use of javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment in project spring-boot by spring-projects.
the class Trees method unwrap.
private static ProcessingEnvironment unwrap(ProcessingEnvironment wrapper) throws Exception {
Field delegateField = wrapper.getClass().getDeclaredField("delegate");
return (ProcessingEnvironment) delegateField.get(wrapper);
use of javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment in project dubbo by alibaba.
the class ServiceDefinitionBuilder method build.
static ServiceDefinition build(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, TypeElement type) {
ServiceDefinition serviceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition();
// Get all super types and interface excluding the specified type
// and then the result will be added into ServiceDefinition#getTypes()
getHierarchicalTypes(type.asType(), Object.class).stream().map(t ->, t)).forEach(serviceDefinition.getTypes()::add);
// Get all declared methods that will be added into ServiceDefinition#getMethods()
getPublicNonStaticMethods(type, Object.class).stream().map(method ->, method)).forEach(serviceDefinition.getMethods()::add);
return serviceDefinition;
use of javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class LockVisitor method visitSynchronized.
* When visiting a synchronized block, issue an error if the expression has a type that implements
* the java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock interface. This prevents explicit locks from being
* accidentally used as built-in (monitor) locks. This is important because the Lock Checker does
* not have a mechanism to separately keep track of the explicit lock and the monitor lock of an
* expression that implements the Lock interface (i.e. there is a @LockHeld annotation used in
* dataflow, but there are not distinct @MonitorLockHeld and @ExplicitLockHeld annotations). It is
* assumed that both kinds of locks will never be held for any expression that implements Lock.
* <p>Additionally, a synchronized block may not be present in a method that has a @LockingFree
* guarantee or stronger. An error is issued in this case.
* @param node the SynchronizedTree for the synchronized block being visited
public Void visitSynchronized(SynchronizedTree node, Void p) {
ProcessingEnvironment processingEnvironment = checker.getProcessingEnvironment();
javax.lang.model.util.Types types = processingEnvironment.getTypeUtils();
// TODO: make a type declaration annotation for this rather than looking for Lock.class
// explicitly.
TypeMirror lockInterfaceTypeMirror = TypesUtils.typeFromClass(Lock.class, types, processingEnvironment.getElementUtils());
ExpressionTree synchronizedExpression = node.getExpression();
TypeMirror expressionType = types.erasure(atypeFactory.getAnnotatedType(synchronizedExpression).getUnderlyingType());
if (types.isSubtype(expressionType, lockInterfaceTypeMirror)) {
checker.reportError(node, "explicit.lock.synchronized");
MethodTree enclosingMethod = TreePathUtil.enclosingMethod(atypeFactory.getPath(node));
ExecutableElement methodElement = null;
if (enclosingMethod != null) {
methodElement = TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration(enclosingMethod);
SideEffectAnnotation seaOfContainingMethod = atypeFactory.methodSideEffectAnnotation(methodElement, false);
if (!seaOfContainingMethod.isWeakerThan(SideEffectAnnotation.LOCKINGFREE)) {
checker.reportError(node, "", seaOfContainingMethod);
return super.visitSynchronized(node, p);
use of javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class OptionalVisitor method isCallToIsPresent.
* Is the expression a call to {@code isPresent} or {@code isEmpty}? If not, returns null. If so,
* returns a pair of (boolean, receiver expression). The boolean is true if the given expression
* is a call to {@code isPresent} and is false if the given expression is a call to {@code
* isEmpty}.
* @param expression an expression
* @return a pair of a boolean (indicating whether the expression is a call to {@code
* Optional.isPresent} or to {@code Optional.isEmpty}) and its receiver; or null if not a call
* to either of the methods
private Pair<Boolean, ExpressionTree> isCallToIsPresent(ExpressionTree expression) {
ProcessingEnvironment env = checker.getProcessingEnvironment();
boolean negate = false;
while (true) {
switch(expression.getKind()) {
expression = ((ParenthesizedTree) expression).getExpression();
expression = ((UnaryTree) expression).getExpression();
negate = !negate;
if (TreeUtils.isMethodInvocation(expression, optionalIsPresent, env)) {
return Pair.of(!negate, TreeUtils.getReceiverTree(expression));
} else if (optionalIsEmpty != null && TreeUtils.isMethodInvocation(expression, optionalIsEmpty, env)) {
return Pair.of(negate, TreeUtils.getReceiverTree(expression));
} else {
return null;
return null;
use of javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class AnnotationFileElementTypes method parseStubFiles.
* Parses the stub files in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li>jdk.astub in the same directory as the checker, if it exists and ignorejdkastub option is
* not supplied
* <li>If parsing annotated JDK as stub files, all files under the jdk/
* directory
* <li>Stub files listed in @StubFiles annotation on the checker; must be in same directory as
* the checker
* <li>Stub files returned by {@link BaseTypeChecker#getExtraStubFiles} (treated like those
* listed in @StubFiles annotation)
* <li>Stub files provided via {@code -Astubs} compiler option
* </ol>
* <p>If a type is annotated with a qualifier from the same hierarchy in more than one stub file,
* the qualifier in the last stub file is applied.
* <p>If using JDK 11, then the JDK stub files are only parsed if a type or declaration annotation
* is requested from a class in that file.
public void parseStubFiles() {
parsing = true;
BaseTypeChecker checker = factory.getChecker();
ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv = factory.getProcessingEnv();
// Only look in .jar files, and parse it right away.
if (!checker.hasOption("ignorejdkastub")) {
InputStream jdkStubIn = checker.getClass().getResourceAsStream("jdk.astub");
if (jdkStubIn != null) {
AnnotationFileParser.parseStubFile(checker.getClass().getResource("jdk.astub").toString(), jdkStubIn, factory, processingEnv, annotationFileAnnos, AnnotationFileType.BUILTIN_STUB);
String jdkVersionStub = "jdk" + annotatedJdkVersion + ".astub";
InputStream jdkVersionStubIn = checker.getClass().getResourceAsStream(jdkVersionStub);
if (jdkVersionStubIn != null) {
AnnotationFileParser.parseStubFile(checker.getClass().getResource(jdkVersionStub).toString(), jdkVersionStubIn, factory, processingEnv, annotationFileAnnos, AnnotationFileType.BUILTIN_STUB);
// 2. Annotated JDK
// This preps but does not parse the JDK files (except files).
// The JDK source code files will be parsed later, on demand.
// prepping the JDK parses all files, which sets the `parsing` field to
// false, so re-set it to true.
parsing = true;
// 3. Stub files listed in @StubFiles annotation on the checker
StubFiles stubFilesAnnotation = checker.getClass().getAnnotation(StubFiles.class);
if (stubFilesAnnotation != null) {
parseAnnotationFiles(Arrays.asList(stubFilesAnnotation.value()), AnnotationFileType.BUILTIN_STUB);
// 4. Stub files returned by the `getExtraStubFiles()` method
parseAnnotationFiles(checker.getExtraStubFiles(), AnnotationFileType.BUILTIN_STUB);
// 5. Stub files provided via -Astubs command-line option
String stubsOption = checker.getOption("stubs");
if (stubsOption != null) {
parseAnnotationFiles(Arrays.asList(stubsOption.split(File.pathSeparator)), AnnotationFileType.COMMAND_LINE_STUB);
parsing = false;