use of javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor in project ignite by apache.
the class GridCacheCommandHandler method appendOrPrepend.
* Handles append and prepend commands.
* @param ctx Kernal context.
* @param cache Cache.
* @param key Key.
* @param req Request.
* @param prepend Whether to prepend.
* @return Future of operation result.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException In case of any exception.
private static IgniteInternalFuture<?> appendOrPrepend(final GridKernalContext ctx, final IgniteInternalCache<Object, Object> cache, final Object key, GridRestCacheRequest req, final boolean prepend) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert cache != null;
assert key != null;
assert req != null;
final Object val = req.value();
if (val == null)
throw new IgniteCheckedException(GridRestCommandHandlerAdapter.missingParameter("val"));
return ctx.closure().callLocalSafe(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
EntryProcessorResult<Boolean> res = cache.invoke(key, new EntryProcessor<Object, Object, Boolean>() {
public Boolean process(MutableEntry<Object, Object> entry, Object... objects) throws EntryProcessorException {
try {
Object curVal = entry.getValue();
if (curVal == null)
return false;
// Modify current value with appendix one.
Object newVal = appendOrPrepend(curVal, val, !prepend);
// Put new value asynchronously.
return true;
} catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
throw new EntryProcessorException(e);
try {
return res.get();
} catch (EntryProcessorException e) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException(e.getCause());
}, false);
use of javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor in project ignite by apache.
the class CacheContinuousQueryExecuteInPrimaryTest method executeQuery.
private void executeQuery(IgniteCache<Integer, String> cache, ContinuousQuery<Integer, String> qry, boolean isTransactional) {
try (QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, String>> qryCursor = cache.query(qry)) {
Transaction tx = null;
if (isTransactional)
tx = cache.unwrap(Ignite.class).transactions().txStart();
try {
for (int key = 0; key < 8; key++) cache.put(key, Integer.toString(key));
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>(8);
for (int key = 8; key < 16; key++) map.put(key, Integer.toString(key));
if (isTransactional)
} finally {
if (isTransactional)
for (int key = 0; key < 8; key++) {
cache.invoke(key, new EntryProcessor<Integer, String, Object>() {
public Object process(MutableEntry<Integer, String> entry, Object... objects) throws EntryProcessorException {
entry.setValue(Integer.toString(entry.getKey() + 1));
return null;
Map<Integer, EntryProcessor<Integer, String, Object>> invokeMap = new HashMap<>(8);
for (int key = 8; key < 16; key++) {
invokeMap.put(key, new EntryProcessor<Integer, String, Object>() {
public Object process(MutableEntry<Integer, String> entry, Object... objects) throws EntryProcessorException {
entry.setValue(Integer.toString(entry.getKey() - 1));
return null;
use of javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor in project ignite by apache.
the class GridCacheInterceptorAbstractSelfTest method cacheUpdate.
* @param grid Grid index.
* @param rmv If {@code true} then executes remove.
* @param op Operation type.
* @param key Key.
* @param val Value.
* @param expOld Expected expOld value.
* @param expRmvRet Expected remove result.
* @throws Exception If failed.
private void cacheUpdate(int grid, boolean rmv, Operation op, String key, final Integer val, @Nullable final Integer expOld, @Nullable final Integer expRmvRet) throws Exception {
IgniteCache<String, Integer> cache = jcache(grid);
if (rmv) {
switch(op) {
case UPDATE:
assertEquals(expRmvRet, cache.getAndRemove(key));
cache.invoke(key, new EntryProcessor<String, Integer, Void>() {
public Void process(MutableEntry<String, Integer> e, Object... args) {
Integer old = e.getValue();
assertEquals(expOld, old);
return null;
} else {
switch(op) {
case UPDATE:
assertEquals(expOld, cache.getAndPut(key, val));
cache.put(key, val);
cache.invoke(key, new EntryProcessor<String, Integer, Void>() {
public Void process(MutableEntry<String, Integer> e, Object... args) {
Integer old = e.getValue();
assertEquals(expOld, old);
return null;
use of javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteTxLocalAdapter method addInvokeResult.
* @param txEntry Entry.
* @param cacheVal Value.
* @param ret Return value to update.
* @param ver Entry version.
protected final void addInvokeResult(IgniteTxEntry txEntry, CacheObject cacheVal, GridCacheReturn ret, GridCacheVersion ver) {
GridCacheContext ctx = txEntry.context();
Object key0 = null;
Object val0 = null;
try {
Object res = null;
for (T2<EntryProcessor<Object, Object, Object>, Object[]> t : txEntry.entryProcessors()) {
CacheInvokeEntry<Object, Object> invokeEntry = new CacheInvokeEntry<>(txEntry.key(), key0, cacheVal, val0, ver, txEntry.keepBinary(), txEntry.cached());
EntryProcessor<Object, Object, ?> entryProcessor = t.get1();
res = entryProcessor.process(invokeEntry, t.get2());
val0 = invokeEntry.value();
key0 = invokeEntry.key();
if (res != null)
ret.addEntryProcessResult(ctx, txEntry.key(), key0, res, null, txEntry.keepBinary());
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.addEntryProcessResult(ctx, txEntry.key(), key0, null, e, txEntry.keepBinary());
use of javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor in project ignite by apache.
the class IgfsMetaManager method createFileOrDirectory.
