use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ExportServiceImpl method makeRemoteFile.
* This function saves the remote file into a compressed zip file.
* Creation date: (4/26/2004 6:47:56 PM)
private ExportEvent makeRemoteFile(String fileFormat, String exportBaseDir, String exportBaseURL, ExportOutput[] exportOutputs, ExportSpecs exportSpecs, JobRequest newExportJob, FileDataContainerManager fileDataContainerManager) throws DataFormatException, IOException, MalformedURLException {
boolean exportValid = true;
fireExportAssembling(newExportJob.getJobID(), exportSpecs.getVCDataIdentifier(), fileFormat);
// check outputs and package into zip file
File zipFile = new File(exportBaseDir + newExportJob.getJobID() + ".zip");
FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(zipFile);
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fileOut);
ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
for (int i = 0; i < exportOutputs.length; i++) {
if (exportOutputs[i].isValid()) {
String filename = exportOutputs[i].getSimID() + exportOutputs[i].getDataID();
if (!filename.endsWith(exportOutputs[i].getDataType())) {
filename = filename + exportOutputs[i].getDataType();
ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(filename);
System.out.println("writing entry " + i);
exportOutputs[i].writeDataToOutputStream(zipOut, fileDataContainerManager);
// zipOut.write(exportOutputs[i].getData());
} else {
exportValid = false;
if (exportValid) {
completedExportRequests.put(exportSpecs, newExportJob);
if (lg.isTraceEnabled())
lg.trace("ExportServiceImpl.makeRemoteFile(): Successfully exported to file: " + zipFile.getName());
URL url = new URL(exportBaseURL + zipFile.getName());
return fireExportCompleted(newExportJob.getJobID(), exportSpecs.getVCDataIdentifier(), fileFormat, url.toString(), exportSpecs);
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Export Server could not produce valid data !");
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ExportServiceImpl method makeRemoteFile_Unzipped.
* Save remote file in it original format without compression.
private ExportEvent makeRemoteFile_Unzipped(String fileFormat, String exportBaseDir, String exportBaseURL, ExportOutput[] exportOutputs, ExportSpecs exportSpecs, JobRequest newExportJob, FileDataContainerManager fileDataContainerManager) throws DataFormatException, IOException, MalformedURLException {
boolean exportValid = true;
String fileNames = "";
if (exportOutputs.length > 0 && exportOutputs[0].isValid()) {
// do the first file of exportOutputs separately (for VFRAP, there is only one export output)
String extStr = "." + fileFormat;
File file = new File(exportBaseDir + newExportJob.getJobID() + extStr);
FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fileOut);
exportOutputs[0].writeDataToOutputStream(out, fileDataContainerManager);
// out.write(exportOutputs[0].getData());
fileNames = fileNames + file.getName();
// if there are more export outputs, loops through the second till the last.
for (int i = 1; i < exportOutputs.length; i++) {
if (exportOutputs[i].isValid()) {
File moreFile = new File(exportBaseDir + newExportJob.getJobID() + "_" + i + extStr);
FileOutputStream moreFileOut = new FileOutputStream(moreFile);
ObjectOutputStream moreOut = new ObjectOutputStream(moreFileOut);
exportOutputs[i].writeDataToOutputStream(moreOut, fileDataContainerManager);
// moreOut.writeObject(exportOutputs[i].getData());
fileNames = "\t" + fileNames + moreFile.getName();
} else {
exportValid = false;
} else {
exportValid = false;
if (exportValid) {
completedExportRequests.put(exportSpecs, newExportJob);
if (lg.isTraceEnabled())
lg.trace("ExportServiceImpl.makeRemoteFile(): Successfully exported to file: " + fileNames);
URL url = new URL(exportBaseURL + fileNames);
return fireExportCompleted(newExportJob.getJobID(), exportSpecs.getVCDataIdentifier(), fileFormat, url.toString(), exportSpecs);
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Export Server could not produce valid data !");
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ExportUtils method extendMirrorPixels.
* This method was created in VisualAge.
