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Example 21 with SimpleBooleanProperty

use of in project bitsquare by bitsquare.

the class TorNetworkNode method networkNodeShutDown.

private BooleanProperty networkNodeShutDown() {
    final BooleanProperty done = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
    super.shutDown(() -> done.set(true));
    return done;
Also used : SimpleBooleanProperty( BooleanProperty( SimpleBooleanProperty(

Example 22 with SimpleBooleanProperty

use of in project bitsquare by bitsquare.

the class StressTestMailboxMessage method test_mailbox.

     * Test sending and receiving mailbox messages.
public void test_mailbox() throws InterruptedException {
    // We start by putting the first half of peers online and the second one offline.
    // Then the first online peer sends a number of messages to random peers (regardless of their state),
    // so that some messages are delivered directly and others into a mailbox.
    // Then the first online peer is put offline and the last offline peer is put online
    // (so it can get its mailbox messages),
    // and the new first online node sends messages.
    // This is repeated until all nodes have been online and offline.
    final int nPeers = peerNodes.size();
    // No sent latch here since the order of events is different
    // depending on whether the message goes direct or via mailbox.
    final CountDownLatch receivedMailboxLatch = new CountDownLatch(mailboxCount * nPeers);
    // Configure the first half of peers to receive messages...
    int firstPeerDown = (int) Math.ceil(nPeers / 2.0);
    for (P2PService peer : peerNodes.subList(0, firstPeerDown)) {
        addMailboxListeners(peer, receivedMailboxLatch);
    // ...and put the second half offline.
    final CountDownLatch halfShutDown = new CountDownLatch(nPeers / 2);
    for (P2PService peer : peerNodes.subList(firstPeerDown, nPeers)) {
    assertLatch("timed out while stopping a half of the peers", halfShutDown, MAX_SHUTDOWN_DELAY_SECS * nPeers, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    //print("stopped a half of the peers for mailbox test");
    // Cycle through peers sending to others, stopping the peer
    // and starting one of the stopped peers.
    print("%d mailbox messages to be sent by each of %d peers", mailboxCount, nPeers);
    BooleanProperty sentMailboxFailed = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
    final long sendStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int firstOnline = 0, firstOffline = firstPeerDown; firstOnline < nPeers; firstOnline++, firstOffline = ++firstOffline % nPeers) {
        // The first online peer sends messages to random other peers.
        final P2PService onlinePeer = peerNodes.get(firstOnline);
        final NodeAddress onlinePeerAddress = onlinePeer.getAddress();
        final CountDownLatch sendLatch = new CountDownLatch(mailboxCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < mailboxCount; i++) {
            // Select a random peer (different than source one)...
            int peerIdx;
            NodeAddress peerAddr;
            do {
                peerIdx = (int) (Math.random() * nPeers);
                peerAddr = peerNodes.get(peerIdx).getAddress();
            } while (onlinePeerAddress.equals(peerAddr));
            final int dstPeerIdx = peerIdx;
            final NodeAddress dstPeerAddress = peerAddr;
            // ...and send a message to it.
            onlinePeer.sendEncryptedMailboxMessage(dstPeerAddress, peerPKRings.get(dstPeerIdx), new StressTestMailboxMessage(onlinePeerAddress, "test/" + dstPeerAddress), new // checked in receiver
            SendMailboxMessageListener() {

                public void onArrived() {

                public void onStoredInMailbox() {

                public void onFault(String errorMessage) {
        assertLatch("timed out while sending from peer " + firstOnline, sendLatch, MAILBOX_DELAY_SECS * mailboxCount, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        // When done, put first online peer offline.
        final CountDownLatch stopLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        assertLatch("timed out while stopping peer " + firstOnline, stopLatch, MAX_SHUTDOWN_DELAY_SECS, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        //print("put peer %d offline", firstOnline);
        // When done, put first offline peer online and setup message listeners.
        final CountDownLatch startLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        final P2PService startedPeer = createPeerNode(firstOffline, peerPorts.get(firstOffline));
        addMailboxListeners(startedPeer, receivedMailboxLatch);
        peerNodes.set(firstOffline, startedPeer);
        startedPeer.start(new MailboxStartListener(startLatch));
        assertLatch("timed out while starting peer " + firstOffline, startLatch, // this assumes some delay per received mailbox message
    //print("put peer %d online", firstOffline);
    /** Time to transmit all messages with the estimated per-message delay, with no computation delays. */
    final long idealMaxMailboxDelay = 2 * MAILBOX_DELAY_SECS * 1000 * nPeers * mailboxCount;
    assertLatch("timed out while receiving mailbox messages", receivedMailboxLatch, idealMaxMailboxDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    final long recvMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - sendStartMillis;
    print("receiving %d mailbox messages per peer took %ss (%.2f x ideal max)", mailboxCount, recvMillis / 1000.0, recvMillis / (float) idealMaxMailboxDelay);
    org.junit.Assert.assertFalse("some peer(s) failed to send a message", sentMailboxFailed.get());
Also used : SimpleBooleanProperty( BooleanProperty( SimpleBooleanProperty( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 23 with SimpleBooleanProperty

use of in project bitsquare by bitsquare.