* Create file or directory.
* @param dir Directory flag.
* @param pathIds Path IDs.
* @param lockInfos Lock infos.
* @param dirProps Directory properties.
* @param fileProps File properties.
* @param blockSize Block size.
* @param affKey Affinity key.
* @param evictExclude Evict exclude flag.
* @param secondaryCtx Secondary file system create context.
* @param secondaryOutHolder Secondary output stream holder.
* @return Result.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private IgfsPathsCreateResult createFileOrDirectory(boolean dir, IgfsPathIds pathIds, Map<IgniteUuid, IgfsEntryInfo> lockInfos, Map<String, String> dirProps, Map<String, String> fileProps, int blockSize, @Nullable IgniteUuid affKey, boolean evictExclude, @Nullable IgfsSecondaryFileSystemCreateContext secondaryCtx, @Nullable T1<OutputStream> secondaryOutHolder) throws IgniteCheckedException {
// This is our starting point.
int lastExistingIdx = pathIds.lastExistingIndex();
IgfsEntryInfo lastExistingInfo = lockInfos.get(pathIds.lastExistingId());
// If current info already contains entry with the same name as it's child, then something
// has changed concurrently. We must re-try because we cannot get info of this unexpected
// element due to possible deadlocks.
int curIdx = lastExistingIdx + 1;
String curPart = pathIds.part(curIdx);
IgniteUuid curId = pathIds.surrogateId(curIdx);
if (lastExistingInfo.hasChild(curPart))
return null;
// Create entry in the secondary file system if needed.
if (secondaryCtx != null) {
assert secondaryOutHolder != null;
Map<IgniteUuid, EntryProcessor> procMap = new HashMap<>();
// First step: add new entry to the last existing element.
procMap.put(, new IgfsMetaDirectoryListingAddProcessor(curPart, new IgfsListingEntry(curId, dir || !pathIds.isLastIndex(curIdx))));
// Events support.
IgfsPath lastCreatedPath = pathIds.lastExistingPath();
List<IgfsPath> createdPaths = new ArrayList<>(pathIds.count() - curIdx);
// Second step: create middle directories.
long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (curIdx < pathIds.count() - 1) {
lastCreatedPath = new IgfsPath(lastCreatedPath, curPart);
int nextIdx = curIdx + 1;
String nextPart = pathIds.part(nextIdx);
IgniteUuid nextId = pathIds.surrogateId(nextIdx);
long accessTime;
long modificationTime;
Map<String, String> props;
if (secondaryCtx != null) {
accessTime = 0L;
modificationTime = 0L;
props = null;
} else {
accessTime = curTime;
modificationTime = curTime;
props = dirProps;
procMap.put(curId, new IgfsMetaDirectoryCreateProcessor(accessTime, modificationTime, props, nextPart, new IgfsListingEntry(nextId, dir || !pathIds.isLastIndex(nextIdx))));
// Save event.
// Advance things further.
curPart = nextPart;
curId = nextId;
// Third step: create leaf.
if (dir) {
long accessTime;
long modificationTime;
Map<String, String> props;
if (secondaryCtx != null) {
accessTime = 0L;
modificationTime = 0L;
props = null;
} else {
accessTime = curTime;
modificationTime = curTime;
props = dirProps;
procMap.put(curId, new IgfsMetaDirectoryCreateProcessor(accessTime, modificationTime, props));
} else {
long newAccessTime;
long newModificationTime;
Map<String, String> newProps;
long newLen;
int newBlockSize;
if (secondaryCtx != null) {
newAccessTime = 0L;
newModificationTime = 0L;
newProps = null;
} else {
newAccessTime = curTime;
newModificationTime = curTime;
newProps = fileProps;
newLen = 0L;
newBlockSize = blockSize;
procMap.put(curId, new IgfsMetaFileCreateProcessor(newAccessTime, newModificationTime, newProps, newBlockSize, affKey, createFileLockId(false), evictExclude, newLen));
// Execute cache operations.
Map<Object, EntryProcessorResult> invokeRes = ((IgniteInternalCache) id2InfoPrj).invokeAll(procMap);
IgfsEntryInfo info = (IgfsEntryInfo) invokeRes.get(curId).get();
return new IgfsPathsCreateResult(createdPaths, info);