use of javax.crypto.BadPaddingException in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class AndroidKeyStoreCipherSpiBase method engineDoFinal.
protected final byte[] engineDoFinal(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLen) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
if (mCachedException != null) {
throw (IllegalBlockSizeException) new IllegalBlockSizeException().initCause(mCachedException);
try {
} catch (InvalidKeyException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
throw (IllegalBlockSizeException) new IllegalBlockSizeException().initCause(e);
byte[] output;
try {
byte[] additionalEntropy = KeyStoreCryptoOperationUtils.getRandomBytesToMixIntoKeystoreRng(mRng, getAdditionalEntropyAmountForFinish());
output = mMainDataStreamer.doFinal(input, inputOffset, inputLen, // no signature involved
null, additionalEntropy);
} catch (KeyStoreException e) {
switch(e.getErrorCode()) {
throw (IllegalBlockSizeException) new IllegalBlockSizeException().initCause(e);
throw (BadPaddingException) new BadPaddingException().initCause(e);
throw (AEADBadTagException) new AEADBadTagException().initCause(e);
throw (IllegalBlockSizeException) new IllegalBlockSizeException().initCause(e);
return output;
use of javax.crypto.BadPaddingException in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class LockSettingsService method resetKeyStore.
public void resetKeyStore(int userId) throws RemoteException {
if (DEBUG)
Slog.v(TAG, "Reset keystore for user: " + userId);
int managedUserId = -1;
String managedUserDecryptedPassword = null;
final List<UserInfo> profiles = mUserManager.getProfiles(userId);
for (UserInfo pi : profiles) {
// Unlock managed profile with unified lock
if (pi.isManagedProfile() && !mLockPatternUtils.isSeparateProfileChallengeEnabled( && mStorage.hasChildProfileLock( {
try {
if (managedUserId == -1) {
managedUserDecryptedPassword = getDecryptedPasswordForTiedProfile(;
managedUserId =;
} else {
// Should not happen
Slog.e(TAG, "More than one managed profile, uid1:" + managedUserId + ", uid2:" +;
} catch (UnrecoverableKeyException | InvalidKeyException | KeyStoreException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException | IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException | CertificateException | IOException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to decrypt child profile key", e);
try {
// Clear all the users credentials could have been installed in for this user.
for (int profileId : mUserManager.getProfileIdsWithDisabled(userId)) {
for (int uid : SYSTEM_CREDENTIAL_UIDS) {
mKeyStore.clearUid(UserHandle.getUid(profileId, uid));
} finally {
if (managedUserId != -1 && managedUserDecryptedPassword != null) {
if (DEBUG)
Slog.v(TAG, "Restore tied profile lock");
tieProfileLockToParent(managedUserId, managedUserDecryptedPassword);
use of javax.crypto.BadPaddingException in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class LockSettingsService method setLockPatternInternal.
private void setLockPatternInternal(String pattern, String savedCredential, int userId) throws RemoteException {
byte[] currentHandle = getCurrentHandle(userId);
if (pattern == null) {
mStorage.writePatternHash(null, userId);
setKeystorePassword(null, userId);
notifyActivePasswordMetricsAvailable(null, userId);
if (isManagedProfileWithUnifiedLock(userId)) {
// get credential from keystore when managed profile has unified lock
try {
savedCredential = getDecryptedPasswordForTiedProfile(userId);
} catch (UnrecoverableKeyException | InvalidKeyException | KeyStoreException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException | IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException | CertificateException | IOException e) {
if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Child profile key not found");
} else {
Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to decrypt child profile key", e);
} else {
if (currentHandle == null) {
if (savedCredential != null) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Saved credential provided, but none stored");
savedCredential = null;
byte[] enrolledHandle = enrollCredential(currentHandle, savedCredential, pattern, userId);
if (enrolledHandle != null) {
CredentialHash willStore = new CredentialHash(enrolledHandle, CredentialHash.VERSION_GATEKEEPER);
setUserKeyProtection(userId, pattern, doVerifyPattern(pattern, willStore, true, 0, userId, null));
mStorage.writePatternHash(enrolledHandle, userId);
} else {
throw new RemoteException("Failed to enroll pattern");
use of javax.crypto.BadPaddingException in project mobile-center-sdk-android by Microsoft.
the class CryptoTest method failsToEncrypt.
public void failsToEncrypt() throws Exception {
CryptoUtils cryptoUtils = new CryptoUtils(mContext, mCryptoFactory, Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT);
when(mCipher.doFinal(any(byte[].class))).thenThrow(new BadPaddingException());
String data = "anythingThatWouldMakeTheCipherFailForSomeReason";
String encryptedData = cryptoUtils.encrypt(data);
assertEquals(data, encryptedData);
CryptoUtils.DecryptedData decryptedData = cryptoUtils.decrypt(encryptedData);
assertEquals(data, decryptedData.getDecryptedData());
use of javax.crypto.BadPaddingException in project GNS by MobilityFirst.
the class CryptoUtils method signDigestOfMessageSecretKey.
* @param guidEntry
* @param message
* @return Signature encoded as a hex string
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws InvalidKeyException
* @throws SignatureException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @throws IllegalBlockSizeException
* @throws BadPaddingException
* @throws NoSuchPaddingException
public static String signDigestOfMessageSecretKey(GuidEntry guidEntry, String message) throws ClientException {
try {
SecretKey secretKey = SessionKeys.getOrGenerateSecretKey(guidEntry.getPublicKey(), guidEntry.getPrivateKey());
MessageDigest md = getMessageDigestInstance();
byte[] digest;
// FIXME: The reason why we use CHARSET should be more throughly documented here.
// This might be important for folks writing clients in other languages.
byte[] body = message.getBytes(GNSProtocol.CHARSET.toString());
synchronized (md) {
digest = md.digest(body);
assert (digest != null);
Cipher cipher = getCipherInstance();
byte[] signature;
synchronized (cipher) {
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
signature = cipher.doFinal(digest);
SessionKeys.SecretKeyCertificate skCert = SessionKeys.getSecretKeyCertificate(guidEntry.getPublicKey());
byte[] encodedSKCert = skCert.getEncoded(false);
// arun: Combining them like this because the rest of the GNS code seems
// poorly organized to add more signature related fields in a systematic
// manner.
byte[] combined = new byte[Short.BYTES + signature.length + Short.BYTES + encodedSKCert.length];
ByteBuffer.wrap(combined).putShort((short) signature.length).put(signature).putShort((short) encodedSKCert.length).put(encodedSKCert);
// FIXME: The reason why we use CHARSET should be more throughly documented here.
return new String(combined, GNSProtocol.CHARSET.toString());
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | SignatureException | NoSuchPaddingException | BadPaddingException | UnsupportedEncodingException | IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
throw new ClientException("Error encoding message message (using secretkey)", e);