use of javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec in project oxAuth by GluuFederation.
the class JweDecrypterImpl method decryptCipherText.
public String decryptCipherText(String encodedCipherText, byte[] contentMasterKey, byte[] initializationVector, byte[] authenticationTag, byte[] additionalAuthenticatedData) throws InvalidJweException {
if (getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm() == null) {
throw new InvalidJweException("The block encryption algorithm is null");
if (contentMasterKey == null) {
throw new InvalidJweException("The content master key (CMK) is null");
if (initializationVector == null) {
throw new InvalidJweException("The initialization vector is null");
if (authenticationTag == null) {
throw new InvalidJweException("The authentication tag is null");
if (additionalAuthenticatedData == null) {
throw new InvalidJweException("The additional authentication data is null");
try {
if (getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm() == BlockEncryptionAlgorithm.A128GCM || getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm() == BlockEncryptionAlgorithm.A256GCM) {
final int MAC_SIZE_BITS = 128;
byte[] cipherText = Base64Util.base64urldecode(encodedCipherText);
KeyParameter key = new KeyParameter(contentMasterKey);
AEADParameters aeadParameters = new AEADParameters(key, MAC_SIZE_BITS, initializationVector, additionalAuthenticatedData);
SecretKeySpec sks = new SecretKeySpec(contentMasterKey, "AES");
BlockCipher blockCipher = new AESEngine();
CipherParameters params = new KeyParameter(sks.getEncoded());
blockCipher.init(false, params);
GCMBlockCipher aGCMBlockCipher = new GCMBlockCipher(blockCipher);
aGCMBlockCipher.init(false, aeadParameters);
byte[] input = new byte[cipherText.length + authenticationTag.length];
System.arraycopy(cipherText, 0, input, 0, cipherText.length);
System.arraycopy(authenticationTag, 0, input, cipherText.length, authenticationTag.length);
int len = aGCMBlockCipher.getOutputSize(input.length);
byte[] out = new byte[len];
int outOff = aGCMBlockCipher.processBytes(input, 0, input.length, out, 0);
aGCMBlockCipher.doFinal(out, outOff);
String plaintext = new String(out, Charset.forName(Util.UTF8_STRING_ENCODING));
return plaintext;
} else if (getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm() == BlockEncryptionAlgorithm.A128CBC_PLUS_HS256 || getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm() == BlockEncryptionAlgorithm.A256CBC_PLUS_HS512) {
byte[] cipherText = Base64Util.base64urldecode(encodedCipherText);
byte[] cek = KeyDerivationFunction.generateCek(contentMasterKey, getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm());
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm().getAlgorithm());
IvParameterSpec ivParameter = new IvParameterSpec(initializationVector);
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(cek, "AES"), ivParameter);
byte[] decodedPlainTextBytes = cipher.doFinal(cipherText);
String decodedPlainText = new String(decodedPlainTextBytes, Charset.forName(Util.UTF8_STRING_ENCODING));
// Integrity check
String securedInputValue = new String(additionalAuthenticatedData, Charset.forName(Util.UTF8_STRING_ENCODING)) + "." + encodedCipherText;
byte[] cik = KeyDerivationFunction.generateCik(contentMasterKey, getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm());
SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(cik, getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm().getIntegrityValueAlgorithm());
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm().getIntegrityValueAlgorithm());
byte[] integrityValue = mac.doFinal(securedInputValue.getBytes(Util.UTF8_STRING_ENCODING));
if (!Arrays.equals(integrityValue, authenticationTag)) {
throw new InvalidJweException("The authentication tag is not valid");
return decodedPlainText;
} else {
throw new InvalidJweException("The block encryption algorithm is not supported");
} catch (InvalidCipherTextException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (BadPaddingException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
} catch (InvalidParameterException e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
use of javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class CryptoKeys method decodeAES.