* @return int[]
* @param pixels int[]
public static int[] extendMirrorPixels(int[] pixels, int width, int height, int mode) throws DataFormatException {
if (pixels.length != width * height)
throw new DataFormatException("Pixel number incompatible with given width, height");
int[] mirroredPixels;
switch(mode) {
case ExportConstants.MIRROR_LEFT:
mirroredPixels = new int[pixels.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
mirroredPixels[j + width + i * 2 * width] = pixels[j + i * width];
mirroredPixels[width - j - 1 + i * 2 * width] = pixels[j + i * width];
case ExportConstants.MIRROR_TOP:
mirroredPixels = new int[pixels.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
mirroredPixels[j + (i + height) * width] = pixels[j + i * width];
mirroredPixels[j + (height - i - 1) * width] = pixels[j + i * width];
case ExportConstants.MIRROR_RIGHT:
mirroredPixels = new int[pixels.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
mirroredPixels[j + i * 2 * width] = pixels[j + i * width];
mirroredPixels[2 * width - j - 1 + i * 2 * width] = pixels[j + i * width];
case ExportConstants.MIRROR_BOTTOM:
mirroredPixels = new int[pixels.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
mirroredPixels[j + i * width] = pixels[j + i * width];
mirroredPixels[j + (2 * height - i - 1) * width] = pixels[j + i * width];
mirroredPixels = pixels;
return mirroredPixels;
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class IMGExporter method makeMedia.
// private ParticleInfo checkParticles_unused(final ExportSpecs exportSpecs,User user,DataServerImpl dataServerImpl,final long jobID) throws Exception{
// int particleMode = FormatSpecificSpecs.PARTICLE_NONE;
// if(exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs() instanceof ImageSpecs){
// particleMode = ((ImageSpecs)exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getParticleMode();
// }else if (exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs() instanceof MovieSpecs){
// particleMode = ((MovieSpecs)exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getParticleMode();
// }
// if(particleMode == FormatSpecificSpecs.PARTICLE_NONE){
// return null;
// }
// final VCDataIdentifier vcdID = exportSpecs.getVCDataIdentifier();
// CartesianMesh cartesianMesh = dataServerImpl.getMesh(user, vcdID);
// int dimension = cartesianMesh.getGeometryDimension();
// String[] variableNames = exportSpecs.getVariableSpecs().getVariableNames();
// File visitExeLocation =
// new File(PropertyLoader.getRequiredProperty(PropertyLoader.visitSmoldynVisitExecutableProperty));
// File visitSmoldynScriptLocation =
// new File(PropertyLoader.getRequiredProperty(PropertyLoader.visitSmoldynScriptPathProperty));
// final File visitSmoldynScriptTempDir = PropertyLoader.getSystemTemporaryDirectory();
// //-----Get all data (from archive if necessary)
// SimulationData.SimDataAmplistorInfo simDataAmplistorInfo = AmplistorUtils.getSimDataAmplistorInfoFromPropertyLoader();
// SimulationData simData = new SimulationData(vcdID,
// new File(PropertyLoader.getRequiredProperty(PropertyLoader.primarySimDataDirInternalProperty),vcdID.getOwner().getName()),
// new File(PropertyLoader.getProperty(PropertyLoader.primarySimDataDirInternalProperty,null),vcdID.getOwner().getName()),
// simDataAmplistorInfo);
// File logFile = simData.getLogFile();
// if(!logFile.exists()){
// throw new Exception("ImgExport particle, Couldn't find Log file "+logFile.getAbsolutePath());
// }
// simData.getMesh();//gets mesh and meshmetrics files from archive if necessary
// simData.getSubdomainFile();
// simData.getFunctionsFile(false);
// int timeIndex = 1;//smoldyn always begins at timeindex 1
// while(true){
// if(!simData.getSmoldynOutputFile(timeIndex).exists()){//get smoldynOutput files
// break;
// }
// timeIndex++;
// }
// //-----
// File visitDataPathFragment = new File(logFile.getParent(),vcdID.getID()+"_");
// System.out.println(visitExeLocation.getAbsolutePath());
// System.out.println(visitSmoldynScriptLocation.getAbsolutePath());
// System.out.println(visitSmoldynScriptTempDir.getAbsolutePath());
// System.out.println(visitDataPathFragment.getAbsolutePath());
// //if(true){return new ParticleInfo(visitSmoldynScriptTempDir);}
// if(exportSpecs.getTimeSpecs().getAllTimes().length == 1){
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time zero not valid for smoldyn particle data");
// }
// int beginIndexTime = exportSpecs.getTimeSpecs().getBeginTimeIndex();
// int endIndexTime = exportSpecs.getTimeSpecs().getEndTimeIndex();
// System.out.println("beginIndexTime="+beginIndexTime+" endIndexTime="+endIndexTime);
// ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