the class StressTestMailboxMessage method setUp.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    // Parse test parameter environment variables.
    /** Number of peer nodes to create. */
    final int nPeers = parseEnvInt(NPEERS_ENVVAR, NPEERS_DEFAULT, NPEERS_MIN);
    directCount = parseEnvInt(DIRECT_COUNT_ENVVAR, DIRECT_COUNT_DEFAULT, 0);
    /** A property where threads can indicate setup failure of local services (Tor node, hidden service). */
    final BooleanProperty localServicesFailed = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
    /** A barrier to wait for concurrent setup of local services (Tor node, hidden service). */
    final CountDownLatch localServicesLatch = new CountDownLatch(1 + /*seed node*/
    /* A barrier to wait for concurrent reception of preliminary data in peers. */
    final CountDownLatch prelimDataLatch = new CountDownLatch(nPeers);
    /* A barrier to wait for concurrent bootstrap of peers. */
    final CountDownLatch bootstrapLatch = new CountDownLatch(nPeers);
    // Set a security provider to allow key generation.
    Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
    // Create the test data directory.
    testDataDir = createTestDataDirectory();
    print("test data directory: " + testDataDir);
    // Setting the executor seems to make tests more stable against ``ConcurrentModificationException``
    // (see #443).  However it make it use more open files, so you may need to use ``ulimit -n NUMBER``
    // or run ``prlimit -nNUMBER -pPID`` (as root) on your shell's PID if you get too many open files errors.
    // NUMBER=16384 seems to be enough for 100 peers in Debian GNU/Linux.
    // Create and start the seed node.
    seedNode = new DummySeedNode(testDataDir.toString());
    final NodeAddress seedNodeAddress = newSeedNodeAddress();
    useLocalhost = seedNodeAddress.hostName.equals("localhost");
    final Set<NodeAddress> seedNodes = new HashSet<>(1);
    // the only seed node in tests
    seedNode.createAndStartP2PService(seedNodeAddress, DummySeedNode.MAX_CONNECTIONS_DEFAULT, useLocalhost, REGTEST_NETWORK_ID, USE_DETAILED_LOGGING, seedNodes, new SeedServiceListener(localServicesLatch, localServicesFailed));
    print("created seed node");
    // Create and start peer nodes, all connecting to the seed node above.
    if (useLocalhost) {
    } else {
    for (int p = 0; p < nPeers; p++) {
        // peer network port
        final int peerPort = Utils.findFreeSystemPort();
        // create, save and start peer
        final P2PService peer = createPeerNode(p, peerPort);
        //noinspection ConstantConditions
        peer.start(new PeerServiceListener(localServicesLatch, localServicesFailed, prelimDataLatch, bootstrapLatch));
    print("created peer nodes");
    // Wait for concurrent tasks to finish.
    // Check if any node reported setup failure on start.
    if (localServicesFailed.get()) {
        throw new Exception("nodes failed to start");
    print("all local nodes started");
    // Wait for peers to get their preliminary data.
    assertLatch("timed out while waiting for preliminary data", prelimDataLatch, MAX_PRELIMINARY_DELAY_SECS * nPeers, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    print("preliminary data received");
    // Wait for peers to complete their bootstrapping.
    assertLatch("timed out while waiting for bootstrap", bootstrapLatch, MAX_BOOTSTRAP_DELAY_SECS * nPeers, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    print("bootstrap complete");
Also used : SimpleBooleanProperty( BooleanProperty( SimpleBooleanProperty( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) IOException( BouncyCastleProvider(org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider) Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 24 with SimpleBooleanProperty

use of in project bitsquare by bitsquare.

the class StressTestMailboxMessage method test_direct.

