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Example 6 with PathElement

use of javafx.scene.shape.PathElement in project latexdraw by arnobl.

the class ViewPolyPoint method initPath.

private void initPath(final Path path) {
    final ObservableList<PathElement> elts = path.getElements();
    final MoveTo moveTo = ViewFactory.INSTANCE.createMoveTo(0d, 0d);
    IntStream.range(1, model.getNbPoints()).forEach(i -> {
        final LineTo lineto = ViewFactory.INSTANCE.createLineTo(0d, 0d);
Also used : PathElement(javafx.scene.shape.PathElement) MoveTo(javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo) LineTo(javafx.scene.shape.LineTo)

Example 7 with PathElement

use of javafx.scene.shape.PathElement in project RichTextFX by FXMisc.

the class TextFlowExt method getUnderlineShape.

 * @param from The index of the first character.
 * @param to The index of the last character.
 * @return An array with the PathElement objects which define an
 *         underline from the first to the last character.
PathElement[] getUnderlineShape(int from, int to) {
    // get a Path for the text underline
    PathElement[] shape = textLayout().getRange(from, to, TextLayout.TYPE_UNDERLINE, 0, 0);
    // The shape is returned as a closed Path (a thin rectangle).
    // If we use the Path as it is, this causes rendering issues.
    // Hence we only use the MoveTo and the succeeding LineTo elements for the result
    // so that simple line segments instead of rectangles are returned.
    List<PathElement> result = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean collect = false;
    for (PathElement elem : shape) {
        if (elem instanceof MoveTo) {
            // There seems to be no API to get the type of the PathElement
            collect = true;
        } else if (elem instanceof LineTo) {
            if (collect) {
                collect = false;
    return result.toArray(new PathElement[0]);
Also used : PathElement(javafx.scene.shape.PathElement) MoveTo(javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo) LineTo(javafx.scene.shape.LineTo) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 8 with PathElement

use of javafx.scene.shape.PathElement in project FXyzLib by Birdasaur.

the class Text3DHelper method getPoints.

private void getPoints(PathElement elem) {
    if (elem instanceof MoveTo) {
        list = new ArrayList<>();
        p0 = new Point3D((float) ((MoveTo) elem).getX(), (float) ((MoveTo) elem).getY(), 0f);
    } else if (elem instanceof LineTo) {
        list.add(new Point3D((float) ((LineTo) elem).getX(), (float) ((LineTo) elem).getY(), 0f));
    } else if (elem instanceof CubicCurveTo) {
        Point3D ini = (list.size() > 0 ? list.get(list.size() - 1) : p0);
        IntStream.rangeClosed(1, POINTS_CURVE).forEach(i -> list.add(evalCubicBezier((CubicCurveTo) elem, ini, ((double) i) / POINTS_CURVE)));
    } else if (elem instanceof QuadCurveTo) {
        Point3D ini = (list.size() > 0 ? list.get(list.size() - 1) : p0);
        IntStream.rangeClosed(1, POINTS_CURVE).forEach(i -> list.add(evalQuadBezier((QuadCurveTo) elem, ini, ((double) i) / POINTS_CURVE)));
    } else if (elem instanceof ClosePath) {
        // stored in a LineSegment: a continuous line that can change direction
        if (Math.abs(getArea()) > 0.001) {
            LineSegment line = new LineSegment(text);
Also used : IntStream( Path(javafx.scene.shape.Path) QuadCurveTo(javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo) Color(javafx.scene.paint.Color) ClosePath(javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath) CubicCurveTo(javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo) LineTo(javafx.scene.shape.LineTo) Font(javafx.scene.text.Font) PathElement(javafx.scene.shape.PathElement) Rectangle(javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle) DoubleProperty( Collectors( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Text(javafx.scene.text.Text) List(java.util.List) SimpleDoubleProperty( MoveTo(javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo) Point2D(javafx.geometry.Point2D) Shape(javafx.scene.shape.Shape) Point3D(org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D) ClosePath(javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath) MoveTo(javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo) LineTo(javafx.scene.shape.LineTo) QuadCurveTo(javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo) Point3D(org.fxyz.geometry.Point3D) CubicCurveTo(javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo)

Example 9 with PathElement

use of javafx.scene.shape.PathElement in project tilesfx by HanSolo.

the class SmoothedChart method select.

