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Example 6 with PixelReader

use of javafx.scene.image.PixelReader in project tokentool by RPTools.

the class ImageUtil method resizeCanvas.

   * Resize the overall image width/height without scaling the actual image, eg resize the canvas
public static Image resizeCanvas(Image imageSource, int newWidth, int newHeight, int offsetX, int offsetY) {
    int sourceWidth = (int) imageSource.getWidth();
    int sourceHeight = (int) imageSource.getHeight();
    // No work needed here...
    if (sourceWidth == newWidth && sourceHeight == newHeight)
        return imageSource;
    WritableImage outputImage = new WritableImage(newWidth, newHeight);
    PixelReader pixelReader = imageSource.getPixelReader();
    PixelWriter pixelWriter = outputImage.getPixelWriter();
    WritablePixelFormat<IntBuffer> format = WritablePixelFormat.getIntArgbInstance();
    int[] buffer = new int[sourceWidth * sourceHeight];
    pixelReader.getPixels(0, 0, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, format, buffer, 0, sourceWidth);
    pixelWriter.setPixels(offsetX, offsetY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, format, buffer, 0, sourceWidth);
    return outputImage;
Also used : WritableImage(javafx.scene.image.WritableImage) PixelReader(javafx.scene.image.PixelReader) IntBuffer(java.nio.IntBuffer) PixelWriter(javafx.scene.image.PixelWriter)

Example 7 with PixelReader

use of javafx.scene.image.PixelReader in project tokentool by RPTools.

the class ImageUtil method autoCropImage.

public static Image autoCropImage(Image imageSource, Color backgroundColor, Image backgroundImage) {
    ImageView croppedImageView = new ImageView(imageSource);
    PixelReader pixelReader = imageSource.getPixelReader();
    int imageWidth = (int) imageSource.getWidth();
    int imageHeight = (int) imageSource.getHeight();
    int minX = imageWidth, minY = imageHeight, maxX = 0, maxY = 0;
    // Find the first and last pixels that are not transparent to create a bounding viewport
    for (int readY = 0; readY < imageHeight; readY++) {
        for (int readX = 0; readX < imageWidth; readX++) {
            Color pixelColor = pixelReader.getColor(readX, readY);
            if (!pixelColor.equals(Color.TRANSPARENT)) {
                if (readX < minX)
                    minX = readX;
                if (readX > maxX)
                    maxX = readX;
                if (readY < minY)
                    minY = readY;
                if (readY > maxY)
                    maxY = readY;
    if (maxX - minX <= 0 || maxY - minY <= 0)
        return new WritableImage(1, 1);
    // Create a viewport to clip the image using snapshot
    Rectangle2D viewPort = new Rectangle2D(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
    SnapshotParameters parameter = new SnapshotParameters();
    if (backgroundImage != null) {
        return new Group(new ImageView(backgroundImage), croppedImageView).snapshot(parameter, null);
    } else {
        return croppedImageView.snapshot(parameter, null);
Also used : WritableImage(javafx.scene.image.WritableImage) Group(javafx.scene.Group) PixelReader(javafx.scene.image.PixelReader) SnapshotParameters(javafx.scene.SnapshotParameters) Color(javafx.scene.paint.Color) Rectangle2D(javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D) ImageView(javafx.scene.image.ImageView)

Example 8 with PixelReader

use of javafx.scene.image.PixelReader in project Krothium-Launcher by DarkLBP.

the class Kernel method getProfileIcon.

 * Gets a profile icon from the icons map
 * @param profileIcon The desired profile icon
 * @return The image with the profile icon
public Image getProfileIcon(String profileIcon) {
    if (iconCache.containsKey(profileIcon)) {
        return iconCache.get(profileIcon);
    } else if (icons.isEmpty()) {
    int[] coords = icons.get(profileIcon);
    if (coords == null) {
        if (iconCache.containsKey("Furnace")) {
            return iconCache.get("Furnace");
        coords = icons.get("Furnace");
    WritableImage wi = new WritableImage(68, 68);
    PixelWriter pw = wi.getPixelWriter();
    PixelReader pr = profileIcons.getPixelReader();
    pw.setPixels(0, 0, 68, 68, pr, coords[0] * 68, coords[1] * 68);
    iconCache.put(profileIcon, wi);
    return wi;
Also used : WritableImage(javafx.scene.image.WritableImage) PixelReader(javafx.scene.image.PixelReader) PixelWriter(javafx.scene.image.PixelWriter)

Example 9 with PixelReader

use of javafx.scene.image.PixelReader in project TestFX by TestFX.

the class HDPIContractTest method captureRegionAdapterTest.

