use of javassist.CtClass in project powermock by powermock.
the class MethodsMockTransformerTest method prepareClassesForTest.
private CtClass prepareClassesForTest(ClassPool classPool, String bodyOfSyntheticMethod) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException {
CtClass ctClass = classPool.getCtClass(SuperClassWithObjectMethod.class.getName());
addSyntheticMethod(classPool, ctClass, bodyOfSyntheticMethod);
return ctClass;
use of javassist.CtClass in project powermock by powermock.
the class PowerMockExpressionEditor method edit.
public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException {
try {
final CtMethod method = m.getMethod();
final CtClass declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
if (declaringClass != null) {
if (TransformerHelper.shouldTreatAsSystemClassCall(declaringClass)) {
StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
code.append("{Object classOrInstance = null; if($0!=null){classOrInstance = $0;} else { classOrInstance = $class;}");
code.append("Object value = ").append(MockGateway.class.getName()).append(".methodCall(").append("classOrInstance,\"").append(m.getMethodName()).append("\",$args, $sig,\"").append(getReturnTypeAsString(method)).append("\");");
code.append("if(value == ").append(MockGateway.class.getName()).append(".PROCEED) {");
code.append(" $_ = $proceed($$);");
code.append("} else {");
final String correctReturnValueType = getCorrectReturnValueType(method.getReturnType());
if (!VOID.equals(correctReturnValueType)) {
code.append(" $_ = ").append(correctReturnValueType).append(";");
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
* If multiple java agents are active (in INST_REDEFINE mode), the types implicitly loaded by javassist from disk
* might differ from the types available in memory. Thus, this error might occur.
* It may also happen if PowerMock is modifying an SPI where the SPI require some classes to be available in the classpath
* at runtime but they are not! This is valid in some cases such as slf4j.
use of javassist.CtClass in project powermock by powermock.
the class ClassReplicaCreator method createInstanceReplica.
* Create a class that is a replica of type {@code T}. To allow for
* partial mocking all calls to non-mocked methods will be delegated to the
* {@code delegator}.
* @param <T> The type of the replica class to be created.
* @param delegator The delegator object that will be invoked to allow for partial
* mocking.
* @return A replica class that can be used to duck-type an instance.
public <T> Class<T> createInstanceReplica(T delegator) {
if (delegator == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("delegator cannot be null");
final Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) delegator.getClass();
ClassPool classpool = ClassPool.getDefault();
final String originalClassName = clazz.getName();
CtClass originalClassAsCtClass;
final CtClass newClass = classpool.makeClass(generateReplicaClassName(clazz));
try {
originalClassAsCtClass = classpool.get(originalClassName);
copyFields(originalClassAsCtClass, newClass);
addDelegatorField(delegator, newClass);
CtMethod[] declaredMethods = originalClassAsCtClass.getDeclaredMethods();
for (CtMethod ctMethod : declaredMethods) {
@SuppressWarnings("unused") final String code = getReplicaMethodDelegationCode(delegator.getClass(), ctMethod, POWERMOCK_INSTANCE_DELEGATOR_FIELD_NAME);
CtMethod make2 = CtNewMethod.copy(ctMethod, newClass, null);
CtConstructor[] declaredConstructors = originalClassAsCtClass.getDeclaredConstructors();
for (CtConstructor ctConstructor : declaredConstructors) {
CtConstructor copy = CtNewConstructor.copy(ctConstructor, newClass, null);
return (Class<T>) newClass.toClass(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.getClass().getProtectionDomain());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of javassist.CtClass in project powermock by powermock.
the class MethodMockTransformer method modifyMethod.
void modifyMethod(final CtMethod method) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException {
if (!shouldSkipMethod(method)) {
// Lookup the method return type
final CtClass returnTypeAsCtClass = method.getReturnType();
final String returnTypeAsString = getReturnTypeAsString(method);
if (Modifier.isNative(method.getModifiers())) {
modifyNativeMethod(method, returnTypeAsCtClass, returnTypeAsString);
} else {
modifyMethod(method, returnTypeAsCtClass, returnTypeAsString);
use of javassist.CtClass in project powermock by powermock.
the class JavassistMockClassLoader method defineAndTransformClass.
protected byte[] defineAndTransformClass(String name, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
final byte[] clazz;
ClassPool.doPruning = false;
try {
CtClass type = classPool.get(name);
ClassWrapper<CtClass> wrappedType = classWrapperFactory.wrap(type);
wrappedType = transformClass(wrappedType);
type = wrappedType.unwrap();
* ClassPool may cause huge memory consumption if the number of CtClass
* objects becomes amazingly large (this rarely happens since Javassist
* tries to reduce memory consumption in various ways). To avoid this
* problem, you can explicitly remove an unnecessary CtClass object from
* the ClassPool. If you call detach() on a CtClass object, then that
* CtClass object is removed from the ClassPool.
clazz = type.toBytecode();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to transform class with name " + name + ". Reason: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return clazz;