     * Test each peer sending a direct message to another random peer.
public void test_direct() throws InterruptedException {
    final int nPeers = peerNodes.size();
    BooleanProperty sentDirectFailed = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
    final List<Long> sentDelays = new Vector<>(nPeers * directCount);
    final CountDownLatch sentDirectLatch = new CountDownLatch(directCount * nPeers);
    final CountDownLatch receivedDirectLatch = new CountDownLatch(directCount * nPeers);
    final long sendStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (final P2PService srcPeer : peerNodes) {
        final NodeAddress srcPeerAddress = srcPeer.getAddress();
        // Make the peer ready for receiving direct messages.
        srcPeer.addDecryptedDirectMessageListener((decryptedMsgWithPubKey, peerNodeAddress) -> {
            if (!(decryptedMsgWithPubKey.message instanceof StressTestDirectMessage))
            StressTestDirectMessage directMessage = (StressTestDirectMessage) (decryptedMsgWithPubKey.message);
            if ((directMessage.getData().equals("test/" + srcPeerAddress)))
        long nextSendMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < directCount; i++) {
            // Select a random peer (different than source one) and send a direct message to it...
            int peerIdx;
            NodeAddress peerAddr;
            do {
                peerIdx = (int) (Math.random() * nPeers);
                peerAddr = peerNodes.get(peerIdx).getAddress();
            } while (srcPeerAddress.equals(peerAddr));
            final int dstPeerIdx = peerIdx;
            final NodeAddress dstPeerAddress = peerAddr;
            // ...after a random delay not shorter than throttle limits.
            nextSendMillis += Math.round(Math.random() * (MAX_DIRECT_DELAY_MILLIS - MIN_DIRECT_DELAY_MILLIS));
            final long sendAfterMillis = nextSendMillis - System.currentTimeMillis();
            /*print("sending direct message from peer %s to %s in %sms",
                        srcPeer.getAddress(), dstPeer.getAddress(), sendAfterMillis);*/
            UserThread.runAfter(() -> {
                final long sendMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
                srcPeer.sendEncryptedDirectMessage(dstPeerAddress, peerPKRings.get(dstPeerIdx), new StressTestDirectMessage("test/" + dstPeerAddress), new SendDirectMessageListener() {

                    public void onArrived() {
                        sentDelays.add(System.currentTimeMillis() - sendMillis);
                        countDownAndPrint(sentDirectLatch, 'd');

                    public void onFault() {
                        countDownAndPrint(sentDirectLatch, 'd');
            }, sendAfterMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    print("%d direct messages scheduled to be sent by each of %d peers", directCount, nPeers);
    // Since receiving is completed before sending is reported to be complete,
    // all receiving checks should end before all sending checks to avoid deadlocking.
    /** Time to transmit all messages in the worst random case, and with no computation delays. */
    final long idealMaxDirectDelay = MAX_DIRECT_DELAY_MILLIS * directCount;
    // Wait for peers to complete receiving.  We are generous here.
    assertLatch("timed out while receiving direct messages", receivedDirectLatch, 25 * idealMaxDirectDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    final long recvMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - sendStartMillis;
    print("receiving %d direct messages per peer took %ss (%.2f x ideal max)", directCount, recvMillis / 1000.0, recvMillis / (float) idealMaxDirectDelay);
    // Wait for peers to complete sending.
    // This should be nearly instantaneous after waiting for reception is completed.
    assertLatch("timed out while sending direct messages", sentDirectLatch, idealMaxDirectDelay / 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    Tuple3<Long, Long, Long> mma = minMaxAvg(sentDelays);
    print("sending %d direct messages per peer took %ss (min/max/avg %s/%s/%s ms)", directCount, (System.currentTimeMillis() - sendStartMillis) / 1000.0, mma.first, mma.second, mma.third);
    org.junit.Assert.assertFalse("some peer(s) failed to send a direct message", sentDirectFailed.get());
Also used : SimpleBooleanProperty( BooleanProperty( SimpleBooleanProperty( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 25 with SimpleBooleanProperty

use of in project Gargoyle by callakrsos.

the class ButtonTableColumn method initialize.

private void initialize(String buttonText, Function<Integer, Boolean> changeFunc) {
    this.changeFunc = changeFunc == null ? (i -> true) : changeFunc;
    this.setStyle(" -fx-alignment: CENTER;");
    ButtonCellFactory value = new ButtonCellFactory(buttonText, this);
    this.setCellValueFactory(p -> new SimpleBooleanProperty(p.getValue() != null));
Also used : SimpleBooleanProperty(


SimpleBooleanProperty ( BooleanProperty ( Test (org.junit.Test)7 FXCollections (javafx.collections.FXCollections)6 SimpleStringProperty ( FXML (javafx.fxml.FXML)5 UserThread (bisq.common.UserThread)4 MockedProperty (com.canoo.dp.impl.remoting.MockedProperty)4 Binding (com.canoo.platform.core.functional.Binding)4 ReadOnlyStringWrapper ( P2PServiceListener ( CloseConnectionReason ( Connection ( ConnectionListener ( Arrays (java.util.Arrays)3 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)3 StringProperty ( ChangeListener (javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener)3 TableColumn (javafx.scene.control.TableColumn)3 Inject (javax.inject.Inject)3