 * Just verifies, that grabPixelColor also uses the right coordinates.
 * defaultOffsetTest must work. Does only a approximate test. Uses Black, to
 * minimize error in case of color profiles. And uses a high threshold.
public void captureRegionAdapterTest(RobotAdapter<?> adapter) {
    // Checking that bounds are in JavaFx-Coordinates
    BoundsLocatorImpl locator = new BoundsLocatorImpl();
    Bounds bounds = locator.boundsOnScreenFor(root);
    log("CaptureRegion window bounds for " + adapter.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is " + bounds);
    // checking correct bounds (x,y) is unknown...
    assertThat("Width doesn't match", bounds.getWidth(), equalTo(100.0));
    assertThat("Height doesn't match", bounds.getHeight(), equalTo(100.0));
    // not really required, as Robot coordinates are verified in nullOffsetTest, but
    // for completeness...
    // checking Robot clicks on the JavaFx coordinates (if coordinates above are
    // correct)
    Image image = adapter.getCaptureRegion(new Rectangle2D(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMinY(), bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight()));
    PixelReader img = image.getPixelReader();
    // verify correctness of dimensions
    assertTrue("Width of image incorrect. Is=" + image.getWidth() + " expected " + bounds.getWidth(), Math.abs(image.getWidth() - bounds.getWidth()) < 1.0);
    assertTrue("Height of image incorrect. Is=" + image.getHeight() + " expected " + bounds.getHeight(), Math.abs(image.getHeight() - bounds.getHeight()) < 1.0);
    // verify correctness of content
    Color c = img.getColor(2, 2);
    assertTrue("TopLeft color doesn't match " + c, c.getRed() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    assertTrue("TopLeft color doesn't match " + c, c.getGreen() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    assertTrue("TopLeft color doesn't match " + c, c.getBlue() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    c = img.getColor((int) bounds.getWidth() - 2, 2);
    assertTrue("TopRight color doesn't match " + c, c.getRed() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    assertTrue("TopRight color doesn't match " + c, c.getGreen() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    assertTrue("TopRight color doesn't match " + c, c.getBlue() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    c = img.getColor(2, (int) bounds.getHeight() - 2);
    assertTrue("BottomLeft color doesn't match " + c, c.getRed() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    assertTrue("BottomLeft color doesn't match " + c, c.getGreen() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    assertTrue("BottomLeft color doesn't match " + c, c.getBlue() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    c = img.getColor((int) bounds.getWidth() - 2, (int) bounds.getHeight() - 2);
    assertTrue("BottomRight color doesn't match " + c, c.getRed() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    assertTrue("BottomRight color doesn't match " + c, c.getGreen() < 16.0 / 255.0);
    assertTrue("BottomRight color doesn't match " + c, c.getBlue() < 16.0 / 255.0);
Also used : PixelReader(javafx.scene.image.PixelReader) BoundsLocatorImpl(org.testfx.service.locator.impl.BoundsLocatorImpl) Bounds(javafx.geometry.Bounds) Color(javafx.scene.paint.Color) Rectangle2D(javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D) Image(javafx.scene.image.Image)

Example 10 with PixelReader

use of javafx.scene.image.PixelReader in project latexdraw by arnobl.

the class HelperTest method computeSnapshotSimilarity.

 * Compute the similarity of two JavaFX images.
 * @param image1 The first image to test.
 * @param image2 The second image to test.
 * @return A double value in [0;100] corresponding to the similarity between the two images (pixel comparison).
 * @throws NullPointerException If image1 or image2 is null.
default double computeSnapshotSimilarity(final Image image1, final Image image2) {
    final int width = (int) image1.getWidth();
    final int height = (int) image1.getHeight();
    final PixelReader reader1 = image1.getPixelReader();
    final PixelReader reader2 = image2.getPixelReader();
    final double nbNonSimilarPixels = IntStream.range(0, width).parallel().mapToLong(i -> IntStream.range(0, height).parallel().filter(j -> reader1.getArgb(i, j) != reader2.getArgb(i, j)).count()).sum();
    return 100d - nbNonSimilarPixels / (width * height) * 100d;
Also used : IntStream( PixelReader(javafx.scene.image.PixelReader) Node(javafx.scene.Node) WritableImage(javafx.scene.image.WritableImage) SnapshotParameters(javafx.scene.SnapshotParameters) Assertions.within(org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.within) Function(java.util.function.Function) Collectors( Assert.assertNotEquals(org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WaitForAsyncUtils(org.testfx.util.WaitForAsyncUtils) Platform(javafx.application.Platform) CmdFXVoid(net.sf.latexdraw.instrument.CmdFXVoid) BadaboomCollector(net.sf.latexdraw.util.BadaboomCollector) List(java.util.List) Image(javafx.scene.image.Image) AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat) TimeoutTransition(io.github.interacto.fsm.TimeoutTransition) Bounds(javafx.geometry.Bounds) PixelReader(javafx.scene.image.PixelReader)


PixelReader (javafx.scene.image.PixelReader)20 WritableImage (javafx.scene.image.WritableImage)18 PixelWriter (javafx.scene.image.PixelWriter)12 SnapshotParameters (javafx.scene.SnapshotParameters)6 Image (javafx.scene.image.Image)5 Color (javafx.scene.paint.Color)5 IntStream ( Rectangle2D (javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D)3 Node (javafx.scene.Node)3 Platform (javafx.application.Platform)2 Bounds (javafx.geometry.Bounds)2 ImageView (javafx.scene.image.ImageView)2 Pair (javafx.util.Pair)2 WaitForAsyncUtils (org.testfx.util.WaitForAsyncUtils)2 TimeoutTransition (io.github.interacto.fsm.TimeoutTransition)1 File ( IOException ( Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)1 URISyntaxException ( IntBuffer (java.nio.IntBuffer)1