter - 'a'];
// score of the same letters in a word
ToIntFunction<Entry<Integer, Long>> letterScore = entry -> letterScores[entry.getKey() - 'a'] * Integer.min(entry.getValue().intValue(), scrabbleAvailableLetters[entry.getKey() - 'a']);
// Histogram of the letters in a given word
Function<String, Map<Integer, Long>> histoOfLetters = word -> ReactiveSeq.fromCharSequence(word).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));
// number of blanks for a given letter
ToLongFunction<Entry<Integer, Long>> blank = entry -> Long.max(0L, entry.getValue() - scrabbleAvailableLetters[entry.getKey() - 'a']);
// number of blanks for a given word
Function<String, Long> nBlanks = word -> reactiveSeq(histoOfLetters.apply(word).entrySet()).mapToLong(blank).sum();
// can a word be written with 2 blanks?
Predicate<String> checkBlanks = word -> nBlanks.apply(word) <= 2;
// score taking blanks into account
Function<String, Integer> score2 = word -> reactiveSeq(histoOfLetters.apply(word).entrySet()).mapToInt(letterScore).sum();
// Placing the word on the board
// Building the streams of first and last letters
Function<String, IntStream> first3 = word -> word.chars().limit(3);
Function<String, IntStream> last3 = word -> word.chars().skip(Integer.max(0, word.length() - 4));
// Stream to be maxed
Function<String, IntStream> toBeMaxed = word -> ReactiveSeq.of(first3.apply(word), last3.apply(word)).flatMapToInt(Function.identity());
// Bonus for double letter
ToIntFunction<String> bonusForDoubleLetter = word -> toBeMaxed.apply(word).map(scoreOfALetter).max().orElse(0);
// score of the word put on the board
Function<String, Integer> score3 = word -> (score2.apply(word) + bonusForDoubleLetter.applyAsInt(word)) + (score2.apply(word) + bonusForDoubleLetter.applyAsInt(word)) + (word.length() == 7 ? 50 : 0);
Function<Function<String, Integer>, ReactiveSeq<Map<Integer, List<String>>>> buildHistoOnScore = score -> ReactiveSeq.of(reactiveSeq(shakespeareWords).filter(scrabbleWords::contains).filter(// filter out the words that needs more than 2 blanks
checkBlanks).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(score, () -> new TreeMap<Integer, List<String>>(Comparator.reverseOrder()), Collectors.toList())));
// best key / value pairs
List<Entry<Integer, List<String>>> finalList = buildHistoOnScore.apply(score3).map(e -> reactiveSeq(e.entrySet()).limit(3).collect(Collectors.toList())).findAny().get();
return finalList;
use of in project data-prep by Talend.
the class PreparationService method extractActionsAfterStep.
* Extract all actions after a provided step
* @param stepsIds The steps list
* @param afterStep The (excluded) step id where to start the extraction
* @return The actions after 'afterStep' to the end of the list
private List<AppendStep> extractActionsAfterStep(final List<String> stepsIds, final String afterStep) {
final int stepIndex = stepsIds.indexOf(afterStep);
if (stepIndex == -1) {
return emptyList();
final List<PersistentStep> steps;
try (IntStream range = IntStream.range(stepIndex, stepsIds.size())) {
steps = range.mapToObj(index -> getStep(stepsIds.get(index))).collect(toList());
final List<List<Action>> stepActions =;
try (IntStream filteredActions = IntStream.range(1, steps.size())) {
return filteredActions.mapToObj(index -> {
final List<Action> previous = stepActions.get(index - 1);
final List<Action> current = stepActions.get(index);
final PersistentStep step = steps.get(index);
final AppendStep appendStep = new AppendStep();
appendStep.setActions(current.subList(previous.size(), current.size()));
return appendStep;
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class SimpleGarbageCollector method startStatsService.
private HostAndPort startStatsService() {
Iface rpcProxy = TraceUtil.wrapService(this);
final Processor<Iface> processor;
if (getContext().getThriftServerType() == ThriftServerType.SASL) {
Iface tcProxy = TCredentialsUpdatingWrapper.service(rpcProxy, getClass(), getConfiguration());
processor = new Processor<>(tcProxy);
} else {
processor = new Processor<>(rpcProxy);
IntStream port = getConfiguration().getPortStream(Property.GC_PORT);
HostAndPort[] addresses = TServerUtils.getHostAndPorts(getHostname(), port);
long maxMessageSize = getConfiguration().getAsBytes(Property.GENERAL_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
try {
ServerAddress server = TServerUtils.startTServer(getConfiguration(), getContext().getThriftServerType(), processor, this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "GC Monitor Service", 2, ThreadPools.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECS, 1000, maxMessageSize, getContext().getServerSslParams(), getContext().getSaslParams(), 0, addresses);
log.debug("Starting garbage collector listening on " + server.address);
return server.address;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// ACCUMULO-3651 Level changed to error and FATAL added to message for slf4j compatibility
log.error("FATAL:", ex);
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class TServerUtils method startServer.