public static String decodeAES(String base64CipherTxt, String pwd, final int keySizeBits) {
final Charset ASCII = Charset.forName("ASCII");
final int INDEX_KEY = 0;
final int INDEX_IV = 1;
final int ITERATIONS = 1;
final int SALT_OFFSET = 8;
final int SALT_SIZE = 8;
try {
byte[] headerSaltAndCipherText = Base64.base64ToByteArray(base64CipherTxt);
// --- extract salt & encrypted ---
// header is "Salted__", ASCII encoded, if salt is being used (the default)
byte[] salt = Arrays.copyOfRange(headerSaltAndCipherText, SALT_OFFSET, SALT_OFFSET + SALT_SIZE);
byte[] encrypted = Arrays.copyOfRange(headerSaltAndCipherText, CIPHERTEXT_OFFSET, headerSaltAndCipherText.length);
// --- specify cipher and digest for evpBytesTokey method ---
Cipher aesCBC = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
// --- create key and IV ---
// the IV is useless, OpenSSL might as well have use zero's
final byte[][] keyAndIV = evpBytesTokey(keySizeBits / Byte.SIZE, aesCBC.getBlockSize(), md5, salt, pwd.getBytes(ASCII), ITERATIONS);
SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyAndIV[INDEX_KEY], "AES");
IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(keyAndIV[INDEX_IV]);
// --- initialize cipher instance and decrypt ---
aesCBC.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, iv);
byte[] decrypted = aesCBC.doFinal(encrypted);
return new String(decrypted, ASCII);
} catch (BadPaddingException e) {
// AKA "something went wrong"
throw new IllegalStateException("Bad password, algorithm, mode or padding;" + " no salt, wrong number of iterations or corrupted ciphertext.", e);
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Bad algorithm, mode or corrupted (resized) ciphertext.", e);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
use of javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec in project logging-log4j2 by apache.
the class ThrowableProxyTest method testLogStackTraceWithClassLoaderThatWithCauseSecurityException.
public void testLogStackTraceWithClassLoaderThatWithCauseSecurityException() throws Exception {
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
try {
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager() {
public void checkPermission(Permission perm) {
if (perm instanceof RuntimePermission) {
// deny access to the classloader to trigger the security exception
if ("getClassLoader".equals(perm.getName())) {
throw new SecurityException(perm.toString());
final String algorithm = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding";
final Cipher ec = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm);
// initialization vector
final byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
final SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
final KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
final IvParameterSpec algorithmParameterSpec = new IvParameterSpec(bytes);
ec.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, generator.generateKey(), algorithmParameterSpec, secureRandom);
final byte[] raw = new byte[0];
final byte[] encrypted = ec.doFinal(raw);
final Cipher dc = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm);
dc.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, generator.generateKey(), algorithmParameterSpec, secureRandom);
fail("expected a javax.crypto.BadPaddingException");
} catch (final BadPaddingException e) {
new ThrowableProxy(e);
} finally {
// restore the existing security manager
use of javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec in project sling by apache.
the class TopologyRequestValidator method decrypt.
* Decrypt the body.
* @param jsonArray the encrypted payload
* @return the decrypted payload.
* @throws IllegalBlockSizeException
* @throws BadPaddingException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @throws InvalidKeyException
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws NoSuchPaddingException
* @throws InvalidKeySpecException
* @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
* @throws JSONException
private String decrypt(JsonArray jsonArray) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, UnsupportedEncodingException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeySpecException {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getCiperKey(Base64.decodeBase64(jsonArray.getString(0).getBytes("UTF-8"))), new IvParameterSpec(Base64.decodeBase64(jsonArray.getString(1).getBytes("UTF-8"))));
return new String(cipher.doFinal(Base64.decodeBase64(jsonArray.getString(2).getBytes("UTF-8"))));
use of javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec in project Conversations by siacs.
the class AbstractConnectionManager method createOutputStream.
private static OutputStream createOutputStream(DownloadableFile file, boolean gcm, boolean append) {
FileOutputStream os;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file, append);
if (file.getKey() == null) {
return os;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return null;
try {
if (gcm) {
AEADBlockCipher cipher = new GCMBlockCipher(new AESEngine());
cipher.init(false, new AEADParameters(new KeyParameter(file.getKey()), 128, file.getIv()));
return new, cipher);
} else {
IvParameterSpec ips = new IvParameterSpec(file.getIv());
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(file.getKey(), "AES"), ips);
Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "opening encrypted output stream");
return new CipherOutputStream(os, cipher);
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
return null;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
return null;
} catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {
return null;
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
return null;