// args.add(visitExeLocation.getAbsolutePath());//location of visit
// args.add("-nowin");
// args.add("-cli");
// args.add("-s");
// args.add(visitSmoldynScriptLocation.getAbsolutePath());//location of the script
// args.add(visitDataPathFragment.getAbsolutePath()); //location of the SimID
// args.add(visitSmoldynScriptTempDir.getAbsolutePath()); // where frames are dumped
// args.add(dimension+""); //dimension
// args.add(beginIndexTime+"");
// args.add(endIndexTime+"");
// args.add(4+"");//particle sphere size
// args.add(FormatSpecificSpecs.SMOLDYN_DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE.width+"");//frame size X
// args.add(FormatSpecificSpecs.SMOLDYN_DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE.height+"");//frame size Y
// args.add(variableNames.length+""); // 0 = show all the particles. >0 == show n different particles, to be listed below
// for (int i = 0; i < variableNames.length; i++) {
// args.add(variableNames[i]);
// }
// final String tempFilePrefix = vcdID.getID()+"_p3d";
// //Monitor progress of smoldyn script
// exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, vcdID, "MEDIA", 0.0);
// final boolean[] finishedFlag = new boolean[] {false};
// final int numTimePoints = exportSpecs.getTimeSpecs().getEndTimeIndex()-exportSpecs.getTimeSpecs().getBeginTimeIndex()+1;
// Thread progressThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
// public void run() {
// System.out.println("smoldyn progress monitor started");
// while(!finishedFlag[0]){
// int count = 0;
// File[] tempFiles = visitSmoldynScriptTempDir.listFiles();
// for (int i = 0; i < tempFiles.length; i++) {
// if(tempFiles[i].getName().startsWith(tempFilePrefix) ||
// (tempFiles[i].getName().startsWith(vcdID.getID()) &&
// tempFiles[i].getName().endsWith(".jpeg"))){
// count+= 1;
// }
// }
// double progress = .5 * (double)count / (double)(2*numTimePoints);
// exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, vcdID, "MEDIA", progress);
// //System.out.println("All files read="+tempFiles.length+" Files counted="+count+" progress="+progress);
// try {
// Thread.sleep(1000);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// return;//This shouldn't happen but if so just quit
// }
// }
// System.out.println("smoldyn progress monitor finished");
// }
// });
// progressThread.start();
// try{
// final long TIME_OUT = 1200000; //20 minutes
// Executable executable = new Executable(args.toArray(new String[0]),TIME_OUT);
// executable.start();//blocking, internal monitoring, return after timeout
// if(!executable.getStatus().equals(ExecutableStatus.COMPLETE)){
// System.out.println(executable.getStderrString());
// System.out.println(executable.getStdoutString());
// throw new Exception("Particle data exporter did not complete normally. "+(executable.getStatus()==null?"":executable.getStatus().toString()));
// }
// }finally{
// finishedFlag[0] = true;
// //Remove temp files created by smoldyn script
// File[] tempFiles = visitSmoldynScriptTempDir.listFiles();
// for (int i = 0; i < tempFiles.length; i++) {
// if(tempFiles[i].getName().startsWith(tempFilePrefix)){
// tempFiles[i].delete();
// }
// }
// }
// return new ParticleInfo(visitSmoldynScriptTempDir);
// }
private static ExportOutput[] makeMedia(ExportServiceImpl exportServiceImpl, OutputContext outputContext, long jobID, User user, DataServerImpl dataServerImpl, ExportSpecs exportSpecs, ClientTaskStatusSupport clientTaskStatusSupport, ParticleInfo particleInfo, FileDataContainerManager fileDataContainerManager) throws RemoteException, IOException, GIFFormatException, DataAccessException, Exception {
boolean bOverLay = false;
int sliceIndicator = 0;
if (particleInfo == null) {
sliceIndicator = (exportSpecs.getGeometrySpecs().getModeID() == ExportConstants.GEOMETRY_FULL ? FULL_MODE_ALL_SLICES : exportSpecs.getGeometrySpecs().getSliceNumber());
int imageScale = 0;
int meshMode = 0;
int mirroringType = 0;
int membraneScale = 0;
double duration = 1.0;
DisplayPreferences[] displayPreferences = null;
int volVarMembrOutlineThickness = 1;
if (exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs() instanceof ImageSpecs) {
bOverLay = ((ImageSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getOverlayMode();
imageScale = ((ImageSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getImageScaling();
volVarMembrOutlineThickness = ((ImageSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getVolVarMembrOutlineThickness();
meshMode = ((ImageSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getMeshMode();
mirroringType = ((ImageSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getMirroringType();
membraneScale = ((ImageSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getMembraneScaling();