* Start a server, at the given port, or higher, if that port is not available.
* @param context
* RPC configuration
* @param portHintProperty
* the port to attempt to open, can be zero, meaning "any available port"
* @param processor
* the service to be started
* @param serverName
* the name of the class that is providing the service
* @param threadName
* name this service's thread for better debugging
* @param portSearchProperty
* A boolean Property to control if port-search should be used, or null to disable
* @param minThreadProperty
* A Property to control the minimum number of threads in the pool
* @param timeBetweenThreadChecksProperty
* A Property to control the amount of time between checks to resize the thread pool
* @param maxMessageSizeProperty
* A Property to control the maximum Thrift message size accepted
* @return the server object created, and the port actually used
* @throws UnknownHostException
* when we don't know our own address
public static ServerAddress startServer(ServerContext context, String hostname, Property portHintProperty, TProcessor processor, String serverName, String threadName, Property portSearchProperty, Property minThreadProperty, Property threadTimeOutProperty, Property timeBetweenThreadChecksProperty, Property maxMessageSizeProperty) throws UnknownHostException {
final AccumuloConfiguration config = context.getConfiguration();
final IntStream portHint = config.getPortStream(portHintProperty);
int minThreads = 2;
if (minThreadProperty != null) {
minThreads = config.getCount(minThreadProperty);
long threadTimeOut = ThreadPools.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECS;
if (threadTimeOutProperty != null) {
threadTimeOut = config.getTimeInMillis(threadTimeOutProperty);
long timeBetweenThreadChecks = 1000;
if (timeBetweenThreadChecksProperty != null) {
timeBetweenThreadChecks = config.getTimeInMillis(timeBetweenThreadChecksProperty);
long maxMessageSize = 10_000_000;
if (maxMessageSizeProperty != null) {
maxMessageSize = config.getAsBytes(maxMessageSizeProperty);
boolean portSearch = false;
if (portSearchProperty != null) {
portSearch = config.getBoolean(portSearchProperty);
final ThriftServerType serverType = context.getThriftServerType();
if (serverType == ThriftServerType.SASL) {
processor = updateSaslProcessor(serverType, processor);
// create the TimedProcessor outside the port search loop so we don't try to
// register the same
// metrics mbean more than once
TimedProcessor timedProcessor = new TimedProcessor(config, processor, serverName, threadName);
HostAndPort[] addresses = getHostAndPorts(hostname, portHint);
try {
return TServerUtils.startTServer(serverType, timedProcessor, serverName, threadName, minThreads, threadTimeOut, config, timeBetweenThreadChecks, maxMessageSize, context.getServerSslParams(), context.getSaslParams(), context.getClientTimeoutInMillis(), addresses);
} catch (TTransportException e) {
if (portSearch) {
// Build a list of reserved ports - as identified by properties of type PropertyType.PORT
Map<Integer, Property> reservedPorts = getReservedPorts(config, portHintProperty);
HostAndPort last = addresses[addresses.length - 1];
// Search sequentially over the next 1000 ports
for (int port = last.getPort() + 1; port < last.getPort() + 1001; port++) {
if (reservedPorts.containsKey(port)) {
log.debug("During port search, skipping reserved port {} - property {} ({})", port, reservedPorts.get(port).getKey(), reservedPorts.get(port).getDescription());
if (PortRange.VALID_RANGE.isBefore(port)) {
try {
HostAndPort addr = HostAndPort.fromParts(hostname, port);
return TServerUtils.startTServer(serverType, timedProcessor, serverName, threadName, minThreads, threadTimeOut, config, timeBetweenThreadChecks, maxMessageSize, context.getServerSslParams(), context.getSaslParams(), context.getClientTimeoutInMillis(), addr);
} catch (TTransportException tte) {"Unable to use port {}, retrying. (Thread Name = {})", port, threadName);
log.error("Unable to start TServer", e);
throw new UnknownHostException("Unable to find a listen port");
} else {
log.error("Unable to start TServer", e);
throw new UnknownHostException("Unable to find a listen port");