private void select(final MouseEvent EVT) {
    if (!isInteractive()) {
    final double EVENT_X = EVT.getX();
    final double EVENT_Y = EVT.getY();
    final double CHART_X = chartPlotBackground.getBoundsInParent().getMinX();
    final double CHART_MIN_Y = chartPlotBackground.getBoundsInParent().getMinY();
    final double CHART_HEIGHT = chartPlotBackground.getBoundsInParent().getHeight();
    if (!(getYAxis() instanceof NumberAxis)) {
    double upperBound = ((NumberAxis) getYAxis()).getUpperBound();
    double lowerBound = ((NumberAxis) getYAxis()).getLowerBound();
    double range = upperBound - lowerBound;
    double factor = range / getYAxis().getLayoutBounds().getHeight();
    List<PathElement> elements = null;
    int noOfElements = 0;
    Bounds pathBounds = null;
    double pathMinX = 0;
    double pathWidth = 0;
    PathElement lastElement = null;
    Series<X, Y> series = null;
    for (Series<X, Y> s : getData()) {
        Path[] paths = getPaths(s);
        // AREA == 0, LINE == 1 in ChartType enum
        int type = getChartType().ordinal();
        if (paths[type].contains(EVENT_X, EVENT_Y)) {
            series = s;
            elements = paths[type].getElements();
            noOfElements = elements.size();
            lastElement = elements.get(0);
            pathBounds = paths[1].getLayoutBounds();
            pathMinX = pathBounds.getMinX();
            pathWidth = pathBounds.getWidth();
    if (null == series || series.getData().isEmpty()) {
    if (isSnapToTicks()) {
        double reverseFactor = CHART_HEIGHT / range;
        int noOfDataElements = series.getData().size();
        double interval = pathWidth / (double) (noOfDataElements - 1);
        int selectedIndex = Helper.roundDoubleToInt((EVENT_X - pathMinX) / interval);
        Data<X, Y> selectedData = series.getData().get(selectedIndex);
        Y selectedYValue = selectedData.getYValue();
        if (!(selectedYValue instanceof Number)) {
        double selectedValue = ((Number) selectedYValue).doubleValue();
        selector.setCenterX(pathMinX + CHART_X + interval * selectedIndex);
        selector.setCenterY((CHART_MIN_Y + CHART_HEIGHT) - (selectedValue * reverseFactor));
        Point2D tooltipLocation = selector.localToScreen(selector.getCenterX(), selector.getCenterY());
        String tooltipText = new StringBuilder(selectedData.getXValue().toString()).append("\n").append(selectedData.getYValue()).toString();
        fireEvent(new SmoothedChartEvent(SmoothedChart.this, null, SmoothedChartEvent.DATA_SELECTED, selectedValue));
    } else {
        for (int i = 1; i < noOfElements; i++) {
            PathElement element = elements.get(i);
            double[] xy = getXYFromPathElement(lastElement);
            double[] xy1 = getXYFromPathElement(element);
            if (xy[0] < 0 || xy[1] < 0 || xy1[0] < 0 || xy1[1] < 0) {
            if (EVENT_X > xy[0] && EVENT_X < xy1[0]) {
                double deltaX = xy1[0] - xy[0];
                double deltaY = xy1[1] - xy[1];
                double m = deltaY / deltaX;
                double y = m * (EVT.getX() - xy[0]) + xy[1];
                double selectedValue = ((getYAxis().getLayoutBounds().getHeight() - y) * factor + lowerBound);
                selector.setCenterX(CHART_X + EVT.getX());
                selector.setCenterY(CHART_MIN_Y + y);
                Point2D tooltipLocation = selector.localToScreen(selector.getCenterX(), selector.getCenterY());
                String tooltipText = new StringBuilder(String.format(Locale.US, formatString, selectedValue)).toString();
                fireEvent(new SmoothedChartEvent(SmoothedChart.this, null, SmoothedChartEvent.DATA_SELECTED, selectedValue));
            lastElement = element;
Also used : ClosePath(javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath) Path(javafx.scene.shape.Path) NumberAxis(javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis) Bounds(javafx.geometry.Bounds) Paint(javafx.scene.paint.Paint) Point( SmoothedChartEvent( PathElement(javafx.scene.shape.PathElement) Point2D(javafx.geometry.Point2D)

Example 10 with PathElement

use of javafx.scene.shape.PathElement in project tilesfx by HanSolo.

the class SmoothedChart method smooth.

private void smooth(ObservableList<PathElement> strokeElements, ObservableList<PathElement> fillElements, final double HEIGHT) {
    if (fillElements.isEmpty())
    // as we do not have direct access to the data, first recreate the list of all the data points we have
    final Point[] dataPoints = new Point[strokeElements.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < strokeElements.size(); i++) {
        final PathElement element = strokeElements.get(i);
        if (element instanceof MoveTo) {
            final MoveTo move = (MoveTo) element;
            dataPoints[i] = new Point(move.getX(), move.getY());
        } else if (element instanceof LineTo) {
            final LineTo line = (LineTo) element;
            final double x = line.getX(), y = line.getY();
            dataPoints[i] = new Point(x, y);
    double firstX = dataPoints[0].getX();
    double lastX = dataPoints[dataPoints.length - 1].getX();
    Point[] points = Helper.subdividePoints(dataPoints, getSubDivisions());
    fillElements.add(new MoveTo(firstX, HEIGHT));
    strokeElements.add(new MoveTo(points[0].getX(), points[0].getY()));
    for (Point p : points) {
        if (, firstX) >= 0) {
            fillElements.add(new LineTo(p.getX(), p.getY()));
            strokeElements.add(new LineTo(p.getX(), p.getY()));
    fillElements.add(new LineTo(lastX, HEIGHT));
    fillElements.add(new LineTo(0, HEIGHT));
    fillElements.add(new ClosePath());
Also used : ClosePath(javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath) PathElement(javafx.scene.shape.PathElement) MoveTo(javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo) LineTo(javafx.scene.shape.LineTo) Point( Paint(javafx.scene.paint.Paint) Point(


PathElement (javafx.scene.shape.PathElement)10 LineTo (javafx.scene.shape.LineTo)7 MoveTo (javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo)7 ClosePath (javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath)5 Path (javafx.scene.shape.Path)4 Point ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Point2D (javafx.geometry.Point2D)3 Paint (javafx.scene.paint.Paint)3 CubicCurveTo (javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo)3 List (java.util.List)2 Collectors ( Bounds (javafx.geometry.Bounds)2 ChartData (eu.hansolo.tilesfx.chart.ChartData)1 SmoothedChartEvent ( TileEvent ( IntStream ( DoubleProperty ( SimpleDoubleProperty ( NumberAxis (javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis)1