displayPreferences = ((ImageSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getDisplayPreferences();
// convert from milliseconds to seconds
duration = (double) ((ImageSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getDuration() / 1000.0;
} else if (exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs() instanceof MovieSpecs) {
bOverLay = ((MovieSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getOverlayMode();
imageScale = ((MovieSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getImageScaling();
volVarMembrOutlineThickness = ((MovieSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getVolVarMembrOutlineThickness();
meshMode = ((MovieSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getMeshMode();
mirroringType = ((MovieSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getMirroringType();
membraneScale = ((MovieSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getMembraneScaling();
displayPreferences = ((MovieSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getDisplayPreferences();
// convert from milliseconds to seconds
duration = ((MovieSpecs) exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs()).getDuration() / 1000.0;
} else {
throw new DataFormatException("Unknown FormatSpecificSpec " + exportSpecs.getFormatSpecificSpecs().getClass().getName());
Vector<ExportOutput> exportOutputV = new Vector<ExportOutput>();
VCDataIdentifier vcdID = exportSpecs.getVCDataIdentifier();
int beginTimeIndex = exportSpecs.getTimeSpecs().getBeginTimeIndex();
int endTimeIndex = exportSpecs.getTimeSpecs().getEndTimeIndex();
boolean bSingleTimePoint = beginTimeIndex == endTimeIndex;
String[] varNames = (particleInfo == null ? exportSpecs.getVariableSpecs().getVariableNames() : new String[] { "smoldynParticleDummy" });
double[] allTimes = dataServerImpl.getDataSetTimes(user, vcdID);
int startSlice = (sliceIndicator == FULL_MODE_ALL_SLICES ? 0 : sliceIndicator);
int sliceCount = FormatSpecificSpecs.getSliceCount(sliceIndicator == FULL_MODE_ALL_SLICES, exportSpecs.getGeometrySpecs().getAxis(), dataServerImpl.getMesh(user, vcdID));
double progressIncr = 1.0 / (sliceCount * (endTimeIndex - beginTimeIndex + 1) * varNames.length);
double progress = 0.0;
MovieHolder movieHolder = new MovieHolder();
Dimension imageDimension = FormatSpecificSpecs.getImageDimension(meshMode, imageScale, dataServerImpl.getMesh(user, vcdID), exportSpecs.getGeometrySpecs().getAxis());
int originalWidth = (int) imageDimension.getWidth();
int originalHeight = (int) imageDimension.getHeight();
ExportRenderInfo exportRenderInfo = null;
try {
for (int sliceNumber = startSlice; sliceNumber < startSlice + sliceCount; sliceNumber++) {
if (particleInfo == null) {
PDEOffscreenRenderer offScreenRenderer = new PDEOffscreenRenderer(outputContext, user, dataServerImpl, vcdID);
exportRenderInfo = new ExportRenderInfo(offScreenRenderer);
} else {
exportRenderInfo = new ExportRenderInfo(particleInfo, allTimes, vcdID, beginTimeIndex);
Dimension particleImageSize = particleInfo.getImageFrameSize(vcdID);
originalWidth = particleImageSize.width;
originalHeight = particleImageSize.height;
int varNameIndex0 = 0;
int timeIndex0 = beginTimeIndex;
int[] overLayPixels = null;
// set default time if only 1 timepoint
boolean bEndslice = sliceNumber == (startSlice + sliceCount - 1);
while (true) {
if (clientTaskStatusSupport != null) {
clientTaskStatusSupport.setProgress((int) (progress * 100));
if (clientTaskStatusSupport.isInterrupted()) {
throw UserCancelException.CANCEL_GENERIC;
exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, vcdID, "MEDIA", (particleInfo == null ? progress : .5 + (progress / 2.0)));
progress += progressIncr;
MirrorInfo currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo = renderAndMirrorSliceTimePixels(exportRenderInfo, varNames[varNameIndex0], allTimes[timeIndex0], displayPreferences[varNameIndex0], imageScale, membraneScale, meshMode, volVarMembrOutlineThickness, originalWidth, originalHeight, mirroringType);
if (bOverLay) {
if (varNames.length == 1) {
overLayPixels = currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getPixels();
} else {
// Overlay append in Y-direction
if (overLayPixels == null) {
overLayPixels = new int[currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getPixels().length * varNames.length];
int appendIndex = currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getPixels().length * varNameIndex0;
System.arraycopy(currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getPixels(), 0, overLayPixels, appendIndex, currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getPixels().length);
