use of in project aries by apache.
the class AuthorizationInterceptor method preCall.
public Object preCall(ComponentMetadata cm, Method m, Object... parameters) throws Throwable {
Annotation ann = new SecurityAnotationParser().getEffectiveAnnotation(beanClass, m);
if (ann instanceof PermitAll) {
return null;
// Also applies for @DenyAll
String[] rolesAr = new String[] {};
if (ann instanceof RolesAllowed) {
rolesAr = ((RolesAllowed) ann).value();
Set<String> roles = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(rolesAr));
AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext();
Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(acc);
if (subject == null) {
throw new AccessControlException("Method call " + m.getDeclaringClass() + "." + m.getName() + " denied. No JAAS login present");
Set<Principal> principals = subject.getPrincipals();
for (Principal principal : principals) {
if (roles.contains(principal.getName())) {
LOGGER.debug("Granting access to Method: {} for {}.", m, principal);
return null;
String msg = String.format("Method call %s.%s denied. Roles allowed are %s. Your principals are %s.", m.getDeclaringClass(), m.getName(), roles, getNames(principals));
throw new AccessControlException(msg);