use of javafx.stage.Window in project Gargoyle by callakrsos.
the class BaseDialogComposite method show.
* 다이얼로그 OPEN.
* @작성자 : KYJ
* @작성일 : 2016. 10. 14.
* @param node
public void show(Node node, Consumer<Stage> action) {
Window _root = null;
if (node != null) {
Scene _scene = node.getScene();
if (_scene != null) {
_root = _scene.getWindow();
show(_root, action);
use of javafx.stage.Window in project trex-stateless-gui by cisco-system-traffic-generator.
the class TrafficProfileDialogController method handleExportToYamlBtnClicked.
* Handle export to YAML button clicked
* @param event
public void handleExportToYamlBtnClicked(ActionEvent event) {
Window owner = ((Button) (event.getSource())).getScene().getWindow();
trafficProfile.exportProfileToYaml(owner, currentLoadedProfilesList, selectedFile.getName());