if (timeIndex0 != endTimeIndex) {
// calculate duration for each timepoint
movieHolder.setSampleDurationSeconds((allTimes[timeIndex0 + 1] - allTimes[timeIndex0]) / (allTimes[endTimeIndex + (endTimeIndex == allTimes.length - 1 ? 0 : 1)] - allTimes[beginTimeIndex]) * duration);
} else {
// when last or only 1 timepoint, use last duration set
// Index var and time properly
boolean bBegintime = timeIndex0 == beginTimeIndex;
boolean bEndTime = timeIndex0 == endTimeIndex;
if (bOverLay) {
if (varNameIndex0 == varNames.length) {
String dataID = createDataID(exportSpecs, sliceNumber, "overlay", timeIndex0);
createMedia(exportOutputV, vcdID, dataID, exportSpecs, true, bEndslice, bBegintime, bEndTime, bSingleTimePoint, varNames, displayPreferences, movieHolder, overLayPixels, currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getMirrorWidth(), currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getMirrorHeight() * varNames.length, fileDataContainerManager);
varNameIndex0 = 0;
if (timeIndex0 > endTimeIndex) {
} else {
String dataID = createDataID(exportSpecs, sliceNumber, varNames[varNameIndex0], timeIndex0);
boolean bEndVars = varNameIndex0 == varNames.length - 1;
createMedia(exportOutputV, vcdID, dataID, exportSpecs, bEndVars, bEndslice, bBegintime, bEndTime, bSingleTimePoint, new String[] { varNames[varNameIndex0] }, new DisplayPreferences[] { displayPreferences[varNameIndex0] }, movieHolder, currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getPixels(), currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getMirrorWidth(), currentSliceTimeMirrorInfo.getMirrorHeight(), fileDataContainerManager);
if (timeIndex0 > endTimeIndex) {
timeIndex0 = beginTimeIndex;
if (varNameIndex0 == varNames.length) {
} finally {
if (exportRenderInfo != null) {
return exportOutputV.toArray(new ExportOutput[0]);
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FieldDataGUIPanel method fdFromFile.
private AsynchClientTask[] fdFromFile() {
final RequestManager clientRequestManager = fieldDataWindowManager.getLocalRequestManager();
AsynchClientTask[] addTasks = addNewExternalData(this, this, false);
AsynchClientTask[] taskArray = new AsynchClientTask[2 + addTasks.length];
// add to the end
System.arraycopy(addTasks, 0, taskArray, 2, addTasks.length);
taskArray[0] = new AsynchClientTask("select a file", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
FieldDataFileOperationSpec argfdos = (FieldDataFileOperationSpec) hashTable.get("argfdos");
if (argfdos == null && hashTable.get(IMAGE_FILE_KEY) == null) {
File imageFile = DatabaseWindowManager.showFileChooserDialog(fieldDataWindowManager, FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_FIELDIMAGES, clientRequestManager.getUserPreferences(), JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES);
hashTable.put(IMAGE_FILE_KEY, imageFile);
taskArray[1] = new AsynchClientTask("Import image", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
FieldDataFileOperationSpec fdos = null;
String initFDName = null;
FieldDataFileOperationSpec argfdos = (FieldDataFileOperationSpec) hashTable.get("argfdos");
String arginitFDName = (String) hashTable.get("arginitFDName");
if (argfdos == null) {
File imageFile = (File) hashTable.get(IMAGE_FILE_KEY);
if (imageFile == null) {
initFDName = imageFile.getName();
if (initFDName.indexOf(".vfrap") > -1) {
/* //read the image dataset from Virtual FRAP xml file
System.out.println("Loading " + initFDName + " ...");
AnnotatedImageDataset annotatedImages = null;
String xmlString;
try {
xmlString = XmlUtil.getXMLString(imageFile.getAbsolutePath());
MicroscopyXmlReader xmlReader = new MicroscopyXmlReader(true);
annotatedImages = xmlReader.getAnnotatedImageDataset(XmlUtil.stringToXML(xmlString, null).getRootElement(), this.getClientTaskStatusSupport());
OverlayEditorPanelJAI overlayPanel = new OverlayEditorPanelJAI();
overlayPanel.setImages(annotatedImages.getImageDataset(), 1, 0, new OverlayEditorPanelJAI.AllPixelValuesRange(1, 200) );
DialogUtils.showComponentCloseDialog(FieldDataGUIPanel.this, overlayPanel, "this is it");
} catch (Exception e) {
} */
} else // not a .vfrap file
try {
fdos = ClientRequestManager.createFDOSFromImageFile(imageFile, false, null);
} catch (DataFormatException ex) {
throw new Exception("Cannot read image " + imageFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\n" + ex.getMessage());
} else {
fdos = argfdos;
initFDName = arginitFDName;
fdos.owner = clientRequestManager.getDocumentManager().getUser();
fdos.opType = FieldDataFileOperationSpec.FDOS_ADD;
hashTable.put("fdos", fdos);
hashTable.put("initFDName", initFDName);
// addNewExternalData(clientRequestManager, fdos, initFDName, false);
return taskArray;